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Voddler("Spotify for film") - Foreløpig kun i BETA

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De jeg har sett at har norsk tekst er:



Beer League


De jeg har sett at kun har svensk tekst:

I fiendens nærhet (Vet ikke hva det blir på svensk)



Når du har registrert deg (du må logge inn for å se det) bør du lese litt her. Var litt vanskelig å skjønne hvordan det fungerte i begynnelsen.


De sier at istedenfor å bruke musen, så skal tastaturet være en virtuell fjernkontroll, hvor du bruker ESC, ENTER og piltastene for å navigerere.


Legger til det som står der i spoiler:


Using Voddler

Do I need to install Voddler Client to see movies?

Yes, Voddler Client is where our movies and tv-series are available. Download it from here.


How do I log in to Voddler Client?

Double click the Voddler icon on your desktop and choose Add new profile. The Name you enter is only for your use, to identify your account. The E-mail and Password must be the same as you use to login to www.voddler.com.


Remember to press Return to access the virtual keyboard and enter your details. Writing straight into the information field is not possible; this is to enable remote control use.


How do I navigate in the client?

Voddler Client is operated by keyboard and remote control. This means that the computer mouse is of no use in the client. Think of your keyboard as a remote control where only six keys are what you need. The arrows, Return and Esc are your navigation tools.


Why doesn´t the mouse work in the client?

The client is keyboard and remote control operated. If you are watching Voddler via your computer, think of your keyboard as a remote control where the arrows, Return and Esc key are you navigation tools. When writing press Return to access the virtual keyboard.


When playing a movie, how do I pause/play and so on?

When playing a movie press Return and a control bar will appear. Using this control bar you can stop, play/pause and rewind/fast forward the movie. From here you can also control sound, subtitles and other settings for the movie.


How do I find the movie I want?

You can browse for movies by genre, popularity, rating and recently added to mention a few options. In the top menu of the client your options for viewing movies are displayed.


Can´t I just search for a movie?

At this moment it isn´t possible to search for movies in Voddler Client. This is something we have planned for and we will be able to offer this to you in an updated version of the client, coming soon.

I don´t have time to see the whole movie at once, can I resume?

Yes, when you select a movie you have begun to see previously you will be given the option of resuming the movie from where you stopped it, or to see it from the start again.


Do I need to pay for Voddler?

You will have the choice of advertised movies and pay per view. In the beta version only advertised movies are available.


Downloading the client is free.


Tror det var en som sa at han ikke fant noen søkefunksjon. Det står i spoileren at de planlegger å skaffe det etter hvert.

Endret av Naϊve
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Etter hvert blir det sikkert standard at de har like mange tekstvalg som på de fleste dvd'er :)


Noen som vet noe om hvor mange filmer de har planer om å legge i biblioteket? Og evt hvilke/hvor mange serier som kommer? Tror dere det blir med serier som det er sagt det er med filmer, at kun de betalende får nyeste episodene først, så de andre etter hvert?


Mvh Olav B, G ;)

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Hvor mye kommer det til å koste etter hvert? Det blir vel mer enn 99kr/mnd, som det er for Spotify.


Fant ikke noe om hvor mange filmer de har tenkt å legge til :(




Fant enda et sted hvor de forklarer navigeringen:


How to navigate and control Voddler client

The Voddler client is keyboard controlled, not by mouse. Think of it as a remote control where you would use the arrows and OK (on the keyboard Return/Enter key).


* Return (Enter: Choose a selected icon

* The arrows: Navigate with the arrows

* Escape: Take one step back from a selected item



When watching a movie you can select subtitles, pause (perhaps to get more popcorn) and jump to another section. See the specifics of the keyboard controls for playing a movie below:


* Return (Enter: activates the control panel, where you control play/pause, stop and rewind/fast forward as well as sound options.


* Escape: hides all selected options, such as control panel


* The arrows:Rewind/fast forward with left/right arrows. Use up/down to jump a section of the movie


* Spacebar: Pause/play



Endret av Naϊve
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Ok :/


Tror nok det kommer til å koste litt mer enn spotify ja. 149 - 199 i mnd eller noe kanskje? :) Hadde hvert fall passet meg ypperlig :)


Tror dere det kommer til å komme musikkvideoer til voddler også etter hvert eller? :p Eller er det heller noe spotify kan komme med?


@Naϊve: Greit jeg legger ut den forklaringen til navigering i førsteposten eller? :)


Mvh Olav B, G ;)

Endret av olavgulb
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Ny klient ute :)


Rent movies in Voddler!

2009-11-30 19:25:12

Don´t worry about returning rented movies ever again. The newest Voddler Client contains both movies to rent and advertised movies

With rentable movies Voddler can provide a bigger selection of movies – at a reasonable price. You get 24 hours access to a movie rented in Voddler. You need to download the newest Voddler Client version in order to access this feature. Naturally, we will also continue to add new quality movies free of charge in our mission to build the largest movie service!


As a limited introduction offer we have selected titles for you to rent at the very moderate price of 5 SEK per 24 hours. Check it out!


Og der er HD-filmene på plass!


I tillegg til The Wrestler, ligger Gomorra, Pan`s Labyrint og The Orphanage ute i HD.

Endret av Brød
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