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[Løst]Hvilken Antivirus er best?

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Hei jeg lurte på hvilken av disse er best Panda antivirus pro 2010 eller Norton antivirus 2009 til å finne virus ikke på brannmur. Jeg er helt sikker på at alle sier norton eller anbefaler avira ,men da jeg tok en virus test fant panda 63 virus og 9 mistenklige, norton 21 virus og Avira 26. Så hva er best? ,og hvorfor var det så stor foskjell på hvor mange virus de fant? rapport av programmene under.



Avira AntiVir Personal

Report file date: 2009年7月26日 10:05


Scanning for 1563956 virus strains and unwanted programs.


Licensee : Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus

Serial number : 0000149996-ADJIE-0000001

Platform : Windows XP

Windows version : (Service Pack 3, v.5755) [5.1.2600]

Boot mode : Normally booted

Username : Administrator

Computer name : SKYFREE-5834653


Version information:

BUILD.DAT : 17961 Bytes 2009-6-3 17:05:00

AVSCAN.EXE : 466689 Bytes 2009-5-11 02:14:48

AVSCAN.DLL : 40705 Bytes 2009-2-27 03:58:26

LUKE.DLL : 209665 Bytes 2009-2-20 04:35:50

LUKERES.DLL : 12033 Bytes 2009-2-27 03:58:54

ANTIVIR0.VDF : 15603712 Bytes 2008-10-27 05:30:38

ANTIVIR1.VDF : 5707264 Bytes 2009-6-24 04:23:20

ANTIVIR2.VDF : 1779200 Bytes 2009-7-19 09:33:50

ANTIVIR3.VDF : 160256 Bytes 2009-7-24 09:56:22

Engineversion :

AEVDF.DLL : 106868 Bytes 2009-4-30 04:52:06

AESCRIPT.DLL : 442746 Bytes 2009-7-19 04:25:44

AESCN.DLL : 127348 Bytes 2009-7-23 09:56:04

AERDL.DLL : 430452 Bytes 2009-7-19 04:25:40

AEPACK.DLL : 401783 Bytes 2009-5-27 09:07:22

AEOFFICE.DLL : 196987 Bytes 2009-7-19 04:25:36

AEHEUR.DLL : 1864055 Bytes 2009-7-19 04:25:34

AEHELP.DLL : 233846 Bytes 2009-7-23 09:56:02

AEGEN.DLL : 352629 Bytes 2009-7-23 09:56:00

AEEMU.DLL : 393588 Bytes 2008-10-9 07:32:40

AECORE.DLL : 184694 Bytes 2009-7-23 09:55:56

AEBB.DLL : 53618 Bytes 2008-10-9 07:32:40

AVWINLL.DLL : 18177 Bytes 2008-12-12 01:48:00

AVPREF.DLL : 43777 Bytes 2008-12-5 03:32:16

AVREP.DLL : 155905 Bytes 2009-1-20 07:34:30

AVREG.DLL : 36609 Bytes 2008-12-5 03:32:10

AVARKT.DLL : 292609 Bytes 2009-3-24 08:05:42

AVEVTLOG.DLL : 167169 Bytes 2009-1-30 03:37:10

SQLITE3.DLL : 326401 Bytes 2009-1-28 08:03:50

SMTPLIB.DLL : 28417 Bytes 2009-2-2 01:21:34

NETNT.DLL : 11521 Bytes 2008-12-5 03:32:12

RCIMAGE.DLL : 2438913 Bytes 2009-5-15 08:40:00

RCTEXT.DLL : 86785 Bytes 2009-4-17 03:19:50


Configuration settings for the scan:

Jobname.............................: ShlExt

Configuration file..................: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\cb545060.avp

Logging.............................: low

Primary action......................: repair

Secondary action....................: quarantine

Scan master boot sector.............: on

Scan boot sector....................: on

Boot sectors........................: D:,

Process scan........................: off

Scan registry.......................: off

Search for rootkits.................: off

Integrity checking of system files..: off

Scan all files......................: All files

Scan archives.......................: on

Recursion depth.....................: 99

Smart extensions....................: on

Deviating archive types.............: +BSD Mailbox, +Netscape/Mozilla Mailbox, +Eudora Mailbox, +Squid cache, +Pegasus Mailbox, +MS Outlook Mailbox,

