sjoan93 Skrevet 10. desember 2009 Del Skrevet 10. desember 2009 Hei Eg har skreve ein stil i Engelsk ( artikkel ) ville bli veldig taknemmelig vis dåke kunne rette den og gi med tips og råd på ka eg er dårlig i og ka eg kan forbedre meg i. Eg går i 1VGS almenn Would you suggest a picture of air balloons with only one color, or different colors? A Society with only one culture, or many cultures? Can you imagine a world where everybody are thinking and acting like each other? Multi-cultural societies are a society where people have different cultures. That means different food, language, clothes, thinking, rules, religion and more. We have many cultures in our world. In many countries there are different cultures. But in almost every country has an officially culture which presents the country. One of the most important things to mention when we explain culture is religion. Religion is a part of human thinking and acting. Religion decides how much of our body we can show. It has also an important role of our food; in some religion you can’t eat some food because it’s against the religion. In the United States of America there are many different cultures. The reason is that immigrants from all over the Europe captured America and settled down. There were most immigrants from Spain, Ireland, England, Asia, and some from Norway. After a while they got a government. USA became to a Country with many states. The white people got the majority because most of the Americans are from Europe. Today USA Is multi-cultural society , without so many problems , but there have been troubles in USA cause of different cultures in the past. Kurds are one of the biggest societies which don’t have their own country. There are many different cultures in the Kurdish society. There are different religions in Kurdistan, Muslims, Christians, Jude’s, and yzidi. Their live differently have different food, different houses, and different clothes. Kurdistan was split in 4 after First World War. The country had one culture before they split it, but after that it became a part of 4 other countries therefore there are different cultures now. The yzidi have always been in the Kurdish society. Their culture is very different from the other cultures. They have their own religion, food, clothes, and rules. People from other cultures can’t become yzidi because they don’t accept new members in their society. Yzidi are not really Kurds because they have different culture and speak different. So Kurds are those who speak Kurdish, and not Arabic blend with Kurdish language. Multi-cultural societies are a good thing for humans. It makes the world to a more exciting world. In multi-cultural societies people think in different aspects. In the world we live today we have different food, music, language, and clothes. If there was a world where there was just one culture, then we would not have so many choices. People would not think so differently. There are also negative aspects of multi-culture societies. In a multi-culture society people are different some people don’t accept that people can be different, they think that other person in other cultures are stupid and that they are not worth as much as persons in their own culture. For example Hitler wanted to burn all the Jude’s because in his way of thinking only the white, Christian persons were valuable. Therefore if we had just one culture then there would maybe be less war and conflicts. I think that a multi-cultural society is great. It makes this world exciting. Imagine a picture with many air balloons in one color. I think it would be a boring picture. What if we had a picture of many air balloons in many colors? I think the picture with many colors look greater in many ways. Look at the world in the same view, a society with only one culture would be very boring if you ask me! Lenke til kommentar
Patience Skrevet 10. desember 2009 Del Skrevet 10. desember 2009 Hei! Emnetittelen i denne tråden er lite beskrivende for trådens innhold og det er derfor ingen god emnetittel. Jo bedre og mer beskrivende emnetittelen er, jo lettere er det for andre å skjønne trådens innhold og det vil være lettere å treffe den riktige forumbrukeren med det rette svaret. Ber deg derfor om å endre emnetittel. Vennligst forsøk å ha dette i tankene neste gang du starter en tråd, og orienter deg om hva vår nettikette sier om dårlig bruk av emnetitler. Husk at en god emnetittel skal beskrive eller oppsummere hvilket problem du har - ikke at du har et problem. En god emnetittel skal heller ikke kun bestå av et produktnavn. Bruk -knappen i første post for å endre emnetittelen. (Dette innlegget vil bli fjernet ved endring av emnetittel. Ikke kommenter dette innlegget, men gjerne dette innlegget når tittelen er endret, så vil det bli fjernet..) Lenke til kommentar
Patience Skrevet 12. desember 2009 Del Skrevet 12. desember 2009 Trådstarter ble 10.12. advart mot at om ikke emnefeltet ble endret ville tråden bli stengt. Trådstarter har enten ikke etterkommet anmodningen, eller postet i tråden etter at advarselen ble postlagt (ignorert beskjeden). Tråden stenges. Gjør oppmerksom på at tråden kan gjenåpnes hvis trådstarter sender PM og deretter endrer emnefeltet etter åpning. Lenke til kommentar
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