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MW2 Sniper tråden - spots og andre tips

Hvilket våpen foretrekker dere?  

234 stemmer

  1. 1. Bare for moro skyld - hvilken sniksytter rifle foretrekker du?

    • CheyTac Intervention
    • Barrett .50 cal
    • WA2000
    • M21 EBR

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Hvis du spiller Hardcore TDM så funker cold blood (pro) perfekt, men hvis du spiller vanlig TDM så er det SP som gjelder. Spiller Hardcore TDM ofte og der bruker jeg:


intervention m/Silencer

PP2000 m/silencer





Sleight Hand (pro) / Scavenger pro

Cold blooded (pro)

Steady Aim (pro) / Ninja (pro)


funker veldig bra.

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Hverken Intervention eller noen av de andre sniperne dreper med ett skudd i magen uten SP. Bryst og hode, ja, men ikke i magen. Se linken jeg postet tidligere.


Edit: Kujta, hvorfor ikke M21 på hardcore? Mye mindre recoil. :)

Det krever da vel ikke rakettforskning å regne ut at de gjør det?


70*1.5 = 105, og en spiller har 100 hp.

Merk at jeg sa med FMJ. Jeg bruker mye heller enn FMJ enn stopping power, og cold-blooded som perk 2, det var det som var poenget mitt.

Endret av Exsecror
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Du mener at FMJ gjør slik at det blir minst 100 damage? Jeg tviler, uten å være sikker. Jeg mener FMJ ikke adder damage, men det ser slik ut i stat-screen når du har på FMJ. FMJ gjør at bullet penetration blir bedre. Jeg har ikke sett et eneste sted/skjema hvor FMJ faktisk gjør at man får mer damage.



Der kan man for øvrig lett se akkurat hvilke områder som gir hvilken multiplier.


Edit: FMJ erstatter da ikke SP, FMJ gir bedre bullet penetration.


Edit2: Etter litt lesing, ser det ut til at de aller fleste mener at FMJ ikke gir noe mer damage, men gir mye bedre bullet penetration. Han som står for infoen på den linken jeg postet i dette innlegget, har angivelig cracket MW2, og vet dermed eksakt damage for alle våpen. I teksten står det

FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) attachment has the same effect as Deep Impact, greatly improving penetration damage through walls and objects.



Det har blitt diskutert mye på http://forums.modernwarfare247.com/index.p...-bullet-damage/ også, og der sier en bruker følgende;

It has been proven, for quite a long time, that in-game weapon charts are dirty, dirty liers. Example: Call of Duty 4 weapon charts. Each different and unique - and when the game code was cracked, it was found that weapons with wildly different bars were virtually identical. The M4 and the G36 had the exact same numbers, with the only differences being gun handling between the two. All weapons in a specific subtype have identical ranges, and damages ranging from 50 to 20, depending on type of weapon and the range of the hit.


Another example. Equipping an ACOG sight to a weapon improves its Range bar, leading one to believe that the weapon's range, or at least its damage retention over range, has been increased. Incorrect. ACOG sights do absolutely nothing to a weapon's bullet numbers. Instead, it modifies the shooter's interface to provide for a magnified shot, which is the preference of some shooters for distance shots.


A third example. FMJ Rounds in Modern Warfare 2 are listed to offer a small but potentially helpful damage increase to weapons which employ them. Incorrect. FMJ Rounds increase the penetration ability of the equipped weapon, not the weapon's damage numbers. This results in a marked decrease in damage reduction when firing through material, a fact which, when combined with impressive FMJ noises, make the weapon feel more powerful.


That is all the in-game stat bars are - the weapon's feel, as determined by Infinity Ward. Adding FMJ rounds makes the weapon feelstronger (or feel useless, if you're like me and hate firing penetration shots), adding an ACOG makes the weapon feel like it has longer range, adding a camouflage makes the weapon feel more badass. Relatively few attachments actually add concrete bonus or penalties to a weapon. This is confirmed from previous games to be the way Infinity Ward operates. Did Deep Impact add bullet damage to the weapon in the last game? Not at all. Why should Deep Impact - which is what FMJ Rounds are - add bullet damage in this game? If it does, it's a glitch or Easter egg, such as the ridiculous 40COG nonsense from 4, and will only apply to a very few select weapons.


