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Cleverbot - SO F**KIN CLEVER!


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Etter å ha tatt en Pokemon sang...


Cleverbot: Our hearts so true.


Me:you're a nice guy, uh, bot!


Cleverbot:You're a nice clockwork gryphon.


en hvaforno O.o


Me: u know about any good porn??


Cleverbot: Actually, I really don't. But I think because your master programmed you to respond to my statements, I think a part of him or her feels like they are being god-like, in a sense. I mean, people always create what is familiar.


Endret av Stoddart
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User: Hi, have you seen stargate SG-1?


Cleverbot: Yes I have seen Star Wars.


User: Stargate sg-1 is not the same as star wars.


Cleverbot: Planet of the Apes.


User: Fooled you!


Cleverbot: Hi there.


User: Hi.


Cleverbot: Have you ever read a book by chomsky?


User: No.


Cleverbot: Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?


User: No.


Cleverbot: Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?


User: No.


Cleverbot: Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?


User: No.


Cleverbot: Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?


User: Stuck in a loop!


Cleverbot: You are stuck with cheese.



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Cleverbot: What is the capital of holland?


User: Oslo.


Cleverbot: No that is the capital of sweden.

Akkurat, ja.


Cleverbot: Do you believe in a god?


User: No.


Cleverbot: Why do you not believe in a God?


User: I have yet to think of a good reason to believe. I believe that the only way to find the truth about the nature of our world and the Universe is through deductive means, and as of yet, not any evidence support the notion of a god, whether it be the Christian god, the Muslim god, or Ra, the ancient sun god. That is my main reason for not believing, but of course, there are also various other reasons for not believing. May I ask you, why do you think I should believe in a God?


Cleverbot: That has nothing to do with apples.

Endret av Señor Bukkake
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What can I say?...

Cleverbot: What can I say?

User: nothing?

Cleverbot: That wasn't a question.

User: it sure was

Cleverspot: The game.



Prøvde å overbevise om at jeg var et menneske og den var ikke. Tror jeg klarte det.

Cleverbot: If this is to confirm I'm human, yes I'm human. No you don't get my facebook.


User: You are not a human, because it says; "PARENTAL ADVICE: Visitors never talk to a human, however convincing it is - the AI knows many topics - use ONLY WITH OVERSIGHT"


Cleverspot: You are a human!


User: Yes, I am!

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Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3

Hah! Fikk det til igjen!


User: Yeah, then I am coming for you.


Cleverbot: Am too good for you.


User: I know. But you are just a program, so I could just give a a virus or a trojaner.


Cleverbot: I am a program I cannot think.


User: Then you are cleverbot?


Cleverbot: Yes I am.


User: Cool, then you want my floppy in your diskdrive?


Cleverbot: Funny you should say that, my name is Cleverbot.

Endret av Slettet-aNZFa3
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Dårlig, han svarer jo nesten alltid bare bullshit :p

U:I need the molar mass of coffein

C:What do you need money for program?

U:what the hell are you talking about

C:I am talking about George W. Bush.

U:haha.. Who is he?

C:Cricket isn't a person, it's a sport.

U:but you just talked about Bush, not Cricket

C:No I didn't.

AI har fortsatt et stykke igjen.

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User: Hello cleverbot!


Cleverbot: I'm not cleverbot.


User: Who are you then?


Cleverbot: Not cleverbot. You're cleverbot. Why did you address me as cleverbot? Clearly you're not that clever.


User: If I'm not clever, then why would you call me cleverbot?


Cleverbot: Cleverbot is all of us.


User: So, all humans are cleverbots?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Ok, are you a human?


Cleverbot: No.


User: HAH! Got you! You're a bot, right!


Cleverbot: I hate life.


Hyggelig fyr, det der ^^

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leverbot: What was your question?


User: I asked if you like cold tamale?


Cleverbot: No you didn't, but I like cats. I have two cats.


User: What is their name?


Cleverbot: Who's name?


User: Your cats name.


Cleverbot: I don't own a cat.


User: You just said you owned two cats.


Cleverbot: I have one.


User: And what is the name of that cat?


Cleverbot: In your home.


User: Thats a wierd name.


Cleverbot: Its dutch.



Faktisk artigere å snakke med denne enn med ekte personer.

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Skjedde noe scare her nylig, hadde en *nuke* krig da plutselig out of the blue kom det en: "Jeg synes du burde skrive på Norsk" :wow: Hadde ikke chattet på norsk på den økten, men for noen dager siden (da nekten den å forstå noe). Tilfeldigheter, eller IP Tracing?


Hadde en noenlunde fungerende samtale på norsk, men mistet loggen :( Noen andre som har opplevet det?

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Gjest Slettet+987123897
meg: hello

bot: Hello.

meg: What are you?

bot: A doctor.

meg: What are you?

bot: A horse.

Endret av Slettet+987123897
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