Liberalistiske Samebror Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Shenmue spillene er lagd av Yu Suzuki og til nå har det kommet to av fire planlagte spill, Shenmue var i prinsippet bare tiltenkt til å slippes ut til Dreamcast men i 2002/2003 ble Shenmue 2 også sluppet ut til Xbox. Nå har fansen ventet flere år på Shenmue 3, men Suzuki har enda ikke gitt etter å lagd ferdig spillet. Men jeg tror det vil være i hylla om noen år for Xbox 360 og kanskje PS3 The Story So Far: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Shenmue: The fictional story of Shenmue begins on November 29, 1986 in the perspective of the protagonist Ryo Hazuki (芭月 涼 Hazuki Ryō) returning home to his family dojo to witness his father, Iwao Hazuki battling with a man dressed in Chinese attire named Lan Di. He demands Iwao to hand over an item known as the "Dragon Mirror". Ryo intervenes in battle after his father is felled, but is injured by a blow from Lan Di. As his father refuses to reveal the location of the mirror, Lan Di lifts Ryo from the ground and threatens to kill him with a final blow, which prompts Iwao to reveal its location underneath the Cherry blossom tree. After Lan Di's henchmen recover the mirror, he asks Iwao if he knows of a man called "Sunming Zhao". Iwao expresses surprise and fear as he now remembers who Lan Di is, unbeknowist to Ryo. After Lan Di reveals that "Sunming Zhao" is the name of a man Iwao had supposedly murdered in a rural Chinese village called Meng Cun, the two engage in combat for the last time. Lan Di dodges Iwao's attacks and quickly kills him with a deadly blow of the Tiger Swallow Style (the same move is described in a mysterious scroll found in the very same room). As Ryo lies injured on the floor of the dojo, Lan Di and his men leave the Hazuki household and Iwao whispers in his dying breath one last message to Ryo: "I'm sorry for leaving you alone... Keep your friends, those you love, close to you". At this point, Iwao dies from an Internal hemorrhage from the strike and Ryo screams in horror as his fathers lies lifeless in his arms. After Ryo has partially recovered he feels that he must dutifully gain revenge for the murder of his father, and begins to instigate inquiries into the incident with the local people of his hometown, Sakuragaoka. Ryo's first clue is a car that some of his neighbours saw on the day of the murder. Though his leads are few and far between, Ryo slowly makes progress in his investigation by interviewing people all over Yokosuka. Just as he is about to run out of leads, a letter from a man named Yuanda Zhu suggests that he seek the aid of a certain Master Chen, who works at the harbour. Through Chen and his son Guizhang, Ryo learns that a local wharf gang known as the Mad Angels is connected to Lan Di's crime organization, the Chiyoumen. Ryo also learns that "the mirror" stolen by Lan Di is part of a set of two mirrors. After much investigation, he locates the second mirror underneath his father's dojo. This mirror is decorated with a phoenix. Ryo takes a job on the waterfront in order to learn more about the Mad Angels gang, and eventually he causes them enough trouble that the gang kidnaps his friend (and principal love interest) Nozomi Harasaki. To rescue Nozomi, Ryo must first fight Guizhang, then team up with Guizhang to defeat all seventy members of the Mad Angels gang. Upon defeat, the gang's leader reveals to Ryo that Lan Di has left Japan for Hong Kong. With the aid of the Chen family as well as his family and friends, Ryo boards a boat to Hong Kong. Before the close of the first chapter (and subsequent end of the game itself), he is instructed by Master Chen to seek out the help of a master of the Chinese martial arts located in Wan Chai named Lishao Tao. Concluding the first chapter of Shenmue, Ryo boards a boat and travels to Hong Kong in pursuit of Lan Di. Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Shenmue 2: Shenmue II begins shortly after the first installment concluded. While Shenmue told the story of the 1st chapter of the saga, the second game tells the story of the third, fourth, and fifth chapters. The second chapter happens between Shenmue and Shenmue II during Ryo Hazuki's trip from Yokosuka to Hong Kong and is just mentioned during the beginning of the game. It is available as a comic book as an extra in the Xbox version of the game. The third chapter of the saga begins when Ryo, the main protagonist of the series, arrives in Hong Kong in order to locate Master Lishao Tao as he was instructed to do by his friend and confidant, Master Chen Yao Wen, at the end of the series' first chapter. This mysterious and elusive individual is Ryo's only possible link to Lan Di, the Chinese man who murdered his father. After a difficult search, Ryo finally meets Master Lishao Tao, a woman named Xiuying; but she is unwilling to assist him in what she considers a futile quest for vengeance. The two part ways, although Xiuying continues to monitor Ryo's progress and they continue to meet on occasion. Through his continued search, Ryo discovers another individual who may be able to assist him in locating Lan Di. Wuying Ren, commonly referred to as Ren throughout, is the leader of a gang named The Heavens, who engage in a variety of illegal activities. After initially attempting to wile Ryo, Ren decides to assist him in his quest after discovering that there are large sums of money tied up