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Latterlige påstander om manipulasjon av mediebilder

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Latterlige påstander om manipulasjon fra de som er med på oppdekkingen:




Professor Morgan Reynolds:


- The criminals used considerable psy-op “magic.”...

- No aluminum airliner could crash into the towers...

- Yet many witnesses swear they saw such a magic act that morning...

- These witnesses were lying or deluded...

- The military may have cloaking or stealth technology...

- Flexible liquid crystal display screens on the aircraft itself...

- Making the plane invisible to those on the ground...


Daryl Bradford Smith presents

The Bovine Gas Theory

The most complete explanation of 9-11


New and improved!

This theory passes the smell test!


The World Trade Center Towers and Building 7 were imploded by a powerful mixture of bovine gas from thousands of cows at the ZIM Shipping Company in New Jersey that were fed Navy Beans by Al Qaeda (notice the military connection here).


The gas was piped under the Hudson River and combined with gas from the fermenting brains of Jimmy Walter and Morgan Reynolds.


Wayne Madsen is also suffering from a fermented brain, which is why he promotes the theory that the Arabs were responsible for the September 11 attack. However, Al Qaeda has not yet tapped his head for gas, which is why the pressure is causing his face to expand.



Nitwits, victims, or criminals?


Although neither Walter nor Reynolds has ever displayed any engineering, scientific, or research abilities, they have been convinced of the Blue Screen Theory by people with absolutely zero scientific abilities and who have demonstrated repeated attempts to deceive us, such as Gerard Holmgren and Rosalee Grable (aka, the webfairy).


This is a classic example of how nitwits and criminals can put their minds together and spread misinformation that is so stupid that anybody who is deceived by it should be sterilized, given a lobotomy, and put into a mental hospital.



Seriously, ladies and gentlemen...

what would you think if hundreds of web sites were promoting The Bovine Gas Theory?


Well, hundreds of web sites are promoting Blue Screen illusions, Nuclear Glow, Holographic Airplanes, Mysterious Spires, comic-book level Black-Op Technologies, and numerous other idiotic ideas.


You might ask, "Why should I care if the Internet is full of nonsense?"


The answer is that when you tell somebody about 9-11, and if they look on the Internet for additional information, these idiotic sites are likely to appear in their search for information because there are so many of them. This will turn some people away from the issue, and give conspiracy theories a bad image.


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Berit Ås:


Jeg tror ikke at islamistiske terrorister kjørte fly inn i World Trade Center og Pentagon i 2001. Jeg tviler på at det styrtet noen fly i det hele tatt. Et av opptakene viser et fly som flyr gjennom en av skyskraperne og kommer like hel ut på den andre siden. TV-bildene som gikk verden over kan være manipulert.



Til WeAreChangeNorway:

- du er vel denne jøden som har vært på sol og lagt ut disse konspirasjonsteoriene dine.



Jeg er nok mer norsk enn deg sjef :)


Og nei, jeg er ikke på sol.


Og - det krasja aldri noe fly i WTC.




WeAreChangeNorway - COINTELPRO?


De er faktisk jøder.

Endret av Sandore
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Daryl Bradford Smith presents

The Bovine Gas Theory


The most complete explanation of 9-11


New and improved!

This theory passes the smell test!


The World Trade Center Towers and Building 7 were imploded by a powerful mixture of bovine gas from thousands of cows at the ZIM Shipping Company in New Jersey that were fed Navy Beans by Al Qaeda (notice the military connection here).


The gas was piped under the Hudson River and combined with gas from the fermenting brains of Jimmy Walter and Morgan Reynolds.


Wayne Madsen is also suffering from a fermented brain, which is why he promotes the theory that the Arabs were responsible for the September 11 attack. However, Al Qaeda has not yet tapped his head for gas, which is why the pressure is causing his face to expand.



Nitwits, victims, or criminals?


Although neither Walter nor Reynolds has ever displayed any engineering, scientific, or research abilities, they have been convinced of the Blue Screen Theory by people with absolutely zero scientific abilities and who have demonstrated repeated attempts to deceive us, such as Gerard Holmgren and Rosalee Grable (aka, the webfairy).


This is a classic example of how nitwits and criminals can put their minds together and spread misinformation that is so stupid that anybody who is deceived by it should be sterilized, given a lobotomy, and put into a mental hospital.


Seriously, ladies and gentlemen...

what would you think if hundreds of web sites were promoting The Bovine Gas Theory?


Well, hundreds of web sites are promoting Blue Screen illusions, Nuclear Glow, Holographic Airplanes, Mysterious Spires, comic-book level Black-Op Technologies, and numerous other idiotic ideas.