As for Cory being a retard...perhaps a bit harsh. He is simply someone who believes strongly in his position, as I do. The fact that he believes incorrectly has no bearing on his intelligence level, though I feel it necessary to point out, Cory, that extensive private match testing within my own circle of friends, many of whom are snipers who were very keenly interested in the applications of suppressors to the weapon type, has shown that Full Metal jacket rounds do not affect killshot numbers with any given sniper rifle, silenced or otherwise, and similarly correspond with posted damage charts. A silenced Intervention with Stopping Power will kill in one headshot regardless of the presence of full metal jacket rounds. What it won't do is kill two people in the head with a single round - the bullet ends the first player's life but leaves the second red-screened if FMJ rounds are not in effect, while the use of a suppressor and FMJ rounds alongside Stopping Power allowed for a double header, while a suppressed FMJ round fired through one player's head into another player's torso proved inconclusive - likely hitbox issues with idle character motions and the inability of the snipers involved to stop arguing over whether their shot hit the second player's chest or stomach. Circumstantial proof of the effect of FMJ rounds on a sniper rifle, but a telling note to the ridiculous number of high-caliber rifle rounds that were lodged in my cranium, and the craniums and torso cavities of several others, in the search for answers.



Som sagt, jeg har ikke testet dette selv, jeg har ikke PS3 tilgjengelig akkurat nå, så får ikke testet det heller.


Og ja, jeg synes tallene og teorien bak våpnene i spillet er interessant. :)

Endret av Blodappelsin
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Ja, som sagt, jeg har ikke testet det selv, men alle steder jeg leser om det sier at FMJ ikke adder damage, selv om det viser det på weapon stats. Kanskje du bare får bedre treff enn du tror. :)


Det andre sitatet i det forrige innlegget mitt sier nettopp at weapon stats ikke er helt til å stole på, noe jeg har erfart selv.

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FMJ viser jo på våpen stats at den gir høyere damage. Og siden jeg dreper stort sett på ett skudd med Intervention når jeg bruker denne, er jeg rimelig sikker på at det stemmer O.o

Du må aldri stole på våpen stats, de tar helt feil. FMJ gir KUN mer skade gjennom vegger, trodde folk hadde skjønt dette nå.


Så med intervention vil du ikke drepe med ett skudd på kroppen, selv med FMJ.


Når vi snakker om kills har jeg 27k, og jeg vet at intervention og barret bør brukes med SP,mens wa2000 og m21 fungerer bra uten.

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Jeg skal selvfølgelig bøye meg om det er slik at FMJ ikke gir mer damage, men da treffer jeg antagelig bedre/mer nøyaktig enn jeg trodde, for jeg får alltid one-shot kill når jeg treffer i kropp (da treffer jeg sikkert bryst). Eneste gangene jeg trenger et andre skudd, er om jeg treffer i armer eller bein.

Uansett, jeg liker sniper oppsettet mitt veldig bra, og kommer nok til å fortsette med det, både i hardcore og ellers :)

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Du mener at FMJ gjør slik at det blir minst 100 damage? Jeg tviler, uten å være sikker. Jeg mener FMJ ikke adder damage, men det ser slik ut i stat-screen når du har på FMJ. FMJ gjør at bullet penetration blir bedre. Jeg har ikke sett et eneste sted/skjema hvor FMJ faktisk gjør at man får mer damage.



Der kan man for øvrig lett se akkurat hvilke områder som gir hvilken multiplier.


Edit: FMJ erstatter da ikke SP, FMJ gir bedre bullet penetration.


Edit2: Etter litt lesing, ser det ut til at de aller fleste mener at FMJ ikke gir noe mer damage, men gir mye bedre bullet penetration. Han som står for infoen på den linken jeg postet i dette innlegget, har angivelig cracket MW2, og vet dermed eksakt damage for alle våpen. I teksten står det

FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) attachment has the same effect as Deep Impact, greatly improving penetration damage through walls and objects.



Det har blitt diskutert mye på http://forums.modernwarfare247.com/index.p...-bullet-damage/ også, og der sier en bruker følgende;

It has been proven, for quite a long time, that in-game weapon charts are dirty, dirty liers. Example: Call of Duty 4 weapon charts. Each different and unique - and when the game code was cracked, it was found that weapons with wildly different bars were virtually identical. The M4 and the G36 had the exact same numbers, with the only differences being gun handling between the two. All weapons in a specific subtype have identical ranges, and damages ranging from 50 to 20, depending on type of weapon and the range of the hit.


