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Den store Halo: Reach - tråden

Gjest Slettet+32asd4f


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Gjest Slettet+32asd4f




(Takk til Lakus)




8/10 - Gamer.no

Det er et punktum fra Bungie, et takk og farvel for et nesten ti år langt samarbeid med Microsoft på en serie som har definert konsollskyteren.


4/5 - GiantBomb.com

Reach's expanded multiplayer component offers a huge amount of variety that will keep Halo fans going for a good, long time.


5/6 - Spillmagasinet.no

Dette er kanskje det beste spillet siden «Halo 2», men det som virkelig var unikt med originalen er det naturligvis umulig å gjenskape.


A+ - 1up.com

I can say that while I admire and respect every previous Halo title, Reach is the Halo that I absolutely love.


9/10 - Eurogamer.net

Reach is an encore, a victory lap, a crowd-pleasing last hurrah for a series that most definitely won't end here, but will just as definitely never be the same again.


10/10 - IGN UK

It's a parting gift from Bungie that should keep players entertained through to the next generation


9,5/10 - IGN US

Even if you've grown tired of the Halo formula through the years, I'd still recommend this game to you.


5/6 - Dagbladet.no

Glimrende flerspiller med nok nyheter og innhold til å tåle noen millioner timer fra «Halo»-fansen.


10/10 - Gamereactor.no

Glimrende flerspiller med nok nyheter og innhold til å tåle noen millioner timer fra «Halo»-fansen.


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Gjest Slettet-T9cKWhDpN0

inn i mine innlegg med denne! håper det blir mye aktivitet her.


de bildene er vel ikke offisielle? du bør kanskje informere uvitende om det.

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Gjest Slettet+32asd4f

Ja, bør kanskje fikse det.


Nå gjelder det å finne et sted vi kan få sett Video Game Awards på lørdag :)

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Gjest Slettet+32asd4f

A quick little clarification about 12/12 and the VGA's



What will they be showing us on 12/12?


Bungie will be showing us the first cutscene from Halo Reach, and the premier will take place on Spike TV's Video Game Awards 2009. However, unlike with Halo 2 and 3, they will be showing us the real cutscene, not a specially "rendered" one.



How can I see Spike TV?


Spike TV is only viewable in North America and Brazil. However, if you wish to view it outside of the USA or Brazil, you will be able to view the VGA show through a live stream. This stream is found on this page, and when the show starts, the "view now" button will be available.


Obsiously, there will be some loving souls who will upload the preview right onto youtube or Dailymotion. However, there is a chance that Bungie or Spike may upload the clip themselves.


The Trailer, or rather, cutscene will be uploaded on Bungie.net after the VGAs end. Those not interested in the actual show can watch crappy Youtube videos or wait till the VGAs end and get the awesomesauce quality one on B.Net. An amazing quality one will also probably be at gametrailers.com if B.Net's isn't available at that point.



How long is the preview, when will it take place during the show, and how do you know it's the cutscene?


Urk mentioned in the weekly update that it will be around 2 minutes, and he also mentions it will be the first cutscene right before it.


Noone know when the preview will take place. However, keep checking the stream, they may show it at any part during the 4 hour show.



Were any Halo games nominated for awards?


Yes, ODST was nominated for Best 360 Game, Best Shooter, Best Multiplayer game, Best Original Score, and Best performance by a Human Female (Dare).



I've heard rumors that the Beta will be ready to download after the VGA's. Is this true?


Nope. There is currently no known date for the beta (however, it is expected around Q1-Q2 2010) to be released, the best thing to do is to hang on to your copies of ODST and read the Bungie updates. When the Beta is made available, it will be ready to download from the Extra's menu (currently saying New Intel!) on ODST disc 1.



Leser også at showet varer i fire timer. Det blir en lang natt.

Endret av Slettet+32asd4f
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Gjest Slettet-T9cKWhDpN0

jaja, snart skjer det! når jeg våkner er filmen ute.


uansett så skriver bungie nå

"You’ll also start to get acclimated (at least visually) with some of the new “stuff” you’ll come across in the Multiplayer beta coming sometime next year."


lurer noe sinnsykt på hva det kan være. jeg håper virkelig ikke multiplayeren blir slik at du kan velge forskjellige spartans og elites med forskjellige evner. for eksempel at noen løper fortere enn andre og noen hopper høyt. jeg er desverre redd for at det blir slik. mener å huske at i boken fall of reach så var det ei dame som var utrolig rask.

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Gjest Slettet-T9cKWhDpN0

det ser ut som de bildene som har lekket ut med en ny BR stemmer.


også ser det ut som at man får slåss mot eliter igjen!

