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Modern Wardare 2 reviews

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Har det ikke kommet ut noen reviews enda? Jeg har hørt litt rykter om spillet som ikke er så veldig positive, og vil derfor lese reviews før jeg kjøper.


synes ikke spillet var så bra som COD4......men alikevel det klart beste spillet

som har kommet i år,sammen med Uncharted2.

Likte du COD4 = løp og kjøp


Video REVIEW: obs inneholder spoilers!



Endret av Spill&Dill
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Har det ikke kommet ut noen reviews enda? Jeg har hørt litt rykter om spillet som ikke er så veldig positive, og vil derfor lese reviews før jeg kjøper.


synes ikke spillet var så bra som COD4......men alikevel det klart beste spillet

som har kommet i år,sammen med Uncharted2.

Likte du COD4 = løp og kjøp


Video REVIEW: obs inneholder spoilers!




Den anmeldelsen der er grise dårlig.. Helt klart en "Hobby" anmelder, som basserer sin anmeldelse på en nedlastet pirat-utgave (Hele multiplayer seksjonen hans vises i local play.. Ingen online spilling). I tillegg presterer han å si at spillet finner sted fra vinter lokalisjoner, til den sandfylte ørkenen i Europa... Ja, du hørte riktig.. "Ørken oppdragene i spillet er tydeligvis i Europa"...

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Har det ikke kommet ut noen reviews enda? Jeg har hørt litt rykter om spillet som ikke er så veldig positive, og vil derfor lese reviews før jeg kjøper.


synes ikke spillet var så bra som COD4......men alikevel det klart beste spillet

som har kommet i år,sammen med Uncharted2.

Likte du COD4 = løp og kjøp


Video REVIEW: obs inneholder spoilers!




Den anmeldelsen der er grise dårlig.. Helt klart en "Hobby" anmelder, som basserer sin anmeldelse på en nedlastet pirat-utgave (Hele multiplayer seksjonen hans vises i local play.. Ingen online spilling). I tillegg presterer han å si at spillet finner sted fra vinter lokalisjoner, til den sandfylte ørkenen i Europa... Ja, du hørte riktig.. "Ørken oppdragene i spillet er tydeligvis i Europa"...


synes anmeldelsen var helt grei....er ørken levels fra afganistan,ikke akkurat sahara men alikevel ørken.

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Jeg har allerede forhåndsbestilt MW2 i butikken og skal hente den i lunsjpausen, men jeg ser at VG hevder at det bare er 6-7 timers spilling i enspillerdelen (flerspillerdelen er jeg ikke fullt så opptatt av). Dette høres jo veldig lite ut? Nå varierer spilletiden litt fra person til person, men i utgangspunktet virker 6-7 timer noe lavt, selv for et actionspill av denne typen.

Endret av hal9k
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Har noen av reviewerne sjekket PC versjonen? Så langt har jeg bare sett tester av Xbox 360. Helt feilt grunnlag å gi topp karakterer på.


Her er en review av en spiller på Infinity ward sine forum:


So I got a chance to play the PC version. We loaded it up on my PC (specs in sig). I can play it on maximum beautifully. In addition you should know I have Fiber running into my apartment with a gigabit router. I live in upstate New York. Now on to the reviewing:





I will be avoiding the obvious parts such as:

no lean (which I'm already missing in just a few hours of play)

no mods

no server options

no dedis

9v9 player cap


We all agree them to be negative, this is so that you can get a glimpse at what the play is like. It's long, I know, but I have a lot to say.




Single Player:

Not nearly as epic as the first Modern Warfare but still extremely solid. I played through the entire thing on xbox360 on Sunday and I have played through most of it on PC today. It is very well laid out but lacks some of the shine that the first one had. In addition certain parts seem to resemble parts from the first game, I won't ruin anything here but if you play through the single player you will know exactly what I'm talking about. The story in general feels like the second part of a trilogy offering no closure at all.


That being said the levels, individually, are well laid out, well presented and in general a lot of fun.




