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Det har seg slik at jeg kom opp i engelsk prøvemuntlig idag og vil gjerne vite om det jeg skriver ser bra ut.

Vet at måten jeg snakker på og hvordan jeg framfører er viktig, men vil vite om dere syntes innholdet er greit.

Temaet er Rasediskrimineringen i USA og vi skal ha en framføring på 20-40 minutter.

Teksten oppdateres gjevnlig så hele teksten står ikke her ennå, men fint om dere kan legge igjen kommentarer på ting jeg kan legge til, ting som er feil og litt annet.

Gjerne si hvor jeg kan bruke sammenligninger, drøftinger osv.


Valgte å starte med å skrive om Martin Luther King Jr. men skal ha en annen start på selve framføringen.


Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. He worked as an American baptist priest , freedom fighter and he was also the winner of the Nobel Peace price. He is well known for his fight for black rights and is one of the most important people in the American history.

You can clearly see that his way of protesting was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi who also fought for freedom. Because Mahatma Gandhi never used violence in his fight for freedom in India and I think that this is the best way to fight for something that you stand for. Because war only kills people and killing people does not make the situation any better.

Martin Luther King Jr. was reviewed as “ The Black People President “ and got lots of respect because of his work. He gained respect by a lot of black people because he fought for them. He fought for their rights and wanted the american people to understand that the black people are just the same as them. They are worth the same as the white people and a country that call themselves for “land of liberty “ should not discriminate other races.

Luther King's breakthrough came in 1955 when a woman named Rosa Parks came on board a bus in Montgomery, Alabama and sat down in the black area of the bus.

One of the many laws towards back people was to give up their seat for a white person if the bus was full. Rosa Parks, however, refused to do so. It didn't take long for the police to remove her from the bus. After this Martin Luther King Jr. started his fight for the black people.

A woman being treated as a criminal just for refusing to give up her seat on a bus shocked the people of the church. Leaders of the church called for an emergency meeting to discus this incident. The result was a boycott towards the bus company.

The boycott

The church leadership selected Martin Luther King Jr. As the leader of this boycott. The boycott strongly affected the bus company due to the fact that 75% of their passengers were black.

They also founded an organization called « Montgomery Improvement Association». This organization was supposed to improve the living environment for the black people.

A meeting in the local church found place the day after they came up with the idea of boycotting the bus company. They informed everybody about the boycott and got full support. To avoid people walking they sat up cheap taxi's, car pools, some even used horse and carriage to avoid using the bus. But King made one thing clear: violence should not be used. In this way, the protests were much less susceptible to police. Later, the Nonviolence Principle showed up to be one of the most important weapons. Because by not using any kind of violence the police could not arrest them by any reason or stop them. If they used violence, the police would have a reason to arrest them, so by not using violence nobody could stop them.

At first the boycott didn't have any effect, but after a while the Supreme Court declared that it was unconstitutional to separate white and black people on the buses.

To celebrate this, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. took the bus, sat down, and was met by friendly people on the bus.

The news spread to the south states of America and people heard of the triumph that took place in Montgomery. Lots of organizations gathered together and they created SCLC ( Souther Christian Leadership Conference ) and not surprisingly, King was the leader here too.

Between 1957 and 1958 he traveled around in the southern states and held 208 presentations.

A way the students fought against racism was by sitting down on places that they were not welcome. They just sat down and sat there for a long time.

They didn't say anything at all and they called this the sit-down-actions.


Martin Luther King Jr.'s two most important marches:

In 1963 Martin started to gain a lot of reputation, now he wanted to go the place that was known as the “main-capital of racism”, Birmingham, Alabama. King wanted to challenge the forces of this place.

So in 1963 thousands of thousands black peoples marched into the city in peace. They were not going to use any kind of violence and they wanted to show themselves as strong and controlled.

Bull Connor, the police chief of the city said that he wanted to stop the protests until the blood was all over the street. He was prepared for the demonstrators and policemen and firemen stood ready with water canons that was supposed to be used on the demonstrators.

As the protestants came they started to fire their water canons, but this was not enough.

