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Bare fordi jeg poster på forumet betyr ikke det at jeg kun driver med PC i fritiden (om det var det du siktet til da). Men jeg kan skrive om roing :woot: , og det tror jeg faktisk at jeg gjør

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Skriv om NEBBDYR! Hadde nettopp et 4 minutters foedrag i engelsken om nettopp Nebbdyr :) ... Det er genialt fordi det er lett å finne info om, og hverken læreren eller de andre elevene i klasse kan ikke ta deg for feilonfo, de kan jo seff ikke en dritt om nebbyr ;)


PS! Nebbdyr på engelsk er "Platypus", greit å vite hvis du skal google...

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Til i morgen skal jeg skrive om noe (hva som helst) som jeg skal bruke 3-4 minutter på å lese opp. Selve skrive delen går greit, men hva skal jeg skrive om? Noen idéer?

Skriv om noe som har med data å gjore. Skriver om det hver gang. Tror egentlig lærern begynner å bli litt lei...

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Ja, er bare det at folk synes jeg er ganske nerd om jeg snakker om det, pluss at de ikke vet en dritt så da blir det litt vanskelig å formulere tingene enkelt nok.


Men, jeg kom på noe likevel, noe som jeg kan en del om fra før av, nemlig LSD! Det er jo dritenkelt, pluss at man kan lage det hjemme :p

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nei, sorry. synes det ble litt for upersonlig, og læreren min er faktiskveldig god på å finne ut slikt. men jeg gjorde ferdig lsd greia da, om det er noe som har lyst til å lese den og gi meg litt kritikk hadde det vært supert (se neste post):

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Hello, everybody. Today I’m gonna talk about a drug called LSD. I’ve chosen this topic because I think its interesting and quite relevant in our youth period that is coming.


LSD stands for “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide”, and often has nicknames like acid, sugar cubes, white lightning, dose and tripping. LSD is a hallucinogenic drug, witch changes the way you see the world around you. You can get hallucinations, where you make up the things you see, hear and smell, and you can get illusion, where the reality gets mix up.


LSD was discovered in 1943, and produced legally by a medical firm until 1965. The drug was used on psychiatric patients and as a truth serum under examinations. LSD where forbidden in 1971.


The hippie movements in the states spread the drug further out. LSD was for a time produced in college communities, but was in the end taken over by criminals and drug dealers, and the drug that was sold on the streets got less “pure”. After the 1970-period LSD was gone from the marked for a long time, but came slowly back when ecstasy became more popular.


In pure form LSD is white, smell and tasteless. Its served on a small piece of paper that are licked or swallowed, in liquid form or as pills. The usual dose is about 20-100mg.


When you take the drug, you can’t get of it until its done with you, about 12 hours. The chance for a “bad-trip” is actually pretty high. By “bad-trip” I mean that the person who takes the drug may experience panic, confusion, sadness and scary images, an awake nightmare in two words. The person can be violent, lose its sense of judgment and therefore put him or her and the people around in great danger. The physical changes are dilated pupils, increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle twitches and shaking, sweating, sleeplessness and loss of appetite.


Since LSD increases your heart rate and blood pressure, it works like a stimulant drug that warms up your body. It also increases the danger for sunstroke, internal bleedings and heart attack.


The effect of the drug gets less powerful each you use it, sow most people use it with long pauses between each time. The more times you use the drug, the higher is the risk for damages and accidents under a “bad-trip”. Depressions and mental kind of symptoms seems to be the result of a longtime use. Some people get flashbacks of their hallucinations years after the drug was used.


LSD isn’t sow widely spread here in Norway. 3% of the youth here in Oslo has tried LSD, and 2% of the youth in Norway.

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Hello, everybody. Today I’m gonna talk about a drug called LSD. I’ve chosen this topic because I think its interesting and quite relevant in our youth period that is coming.


LSD stands for “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide”, and often has nicknames like acid, sugar cubes, white lightning, dose and tripping. LSD is a hallucinogenic drug, witch changes the way you see the world around you. You can get hallucinations, where you make up the things you see, hear and smell, and you can get illusion, where the reality gets mix up.


LSD was discovered in 1943, and produced legally by a medical firm until 1965. The drug was used on psychiatric patients and as a truth serum under examinations. LSD where forbidden in 1971.


The hippie movements in the states spread the drug further out. LSD was for a time produced in college communities, but was in the end taken over by criminals and drug dealers, and the drug that was sold on the streets got less “pure”. After the 1970-period LSD was gone from the marked for a long time, but came slowly back when ecstasy became more popular.


In pure form LSD is white, smell and tasteless. Its served on a small piece of paper that are licked or swallowed, in liquid form or as pills. The usual dose is about 20-100mg.


When you take the drug, you can’t get of it until its done with you, about 12 hours. The chance for a “bad-trip” is actually pretty high. By “bad-trip” I mean that the person who takes the drug may experience panic, confusion, sadness and scary images, an awake nightmare in two words. The person can be violent, lose its sense of judgment and therefore put him or her and the people around in great danger. The physical changes are dilated pupils, increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle twitches and shaking, sweating, sleeplessness and loss of appetite.


Since LSD increases your heart rate and blood pressure, it works like a stimulant drug that warms up your body. It also increases the danger for sunstroke, internal bleedings and heart attack.


The effect of the drug gets less powerful each you use it, sow most people use it with long pauses between each time. The more times you use the drug, the higher is the risk for damages and accidents under a “bad-trip”. Depressions and mental kind of symptoms seems to be the result of a longtime use. Some people get flashbacks of their hallucinations years after the drug was used.


LSD isn’t sow widely spread here in Norway. 3% of the youth here in Oslo has tried LSD, and 2% of the youth in Norway.


skal være which ... ;)

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