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HTC Desire Bravo (2010) - Hva mer kan vi ønske oss?


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Tja, ingen multi-touch kan da egentlig være bedre enn buggy multi-touch...


...nuvel. Deg om det. :p


Som den 'teknologioptimisten' jeg er, tar jeg heller med meg mulighetene for å kunne benytte en gitt teknologi (for deretter evt. å avstå fra å bruke den dersom den ikke fungerer etter hensikten), fremfor ingen teknologi. ;)

Endret av -ronin-
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Okay so I've had the desire for around a week now and thought I would post a few points which I think are relevant, sort of like a mini review. I came from a G1 and therefore this isn't my first taste of android.


The Software

The software performs so much better on this phone than Android ever did on the G1 (even after the various amount of hacks, patches etc to try and get it to go faster). The 1ghz processor definitely makes a difference as applications are loaded up instantly, web pages load fast (and almost instant) on 3G and movies run perfectly.


The Screen

Most people have noted a pink tint on the screen and I'm not going to lie to you, this does exist however, don't let this put you off from getting the screen. The AMOLED is truly beautiful, bright and colourful and blacks really are black (I was waiting for a youtube video to load and thought the screen had gone off it's that black). While there are pink tones (especially in Google Mail) they're not really that noticeable and only seem to show on a certain shade of grey, it's the sort of thing that wont bother you unless you want it to.


The Keyboard

The keyboard is truly magical! Seriously, I never ever hit the right key yet the predictive text always seems to know what I want to type. It also seems to be a multitouch keyboard and I can type fairly quickly on it, almost as quick as I could with the QWERTY on the G1.


Voice to Text

Voice to text is quite accurate even with my Brummie-British accent however, it's not installed by default. It should be however, expect it in a rom update very soon.


The Battery

Although everyone else may not be, I'm very impressed. Lasts around 1.5-2 days which is double what my G1 ever lasted. This is with heavy usage, bluetooth usage and even live wallpapers

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Lover godt! Men lurer på en ting:

Hvordan har han fått til "voice to text" hvis det ikke er installert fra HTC? Må man roote, eller kan sånt etterinstalleres?

De kom opp i en diskusjon om at man mister pinch to zoom ved og bruke annet en standard tastatur på xda-developers.com


Det å bestille denne telefonen ble prioritert over økonomien til russetia. Så nå er den bestilt, gleder meg som en unge:-) Russetia ordner seg :-D

Endret av akle
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Here it is, tried and tested.


1. goto settings

2. goto text to speech and install voice data

3. goto link to [warez site removed] on your desire

4. on the home page search for Verizon 2.1 keyboard with voice input by clicking on v and scrolling to it

5. download it

6. install it (you may get a prompt saying that you need to change your settings to allow it to install, so do so)

7. next in settings again goto language & keyboard

8. tick android keyboard

9. click android keyboard settings

10. make sure voice input is ticked.

11. go into messages and hold down on TAP TO COMPOSE

12. select input method

13. then select android keyboard

14. click the mic and start talking

Endret av kewell79
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Lover godt! Men lurer på en ting:

Hvordan har han fått til "voice to text" hvis det ikke er installert fra HTC? Må man roote, eller kan sånt etterinstalleres?

De kom opp i en diskusjon om at man mister pinch to zoom ved og bruke annet en standard tastatur på xda-developers.com


Det å bestille denne telefonen ble prioritert over økonomien til russetia. Så nå er den bestilt, gleder meg som en unge:-) Russetia ordner seg :-D


Rave rundt på fylla med en ny og vakker Desire? :O Nei min blir helt klart hjemme!

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Okay so I've had the desire for around a week now and thought I would post a few points which I think are relevant, sort of like a mini review. I came from a G1 and therefore this isn't my first taste of android.



I assume you have the T-mobile version?


Dette virker som et software problem, at keyboardet til HTC bare mangler knappen til voice, så regner med dette blir lagt inn i en senere oppdatering.

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