The demonstrators kept going into the city even if they got bloody by the spraying water and policemen hitting them.

But the police chief ordered them to keep spraying water on the demonstrators. Then after a while the firemen and policemen stopped to spray water on the people. They just looked at the peaceful demonstrators who kept getting hit by the policemen a several times, without giving much resistance. But after a while they laid down their weapons and the demonstrants could walk into the city. They arrested the demonstrants, including King who wrote the “ Letter From Birmingham “ that included a lot of his toughts at that time.

But the thing that made this protest so special was the kids that participated. They insisted on joining, because they wanted to fight for the future and this made an strong impression. Even som white people that realized that the racism was stupid participated. But the most important thing of this protest was the power of the media. Everything that happend during the protest got filmed and people could see the protest at their own tv home and normal americans got their eyes up for how terrible the black people got threated during the protest, and for a lot of people was this the end of their racistic toughts.

Later, King would hold a very crucial march that was going to Washington DC, known as the main capital in USA. This happened in 1963. Before the march he was told that only 25.000 people would meet up and he was very concerned. But as expected, people were more loyal to Dr. King, and as much as 250.000 people met up at the start-line and this was ten times more than expected.

Martin was surprised and at the place beside the memorial of Abraham Lincoln, he held one of his most famous speeches: “ I Have a Dream “. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZLvSnr6s50


Rosa Parks


As mentioned, Rosa Parks was an important part of the fight for black rights, because something that could have been an ordinary bus trip in Alabama's main capital Montgomery, became an example of disobedience and the start of a long journey to freedom from oppression for the U.S. black population. Rosa Parks entered into American history 1 December 1955. On the way home from work she went on the bus and sat down beside a black man on a middlerow. At the next stop some white women entered the bus and one of them had to stand. Then the driver screamed backwars that the midlerow had to realesed to the white people.

Parks refused to do this and the driver kept screaming. In her biography, she said this: “ I could not understand that it would make it easier for me if I stood up “ “ The more we gave in and adapted to us, the worse they treated us “, she said. The bus driver threatened with arrest, but she didn't care and he called the police who brought Parks to the prison.

A 42 year old black woman got arrested because she refused to give away her seat on the bus to a white man. In my opinion this is an good example of how terrible or maybe how stupid racism can be. Just because you have another skin color you get threatened like an criminal.

But this didn't stop Parks from fighting. She was already an active member of the NAACP organization, that is an organization who still fights for the black people.

NAACP stands for “ The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” and is one of the oldest and most influential civil rights organization in USA.

It was founded after a meeting, that found place the 30th May 1909, gathered over 40 participants, and these resolved to found the National Negro Committee. The following year they changed the name to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The organization was largely led by white people. Du Bois was the only black in the first elected board of directors.


Du Bois, or William Edward Burghardt Du Bois that is his full name was an American civil rights activist. He was born 23th February 1868 , in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He was the most prominent intellectual leader and political activist on behalf of African Americans in the first half of the twentieth century. In fact it was not before 1975 that the NAACP had a black general manager (president) The purpose of the organization is to “ secure every people equal rights when it comes to politics, education and social and economic conditions, and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. At the end of the 1950's and the start of the 1960's NAACP lost their position as the most important organization for african-american people. Because new organization's like Southern Christian Leadership Coneference and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee released new activist working methods. The start of 1990 was a problematic time for NAACP. The organization has some bad economy. A several times leaders had to leave their jobs because use of drugs. They had to cut down their staff from 250 people to 50 people. But at the end of the 90's they managed to get back on track. And before the presidential election in 2000 they managed to get a lot of black people to vote. This became an success and 1 million more black people voted.

Every year NAACP hands out prices for African-Americans, Image Awards in the arts and entertainment, and the Spingarn-Medal for positive activities of any kind.



At the start of the 1960's some black artist started to break through in the US.

For example Jim Hendrix who was a famous guitarist from England that is known as one of the biggest legends of the rock history. After his breakthrough in England he managed to become famous in USA after the Monterey Pop Festival, in Monterey, California. He reached his icon status after his appearance at the Woodstockfestival in 1969.

