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Samsung i8000 (Omnia ll)

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til de som har mistet "my storage"


I own a B7610, and it has a internal 2gb (My Storage). I was curiously browsing the \Windows, and I accidentally tap a file (Don't remember what it is) and suddenly....


My Storage is gone!!!.... Nothing in the file explorer.... :o


Checked memory settings and it just indicated that My Storage is 0.Mb and can't be reset/format...


Tried hard reset, flashed the phone, crossed my fingers etc. but all failed, My Storage was gone...


So I took a deep breath and refreshed my mind on all things WinMo, got some ideas and tried it,


And it worked!


So I'm sharing this with i8000 users for I read some were having problems with i8000 disappearing "My Storage"...hoping my method will work for them too...


So here it goes, but with this method, you will not able to retrieve the files in My Storage, 'cause it will be formatted....


1. Check if Samsung Settings Still recognize My Storage even if it tells 0mb and cannot be formatted.

2. Download NueStorage Storage Manager 1.1 http://www.samsung-omnia.org/third-party-s...tach;attach=794

3. Install to your device. You will find it inside Windows default Settings. Run NueStorage.

4. In the drop down option, find your "missing" My Storage (look for the size either 2gb for B7610, 8-16gb for i8000) usually it is named DSK3:MMC Card. If you found your "My Storage" in the list, the problem is not hardware related. Choose it.

5. Now under Partitions, tap Properties

6. Partition Properties will open. Try to choose "Mount". If it is successful, soft reset and check if you got your My Storage back. If not, continue reading...

7. Close Partition Properties. Then under Filesystem, choose DSK3:MMC Card( or whatever name your 8gb-16gb gives) and tap Format.

8. It must successfully format the storage. If not, try again.

9. Do a hard reset or Flash a ROM....

10. Turn on device,finish device Set up and don't skip anything. Wait for a pop message telling if you want to format your storage card to make it usable or something like that. Click yes and wait for format to finish.


(If you waited long enough and there is no such message, continue with the guide)


11. Go to USB connection and set connection to Mass Storage, choosing My Storage as the mass storage device. Click ok.

12. Connect your device to your PC (via usb). If all goes well, the PC will recognize My Storage (as mass storage), but it will ask you to format it, Click Yes and Format.


13. After successfully formatting My storage via PC, safely disconnect it from the computer. Check your device if My Storage is back....and celebrate :rolleyes:


As far as I can remember, these are the steps I have done to get back "My Storage"... Hope that the above will work on those who have the problem too..


Fell free to ask questions or comments upon my guide... GOODLUCK :D

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[quote name='Speedfrog' date='17. mars 2010 - 21:17'


Enten problemer med norsk xt9, eller at telefonen klikker så fort jeg restarter etter å ha valgt norge som region.

Jeg har nå lagt inn GC JB3 23529 UltraLite, og ikke gjort om regionen (den står på dansk av en eller annen grunn når man starter opp), og virker som om det fungerer. Tror kanskje det ikke har mye å si om jeg lar den være på dansk, så tester det litt. Aberet var at samsung today mangler, men har lagt inn spb ms så da går det litt bedre :)

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den funker ikke på JC2 fordi det er en rom fra hong kong, det er ikke WWE

Oky...derfor ja. vel, vente på en annen jc2 kanskje. Akkurat nå skal jeg teste Sonblack sin jc1, så da får vi se hvordan den funker :) Egentlig kunne jeg tenkt å teste en knirkefri sense da men :)


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