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Iphone og Blackberry øker

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"Apple og Blackberry-produsenten RIM ser ut til å bli vinnerne av tredje kvartal med tanke på salg av smarttelefoner. "


Hvordan kan iPhone og Blackberry være vinnere, når Nokia alene har en markedsandel som er større enn begge de to til sammen?


Og hvorfor formuleringen " ... ser ut til å bli vinnere ... ". Tredje kvartal er da vitterlig over for lenge siden?

Endret av emacoolit
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Dvs at f.eks Norsk tipping har laget et program som fungerer for alle telefoner, dvs bortsett fra Iphone. Fordi Apple har valt og ikke støtte slike program.


Apple har valgt å ikke benytte seg av java som programmeringsspråk for telefonen tenker du på nå eller?

Det er jo på samme nivået hos mange Nokia og Samsung telefoner. Begge kjører Symbian, men applikasjonene fungerer ikke alltid på tvers av leverandørene.


Man kan jo strekke den enda lengre og si at Microsoft ikke har utviklet programvare som fungerer på Linux platformen. Det er jo bare sånn hverdagen er. Man kjøper ikke dansesko til bruk på klatrevegg.

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"Apple og Blackberry-produsenten RIM ser ut til å bli vinnerne av tredje kvartal med tanke på salg av smarttelefoner. "


Hvordan kan iPhone og Blackberry være vinnere, når Nokia alene har en markedsandel som er større enn begge de to til sammen?


Og hvorfor formuleringen " ... ser ut til å bli vinnere ... ". Tredje kvartal er da vitterlig over for lenge siden?

De er vinnerne fordi de vokser og stjeler markedsandeler.


Den formuleringen fordi du skulle få noe å pirke i.

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Iphone er no ganske smart til å vere dum, men den er framleis dum.


Greit, den skal du få :p Fanboys retreat! *Wosh*

Eyh, eg er då òg fanboy! Kjøpte 3GS då han kom og elskar iPhone-en min. ^^ Men ein kan seie mykje rart om iPhone, men det er ikkje ein smarttelefon. Diverre.

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Kan dette være tall i fra USA ?

Tja, Nokia har aldri gjordt det bra der borte, så tviler på det.


Ja men, RIM 20% i verden ?

ja en kan så undres. kjøper folk dem for å se viktige ut eller noe? for verdien av blackberry telefoner kommer da vel mest fra push-mail, og det krever da en spesiell server, eller?

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Kan dette være tall i fra USA ?

Tja, Nokia har aldri gjordt det bra der borte, så tviler på det.


Ja men, RIM 20% i verden ?

ja en kan så undres. kjøper folk dem for å se viktige ut eller noe? for verdien av blackberry telefoner kommer da vel mest fra push-mail, og det krever da en spesiell server, eller?


Ja de har ett eget system.

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Eyh, eg er då òg fanboy! Kjøpte 3GS då han kom og elskar iPhone-en min. ^^ Men ein kan seie mykje rart om iPhone, men det er ikkje ein smarttelefon. Diverre.

Du kan si mye rart, ja. Man kunne med en viss rett argumentere med at iPhone ikke var en smarttelefon i den spede begynnelsen i 2007, før den ble fullt utviklet til en plattform for native tredjepartsapplikasjoner, men den tiden er forlengst forbi. Nå er iPhone en smarttelefon, ifølge all mulig ekspertise innen markedsanalyse og teknologi. ;)

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Jeg blir stadig vekk overrasket over den dårlige kvaliteten over det som blir skrevet på denne siden. Du kopierer jo direkte over fra en helt annen side. Hvorfor klarer du ikke å komponere noe selv, Silje? Hvorfor ikke gjøre noe mer ut av en sak? Hvorfor ikke intervjue noen som har med saken å gjøre?!?!??


Det som overrasker meg mer er at folk gidder å være på denne siden, når man enkelt og greit kan få den eksakt samme infoen fra boygeniusreport.com, mobil.se eller tilsvarende sider. Tragisk spør du meg.


Jeg, for min del går inn her av og til for å se om det er noen forbedring på denne siden, men innser nå at det faktisk ikke er noe forbedringspotensiale i det hele.

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"There is no agreement in the industry about what precisely constitutes a "smart" phone, and definitions have changed over time.[2] According to David Wood, EVP at Symbian Ltd., "Smart phones differ from ordinary mobile phones in two fundamental ways: how they are built and what they can do."[7] Other definitions put different stresses on these two factors.

"With smart phones it's just one evolution in a series of evolutions, so it might be that the actual device at some point ... will become even smaller and we will not call it a phone anymore, but it will be integrated ... the deal here is to make the device as invisible as possible, between you, and what you want to do," says Sacha Wunsch-Vincent at the OECD.[8]

Most devices considered smartphones today use an identifiable operating system. In terms of features, most smartphones support full featured email capabilities with the functionality of a complete personal organizer. Other functionality might include an additional interface such as a miniature QWERTY keyboard, a touch screen or a D-pad, a built-in camera, contact management, an accelerometer, built-in navigation hardware and software, the ability to read business documents, media software for playing music, browsing photos and viewing video clips, internet browsers or even just secure access to company mail, such as is provided by a BlackBerry. One common feature to the majority of the smartphones is a contact list able to store as many contacts as the available memory permits, in contrast to regular phones that has a limit to the maximum number of contacts that can be stored. Most smartphones have a max contact list of about 5,000 contacts."


