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Gjest medlem-140898

Iran slams embassy attack in Norway

Sat, 07 Aug 2010 07:53:38 GMT



Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has blasted a recent attack on the Iranian embassy in Norway, criticizing Oslo for the failure to protect the venue.


Mottaki's letter of complaint was handed to Norwegian Foreign Ministry officials on Friday in which the top Iranian diplomat criticized Oslo authorities for allowing a group of Islamic Republic "enemies" to launch a violent protest outside the Iranian embassy, IRNA reported on Saturday.


The aggression took place after Tehran's Public Prosecutor Office said on May 9 that five people with links to the terrorist group known as PJAK, the Iranian offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), were executed in the Iranian capital over their involvement in bomb attacks and terror activities.


Meanwhile, Hossein Rezvani, the Iranian envoy who submitted Mottaki's letter to Oslo officials, censured the Norwegian police for failing to provide security around the embassy where anti-Iran protesters damaged cars and other properties of the embassy.


"Such measures are against the convention of diplomatic rights and Iran-Norway ties," he noted.


Rezvani also demanded that the Norwegian side compensate for the damages and ensure the safety of the Iranian delegation in order to prevent any diplomatic spats between the two countries.


Iranian judiciary officials say three of the executed PJAK terrorists were arrested in 2006 for carrying five kilograms of explosives, adding that other weapons including 57 rockets and 600 shells were later confiscated from the terrorists.


They say that the five began their terrorist activities shortly after the formation of the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK) and bombed the governor's office and a state building in the western province of Kermanshah.




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Gjest medlem-140898

Hvorfor får ikke Ahmadinejad spørre slike spørsmål. Er det ikke lov ?


Så slike hendelser blir sett som tabu, når man setter spørsmåltegn på et eller annet ?

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Når han konstant kritiserer dem så kan det vel regnes som tabu ja. Forøvrig var det i USA at angrepet skjedde så amerikanerne burde vite bedre enn iranerne hvor mange som mistet livet i angrepet og det er selvsagt bare en provokasjon fra ham etter at han har sagt han vil møte Obama og gjennoppta samtaler.

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Gjest medlem-140898

Det siste blir veldig interessant. To vitkig presidenter møtes ansikt til ansikt. Det blir jo uhyrlig spennedende.

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Gjest medlem-140898

Og om han ikke gjør det? Er et enda værre forhold mellom USA og Iran ønskelig?


Neppe. Som sagt så har ikke Ahmadinejad sagt noe som er helt utenkelig fra HANS side. Så Obama bryr seg neppe.

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At det ikke er utenkelig fra hans side gjør ikke situasjonen bedre. Tvert imot, det er bare enda en kontroversiell uttalelse han kommer med og det kan forværre forholdet mellom landene. Og som alt nevnt burde amerikanerne vite bedre enn iranerne hvor mange som døde i det angrepet ettersom det var i Iran det hendte.

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Gjest medlem-140898

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad er i gang igjen! Denne gangen er det terrorangrepet mot USA 11/09-01 han mener drepte færre enn USA påstår...




Ahmadinejad: 9/11 scenario dubious

Sat, 07 Aug 2010 17:03:17 GMT


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, August 06, 2010

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Western media hyped the September 11, 2001 attacks to pave the way for the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.


"What was the story behind September 11? In the space of five to six days, and with the aid of the media, they swayed public opinion to the point of considering an attack on Afghanistan and Iraq permissible and a right [for themselves]," he said in a televised speech.


The president went on to add that while 3,000 deaths had been announced, no report containing the names of these victims had been released.


"Presently, more than 110,000 people [have been killed] in Afghanistan and over one million people have been killed across Iraq. But they will not allow [the figures to be made public]. How? [by] using media and fabricated news," he was quoted by IRIB as saying.


The Iranian president made the remarks on Saturday at a ceremony in Tehran marking the eve of the National Press Day.


Ahmadinejad said Western media had enabled the US to mount its campaign against Iran's nuclear program.


He said that the media had helped the US which has amassed thousands of Atomic bombs to claim another country might move towards building an A-bomb.


Tehran argues that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency it has the right to peaceful nuclear technology.




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Gjest medlem-140898

Jeg mener at Obama tar hans uttalse som en klype salt. Vi alle vet at Ahmadninejad e sier "konterversielle" utsagn som plutselig har blitt tabu og står for det han mener.


Så ingen blir overrasket over at han sier slike uttalser, og det blir heller ikke Obama. Men hadde f.eks Mir hossein Mosavi sagt slike "kontoversielle" utsagn, så hadde Obama plutselig tvilt litt.

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