You might ask, "Why should I care if the Internet is full of nonsense?"


The answer is that when you tell somebody about 9-11, and if they look on the Internet for additional information, these idiotic sites are likely to appear in their search for information because there are so many of them. This will turn some people away from the issue, and give conspiracy theories a bad image.



Og han som har skrevet dette er OGSÅ med på konspirasjonen.


Bush og mediene skylder på Osama.


80% av sannhetsbevegelsen skylder på Bush, NWO, Bohemian Grove, Illuminati, Bilderberger, etc.


20% sier at resten av sannhetsbevegelsen er styrt av Zionister som blander sannhet med løgn, og at Bush er en Zionist.

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  • 2 uker senere...

Smilende og fornøyd oppfordret Kristin Halvorsen til boikott av israelske varer. Det var ikke et krav, men en liten oppfordring. Helt i tråd med SVs politikk, så det var ingen stor overraskelse. Fylkestinget i Sør-Trøndelag hadde allerede vedtatt boikott av Israel, så det var et kjent opplegg.


Men likevel så førte dette til ekstreme sjokkreaksjoner og Kristin endte opp fullstendig knust og dypt ulykkelig.


Kristin tør nok aldri å si noe liknende igjen. Hun er nå styggredd for å bli stemplet som nazistisk jødehetsende jødehater. Dette opplegget er nok fjernet fra SVs program.



- Når skjønte du at du hverken var SV-politiker eller utenriksminister, men faktisk finansminister?


Jødiske Kristin Halvorsen:

- Jeg skjønte det veldig fort. Ca 2-3 sekunder etter at alle brølte ut at jeg hadde sagt noe alvorlig galt. Men jeg skjønte det helt på egen hånd. Det var bare tilfeldig at jeg skjønte det rett etter at alle hylte ut.



Finansminister Kristin Halvorsen (SV) oppfordrer norske forbrukere til å boikotte varer fra Israel.


Hun mener en boikott vil synliggjøre misnøyen med Israels politikk overfor palestinerne.


- Mitt og SVs mål er at norske forbrukere velger bort varer og tjenester fra Israel og gjør andre valg i butikkene, sier Halvorsen til Dagbladet. I slutten av måneden starter hennes parti en solidaritetskampanje for Palestina. En kampanje som får finansministerens fulle støtte.


- Det er lenge siden jeg kjøpte israelske varer, sier hun.


Regjeringens offisielle politikk er at en slik boikott er et dårlig virkemiddel, og utspillet fra Halvorsen kommer ifølge Dagbladet som en overraskelse på utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap).


Fylkestinget i Sør-Trøndelag har allerede vedtatt boikott av Israel, hvilket umuliggjør fylkeskommunale innkjøp av israelske varer og tjenester.


- Det er svært uryddig av finansminister Halvorsen å kreve boikott av Israel. Som finansminister er hun talsperson for Norge, ikke for SV, sier Frp-formann og visepresident i Stortinget, Carl I. Hagen.


Finansminister Kristin Halvorsen beklager sine uttalelser om boikott av israelske varer.


Jeg burde ikke som finansminister ha tatt til orde for en politikk som ikke det er flertall for i regjeringen, sier Halvorsen til NRK i ettermiddag. Det har hun nå beklaget for utenriksministeren, statsministeren og resten av regjeringskollegiet.


- Det beklager jeg nå offentlig også, for å bidra til at det blir klarhet i dette, sier hun.


Hun sier at hun ikke ble instruert av regjeringen til å komme med beklagelsen, men at hun fant ut av seg selv.


Når skjønte du det?


- Det skjønte jeg veldig fort, sier Kristin Halvorsen og sier at hun nå har skjønt at det er utenriksministerens oppgave å uttale seg om utenrikspolitiske spørsmål.


Finansminister Kristin Halvorsens oppfordring til boikott av israelske produkter ble møtt med sterke reaksjoner i Israels ambassade i Norge.


I krisemøter på Statsministerens kontor (SMK) ble Kristin Halvorsens boikott av israelske varer sammenlignet med nazistiske slagord skrevet på jødiske butikker i Berlin.


VG kjenner til at også toppledelsen i Utenriksdepartementet (UD) mener at SVs kampanje i utlandet skaper assosiasjoner til hetsen og kravene om boikott av jødiske butikker i Hitlers Tyskland.


I går forsøkte Kristin Halvorsen å dempe skadevirkningene av sine uttalelser ved å si at hun beklaget dem.