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Gjest Slettet-T9cKWhDpN0

nå er halo reach siden på bungie.net oppdatert.





edit: her er ett av bildene. ARen ser stilig ut, det ser ut som man har skjold og porsjoner med liv som i halo CE. radaren er ganske kul, men til venstre over radaren er det et strømsymbol, og til høyre over der igjen er det noe som er sensurert. noen som vil spekulere i hva det er for noe?


kan det være at de tar etter COD og at man har perks? kan strømmen være til slagstyrke eller løping? eller begge deler? jackalen som står i luften var stygt som faen, håper de får fikset det til release. gulfargen på HUDen var også helt jævlig å se på, liker den bedre når den er blå.




edit2: det ser ut som selvmordsgruntene fra halo wars er i reach.


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Halo: Reach First Look - IGN


Just think, you only have to wait until May 3 to play Halo: Reach. That's the official date for when the multiplayer beta, included with copies of Halo 3: ODST, will open to the public. It's a good thing we only have to wait that long because after getting my first glimpse of Halo: Reach, I don't think I can wait until the fall to get my fix.


Bungie gave its first semi-public showing of Halo: Reach at Microsoft's X10 event in San Francisco. The demo began with Marcus Lehto, the Creative Director for Halo: Reach, offering up a brief overview of Bungie's vision for what it is calling the "definitive Halo title." Take any aspect of Halo and you can be sure that at some point during this demo, Bungie assured attendees that it would be improved for Halo: Reach.


This will be a darker tale than what most Halo fans are accustomed to, even setting out to make Halo 3: ODST look like a walk in the park. That is because it is a prequel to the Halo trilogy, set on the planet Reach. This colony is the center of humankind's military might, the birthplace of the Spartan program, and the home to over 700 million civilians. "We want people to understand that there's a real living breathing culture to this planet," said Lehto as he scrolled past some concept art of houses and living spaces.


All of this will be gone by the time Halo: Reach finishes. The planet is destined to fall to the Covenant.

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Before all of that destruction, there will be a desperate struggle for survival. That's where you come in as a new member of the Noble Team. This group of Spartans is battle tested and weary. Only one is a certified Spartan II (the same class as Master Chief). The rest are Spartan IIIs, a sort of mass produced version of the super soldier destined to save the human race.


These Spartan IIIs were described as being used in "fire and release" situations. In other words, they're sent on suicide missions. That's definitely the case here. Your only hope for survival is to work together with the rest of Noble Team. Even then, don't expect a happy ending.


Unlike past Halo games, this won't be a story of a single hero with little to say. Bungie promised to remove the helmets and flesh out each character in the squad, which seems like a fitting next step from the storytelling advances in Halo 3: ODST.


Though I didn't get to see any of the campaign, the description of where it is heading sounds like Bungie has taken Halo 3 and dialed the experience up to the max. If you thought there were big battles in Halo before, prepare to be amazed. Descriptions of battles against 30 or so enemies, with the entire Noble Team squad and extra marines were given. In short, this will not be a corridor shooter.


In fact, the word most often used to describe the campaign battles was as a "sandbox." Bungie repeatedly stressed all of the improvements it has made to its engine, allowing for bigger and more epic battles. "We want huge, epic battles with more characters and enemies than you've ever seen before," explained Lehto. We want the AI to act and react to the player." The fights won't be scripted and the routes won't be predetermined. It will be up to the player to find the best way through a space and into the heart of a fight.


To do this, Bungie had to "take a generational leap forward" with animations and artificial intelligence. I saw just a bit of it in motion and can confirm that the textures, animations, lighting, and character modeling is leaps and bounds above Halo 3. Bungie has over 30 guys working on the engine and it shows. As for AI, we'll have to wait and see though the possibilities sure do sound intriguing.


Scrapping everything and rebuilding it seems to be the name of the game for Halo: Reach. "With Reach, we wanted to re-envision the Covenant," said Lehto. That means that Elites have been rebuilt from the ground up with all new AI behaviors. The jackals look much more impressive. There was even talk of a new enemy that may have gone extinct during this fight making an appearance. It's easy to look at Halo: Reach and see the improvements and changes to the visual look and level design. What more people will care about, however, are the gameplay changes. I got to see just a few of them, but boy are some of them significant.


First, the little things. New kill animations have been added. If you sneak up behind an Elite, you can climb his back to stab him in the neck for a nasty looking assassination. There will be new vehicles, such as the transport vehicle I caught a glimpse of that looked pulled out of a construction yard. And of course there will be new weapons, such as the DMR (a modified battle rifle) and the Needle Rifle (a sniper rifle that fires Covenant needles).


The biggest change comes in the removal of single-use equipment. In its place are what is called armor abilities. These can be used over and over and over again, with just a small recharge time needed between each activation. The one on display today was a Sprint mechanic that boosted the Spartan's speed for several seconds, perfect for the last push towards planting a flag or for clearing an open space quickly.


You'll be able to check these armor abilities out for yourself on May 3. That's when the Halo: Reach public beta begins and anybody with a copy of Halo 3: ODST is welcome to join at no charge. Bungie gave out a few new details during the course of this demo. The beta will include a couple of maps and a couple of game modes, including one that is brand new. Several of the armor abilities will be on display for you to play around with, but a few will be held back until the game releases.