Even if he was a star all over the world was it hard to avoid the racism, especially in the southern states in America. He was also critizied by the black people for playing “ white music “ and for having white people in his band. He was contacted by different groups like for example, Black Phanters a severeal times because they wanted to use him to promote their own business. The Black panters was a political group of colored people that wanted to promote the black people in the politics. And in my opinion this kind of shows the start of using music to promote political meanings for the black people. Compared to today we can see that they use a lot of the same ways to convey their opinions, like in this example. Music.


At the 1970's they didn't have many black artists that was popular.


Rap and Hip-Hop became popular in the 1980's and this is the music style that most of the black artists are known for. The rap actually started 20 years earlier by jailed rappers.

This was the start of a new era for the black artists. As you can see now, almost every known rapper is black. One of the most known rappers in the 1980's was LL. Cool. J . Already here we could see how the black people’s idols changed. It changed from freedom fighters like Martin Luther King Jr. to rappers like LL. Cool.J

At the 1990's Gangsta and Grunge apperaed after the Rap and Hip-Hop that came in the 80's.

The gangsta genre was dominated by black people and sounds for me pretty much the same as rap.

Endret av MST
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violence free ways of protesting

expressing his opinions without use of violence


Eller noe lignende, ser egentlig ikke noe veldig galt i non violent fighting, du får frem poenget ditt. Tror derimot ikke det er den beste formuleringen du kan velge :)

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Mitt forslag. Grønn er det jeg ville erstattet der røde med.


Martin Luther King Jr.


Martin Luther King Jr. Was born 15th January 4th April 1968.(Noe galt, hvilket dato er det?) He worked as an American baptist priest , freedom fighter and he was also the winner of the Nobel Peace price. He is well known for his non violent fighting fight for black rights and is one of the most important people in the American history.

You can clearly see that his way of fighting protesting was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi who also fought for freedom.

Martin Luther King Jr. was reviewed as “ The Black People President “ and got lots of respect because of his work.


Luther King's breakthrough came in 1955 when a woman named Rosa Parks came on board a bus in Montgomery, Alabama and sat down in the black area of the bus.

One of many rules against the black peoples was that the black people had to give their places in the bus to the white people when the bus were full, but Rosa Parks refused to do this. One of the many laws towards back people was to give up their seat for a white person if the bus was full. Rosa Parks, however, refused to do so.

So after a while the police came and took her out of the bus and brought her to the jail. This incident caused tremendous attention in the local community. It didn't take long for the police to remove her from the bus. This whole incident caused an uproar amongst the local community.

A woman who just refused to give her bus seat to a white man getting treated like this shocked all of the people in the church. Church leadership called together, and a meeting was held.

This meeting ended up with one idea, boycotting the bus company. A woman being treated as a criminal just for refusing to give up her seat on a bus shocked the people of the church. Leaders of the church called for an emergency meeting to discus this incident. The result was a boycott towards the bus company.


The boycott

The church leadership selected Martin Luther King Jr. As the leader of this boycott. The boycott affected the buses strongly because 75% of their passengers were black.The boycott strongly affected the bus company due to the fact that 75% of their passengers were black.

They also made founded an organization called « Montgomery Improvement Association». This organization was supposed to better improve the living environment for the black people.

A meeting in the local church found took place the day after they came up with the idea of boycotting the bus company. They told informed everybody about the boycott and got full support. To avoid people walking they sat up cheap taxi's, own cars who drove car pools, some even used horse and carriage to avoid using the bus. But King made one thing clear: violence should not be used. In this way, the protests were much less susceptible to police. Later, the Nonviolence Principle showed up to be one of the most important weapons.


At first the boycott didn't have any effect, but after a while the Supreme Court declared that it was unconstitutional to separate white and black people on the buses.

To celebrate this, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. took the bus, sat down, and was met by friendly people on the bus.


