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Alternativ måte kan jo være å strippe en pakke, men hvordan gjøre det, i tilfelle den måten velges?


EDIT: Det bør liksom slå Windows XP i det minste. WinXP er jo ganske lettkjørt, men det er gjerne i det meste laget (oppstartstid).

Endret av G
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Hvis det kun skal brukes som en sekundærløsning hvor du kun skal lese PDF, så er det nesten fristende å anbefale Haiku (selv om det verken er en stabil utgivelse eller GNU/Linux). Det bruker latterlig lite ressurser, her starter det og er klart til bruk på 7 sekunder i VirtualBox, og kommer med PDF-leser inkludert.


Men hvis du skal bruke det til noe seriøst, så er det muligens ikke stabilt/modent nok enda.



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vil også anbefale Haiku faktisk. ihvertfall om du skal kjøre en virtuell maskin. kjemperaskt, med pdf-leser men som nevnt bare på alfa-stadiet enda. jeg har dog til gode å få det til å kræsje noengang... men det skyldes helt sikkert at jeg ikke har brukt det spesielt mye.


men kan jo være greit å prøve. hvorfor skal du forresten virtualisere et operativsystem for å lese pdf?

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Takk for alle tips. Ser det er mange som favner om en felles sak i tråden nå. Hev meg like godt på første foreslåtte, før de andre forslagene kom på banen. Det har gått slik, så langt:



Gentoo-forsøket mitt har foreløpig nesten strandet ved denne korsveien som kalles mirrorselect.


Kom til å høyreklikke på en linje jeg markerte i teksten som kom fram ved å bare skrive mirrorselect uten noe annet på en linje som gir;

mirrorselect -s3 -b10 -o >> /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf


istedetfor å få klasket inn med parametere -i -o


Da jeg trodde jeg kunne redigere før den kjørte, men NEI, så lette mirrorselect for meg, på 23 av 23 mirrors eller noe sånt. Skal sjekke om innholdet i make.conf har blitt utvidet av kommandoen nå.


Svar på det er: Nei da. Visst ikke sånn mirrorselect med >> skal fungere. Nokså Newb jeg :dribble:


Hmm, neste med parametere -i -r -o sendte meg inn i en meny (Gentoo RSYNC Mirrors), og jeg valgte Europa og OK, og havnet til prompten igjen. Interessant.


Jeg føler meg litt stakkars jeg nå. Og er mest fristet til å bruke pause-knappen (suspend) i VMware.


Nedenfor er omtrent hvor langt jeg tror jeg har fått til, men som jeg skal starte på i neste økt. Jøje-meg for noe kryptiske ting en må gjøre for å få ting til. hehe


Synes jeg har fått til mye, likevel i dag.


covered by me; i rødt


Code Listing 1.2: Selecting an rsync mirror using mirrorselect


# mirrorselect -i -r -o >> /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf


After running mirrorselect it is adviseable to double-check the settings in /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf !


Copy DNS Info


One thing still remains to be done before we enter the new environment and that is copying over the DNS information in /etc/resolv.conf. You need to do this to ensure that networking still works even after entering the new environment. /etc/resolv.conf contains the nameservers for your network.


Code Listing 1.3: Copy over DNS information


(The "-L" option is needed to make sure we don't copy a symbolic link)

# cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/


Mounting the /proc and /dev Filesystems


Mount the /proc filesystem on /mnt/gentoo/proc to allow the installation to use the kernel-provided information within the chrooted environment, and then mount-bind the /dev filesystem.


Code Listing 1.4: Mounting /proc and /dev


# mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc

# mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev


Entering the new Environment


Now that all partitions are initialized and the base environment installed, it is time to enter our new installation environment by chrooting into it. This means that we change from the current installation environment (Installation CD or other installation medium) to your installation system (namely the initialized partitions).


This chrooting is done in three steps. First we will change the root from / (on the installation medium) to /mnt/gentoo (on your partitions) using chroot. Then we will create a new environment using env-update, which essentially creates environment variables. Finally, we load those variables into memory using source.


Code Listing 1.5: Chrooting into the new environment


# chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

# env-update

>> Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache...

# source /etc/profile

# export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"


Congratulations! You are now inside your own Gentoo Linux environment. Of course it is far from finished, which is why the installation still has some sections left :-)


6.b. Configuring Portage


Updating the Portage tree


You should now update your Portage tree to the latest version. emerge --sync does this for you.


