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Deviance version av battlefield???

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It has come to our attention that a non-final version of the 1.4 patch has surfaced on the web. Please note that this is NOT the final version of 1.4, and it WILL NOT be compatible with the final version of 1.4. We strongly recommend that you do not install it. If you have installed it, our suggestion is that you reinstall BF 1942.


Ehhh, hvis du har 1.4 patchen that is :b

Men om du bare har whatever som var på den du lastet ned, bruk 22hz lyd =)

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Fant dette:


Ok guys, if you're having trouble with the sound in 1.3, try this! I have no more crackles, jumps, pops or anything with my sound! chrystal clear! I'm using an Audigy II sound card.


Open the file modsbf1942settingsDefault.con



Find the line Sound.soundBufferCacheSize 100



change the 100 to 1000



SHABANG! No more sound problems for me! I have to turn sound hardware acceleration on in directx and in the game options for the sound to work. MAKE SURE YOU DO BOTH!

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deviance vell finner deviance spill overalt ikke bare på warez.

Jeg hater warez jeg noe dritt. :x

Heh.. Vet du hva? Forbered deg på et par ukers ferie fra forumet du.. :yes:

Kos deg..

Kanskje orginal plata hans har blitt ødelagt? Litt kjipt å kjøpe samme spill 2 ganger da. Derfor laster man ned Deviance sin release. :D

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Beklager hvis den var unødvendig..


Uansett, "piratversjoner" av et spill er vel ikke det lureste å snakke om her på forumet..


Har man lov til å spørre om warez så sant man eier originalplata? Tviler på at moderatorene syns det er så mye bedre...

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