zebe Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Hei, har altså et plagsomt problem hvor firefox henger seg i ny og ne. Vet ikke hva det kommer av, og jeg har altså prøvd det meste. Reinstallert og slettet addons, men firefox forsetter å henge seg opp. Det henger seg ikke på den måten at jeg får (not responding) osv, men det går bare ikke an å trykke på noe når det henger seg opp. Noen som har dette samme problemet, eller har forslag til hva som kan gjøres for å fikse det? Vurderer å gå over til en annen browser siden det er så plagsomt, selv om jeg er stor fan av firefox. Lenke til kommentar
vesleengen Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 sikker på at du har helt nyeste? firefox henger seg ofte om det er en kjerne CPU også, eller om flash player ikker er oppdatert Lenke til kommentar
Bakura Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Her er hva Firefox-delopment team har å si om saken: Hang loading first window A Firefox hang while loading the first browser window may be caused by "hyper-threading". A feature on some Intel Pentium 4 processors, hyper-threading is designed to improve performance, but it can also cause Firefox to hang. If your computer has an Intel Pentium 4 processor and you use Windows 2000 and XP, you can disable hyper-threading for Firefox: 1. Right-click the shortcut icon you use to start Firefox. 2. Select Properties. 3. Select the Compatibility icon. 4. Select Run this program in compatibility mode. 5. In the drop-down for compatibility mode, select Windows 98/Windows ME. 6. Click OK. 7. Restart Firefox to see if the hanging has gone away. Hang loading every window The SwitchProxy Tool extension checks for updates each time a new window is opened. This is a known issue. If you use SwitchProxy Tool, you can disable it to see if hanging is prevented: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click the Tools menu and then select Add-ons. The Add-ons dialog appears. 2. Select the Extensions panel. The list of installed extensions is displayed. 3. Select SwitchProxy Tool. 4. Click Disable. 5. From the menu at the top of the Firefox windowbar, select FileFirefox and then select the ExitQuit FirefoxQuit menu item. 6. Restart Firefox. Open several new windows to see if Firefox no longer hangs. Hang downloading files or saving images If Firefox hangs when you attempt to download a file or save an image, try these solutions: Clear download history Firefox may hang when downloading files if your download history has grown too large. To clear the download history: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click the Tools menu and then select Downloads. The Downloads window will open. 2. Click Clear List. The download history is cleared. 3. Download some sample files to see if the hanging has stopped. Choose a different download folder Firefox may hang if the last download folder location (e.g. a shared volume or USB drive) is no longer available. To fix this: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences.... 2. Select the General panel (Main panel in Firefox 3.5). 3. In the Downloads pane, select Save files to and click the Browse button. 4. In the Browse For Folder window, choose a new folder location. 5. Click OK to close the Options windowClick Close to close the Preferences windowClose the Preferences window See if you are now able to download files or save images. If this works, you can go back to your Firefox settings, if you wish, and select Always ask me where to save my files. Hang opening the History menu or the History sidebar Firefox may hang when using the History menu or sidebar if your browsing history has grown too large. To fix this issue, clear the browsing history: 3.0: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click the Tools menu and then select Clear Private Data.... The Clear Private Data dialog appears. 2. Deselect all boxes except Browsing History. 3. Click Clear Private Data Now. The browsing history is cleared. See Clearing private data for more information. To prevent a recurrence of this issue, you can configure Firefox to retain a smaller browsing history, in the Options window - Privacy panel: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences.... 2. Select the Privacy panel. 3. In the Keep my history for at least XX days text box, enter a value that is less than the current one. This value defines the number of days that Firefox retains browsing history; a lower figure should result in less retained browsing history. 4. Click OK to close the Options windowClick Close to close the Preferences windowClose the Preferences window 3.5/3.6: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the Tools menu, and select Clear Recent History.... 2. In the Time range to clear drop-down menu, select Everything. 3. Click the button next to Details. A list of history items will be displayed. 4. Select Browsing & Download History. 5. Click the Clear Now button. The Clear Recent History window will close and your browsing history will be cleared, as well as the Download history. See Clear Recent History for more information. To prevent a recurrence of this issue, you can configure Firefox to retain a smaller browsing history, in the Options window - Privacy panel: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences.... 2. Select the Privacy panel. 3. Beside Firefox will:, make sure Use custom settings for history is selected, if it isn't already set. 4. In the Remember my browsing history for at least XX days text box, enter a value that is less than the current one. This value defines the number of days that Firefox retains browsing history; a lower figure should result in less retained browsing history. 5. Click OK to close the Options windowClick Close to close the Preferences windowClose the Preferences window Hang loading websites Automatic proxy configuration file If you're using an automatic proxy configuration file (PAC), Firefox may hang when you attempt to load sites that don't exist or that you haven't opened recently. To determine if you use an automatic proxy configuration file: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences.... 2. Click the Advanced icon. 3. Click the Network tab. 4. Click Settings. The Connection Settings dialog appears. 5. If Automatic proxy configuration URL is selected, you are using an automatic proxy configuration file. Do not disable this setting, which will prevent you from accessing the Internet. Instead, provide this link to your network administrator. 