One of the maps that will be included in the beta is called Powerhouse, and Bungie closed the demo with a quick run-through of the map. It's a large, asymmetrical space centered on a hydroelectric power station. This, like all of the Halo: Reach multiplayer maps, is pulled from a campaign area. The twist, it seems, is that the campaign section will likely take place during the night while the multiplayer map is set during the day.


During the fly-through I got to see the interior of the power station, filled with corridors and lit walls (which can be shot and destroyed). The exterior is fairly wide open, with a brown, shrub covered ring encircling the large cement structure. I would venture a guess and say that standing around out in the open wouldn't be a very good idea, though there were plenty of structures to duck behind.


It was during this non-combative run through of the map that Bungie gave a brief demo of the sound improvements. Both guns and grenades sound punchier and more realistic, even those of Covenant origin.


Halo: Reach looks like it will be that leap forward that so many were hoping to see in Halo 3: ODST. I didn't get to see a whole lot of the game during this first look, but what I saw was more than enough to get me excited for the beta and Reach's eventual release. Halo fans have another epic battle to look forward to just over the horizon.




...will be 'the definitive Halo'- Joystiq


Bungie's "community guy " Brian Jarrard and Halo: Reach creative director Marcus Lehto are on-hand at X10 to provide a much deeper look into the workings of Reach, what they are calling "the best Halo yet" and "the most ambitious title Bungie has ever produced." The duo talked us through many of the changes being made to the established Halo formula, and new elements they believe make this "the definitive Halo experience."

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Lehto talked about the team's desire to "throw new things at the player," building on the hallmark underpinnings of previous Halos, even changing some things to suit the new game's more serious tone, but says Bungie won't "be pushing it." Another key goal with Reach, according to Lehto, is to "reintroduce the Covenant," by both making them look different -- more alien, more savage -- and giving established enemies new behaviors. It was also mentioned that, to keep with the more realistic tone of Reach, players won't be able to understand what the Covenant are saying.


On the tech front, Lehto confirmed that the game engine has "been entirely re-written" in order to facilitate what Bungie wants to do in Reach. Specifically, its goal is to make the world more expansive, put a lot more on-screen and introduce much more detailed character, environment and weapon models. Addressing the former, Bungie showed a test animation of a battle between Noble Squad, eight marines and 30 Covenant -- it was even more impressive looking than it sounds. We got zoomed-in looks at things like rifle scopes, which are detailed down to small writing and screws.


The game is pushing about four million polygons more than Halo 3 overall, we're told, with a completely re-written animation system and A.I. The result, Bungie hopes, will be a much more realistic world to look at and be involved with. From the stills and footage we saw, it's on track to deliver -- the game looks phenomenal. It promises to sound great, too, as every sound effect has been re-recorded.


Lehto told us the revamped game engine and A.I. will allow Reach to adopt a more "sandbox" style within its levels. They're going to be much less linear, he said, and much less scripted. This will, Bungie hopes, give players more freedom to approach combat in their own way. One thing we saw along these lines: Special kills, which cause the camera to pull out to a third-person perspective in order to show off their intricate animations.


We were shown a live demo of one of the maps being included in the upcoming Reach beta. The cliff-top locale certainly was expansive, with a mix of indoor and outdoor areas. This area will evidently serve duel purposes as a campaign setting and multiplayer map. While Jarrard ran through it, we got a good look at the revamped battle rifle and a new Covenant weapon, the Needle Rifle, which allows players to combine ammo for a single, much more explosive shot. It was also revealed that health packs are back, and that equipment you pick up during the single-player campaign (the example shown was an enhanced sprint ability) won't be single-use -- you'll keep it from there on out.


According to Bungie, Halo: Reach is currently in alpha. What it showed today definitely got us excited about the much larger, more detailed world and overall heightened realism. And, we'll say it again, the game looks amazing in motion. Now we just need to get our hands on it. E3, anyone?



Bungie ligger med andre ord absolutt ikke på latsiden og de forventer ikke at Halo navnet i seg selv skal gjøre jobben for dem.

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Gjest Slettet-T9cKWhDpN0

jeg aner ikke hvilke spill du liker så det er vanskelig å si. halo er ikke realistisk når det kommer til historien siden det er romvesner der, men gøy er det.


multiplayeren er ekstremt populær på XBL. du burde bare prøve halo 1, 2, 3 og eller ODST for å finne ut om det er gøy. 1, 2, 3 er bedre enn ODST for i ODST er man ingen supersoldat så man må endre litt på strategien sin.

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Merkelige definisjoner på hva som er realistisk og bra du har.


Romvesener er urealistisk og å være supersoldat er bedre enn å ikke være det. Hva skjedde med realistisk? Er det å være en 2,5 meter høy genmodifisert supersoldat noe mer realistisk enn at det finnes romvesner der ute? Uansett er det vel ikke selve romvesnene eller supersoldatene som gjør spillet bedre/realistisk, men heller hvordan det formidles - og der er Halo slettes ikke ille.

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