Another example. Equipping an ACOG sight to a weapon improves its Range bar, leading one to believe that the weapon's range, or at least its damage retention over range, has been increased. Incorrect. ACOG sights do absolutely nothing to a weapon's bullet numbers. Instead, it modifies the shooter's interface to provide for a magnified shot, which is the preference of some shooters for distance shots.


A third example. FMJ Rounds in Modern Warfare 2 are listed to offer a small but potentially helpful damage increase to weapons which employ them. Incorrect. FMJ Rounds increase the penetration ability of the equipped weapon, not the weapon's damage numbers. This results in a marked decrease in damage reduction when firing through material, a fact which, when combined with impressive FMJ noises, make the weapon feel more powerful.


That is all the in-game stat bars are - the weapon's feel, as determined by Infinity Ward. Adding FMJ rounds makes the weapon feelstronger (or feel useless, if you're like me and hate firing penetration shots), adding an ACOG makes the weapon feel like it has longer range, adding a camouflage makes the weapon feel more badass. Relatively few attachments actually add concrete bonus or penalties to a weapon. This is confirmed from previous games to be the way Infinity Ward operates. Did Deep Impact add bullet damage to the weapon in the last game? Not at all. Why should Deep Impact - which is what FMJ Rounds are - add bullet damage in this game? If it does, it's a glitch or Easter egg, such as the ridiculous 40COG nonsense from 4, and will only apply to a very few select weapons.


As for Cory being a retard...perhaps a bit harsh. He is simply someone who believes strongly in his position, as I do. The fact that he believes incorrectly has no bearing on his intelligence level, though I feel it necessary to point out, Cory, that extensive private match testing within my own circle of friends, many of whom are snipers who were very keenly interested in the applications of suppressors to the weapon type, has shown that Full Metal jacket rounds do not affect killshot numbers with any given sniper rifle, silenced or otherwise, and similarly correspond with posted damage charts. A silenced Intervention with Stopping Power will kill in one headshot regardless of the presence of full metal jacket rounds. What it won't do is kill two people in the head with a single round - the bullet ends the first player's life but leaves the second red-screened if FMJ rounds are not in effect, while the use of a suppressor and FMJ rounds alongside Stopping Power allowed for a double header, while a suppressed FMJ round fired through one player's head into another player's torso proved inconclusive - likely hitbox issues with idle character motions and the inability of the snipers involved to stop arguing over whether their shot hit the second player's chest or stomach. Circumstantial proof of the effect of FMJ rounds on a sniper rifle, but a telling note to the ridiculous number of high-caliber rifle rounds that were lodged in my cranium, and the craniums and torso cavities of several others, in the search for answers.



Som sagt, jeg har ikke testet dette selv, jeg har ikke PS3 tilgjengelig akkurat nå, så får ikke testet det heller.


Og ja, jeg synes tallene og teorien bak våpnene i spillet er interessant. :)



Her MÅ være en feil noen plass...

På Highrise er det jo standard å løpe frem og purge et mag eller to mot spawnplassen til motstanderlaget. Der har jeg UTEN SP eller FMJ skutt TRE på et skudd... Er det ren flaks eller tar han du siterer feil angående damage?

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Du mener at FMJ gjør slik at det blir minst 100 damage? Jeg tviler, uten å være sikker. Jeg mener FMJ ikke adder damage, men det ser slik ut i stat-screen når du har på FMJ. FMJ gjør at bullet penetration blir bedre. Jeg har ikke sett et eneste sted/skjema hvor FMJ faktisk gjør at man får mer damage.



Der kan man for øvrig lett se akkurat hvilke områder som gir hvilken multiplier.


Edit: FMJ erstatter da ikke SP, FMJ gir bedre bullet penetration.


Edit2: Etter litt lesing, ser det ut til at de aller fleste mener at FMJ ikke gir noe mer damage, men gir mye bedre bullet penetration. Han som står for infoen på den linken jeg postet i dette innlegget, har angivelig cracket MW2, og vet dermed eksakt damage for alle våpen. I teksten står det

FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) attachment has the same effect as Deep Impact, greatly improving penetration damage through walls and objects.