Men til Dagbladet torsdag ga hun et intervju fylt av sitater som det er vanskelig å vri seg vekk fra:


- Det er lenge siden jeg kjøpte israelske varer, og jeg støtter selvsagt partiets kampanje for boikott av varer og tjenester fra Israel. Mitt og SVs mål er at norske forbrukere velger bort varer og tjenester fra Israel og gjør andre valg i butikkene, sa visestatsministeren.


VGs kilder forteller at Halvorsen etter dette intervjuet kastet seg på telefonen til både statsminister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) og utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap).


Etter det VG får opplyst, skal Kristin Halvorsen både i dette og andre interne møter ha beklaget hele utspillet. Hun skal ha innrømmet at det var en stor tabbe.


- Kristin er dypt ulykkelig over det som har skjedd. Helt knust, sier en kilde som har fulgt prosessen på innsiden.






Kristin sa til Dagbladet at det var lenge siden hun hadde kjøpt Israelske varer. VGs kilde kan fortelle at Kristin etter intervjuet kastet seg over telefonen for å beklage uttalelsen...

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F.eks at Fox Jødene fleiper om massemordet:


Hvorfor spionerer Israel på USA? Jo, fordi de er utsultet på informasjon... Eksplosiv informasjon:


Carl Cameron Investigates Part 1 - Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.?


Author: Carl Cameron


Part I:

BRIT HUME, HOST: It has been more than 16 years since a civilian working for the Navy was charged with passing secrets to Israel. Jonathan Pollard pled guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage and is serving a life sentence. At first, Israeli leaders claimed Pollard was part of a rogue operation, but later took responsibility for his work.


Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.




CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Since September 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.


There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are "tie-ins." But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, "evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."


Fox News has learned that one group of Israelis, spotted in North Carolina recently, is suspected of keeping an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs who the United States is also investigating for links to terrorism. Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to September 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.


Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a working group that's been compiling evidence since the mid '90s. These documents detail hundreds of incidents in cities and towns across the country that investigators say, "may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity."


The first part of the investigation focuses on Israelis who say they are art students from the University of Jerusalem and Bazala Academy. They repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel, the report says, by saying they wanted to sell cheap art or handiwork.


Documents say they, "targeted and penetrated military bases." The DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned, "stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units."


Another part of the investigation has resulted in the detention and arrests of dozens of Israelis at American mall kiosks, where they've been selling toys called Puzzle Car and Zoom Copter. Investigators suspect a front.


Shortly after The New York Times and Washington Post reported the Israeli detentions last months, the carts began vanishing. Zoom Copter's Web page says, "We are aware of the situation caused by thousands of mall carts being closed at the last minute. This in no way reflects the quality of the toy or its salability. The problem lies in the operators' business policies."


Why would Israelis spy in and on the U.S.? A general accounting office investigation referred to Israel as country A and said, "According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any U.S. ally."


A defense intelligence report said Israel has a voracious appetite for information and said, "the Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every possible facet of their political and economical policies. It aggressively collects military and industrial technology and the U.S. is a high priority target."


The document concludes: "Israel possesses the resources and technical capability to achieve its collection objectives."




A spokesman for the Israeli embassy here in Washington issued a denial saying that any suggestion that Israelis are spying in or on the U.S. is "simply not true." There are other things to consider. And in the days ahead, we'll take a look at the U.S. phone system and law enforcement's methods for wiretaps. And an investigation that both have been compromised by our friends overseas.


HUME: Carl, what about this question of advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?


CAMERON: It's very explosive information, obviously, and there's a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected — none of it necessarily conclusive. It's more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have know? Almost a direct quote.


HUME: Going into the fact that they were spying on some Arabs, right?


CAMERON: Correct.


HUME: All right, Carl, thanks very much.




Den Israelske ambassade: "Det er ganske enkelt ikke sant. Vi har andre ting å holde på med. I de nærmeste dagene skal vi se på telefonsystemet og overvåkning..."

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Hva mener du med fleiper? Ser ingen referanser til det i det innlegget ditt?


Nå må du slutte å spille dum da, jødetosk. :!:


FOX sier at noen israelitter infiltrerte omtrent alt i myndighetene før 11. september ved å gjentatte ganger si til personalet at de solgte billig kunst. De infiltrerte t.o.m. hemmelige kontorer og private uregistrerte boliger til betjenter.


Deretter etterforsket de 11. september (fra bak sofaen til betjentene?) og fant ut at Laden skulle rive ned byggene til Silverstein. Det slemme med disse smarte israelittene var at de ikke sa noe til oss. De bare lot det skje...