Macro heuristic.....................: on

File heuristic......................: high

Deviating risk categories...........: +APPL,+GAME,+JOKE,+PCK,+SPR,


Start of the scan: 2009年7月26日 10:05


Starting the file scan:


Begin scan in 'D:\' <TOMATOWINXP_SP2_V25>



[0] Archive type: RAR SFX (self extracting)

--> CallReg.exe

[DETECTION] Is the TR/Dater Trojan


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

--> DZIP32.DLL

[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library



[0] Archive type: RAR SFX (self extracting)

--> lartl.dll

[DETECTION] Contains a recognition pattern of the (harmful) BDS/Pcclient.GV.421 back-door program

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] Contains recognition pattern of the SPR/AutoIt.Gen program

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library



[0] Archive type: RAR SFX (self extracting)

--> CallReg.exe

[DETECTION] Is the TR/Dater Trojan


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

--> DZIP32.DLL

[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library



[0] Archive type: RAR SFX (self extracting)

--> lartl.dll

[DETECTION] Contains a recognition pattern of the (harmful) BDS/Pcclient.GV.421 back-door program

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] Is the TR/Muldrop.ALP Trojan

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] Contains recognition pattern of the SPR/AutoIt.Gen program

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library



[0] Archive type: RAR SFX (self extracting)

--> CallReg.exe

[DETECTION] Is the TR/Dater Trojan


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

--> DZIP32.DLL

[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library



[0] Archive type: RAR SFX (self extracting)

--> lartl.dll

[DETECTION] Contains a recognition pattern of the (harmful) BDS/Pcclient.GV.421 back-door program

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] Is the TR/Muldrop.ALP Trojan

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] Is the TR/Muldrop.ALP Trojan

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library


[DETECTION] This file has been compressed using unusual runtime compression (PCK/NSPack). Please verify the origin of this file.

[WARNING] An error has occurred and the file was not deleted. ErrorID: 26003

[WARNING] The file could not be deleted!

[NOTE] Attempting to perform action using the ARK library.

[WARNING] Error in ARK library



End of the scan: 2009年7月26日 10:27

Used time: 22:11 Minute(s)


The scan has been done completely.


322 Scanned directories

90919 Files were scanned

26 Viruses and/or unwanted programs were found

0 Files were classified as suspicious

0 files were deleted

0 Viruses and unwanted programs were repaired

0 Files were moved to quarantine

0 Files were renamed

0 Files cannot be scanned

90893 Files not concerned

12413 Archives were scanned

20 Warnings

20 Notes








Scan Stats:

Scan Time: 2475 seconds

Scan Options:

Scan Targets: D:\


Total items scanned: 49,906

- Files & Directories: 49,906

- Registry Entries: 0

- Processes & Start-up Items: 0

- Network & Browser Items: 0

- Other: 0

- Trusted Files: 0

- Skipped Files: 0


Total security risks detected: 21

Total items resolved: 21

Total items that require attention: 0


Resolved Threats:

Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\tools\pe_tools\passwdrenew.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache





Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\tools\pe_tools\regedit.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache





Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\tools\regsnap\regsnap.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\tools\系统检测\memtest\memtest.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\tools\pe_tools\passwdrenew.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache





Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\tools\pe_tools\regedit.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache





Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\tools\regsnap\regsnap.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\tools\系统检测\memtest\memtest.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\winpe安装\myins\formats\newhit.dll - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\winpe安装\myins\formats\oldhit.dll - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvoa\winpe安装\安装.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\tools\pe_tools\passwdrenew.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache





Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\tools\pe_tools\regedit.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache





Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\tools\regsnap\regsnap.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\tools\系统检测\memtest\memtest.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\winpe安装\myins\formats\newhit.dll - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\winpe安装\myins\formats\oldhit.dll - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\windows\tvob\winpe安装\安装.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\winpe安装\myins\formats\newhit.dll - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\winpe安装\myins\formats\oldhit.dll - Failed