in the mysterious and ancient Phoenix Mirror. A young boy who holds Ren in high regard (considering him like a brother, although they are not related by blood) named Wong, and an adventurous and free-spirited woman named Joy also befriend and assist Ryo in his continued search for Lan Di. The fourth chapter of the saga takes place in Kowloon, as Ryo attempts to locate Yuanda Zhu; a martial arts expert who sent Iwao Hazuki a letter warning of his impending murder, a warning that arrived too late. At this juncture, several confrontations ensue between Ryo and his allies and the dangerous Yellowheads organization, who are aiming to kidnap Yuanda Zhu on behalf of Lan Di. After following several clues, Ryo and Ren finally find Yuanda Zhu; but the meeting is cut short when they are ambushed by the Yellowheads leader, Dou Niu, and Yuanda Zhu is kidnapped in the resulting encounter. Wong and Joy are also held captive, although Ryo later ensures their release through his victory against a powerful martial artist. In the climatic scene that follows, Ryo and his allies enter the building in which Yuanda Zhu is being held and after Ryo does battle with Dou Niu for the final time, they are able to prevent Lan Di from receiving a captured Yuanda Zhu as originally planned. Elusive as ever, Lan Di escapes once again. Yuanda Zhu provides Ryo with crucial information regarding the true purpose of the dragon and phoenix mirrors. It is revealed that the mirrors will lead to the resurrection of an ancient order, known as the Qing Dynasty. Ryo is advised to continue his search in Bailu Village, in remote Guilin. He parts ways with Ren, Wong and Joy; continuing his journey and heading for the same destination as his rival, Lan Di. The fifth chapter takes place in Guilin. Shortly after arriving, Ryo encounters a young woman named Ling Shenhua. She had previously appeared to Ryo through several dreams throughout the first chapter of the series. As the two converse, it is revealed that the Shenhua family is connected with the legacy of the dragon and phoenix mirrors. Shenhua leads Ryo to a stone quarry on the outskirts of the village to meet with her father, but he is nowhere to be found. The episode comes to an ambiguous end when the pair discover a cryptic note and sword, which Ryo combines with the phoenix mirror and unwittingly sets off a device revealing a huge depiction of the two mirrors. At the game's cliffhanger ending, the sword is seen to float in mid-air. Characters Ryo Hazuki: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Lan Di: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Shenhua: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Iwao Hazuki: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Nozomi Harasaki: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Chai: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Wuying Ren: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Fangmei Xun: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Dou Niu: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Xiuying Hong: Klikk for å se/fjerne spoilerteksten nedenfor Lenke til kommentar
Svenni212000 Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Nå fikk du meg til å savne Dreamcasten jeg hadde. Shenmue var ... Nei, er de beste spillene jeg har hatt innenfor husets fire vegger. Shenmue var mer enn et enkelt spill, det var mer til enn å måke seg gjennom fiender med en gunner på steorider. Shenmue spillene føltes mer naturlig, hvor du eksempel måtte arbeide for å skaffe penger til reiser, opplysninger, mat, opphold og så videre. Jeg likte også Quick Time Event sekvensene som ingen andre har klart å kopiert like bra enda. Lenke til kommentar
Liberalistiske Samebror Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 da tar jeg vel ikke feil at du vil ha en fortsettelse på denne fantastiske spillserien Lenke til kommentar
TMB Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Tror jeg husker det, er det det spillet jeg hadde en xbox demo av, hvor man gikk av en båt i kina og kunne ta håndbak osv? DET er det lenge siden jeg har spilt! Lenke til kommentar
Liberalistiske Samebror Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Tror jeg husker det, er det det spillet jeg hadde en xbox demo av, hvor man gikk av en båt i kina og kunne ta håndbak osv? DET er det lenge siden jeg har spilt! du skulle kjøpt den fulle versjonen, fantastisk spill ;D Lenke til kommentar
Vault Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Jeg fikk aldri oppleve Shenmue ettersom jeg ikke hadde Dreamcast, men opplevde Shenmue 2. Håper derfor på en remake av 1ern i samme slengen som jeg ønsker de lager 3ern også. Hadde vært digg med en Shenmue Collection (1 og 2) Lenke til kommentar
Svenni212000 Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 11. juli 2009 Det ironikse er at det var Sony som fikk meg til å kjøpe Dreamcast. Hadde playstation laget maskiner som varte lenger enn 5 måneder, hadde ikke jeg kjøpt Dreamcasten. Etter at den gikk bananas den 3 gangen, så byttet jeg den ut med en Dreamcast. Et kjøp jeg har angret minst på i mitt liv. Jeg synes det er utrolig synd at Sega ikke lenger lager konsoller, vi trenger dem på markedet synes jeg. Lenke til kommentar
Liberalistiske Samebror Skrevet 12. august 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 12. august 2009 slenger ut et bilde av Joy Lenke til kommentar
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