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Vind - fremtidens energikilde?

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The Future of Wind Energy



The Future Is Now


In the near future, wind energy will be the most cost effective source of electrical power. In fact, a good case can be made for saying that it already has achieved this status. The actual life cycle cost of fossil fuels (from mining and extraction to transport to use technology to environmental impact to political costs and impacts, etc.) is not really known, but it is certainly far more than the current wholesale rates. The eventual depletion of these energy sources will entail rapid escalations in price which -- averaged over the brief period of their use -- will result in postponed actual costs that would be unacceptable by present standards. And this doesn't even consider the environmental and political costs of fossil fuels use that are silently and not-so-silently mounting every day.


The major technology developments enabling wind power commercialization have already been made. There will be infinite refinements and improvements, of course. One can guess (based on experience with other technologies) that the eventual push to full commercialization and deployment of the technology will happen in a manner that no one can imagine today. There will be a "weather change" in the marketplace, or a "killer application" somewhere that will put several key companies or financial organizations in a position to profit. They will take advantage of public interest, the political and economic climate, and emotional or marketing factors to position wind energy technology (developed in a long lineage from the Chinese and the Persians to the present wind energy researchers and developers) for its next round of development.



Jeg er egentlig ikke så veldig aktiv innenfor slike ting, men jeg synes artikkelen var interessant, og ville likt å høre andres meninger.

Endret av Yours Truly
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Om vind alene kan "redde" energibehovet i fremtiden, er vel usikkert. Men at vi vil komme til å trenge seriøst utbygde alternativer til fossilt brensel i større eller mindre grad faktisk innen få år, er også temmelig skråsikkert ;)



Den artikkelen eller greia du linker til virker ærlig talt litt gammel og utdatert.. www.vindkraft.no feks, vil kunne gi deg mer oppdatert info på dette.

Endret av jonlem
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Takk for svar og link : )


Lurer på om dette:


"The major technology developments enabling wind power commercialization have already been made. There will be infinite refinements and improvements, of course. One can guess (based on experience with other technologies) that the eventual push to full commercialization and deployment of the technology will happen in a manner that no one can imagine today."


også er utdatert, eller har utviklingen av vindturbiner så vidt begynt (litt kraftig kanskje) ?

Endret av Yours Truly
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Jeg synes det er bra med mer fornybare energikilder. Men jeg tror vi må kutte ut på forbruket. Løsningen på problemene våre ligger ikke bare i å få nok energi. Vi kan ikke fortsette å bruke mer og mer. En kombinasjon er best. Mindre forbruk og den energien vi bruker kommer fra fornybare energikilder.


Synes for eksempel at det ville vært tullete å ha to el-biler eller et stort "miljøvennlig" hus. Det kommer ikke bare ann på hva slags energi det er snakk om, mengden betyr vel så mye.

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