Code Listing 2.1: Updating the Portage tree


# emerge --sync

(If you're using a slow terminal like some framebuffers or a serial

console, you can add the --quiet option to speed up this process:)

# emerge --sync --quiet


If you are behind a firewall that blocks rsync traffic, you can use emerge-webrsync which will download and install a portage snapshot for you.


If you are warned that a new Portage version is available and that you should update Portage, you should do it now using emerge --oneshot portage.


Choosing the Right Profile


First, a small definition is in place.


A profile is a building block for any Gentoo system. Not only does it specify default values for USE, CFLAGS and other important variables, it also locks the system to a certain range of package versions. This is all maintained by the Gentoo developers.


Previously, such a profile was untouched by the users. However, there may be certain situations in which you may decide a profile change is necessary.


You can see what profile you are currently using with the following command:


Code Listing 2.2: Verifying system profile


# eselect profile list

Available profile symlink targets:

[1] default/linux/x86/10.0 *

[2] default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop

[3] default/linux/x86/10.0/server


The default profile will provide you with a Linux 2.6-based system. This is the recommended default, but you have the option of choosing another profile too.


There are also desktop and server subprofiles available for some architectures. Running eselect profile list will show all available profiles.


After viewing the available profiles for your architecture, you can use a different one if you wish:


Code Listing 2.3: Changing profiles


# eselect profile set 2


Note: The developer subprofile is specifically for Gentoo Linux development tasks. It is not meant to help set up general development environments.


Configuring the USE variable


USE is one of the most powerful variables Gentoo provides to its users. Several programs can be compiled with or without optional support for certain items. For instance, some programs can be compiled with gtk-support, or with qt-support. Others can be compiled with or without SSL support. Some programs can even be compiled with framebuffer support (svgalib) instead of X11 support (X-server).


Most distributions compile their packages with support for as much as possible, increasing the size of the programs and startup time, not to mention an enormous amount of dependencies. With Gentoo you can define what options a package should be compiled with. This is where USE comes into play.


In the USE variable you define keywords which are mapped onto compile-options. For instance, ssl will compile ssl-support in the programs that support it. -X will remove X-server support (note the minus sign in front). gnome gtk -kde -qt3 -qt4 will compile your programs with gnome (and gtk) support, and not with kde (and qt) support, making your system fully tweaked for GNOME.


The default USE settings are placed in the make.defaults files of your profile. You will find make.defaults files in the directory which /etc/make.profile points to and all parent directories as well. The default USE setting is the sum of all USE settings in all make.defaults files. What you place in /etc/make.conf is calculated against these defaults settings. If you add something to the USE setting, it is added to the default list. If you remove something from the USE setting (by placing a minus sign in front of it) it is removed from the default list (if it was in the default list at all). Never alter anything inside the /etc/make.profile directory; it gets overwritten when you update Portage!


A full description on USE can be found in the second part of the Gentoo Handbook, USE flags. A full description on the available USE flags can be found on your system in /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc.


Code Listing 2.4: Viewing available USE flags


# less /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc

(You can scroll using your arrow keys, exit by pressing 'q')


As an example we show a USE setting for a KDE-based system with DVD, ALSA and CD Recording support:


Code Listing 2.5: Opening /etc/make.conf


# nano -w /etc/make.conf


Code Listing 2.6: USE setting


USE="-gtk -gnome qt3 qt4 kde dvd alsa cdr"


Optional: glibc Locales


You will probably only use one or maybe two locales on your system. You can specify locales you will need in /etc/locale.gen.


Code Listing 2.7: Opening /etc/locale.gen


# nano -w /etc/locale.gen


The following locales are an example to get both English (United States) and German (Germany) with the accompanying character formats (like UTF-8).


Code Listing 2.8: Specify your locales


en_US ISO-8859-1

en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

de_DE ISO-8859-1

de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15


The next step is to run locale-gen. It will generate all the locales you have specified in the /etc/locale.gen file.


Now continue with Configuring the Kernel.


Endret av G
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Fantastisk. Det var kommet til en sync-linje i make.conf


Da tar jeg meg en velfortjent pause noen timer. :new_woot:


Svar på hvorfor jeg vil kjøre PDF-leser for seg selv:


1. Greit å forsøke seg med nye OS som gjør jobben hurtigere


2. Vil ikke forkludre Windows Vista med flere enn nødvendige applikasjoner som maser og hyler og påtvinger seg adgang til internett kun for å sjekke om det er en nyere versjon eller noe annet møl som den ønsker å gjøre. Oppstarten i ett OS er gjerne lastet treg nok som den er av andre ting som er mer nødvendige, enn Adobe Acrobat eller hva :D "kakemons" måtte hete.

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