Special Ops:

They are fun little side missions, some are repeats of sections from the main campaign with new objectives and some are completely different however you can ONLY play co-op with someone on your friends list. There is NO matchmaking for these missions which was kind of disappointing. If I'm getting matchmaking forced on me at least let me use it everywhere.






I think we can all agree my PC is solid, my connection is great and I'm not exactly in New Zealand. I knew 100%, right away when I was or was not host, I ended up hosting most of the time which was great and lag free (YAY!) but more than once in just a 2 hour period I was tapped into a guy who was unable to host. As an FPS player for over 10 years I am incredibly attuned to changes in latency so minor changes will sometimes bother me. Be that as it may, these were not minor. Visual stuttering, animation delays, etc.



The Matchmaking is really fast initially which is great but slows down considerably after the first game. When the first game ends your matchmaking system decides it's intermission time and makes you wait a few seconds for a new round. This is not an option but isn't too bad considering there was always a wait in the original as well. However, if anyone leaves during this time it finds more people and extends your wait time to 60 additional seconds. On a few occasions I was literally waiting to get into a game for a good 5 minutes before I got to play. There does not appear to be the ability to drop-in once a match has started.


My main issue with matchmaking, however, is the lack of filters so you can't get the specific game type and settings combos you want. There is a preset list of game types and combos to chose from (like in Halo if you have ever played) and that's what you get.


I have not tried private match yet to comment on that although I can tell you it does have the options they claimed. However you cannot make a publicly visible private match which also means that you cannot search for private matches to join one. They are invite only. Basically, if your friends aren't on/playing then you're stuck with the presets.



To be fair I have not unlocked ALL game modes, you unlock them as you rank up (which is stupid if you ask me), but so far I feel like I'm playing an arcade machine. I took one sniper shot from long range, that got a head shot, and I got so many popups I lost count telling me such things as I stopped a kill streak, got a head shot, got revenge, "one shot one kill", etc. I must say it is EXTREMELY irritating since I'm hearing more achievement notices than gunshots or footsteps.


Most maps are 8-12 players, "free for all" is capped 6-10. Maps appear to be arranged for specific player counts as well so you cannot play an 18 player game on a 10 player map.


Maps are extremely well designed and very fun to play. Destructible windows and flying debris really do add a lot to the gameplay. They are "larger" in the sense that you can go almost anywhere you can see. In the skyscraper level you can even blast out the windows at the edge of the map and fall to your death if you wish.


Guns feel too "spammy". There don't seem to be nearly as many precision weapons as before. All snipers have clips and most are semi-auto taking out some of the options snipers (such as myself) had in the original. This was not a huge loss to me since I preferred the semi-auto snipers personally but I know many people that enjoyed how guns like the R700 played. The fully automatic shotguns are the same way although the option of pump, lever and double barreled shotguns and they all work pretty good.


The additional attachments are all really nice and the silencers on sniper rifles is more than welcome. In general they did a great job making sure we can have our weapons the way we want them.


New perks and kill streak rewards are too powerful. I have not experienced a nuke yet but I have used the predator, heli, turret, harrier and air strike. The heli and air strike are the same as ever. The harrier is very similar to a heli. The Turret is incredibly powerful and I would put it right up there with the rest of the top tier kill streak bonuses. The only real difference is that it's easier to kill and a smaller vision circle. That being said it appears to have a huge sight range in front of itself, shooting at things a significant distance away.


Finally, concerning the multi-player, this is more of an FYI. But this game will use your steam friends list (and groups list if you are in any groups) which can be a plus or minus depending on how you like to organize yourself. For me it's actually kinda nice.





The game isn't BAD, but it definitely isn't great nor is it even close to the level COD4 was on. It feels 100% like a console port and I have played both versions (the xbox360 version more so far). The first thing that clued me in was that when I entered the Single player it started playing the intro video before giving me the option to set up my graphics settings, the game then crashed after I set my settings up for no apparent reason other than that I set the graphics in the middle of the game rather than from a main menu. It felt and looked very much like an afterthought. Once you do start the campaign though, if you back out, you will be brought to a campaign main menu and you will not have to change the settings in game again.