1 Browser Cache




Trojan Horse

Type: Anomaly

Risk: High (High Stealth, High Removal, High Performance, High Privacy)

Categories: Virus

Status: Fully Resolved


1 File

d:\winpe安装\安装.exe - Failed

1 Browser Cache






Unresolved Threats:

No unresolved risks



Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 hendelsesrapport

Valgt filter:Virus er p鍁ist, Mistenkelig fil, Farlig fil, Utf鴕else av skript, Telefontilkobling, Tilkoblingsfors鴎, Portskanningsangrep, Denial of service-angrep, Forfalskning, Angripende IP-adresse er blokkert, Aktivert, Deaktivert, Oppdater, Skanning startet, Skanningen er ferdig, Dato: Alle



Skanningen er ferdig Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:44 Skann: Skanner systemet

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:43 Varslet Bane: D:\WINPE安装\安装.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Trj/CI.A Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:42 Varslet Bane: D:\WINPE安装\MYINS\FORMATS\OLDHIT.DLL

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:41 Varslet Bane: D:\WINPE安装\MYINS\FORMATS\NEWHIT.DLL

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:30 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\WINPE安装\安装.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Trj/CI.A Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:30 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\WINPE安装\MYINS\FORMATS\OLDHIT.DLL

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:28 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\WINPE安装\MYINS\FORMATS\NEWHIT.DLL

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:48:01 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\系统检测\MEMTEST\MEMTEST.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:51 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][lbsu.dll]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:51 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][lartl.dll]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:51 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][RegSnap.exe]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][FAUXSHELL.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][FAUXSHELL.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DUNZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DUNZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][COMMON.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][REGEDIT.EXE]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:50 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][COMMON.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:49 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][REGEDIT.EXE]

P鍁ist reklameprogram: Adware/Startp... Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:37 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][CallReg.exe]

P鍁ist reklameprogram: Adware/Startp... Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:37 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][CallReg.exe]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:37 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:47:36 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOB\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\PASSWDRENEW.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:34 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\WINPE安装\安装.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Trj/CI.A Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:33 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\WINPE安装\MYINS\FORMATS\OLDHIT.DLL

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:31 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\WINPE安装\MYINS\FORMATS\NEWHIT.DLL

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:13 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\系统检测\MEMTEST\MEMTEST.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:03 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][lbsu.dll]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:03 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][lartl.dll]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:03 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][RegSnap.exe]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:02 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][FAUXSHELL.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:02 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][FAUXSHELL.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:02 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:02 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DUNZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:02 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:02 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DUNZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:01 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][COMMON.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:01 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][COMMON.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:01 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][REGEDIT.EXE]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:41:01 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][REGEDIT.EXE]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:40:49 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE

P鍁ist reklameprogram: Adware/Startp... Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:40:49 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][CallReg.exe]

P鍁ist reklameprogram: Adware/Startp... Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:40:48 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][CallReg.exe]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:40:48 Varslet Bane: D:\WINDOWS\TVOA\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\PASSWDRENEW.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:35:07 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\系统检测\MEMTEST\MEMTEST.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:56 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][lbsu.dll]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:56 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][lartl.dll]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:56 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE[D:\TOOLS\REGSNAP\REGSNAP.EXE][RegSnap.exe]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][FAUXSHELL.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][FAUXSHELL.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DUNZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][DUNZIP32.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][COMMON.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][COMMON.DLL]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][REGEDIT.EXE]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:54 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][REGEDIT.EXE]

P鍁ist reklameprogram: Adware/Startp... Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:41 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][CallReg.exe]

P鍁ist reklameprogram: Adware/Startp... Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:41 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE[D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE][CallReg.exe]

P鍁ist virus: Generic Malware Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:41 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\REGEDIT.EXE

P鍁ist virus: Generic Trojan Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:34:40 Varslet Bane: D:\TOOLS\PE_TOOLS\PASSWDRENEW.EXE

Skanning startet Forespurt virusskanning 2009-7-26 18:33:54 Skann: Skanner systemet



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