6. Click Cancel. Duplicate Session Restore files Firefox may be be slow to respond or hang if multiple copies of its Session Restore file have been created: 1. Open your profile folder: * (Firefox 3.0 and 3.5): See How to find your profile 1. (Firefox 3.6): At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the Help menu and select Troubleshooting Information.... The Troubleshooting Information tab will open. 2. Under Application Basics, click on Open Containing FolderShow in Finder. 2. From the menu at the top of the Firefox windowbar, select FileFirefox and then select the ExitQuit FirefoxQuit menu item. 3. Locate and delete the sessionstore.js file and any copies, such as sessionstore-1.js, sessionstore-2.js. Plugins Sites that use plugins such as Java, Adobe Reader, or Flash can cause Firefox to hang. For information on troubleshooting plugins and on determining whether a plugin is causing your problem, see the Troubleshooting plugins article. Windows: Hang switching tabs Spybot S&D's "Immunize" feature can add a large number of entries into the Firefox cookie configuration file. This can cause slowdown while switching tabs. 1. From the menu at the top of the Firefox window, select File and then select the Exit menu item. 2. Open Spybot S&D. 3. Click the Immunize icon on the left side of the window. 4. Right-click in the Immunization list and choose Deselect all from the context menu. 5. In the Firefox section, put a check mark next to each item. 6. Click Undo at the top of the window. Hang after prolonged use Firefox may hang if left open for long periods of time. To fix the issue, restart Firefox. If you regularly leave Firefox open so that you return to where you left off, you may want to use Firefox's Session Restore feature. When you exit the program, Firefox can remember your open windows and tabs. When you restart Firefox, you can optionally reload those windows and tabs. To enable Session Restore: 1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences.... 2. Click the General panel (Main panel in Firefox 3.5). 3. From the When Firefox starts drop-down, select Show my windows and tabs from last time. 4. Click OK to close the Options windowClick Close to close the Preferences windowClose the Preferences window Firefox is now configured to remember your windows and tabs. You can close Firefox without losing the currently opened web pages, which may prevent Firefox from hanging. Hang deleting bookmarks folder Trying to delete a bookmarks folder that contains many bookmarks and multiple levels of sub-folders can cause Firefox to hang. To work around this problem, delete unwanted bookmark sub-folders in small steps. . Hang at exit Sometimes when you close Firefox, it may stop responding and remain in memory, even though no Firefox windows are open. This can prevent Firefox from working properly the next time you open it or you may see a "Close Firefox" dialog box with the message, Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.. You must then end all Firefox processes or restart the computer before you can reopen Firefox. (See Firefox is already running but is not responding for other causes and solutions.) If Firefox processes that remain in memory at exit are a recurring problem, try these solutions: * A problematic extension can cause the problem, which can be resolved by disabling or uninstalling the extension. For information on diagnosing and fixing problems caused by faulty extensions, see the Troubleshooting extensions and themes article. * Sometimes Java applets can cause the Firefox process to persist after exit. Try updating Java to the latest version or, if you don't need the Java plugin, you can disable it from the Plugins panel of the Firefox Add-ons window. For more information, see Using the Java plugin with Firefox. Windows: * Using certain Internet security software is reported to cause the issue on some systems: o If you use ZoneAlarm on Windows Vista, uninstall it and use another firewall product (or use the Windows Firewall). o If you use Avast! Antivirus, switch to another antivirus product if you also have ZoneAlarm installed. o If you use Norton 360 2.0, make sure that you have all available Norton updates (for more help, contact Norton Support) and that you have followed the instructions in the Configuring Norton 360 article. o If you have upgraded Comodo Internet Security from a version prior to 3.10, the Comodo Safe Surf component from the previous version can cause Firefox to hang at exit. To resolve the issue, you can uninstall Comodo Safe Surf via Windows Control Panel, as its function is now integrated into the current Comodo application. Lenke til kommentar
zebe Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Har versjon 3.6, men flash player er jeg ikke sikker på. Prøvde å ta en oppdatering på den i går, men firefox viser den forsatt som outdated om jeg tar sånn plugincheck. https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ Lenke til kommentar
cozmos Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Hadde samme problemet. Eneste jeg gjorde var å laste ned fra firefox.com og innstalere. (Uten å fjerne gammel innst.) Funker 100% nå. Lenke til kommentar
jevli Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Hadde samme problemet. 3 ord som fikser alt: Bytt til Chrome Lenke til kommentar
zebe Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Hadde samme problemet. Eneste jeg gjorde var å laste ned fra firefox.com og innstalere. (Uten å fjerne gammel innst.) Funker 100% nå. firefox client eller flash player? Lenke til kommentar
Bakura Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Hadde samme problemet. Eneste jeg gjorde var å laste ned fra firefox.com og innstalere. (Uten å fjerne gammel innst.) Funker 100% nå. firefox client eller flash player? Tror han mener selve Firefox innstallasjonen. Du finner nyeste versjonene av firefox her: Engelsk Norsk Lenke til kommentar
zebe Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Forfatter Del Skrevet 20. februar 2010 Hadde samme problemet. Eneste jeg gjorde var å laste ned fra firefox.com og innstalere. (Uten å fjerne gammel innst.) Funker 100% nå. firefox client eller flash player? Tror han mener selve Firefox innstallasjonen. Du finner nyeste versjonene av firefox her: Engelsk Norsk Prøvde dette, funka ikke. Lenke til kommentar
cozmos Skrevet 21. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 21. februar 2010 Da var det begynt å henge seg igjen, man bytter midlertidig over til chrome Lenke til kommentar
AvidGamer Skrevet 21. februar 2010 Del Skrevet 21. februar 2010 (endret) Hadde dette problemet selv, men viste seg å være "AntiPhishing" funksjonen som skapte problemer. Kan forsøke å deaktivere det, om du har det da... Endret 21. februar 2010 av AvidGamer Lenke til kommentar
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