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Omegle - morsom side for deg som har litt for mye fritid o/l.


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Dere har vel hørt om den, den setter igang en samtale mellom deg og en vilt fremmed.


Utrolig hva man gidder å gjøre hvis man kjeder seg nok. (ja, gjett hvor jeg tok inspirasjon fra)


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hi.

Stranger: hw u doin ?

You: I'm horribly bored.

Stranger: i'm exhausted

You: how so?

Stranger: there's a lot of work that I have to do

Stranger: been working all week and weekend

You: same. I'm at work now.

Stranger: and it only ges busier

You: I'm gonna work 7 days next week, too.

Stranger: wow

You: Until christmas.

You: by then I'll have a huge pile of money

You: that I'll invest in dogs and a sled

You: to take me 71 degrees north.

Stranger: great

Stranger: awesome

You: I'll buy them as pups though, and raise them to be excellent pullers

Stranger: lol

You: I'll chase them around in my room with a stick to awake thier ancient pulling instincts

Stranger: ok u do have all this planned out !

You: at first I was thinking poodles but then again it's probably a bad idea, they'd die from the cold.

Stranger: well I'm not sure what I need ... what kind of break that it

Stranger: is*

You: actually wolves might be a good idea, I'll have to carry a torch with me all the time though, in case they decide to turn on me, and a midget to place in my sled who will serve as a sentinel at night.

You: I'm sure I could fit a midget in that sled.

Stranger: well if u train them from their youth ... they wont turn on u

You: they might, if they're wolves.

You: poodles not so much.

Stranger: lol

Stranger: isnt there some intermediate breed u could find ?

You: dunno, I still need to do some research

You: but the thing that worries me the most

You: is how in the world I'm supposed to get a sled with 8 dogs/wolves all packed out of my room on the second floor.

Stranger: lol

You: perhaps a pulling system out the window

Stranger: and ur window is big enough ?

You: and when we get down to the parking lot, I might have to install some rollerskates on the sled, to give my minions a break

You: think so, hold on.

Stranger: ok

You: crap it's not, I'll have to use the chainsaw that's hiding somewhere in the garage to cut a hole big enough

Stranger: yikes

You: fortunately the house is woody

You: bricks would be a hassle

Stranger: well good luck on ur journey good man

Stranger: im sure u will make it

You: Thanks a lot, appreciate it.

Stranger: but have u thought about cats?

You: Brilliant!

Stranger: speakign of cats

Stranger: soz gotta go, dog is trying to kill one

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Hi.

Stranger: 20/f/canada

Stranger: lets cyber

Stranger: are you a girl?

You: No.

Stranger: really, i have doubts

You: Well i have doubts also.

You: If you're a girl how the f- are you on the internet?

You: shouldn't you be in a kitchen somewhere making a sandwhich and talking about lipstick?

Stranger: cuz the computer is next to the stove

You: Pay attention to the bread, c-

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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