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The Cold War (English Article)

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Vi hadde en 2timers skrivedag på skolen og fikk en oppgave som var om den kalde krigen i engelsk og vil gjerne høre hva dere synes. Var på 2 timers så ble ikke så utdypt




Capitalism vs Communism



The Cold War started in 1945 after the second world war. The former allies Soviet union and USA had become more hostile to each other. Both USA and Soviet invested massive amount of money in the worlds largest weapon race. But there were no direct confrontation in combat.

USA had the advantage with the A-bomb, but that was not for long. Eventually Soviet also developed the A-bomb, and both superpowers were afraid of an attack which would be the beginning of the 3rd World War.


It started in 1945 after Nazi-Germany was defeated in World War 2. The three winners of the WWII met to discuss how Europa was going to look after the war. Germany was divided into four, France, England,Soviet and USA got one piece each. However later it was divided into two, West and East Germany. Berlin was deep in East Germany and the capital of both countries which the Soviets disliked a lot. They started blockades to stop trading with West Germany, but then USA made an air bridge and flew in food and supplies. Due to this, the Soviets built the Berlin Wall, a brick wall going trough middle of Berlin separating the west and east. If you tried to go over you would be gunned down. This wall was the biggest symbol of the iron curtain between West and East Europe.


The Soviet union was a communistic country and USA was a capitalistic country and USA tried hard to stop the communism to spread.

USA wanted to get more allies so they made the Truman doctrine and the Marshall help. The Truman doctrine were if anyone needed military help against the communism they would help. But the Marshall help were a support arrangement, it gave supplies to countries who needed it and Norway got on its feet because of this. Eventually NATO were established in 1949. This was a military alliance between USA and many other countries in Western Europe.

The Soviet Union established a pact between the countries in the East called the Warsaw Pact in 1955.


The two superpowers never fought each other in a war, but they were involved in the brutal wars of Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan. The Cold War got really tense when Soviet allied with Fidel Castro from Cuba. USA had a dictator ruling Cuba for a long time. Fidel Castro decided to overthrow the dictator and he became the new President of Cuba. He confiscated American land and supplies and allied with the Soviet union and became communistic, This was the start of the Cuba crisis. The Soviets were excited, they never had an ally so close to the USA before. Soviet started making nuclear rocket ramps on Cuba, but denying it happening to USA. Many were afraid this would be the beginning of the 3rd World War. USA and Soviet then came to an arrangement and the rocket ramps were destroyed if USA never traded with Cuba more and the missiles on Turkey were destroyed. In 1990, the Cold War ended.


In summary, The Cold War was harsh for the whole world, everyone was living in fear of a war, USA and the Soviet union was afraid of an attack, both knew they could wipe out the human race with their nuclear weapons. This war weren't that cold in fact, since they both fought in Vietnam,Korea against each other, but it were not direct combat. The Cuba Crisis was a very big risk and the world was holding their breath to see if this would start a War, but it was settled in peace. Due to this, the Cold War started to calm down, and the Berlin Wall was destroyed.

What do you think would happen if the Soviets denied to put their rocket ramps away from Cuba? And what would happen if the US army would do an air strike and attack on Cuba, would the world be destroyed and left in ruins? Or would a country destroy the other before it got its chance?

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