Det har blitt diskutert mye på http://forums.modernwarfare247.com/index.p...-bullet-damage/ også, og der sier en bruker følgende;

It has been proven, for quite a long time, that in-game weapon charts are dirty, dirty liers. Example: Call of Duty 4 weapon charts. Each different and unique - and when the game code was cracked, it was found that weapons with wildly different bars were virtually identical. The M4 and the G36 had the exact same numbers, with the only differences being gun handling between the two. All weapons in a specific subtype have identical ranges, and damages ranging from 50 to 20, depending on type of weapon and the range of the hit.


Another example. Equipping an ACOG sight to a weapon improves its Range bar, leading one to believe that the weapon's range, or at least its damage retention over range, has been increased. Incorrect. ACOG sights do absolutely nothing to a weapon's bullet numbers. Instead, it modifies the shooter's interface to provide for a magnified shot, which is the preference of some shooters for distance shots.


A third example. FMJ Rounds in Modern Warfare 2 are listed to offer a small but potentially helpful damage increase to weapons which employ them. Incorrect. FMJ Rounds increase the penetration ability of the equipped weapon, not the weapon's damage numbers. This results in a marked decrease in damage reduction when firing through material, a fact which, when combined with impressive FMJ noises, make the weapon feel more powerful.


That is all the in-game stat bars are - the weapon's feel, as determined by Infinity Ward. Adding FMJ rounds makes the weapon feelstronger (or feel useless, if you're like me and hate firing penetration shots), adding an ACOG makes the weapon feel like it has longer range, adding a camouflage makes the weapon feel more badass. Relatively few attachments actually add concrete bonus or penalties to a weapon. This is confirmed from previous games to be the way Infinity Ward operates. Did Deep Impact add bullet damage to the weapon in the last game? Not at all. Why should Deep Impact - which is what FMJ Rounds are - add bullet damage in this game? If it does, it's a glitch or Easter egg, such as the ridiculous 40COG nonsense from 4, and will only apply to a very few select weapons.


As for Cory being a retard...perhaps a bit harsh. He is simply someone who believes strongly in his position, as I do. The fact that he believes incorrectly has no bearing on his intelligence level, though I feel it necessary to point out, Cory, that extensive private match testing within my own circle of friends, many of whom are snipers who were very keenly interested in the applications of suppressors to the weapon type, has shown that Full Metal jacket rounds do not affect killshot numbers with any given sniper rifle, silenced or otherwise, and similarly correspond with posted damage charts. A silenced Intervention with Stopping Power will kill in one headshot regardless of the presence of full metal jacket rounds. What it won't do is kill two people in the head with a single round - the bullet ends the first player's life but leaves the second red-screened if FMJ rounds are not in effect, while the use of a suppressor and FMJ rounds alongside Stopping Power allowed for a double header, while a suppressed FMJ round fired through one player's head into another player's torso proved inconclusive - likely hitbox issues with idle character motions and the inability of the snipers involved to stop arguing over whether their shot hit the second player's chest or stomach. Circumstantial proof of the effect of FMJ rounds on a sniper rifle, but a telling note to the ridiculous number of high-caliber rifle rounds that were lodged in my cranium, and the craniums and torso cavities of several others, in the search for answers.



Som sagt, jeg har ikke testet dette selv, jeg har ikke PS3 tilgjengelig akkurat nå, så får ikke testet det heller.


Og ja, jeg synes tallene og teorien bak våpnene i spillet er interessant. :)



Her MÅ være en feil noen plass...

På Highrise er det jo standard å løpe frem og purge et mag eller to mot spawnplassen til motstanderlaget. Der har jeg UTEN SP eller FMJ skutt TRE på et skudd... Er det ren flaks eller tar han du siterer feil angående damage?



Da tror jeg rett og slett du har hatt et veldig velplassert, som traff alle tre slik det skulle. :) Jeg har sett de samme tallene gå igjen flere steder, jeg tror de er riktige. De stemmer godt med min egen erfaring og. Nå har jeg naturligvis ikke testet om tallene faktisk er korrekte, og heller ikke kommet meg inn i kildekoden til MW2 og kikket på det.

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