Gjest Slettet-IHWlGMJn Skrevet 26. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 26. juni 2009 ...forresten så finnes http://americasarmy.no. Er nok ikke mange som vet det For tiden peker den bare til et forum som ligger på NSF sine sider, men kunne jo vært morsomt om det ble litt aktivitet der Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Åffer får jeg bare Proficient på Fit to win obstacle course? Jeg har jo greid de andre på expert men får det ikke til på hinderløypa Lenke til kommentar
Smurfn Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 27. juni 2009 du må klare den på under 1 min og 5 sek Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Åssen kommer man lengre i treningen? Gjort det som er basic der på expert nå men låser ikke opp flere.. Lenke til kommentar
kjermy Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Åssen kommer man lengre i treningen? Gjort det som er basic der på expert nå men låser ikke opp flere.. Bare vent til i morgen... Er bare noe galt med spillet.. Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 27. juni 2009 Leste at versjon 3.0.3 har kommet ut, noen som kan bekrefte? Lenke til kommentar
FalcoN200285 Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Les dette! Part of the difficulties we've all been seeing stems from the large number of training missions being run with everyone trying to save their results. This is putting a sizable strain on the Authentication servers. We have a plan to temporarily improve this situation. Within the next couple of hours we'll be updating everyone's statistics to indicate all training levels have been passed. This will allow you to enter a server and enjoy the full range of Soldier weaponry and abilities. However, for this to have the greatest effect, we need your help... Please do not engage in any training missions. Doing so will defeat the purpose of what we are trying to accomplish in the short term, which is to get everyone playing. If this initiative is successful, you'll be able to enjoy multiplayer gaming while we can work at long term solutions. Once again, please, DO NOT engage in any training missions, but feel free to join a multiplayer server. Also, please note that if you are kicked from a server, it’s probably due to the server being full. With so many players trying to join at the same time, the number of players in a server may not be accurate. Just try joining another server. Leste at versjon 3.0.3 har kommet ut, noen som kan bekrefte? In response to comments from the America's Army community, and based in no small part on their assistance in identifying issues, we're pleased to announce the release of an AA3 patch that addresses many of the issues we've identified. The patch is available now both through our AA Deploy Client and Steam. So update your game now, and get back to playing America's Army 3! Here’s what’s in the patch: AA 3.0.3 Fixes/Changes Removes Password from AA3Launch.log Fix for MBS not working after server travels to a new map Fixes TeamReady in Mission Preplanning Updated authentication SDK to improve reliability and performance. Fix for freezing on training mission load Improved performance on loading maps/training missions Fixed several small memory leaks Fixed performance issue with server that caused it to load UI elements into the server (where they aren't needed) and thus use up additional CPU and memory. Modified training authentication so it is more efficient Modified AMD negative delta time exception handling so it no longer stops the server or client, just logs the event. Fixed admin add player admin Fixed admin kicking of players. Now works properly with soldier name and has optional kick by player ID Adds new AdminListPlayers to get list of players and their player ID's Removes most of the server log spam, especially that tied to missions and mission setup and ROE. Fixes several issues related to ROE firing off when player is bleeding, asphyxiating, or falling after being wounded by ROE You can now strafe on ladders so you don't get stuck in Pipeline or Obstacle Course. Strafe too far and you fall off, just like AA 2.x Modified program startup to clear out any old ATS temporary files. Improved scoring messaging support for training missions Fixes several scoring issues Optimizes more of the authentication code and adds better exception handling in it. Adjusts STS (stats) integration to better detect invalid objects to avoid crashes. Fixes issues with single player stats not correctly initializing all of the time Adds feedback to UI when player purchases training until purchase is complete (says "Purchasing") Modifies MBS to track how many players are playing vs. how many players are on the server (player + Spectators) and now MBS browser only shows the number of players (so count won't exceed max players) Turns HUD off whenever menu is activated (still an issue with battle planner activation the first time, however) Adjusts the close menu logic to always close properly so double menus should no longer happen Den updater seg selv på steam og deploy client! Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Les dette! Part of the difficulties we've all been seeing stems from the large number of training missions being run with everyone trying to save their results. This is putting a sizable strain on the Authentication servers. We have a plan to temporarily improve this situation. Within the next couple of hours we'll be updating everyone's statistics to indicate all training levels have been passed. This will allow you to enter a server and enjoy the full range of Soldier weaponry and abilities. However, for this to have the greatest effect, we need your help... Please do not engage in any training missions. Doing so will defeat the purpose of what we are trying to accomplish in the short term, which is to get everyone playing. If this initiative is successful, you'll be able to enjoy multiplayer gaming while we can work at long term solutions. Once again, please, DO NOT engage in any training missions, but feel free to join a multiplayer server. Also, please note that if you are kicked from a server, it’s probably due to the server being full. With so many players trying to join at the same time, the number of players in a server may not be accurate. Just try joining another server. Leste at versjon 3.0.3 har kommet ut, noen som kan bekrefte? In response to comments from the America's Army community, and based in no small part on their assistance in identifying issues, we're pleased to announce the release of an AA3 patch that addresses many of the issues we've identified. The patch is available now both through our AA Deploy Client and