Endret av Sandore
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Jaha, og slike tåpelige kommentarer fremmer budskapet ditt på hvilken måte?


Tror du må jobbe litt med leseforståelsen hvis det var det du fikk ut av det der. Dekkarbeidet deres var tilsynelatende på offentlige kjøpesenter og hadde således lite med selve infiltrasjonen å gjøre.


Det andre er jo rene fantasier du kommer opp med selv basert på kommentarer om at israelsk etteretning kan ha hatt mye informasjon rundt nettverket og det potensielle angrepet på 9/11. Retoriske triks som det der er meningsløse.

Endret av Rampage
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Paula Zahn interviews Christopher Bollyn




the guy interviewed in this video has been disappeared for more than 6 months now



It's just an act, to make people think it's dangerous to investigate 9/11. Christopher Bollyn is a Jew.


Jewish Eric Hufschmid:

It is 30 June 2007...

do you know where Christopher Bollyn is?


Bollyn supposedly wrote and posted this article at his site on 29 June 2007, but we have not heard directly from Bollyn, so we have no reason to believe that Christopher is alive, and if he is alive, we have no reason to believe that he is safe.



Bollyn and Hufschmid are giggling as they're writing this...


Jewish Christopher Bollyn:

When I met with 9-11 researcher and scientist Professor Steven E. Jones at Brigham Young University in the winter and spring of 2006, I tried to impress upon him that there were people in the 9-11 movement who were dangerous and who were not at all interested in finding the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001. The 9-11 movement was infested with agents, as one should expect.


I also told him we were in very real danger for exposing and speaking about the lies of 9-11. My wife and I knew that we were being monitored by the FBI at my home in Illinois. For this reason we were very reluctant to even visit our home. I told Jones and others about this threat that I had discovered in the summer of 2005.




Christopher Bollyn and physicist Steven E. Jones

discussing the evidence of Thermite at the World Trade Center in June 2006


Actually, they're just posing, trying to look mystic...


Bollyn, 29 January 2008:

My latest discovery about 9-11 is now posted on-line and is available for public reading. The article, entitled "How Did Israeli Spy Software Get Onto Critical FAA Computers?" is on my website.


To support Bollyn's 9-11 research, please send a donation by PalPal to: [email protected]



I think I will send him all my money so he can write his ridiculous fairytales about Israel. If he disappears again, I'll rob a bank, so he can come back...

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Intervju med Herman Rosenblat



Fra 2:59 har de "limt inn" en scene:


"Let me ask you just quickly..." sier reporteren klar for å avslutte intervjuet med et siste spørsmål.


Og dermed bryter jøden inn:


"Det var ikke dette vi ble enige om, var det vel?"


Som om Salomon hadde avtalt med dem at de ikke skulle spørre noen raske spørsmål på slutten.


"Our interview was frequently interrupted by this man, Harris Salomon"


Som om de ikke klarte å klippe vekk avbrytelsen til denne masete jøden. Han fikk t.o.m. mast seg til et intervju...


Presidents and/or owners:


Jew - CBS - William S. Paley, Leslie Moonves

Jew - NBC - Jeffrey Zucker

Jew - ABC - Stuart Bloomberg and George W. Bodenheimer

Jew - ABC News - David Westin

Jew - CNN - Gerald Levin, Reese Schonfeld (co-founder)

Jew - FOX - Gail Berman, Rupert Murdoch

Jew - MBS - Ronnessen

Jew - Daily News - Maxwell, real name Hoch

Jew - US News - Zuckerman


Jew - New York Times - Sulzberger

Jew - BBC - Michael Ian Grade, Mark Thompson

Jew - Sirius Satellite Radio - Mel Karmazin, Scott Greenstein

Jew - ITV - Murdoch, Grade

Jew - Paramount Pictures - Bradley Alan Grey

Jew - 20th Century Fox - Sherry Lansing

Jew - News Corporation - Peter Chernin

Jew - Columbia Pictures - Kaufman

Jew - Warner Brothers - Barry M. Meyer

Jew - Clear Channel - Lowry Mays, Andrew Levin


Jew - Warner Co - Martin S. Davis

Jew - Dreamworks - Spielberg

Jew - Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television - Micheal D. Eisner

Jew - VIACOM - Sumner Murray Redstone, real name Rothstein

Jew - MTV - Murray Rothstein

Jew - Nickelodeon - Murray Rothstein

Jew - Universal Pictures - Stacey Snider

Jew - Universal Studios - Ron Meyer

Endret av Sandore
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