I still think it needs dedicated servers and such. But on the whole I think it needs more than that to live up to the name of it's predecessor. If IW chooses to add dedicated servers and mods they may get lucky and the rest of the problems could fix themselves (since modders would do it).


If you are here for single player and some entertaining co-op play then this game is very good. Although as of right now the multiplayer feels severely lacking to me.




For reference into my point of view; info about me:

Favorite multiplayer game: Unreal Tournament 99/GOTY

Favorite single player game: Assassin's Creed

Prefer PC for: FPS, MMO, RTS

Prefer console for: racing, fighting, RPG, flight

Systems owned: PC, PS3, Wii, Xbox360, DSi




I'll try and be back in a few days to let you in on everything after I have played it more extensively.

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Single playeren er bare 5 timer lang pga xbox 360. Vedder på at spillet er propp fullt og de måtte kutte både her og der for å få plass på dvd disken. Æsj, bare tanken på at grafikken er Modern warfare 1.5 og at de bruker samma baner og redisgner dem sier det meste. Dette er en melke tittel delux,

Spilt spillet? Grafikken er langt bedre enn i eneren, den er jo på grensa til sinnssyk!


Har nettopp runna MW2, brukte 5 og en halv time. Det er kort, men er ikke skuffet, for den var vanvittig fet! I tillegg har vi jo spec-ops.

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Single playeren er bare 5 timer lang pga xbox 360. Vedder på at spillet er propp fullt og de måtte kutte både her og der for å få plass på dvd disken. Æsj, bare tanken på at grafikken er Modern warfare 1.5 og at de bruker samma baner og redisgner dem sier det meste. Dette er en melke tittel delux,


Jepp, derfor alle andre spill på xbox bare er noen få timer lange :)





Nei vent litt, de er jo ikke det.





Men for all del, hvis du føler deg bedre av å rakke ned på x360 så be my guest.

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Single playeren er bare 5 timer lang pga xbox 360. Vedder på at spillet er propp fullt og de måtte kutte både her og der for å få plass på dvd disken. Æsj, bare tanken på at grafikken er Modern warfare 1.5 og at de bruker samma baner og redisgner dem sier det meste. Dette er en melke tittel delux,

Spilt spillet? Grafikken er langt bedre enn i eneren, den er jo på grensa til sinnssyk!


Har nettopp runna MW2, brukte 5 og en halv time. Det er kort, men er ikke skuffet, for den var vanvittig fet! I tillegg har vi jo spec-ops.

Grafikken er så absolutt ikke sinnsyk, det var COD4 v1.5, personene(da personene selv, og animasjonene) var bedre, men ellers merket jeg ikke noe stor forskjell. Men jeg har ikke kommet så langt heller.

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Det sier seg jo selv at man ikke kan dytte inn et 15 timer langt spill med syk grafikk på en 10 gb DVD. BD er 50, til og med en fem åring hadde skjønt at det er litt forskjell på de to diskene... I tillegg få rman xbox uten harddisk og da kan de ikke basere seg på det heller. Ikke for å rakke ned på xbox her, men det sier seg jo selv

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"When I put this product in my toaster, I began to smell a pungent burnt smell, bizarre colored smoke began to exude from it, and then all power stopped in my house, forcing me to go downstairs and reset a fuse. When I went to check the toaster later I couldn't get less than three meters to it due to the pungent smell and tangible cloud of noxious fumes. After hours of letting the air circulate, I finally discovered my toaster was completely ruined. I do NOT recommend this game, the port to toaster was done TERRIBLY and absolutely ruined my toaster system. 0/11."


Beste anmeldelsen så langt.

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"When I put this product in my toaster, I began to smell a pungent burnt smell, bizarre colored smoke began to exude from it, and then all power stopped in my house, forcing me to go downstairs and reset a fuse. When I went to check the toaster later I couldn't get less than three meters to it due to the pungent smell and tangible cloud of noxious fumes. After hours of letting the air circulate, I finally discovered my toaster was completely ruined. I do NOT recommend this game, the port to toaster was done TERRIBLY and absolutely ruined my toaster system. 0/11."


Beste anmeldelsen så langt.

Toaster = Xbox 360? :!:

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