The news got (dropp/slett den) spread to the south states of America and people got their eyes up for the succeed protest heard of the triumph that took place in Montgomery. Lots of organizations met gathered together and they created SCLC ( Souther Christian Leadership Conference ) and not surprisingly, King was the leader here too.

Between 1957 and 1958 he traveled around in the southern states and held 208 presentations.


A way the students fought against racism was by sitting down on places that they were not welcome. They just sat down and sat there for a long time.

They didn't say anything at all and they called this the sit-down-actions.

Endret av AvidGamer
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Rettet :)


Var å snakka med læreren min idag og han ville ha refleksjoner, mine egne meninger, sammenlikninger og drøftinger..

Noen forslag til dette som ville passet inn?

Eller hvor jeg kan legge inn mine egne meninger?

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Dine egne meninger ville det være naturlig å legge inn til slutt som en slags oppsumering av hva du mener om alt. Det går også an å gi dine egne meninger fortløpende ettersom du er innom forskjellige temaer, men tror ikke det vil bli like naturlig.


Er heller vanskelig å gi forslag til dine egne meninger, ettersom det skal være dine meninger :)

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Ja, skal såklart si mine egne meninger.. Ville bare få ett forslag til hvor jeg burde legge de inn, om jeg skal ta de etterhvert eller på slutten.

Fremføringen skal trossalt være tilsammen 40minutter så ville kanskje vært greit og si litt inni teksten også en større oppsumering på slutten.

Noen forslag til refleksjoner, drøftinger, sammenlikninger?

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Bare lærer og sensor.

Han sa jeg og partneren min liksom skulle ha en slags samtale inni her også hvor en skulle være Martin Luther King jr. og den andre Rosa Parks, skjønte ikke helt hvordan det skulle bli da men..


Kom gjerne med forslag til det jeg spurte om ovenfor :)

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Et tips/tricks er å vinne publikum.


Ikke vær "stive" og les bare fakta. Lek litt med matrialet, snakk til de som om de er en kamerat du driver å forklare stoffet til isteden for å lese. Det gir et inntrykk at dere liker og har interesse for det dere forteller.



Dere kunne starte med å fortelle hvordan svarte hadde det i USA den tiden. Lover og urette ting som skjedde. Etter litt av det sier dere "Så kom King inn i bilde...." Mulig legge inn litt om oppveksten hans, og foreldrene.


Etter andre avsnitt, det med bussen, er det en flott mulighet å fortelle litt dypere om andre lover de svarte måtte akkseptere.


Selvfølgelig kan dere ikke glemme å snakke om hans legendarisk tale "I have a dream". Har dere lov å vise video, kunne dere vise litt av den.

Endret av AvidGamer
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Var å snakket med læreren min idag og viste han teksten og han kommenterte litt som jeg lurte på om dere kunne hjelpe litt med;


-Hvorfor utviklet ikkevoldsprinsippet seg til å bli en av de viktigste våpnene til Martin Luther King Jr.?

-Hva slags reaksjoner fikk sitt-ned-akjsonene?

-Hva kan jeg kommentere til klippet der Martin har sin kjente tale, " I have a dream " ( klippet er i første post )

-Hva slags rolle har NAACP hatt igjennom tidene?

-Hvilke forbilder har de sorte folkene hatt gjennom tidene? Det startet jo med Martin Luther King og har når utviklet seg til å bli rappere, skuespillere og såklart Obama.

-Hvilke linjer kan jeg trekke i presentasjonen?

-Hvordan kan jeg referere til 50-tallet i forhold til idag?

-OL i Berlin, hva skal jeg si om det.

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Jeg reagerer på at dette er muntlig, å du har skrevet en tekst like lang som grunnloven.

Det viser ikke så mye av din muntlige framstillingsevne hvis du bare står å leser fra et ark.


Det blir som å være stand-up komiker, du må vite godt hva du skal prate om, men når det gjelder tar du det som det kommer.


Brett et A4 ark 2 ganger, så bruker du det som jukselapp. Hvis du har med deg hele teksten risikerer du å sitte å lese fra arket hele tia.


Edit: liten leif

Endret av Kaktuz
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