Kilde: Wikipedia



"What is a Smartphone? The best description of a smartphone comes from Michael Junto Yuan's article on the O'Reilly Network. In short, a smartphone is a converged device that has characteristics of both a computer and a mobile phone.


Unlike a traditional mobile phone, a smartphone has large amounts of local storage and memory and an operating system. And unlike a traditional computer, a smartphone has full telephonic utility.


What else sets a smartphone apart from other mobile devices? Please add your thoughts and link to great examples.


It's programmable! The ability for third-party programmers to create applications that make the user experience richer is one of the characteristics that makes smartphones the perfect converged device. What are some of your favorite applications? Notice: Please be careful when downloading applications for your smartphone. Neither HTC nor the HTC Wiki can assure that all the links posted here are valid software and not malware. For more information see the HTC Wiki Validity of Content page.


- It can sync up with your desktop or laptop to act as a computer away from your computer.


- It can act as a mobile Instant Messenger.

- It can access the net via both WAP or HTML, giving you access to all the Web 2.0 features that you'd use on your main computer.

- Fun stuff! With the addition of a memory card, smartphones can act as a mobile entertainment center to watch video, listen to music, and - create user-generated content, including audio, video, blogging, and photography.

- It can be used to remotley access your home computor."


Kilde: HTC Wiki


Er det noe her som iPhone mangler? Nei.

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"- It can access the net via both WAP or HTML, giving you access to all the Web 2.0 features that you'd use on your main computer."


flash, silverlight, java, men hva som regnes som web 2.0, og hva som ikke regnes som det er vel en diskusjon i seg selv ;)


hva om vi alle sier oss enige i at skillet mellom en smart og ikke-smart telefon er i dag såpass utvasket at dem eneste som kan ha interesse for det er pressefolk som leter etter en enkel måte å skape hype?

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"There is no agreement in the industry about what precisely constitutes a "smart" phone, and definitions have changed over time.[2] According to David Wood, EVP at Symbian Ltd., "Smart phones differ from ordinary mobile phones in two fundamental ways: how they are built and what they can do."[7] Other definitions put different stresses on these two factors.

"With smart phones it's just one evolution in a series of evolutions, so it might be that the actual device at some point ... will become even smaller and we will not call it a phone anymore, but it will be integrated ... the deal here is to make the device as invisible as possible, between you, and what you want to do," says Sacha Wunsch-Vincent at the OECD.[8]

Most devices considered smartphones today use an identifiable operating system. In terms of features, most smartphones support full featured email capabilities with the functionality of a complete personal organizer. Other functionality might include an additional interface such as a miniature QWERTY keyboard, a touch screen or a D-pad, a built-in camera, contact management, an accelerometer, built-in navigation hardware and software, the ability to read business documents, media software for playing music, browsing photos and viewing video clips, internet browsers or even just secure access to company mail, such as is provided by a BlackBerry. One common feature to the majority of the smartphones is a contact list able to store as many contacts as the available memory permits, in contrast to regular phones that has a limit to the maximum number of contacts that can be stored. Most smartphones have a max contact list of about 5,000 contacts."


Kilde: Wikipedia



"What is a Smartphone? The best description of a smartphone comes from Michael Junto Yuan's article on the O'Reilly Network. In short, a smartphone is a converged device that has characteristics of both a computer and a mobile phone.


Unlike a traditional mobile phone, a smartphone has large amounts of local storage and memory and an operating system. And unlike a traditional computer, a smartphone has full telephonic utility.


What else sets a smartphone apart from other mobile devices? Please add your thoughts and link to great examples.


It's programmable! The ability for third-party programmers to create applications that make the user experience richer is one of the characteristics that makes smartphones the perfect converged device. What are some of your favorite applications? Notice: Please be careful when downloading applications for your smartphone. Neither HTC nor the HTC Wiki can assure that all the links posted here are valid software and not malware. For more information see the HTC Wiki Validity of Content page.


- It can sync up with your desktop or laptop to act as a computer away from your computer.


- It can act as a mobile Instant Messenger.

- It can access the net via both WAP or HTML, giving you access to all the Web 2.0 features that you'd use on your main computer.

- Fun stuff! With the addition of a memory card, smartphones can act as a mobile entertainment center to watch video, listen to music, and - create user-generated content, including audio, video, blogging, and photography.

- It can be used to remotley access your home computor."


Kilde: HTC Wiki


Er det noe her som iPhone mangler? Nei.



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Det virker for meg som at dette Smarttelefon begrepet er veldig vidt.


"There is no industry standard definition of a smartphone.[1][2] For some, a smartphone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers.[3] For others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail, Internet and e-book reader capabilities, and/or a built-in full keyboard or external USB keyboard and VGA connector. In other words, it is a miniature computer that has phone capability.[4][5]"


Altså, hehe "] For others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail, Internet and e-book reader capabilities"


Og det er klart at med en slik definisjon kan Iphone kalles en smartteefon. Det samme kan de aller fleste telefoner SE og Nokia har gitt ut som de selv ikke definerer som smarttelefoner.


Men det er vel ikke tvil om at Iphone slik den blir levert fra Apple ikke er en ekte smarttelefon. Se på spotify på Iphone kontra Android f.eks, her ser man veldig tydelig at dette ikke er noen smarttelefon.


Men nå er jo muligheter for å tukle med Iphone, selv om Apple ikke liker det.

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