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Endret av Zarac
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Her er et test spill med noen regler jeg driver å skriver.


Jeg er for lat til å oversette til norsk(og nei det ville ikke være mindre skrive feil på norsk, like dårlig i begge språkene)



Ok, this is a small test.

It pits two brigades against eachother. Both with a single company in suport.


I was suprised how hard fauht it was.

I was half expecting the Britsh to just bulldose over the american milita, but those cannon realy made it a hard figh.


The battlefield at round one, just a small part, normal medow around 800 yards long,



At the end you have 3 small "battlions" of milita behind a fence commanded my Brigadeir Eaton

They have also a small battery of two 6pdr guns.



In the woods they americans have a company of light infantry for Delaware




The Britsh side consist of A battalion of 71st and the Von Bose battalion, in back up they have a company of guard grenadiers




Round 1

The American win the initiative roll, but have no need to move, the Britsh move 200 yards ahead, while keeping the guard granadiers in reserve(I honestly didn't think they were needed)

The Britsh move into artillery range.

There is a second american battery of to the left flank, it misses, but the closer battery among the infantry hits.



The Von Bose takes the first of 4 possible points.



Round 2.

British move closer. the guns fire and gives the 71st it's first point



Round 3

They britsh now move within regular musket range.

I'm looking forward to letting the british let loose their muskets, sadly the, americans win the initiative roll for fireing. And to my suprise the milita gives heavy fire. Enought to give the von bose a seond point, they now have two point out of 4, this means they have reach half the max.

And have to retreat 100 yards straight back.

The fire opens up along the whole american line, the second milita battlions has little effect. but the battery lets loose canister and hits the 71st doing much damige and they to get to 2 points and have to retreat.



To ad insault to indury the second battery gets in a hit on the 71st at they move back now having a total of 3 out of 4 points, one more hit and they are out of the battle.



Round 4

This will be thougher then I thought, so I send in the gernadiers.



I move Brigader Leslie into contact with von bose to take of some points, sadly it can not take away all points, that is to say I fours point unit can never get back to 4 points, only 3.


Getting the points removed

Both battalions move at the enemy again(I forgot to take of the points on 71st, they will still flee if getting another point.


They move up close, this time the britsh win the fire initiative



Von bose give a good volley and sends the franklin milita back 100 yards



The 71st gives of a fantastic volley, infact it totaly desimate the milita, the milita is only a 2 point unit, and both those points fill up with this volley and the shaky milita disperse and the ones not wounded go home, not wanting more of this war.



But the joy is short lived, the americans now open fire, the first one is the battery with canister,(rember 71st will disperse if if getting one more point) and lo and behold it gets it from the canister, the highlanders shame Scotland and flee like Irishmen(no offence)

This is a little unhistoric, but they have been hit with sevral blast of canister from sevral guns, also hit with cannon balls, and volleys, so this represnt probebly 40 minutes of combaat, And I forgot to take the points of, this would be the same as having a unit in combat lossing cohechan and officers not having time to reforme properly, so when they get those last blast of canister they are in real disorder, and it is the finnal drop



Round 5.

The americans move thier light infantry out of the woods.



They had also moved back the milita unit, thing it will get some protection from the fences



Not so, the Von bose gives of a volley and the milita goes home



Becasue of the angels, the american cat get a shot.


Round 5

The last american milia battalion, moves back, but the von bose follows

They move within 1cm of the battery, and automaticly capture and/or chase of the crew, the battery is taken of the field


Both battlions fire at eachthoer but suprsingly only a few men on each side gets hit.

With minimal effects


The grenadiers have taken aim at the second battery,

They get shot at by the light infantry, but they pay no attention to them.

Canister from the battery has more effect, and the grenadiers get thier first point, but this is the best of the best, need 5 before giving up.



Round 6

The britsh in the movment initiative, and move with in 50 yards of the milita, they also with the fire initiative, gives of a close range volley that sends the milita to the wind




On the left flank the grandiers come into contact with the battery and capture it




Suddenly the light company finds it it self alone on the field, they feel that it's better to run to fight another day, a single light company can't stand up to a genadier company and a full battalion. but they do give good by presant at the grenadiers and kills a few of them before they run to find they main army of Green, and tell him of the losses.




The test went ok,

I was afraid I had made the britsh to über, but as it turned out, if you don't take care of your units they will go away.

That a whole britsh unit actualy left the battle is a bit unhistoric, but it is a game, if you can't loose units you can't loose the game, and then there is no point of having a game.

IF I had payed atention and actualy removed the points from the 71st they probebly would have come out of it.

But it would still have been a slight victory for the americans, the point of the rules are to simulate Guilford court house, so this would only have been the first of 3 lines the british would have to get though, and this was the weakest units the americans have, the battles would only become harder as you get closer to the third line with continentals.

And all 3 Britsh unit lost the maximum points they cam have they can not get back that maximum, so they would have been weakend, and still have 2 lines to fight.


You can only remove up to 3 points, so a 3 or 2 point unit can remove all points, but once a 4 or 5 point unit gets points the more or less become a 3 point unit.


So while the americans lost units, the seriously weakend the britsh which might mean they would win a larger battle

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Fordi jeg ikke hadde prøvd ut reglene enda, jeg hadde bare skrevet ned regler jeg trodde ville funke på å simulere et AWI slag relativt realistisk, og basert på andre regler jeg hadde prøvd.


Så når jeg begynnte viste jeg virklig ikke hvor lett eller vansklig brittene ville ha det.

Jeg var faktisk redd for at jeg hadde gjort brittene for sterke i reglene, og at de bare ville kjøre over amrikanerne uten noe tap eller problemer, så da ble jeg overasket over hvor mye brittene måtte gå gjennom før de fikk jaget amerikanerne vekk

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  • 2 uker senere...

Har nå pasert 1658 6mm figurer, detter er mer enn alle andre figurer jeg har malt i løpet av 18 måneder

Og det hele er gjort på ca. en måned


Her er 533 AWI figurer.


85 av dem er kavaleri


50 British Legion dragoons



3rd Continental Dragoons



Britiske styrken






Alle 533




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  • 3 uker senere...
Å jeg som synes det å male blåe og svarte øyer på warhammer er pirk. pokker de soldatene der er jo ikke større enn et warhammer hode jo o.o...



men Råtøft var det :thumbup:


Nei det stemmer faktisk ganske godt, de er nesten akurrat like store som hode på 28mm figurer som warhammer da er


Men etter å ha malt 2000+ 6mm figurer fikk jeg lyst til å gjøre noe mer litt mer detaljer


Så jeg tok frem noen 15mm figurer(disse er ca. halvparten så store som warhammer)



Prøvde to forskjellige stiler, en med grå en en med svart for å skille farger.


Disse tar mye lengre tid å male, jeg kan male 8 av dem om dagen når jeg gjør det sikkelig som på disse,

så 8 i stede for 200, er litt forskjell

Endret av Gunfreak
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