Steam. So update your game now, and get back to playing America's Army 3! Here’s what’s in the patch: AA 3.0.3 Fixes/Changes Removes Password from AA3Launch.log Fix for MBS not working after server travels to a new map Fixes TeamReady in Mission Preplanning Updated authentication SDK to improve reliability and performance. Fix for freezing on training mission load Improved performance on loading maps/training missions Fixed several small memory leaks Fixed performance issue with server that caused it to load UI elements into the server (where they aren't needed) and thus use up additional CPU and memory. Modified training authentication so it is more efficient Modified AMD negative delta time exception handling so it no longer stops the server or client, just logs the event. Fixed admin add player admin Fixed admin kicking of players. Now works properly with soldier name and has optional kick by player ID Adds new AdminListPlayers to get list of players and their player ID's Removes most of the server log spam, especially that tied to missions and mission setup and ROE. Fixes several issues related to ROE firing off when player is bleeding, asphyxiating, or falling after being wounded by ROE You can now strafe on ladders so you don't get stuck in Pipeline or Obstacle Course. Strafe too far and you fall off, just like AA 2.x Modified program startup to clear out any old ATS temporary files. Improved scoring messaging support for training missions Fixes several scoring issues Optimizes more of the authentication code and adds better exception handling in it. Adjusts STS (stats) integration to better detect invalid objects to avoid crashes. Fixes issues with single player stats not correctly initializing all of the time Adds feedback to UI when player purchases training until purchase is complete (says "Purchasing") Modifies MBS to track how many players are playing vs. how many players are on the server (player + Spectators) and now MBS browser only shows the number of players (so count won't exceed max players) Turns HUD off whenever menu is activated (still an issue with battle planner activation the first time, however) Adjusts the close menu logic to always close properly so double menus should no longer happen Den updater seg selv på steam og deploy client! Ja, den SKULLE oppdatert seg via steam, men skjer ingenting, og når jeg logger inn, viser den fremdeles 3.0.0! Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Er det meningen at det skal komme fler training missions, eller er det kun de der som er mulig å gjøre? Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 28. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 28. juni 2009 (endret) Du er ferdig. du kan velge inf. MOS. men for øyeblikket er alle låst opp så ikke velg ennå og spill litt for å finne ut hvilken du vil ha. Endret 28. juni 2009 av MrLee Lenke til kommentar
celidog Skrevet 29. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juni 2009 Jeg kan bekrefte 3.0.3 patchen. Lenke til kommentar
celidog Skrevet 29. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juni 2009 Da klarte jeg Expert på Obstacle Course, Congrats to me! Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 29. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juni 2009 Expert alt her. forøvrig er min AA3 også listet som 3.0.0. på login skjermen, men jeg har merket forbedringene selv om Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Er det forresten bare jeg som ikke ser mine egne chat kommentarer? Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 1. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 1. juli 2009 (endret) Håper det snart kommer ny patch fordi dette spillet er rævkjørt! Endret 1. juli 2009 av Random^Hero Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 3. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 3. juli 2009 Da har det kommet ny patch til Americas Army 3 Patch Version 3.0.4 * Improved console help * Added Clan support. Add clan tag in Account Settings. You must change information while in single player mode for now. * Admin VOIP Improvements * New "version" console command to see the current version * Server browser performance improvements * Fixes joining password protected servers so it no longer selects the server underneath the mouse cursor when clicking on the "Join" button in the password entry dialog. * Fix for settings menu improperly closing when ESC pressed and leaving the player stuck with no UI and limited control * Mission generation optimizations * Fixed issue with logging into game servers that sometimes used another player's soldier profile. * New TS3 SDK integrated * Improves how server manages authentication objects * Fixes issue with players being added to the scoring system not having all of their scoring data written. * Fixes issue where players not logged into MBS were being logged out if they left the server prior to authenticating * M320 grenade attaching issue resolved. * Dedicated server title bar now shows mission and player details * Fixes the "Waiting for other players" UI so it now appears again. * Removes some server logging * Increased communications handling to support when all players use heavy load outs. This may correct many instances where players didn't spawn correctly or get the correct load out. * Fixes the M320 getting an extra round of ammo * Fixes the Account Settings password changing not working properly * Fixes the IRC link not working * Fixes the displayed mission type (assault/defense/etc.) shown in the battle planner so it displays properly after side-swapping Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 3. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 3. juli 2009 Har ødelagt mer enn den har hjulpet? Lenke til kommentar
Tommsern92 Skrevet 3. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 3. juli 2009 Vel, jeg kommer ikke inn på noen servere, klikker join, loading screen kommer opp, like etter blir jeg kastet tilbake til server listen Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 4. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 4. juli 2009 (endret) Samme her. Ser ut til at auth serverene sliter igjen: 19:45:50| AA|Tech-Bot ---> [#aa-support] AA3 Auth Services are currently under heavy load. This is resulting in issues with logging in and finding servers, WE ARE AWARE. Please have patience while we work to resolve this issue. Please keep in mind this channel is for support and support ONLY, do not spam this channel with randomness or you will be banned. Read the ROE (Rules) at http://www.americasarmy.com/community/irc.php?type=4 Endret 4. juli 2009 av MrLee Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-IHWlGMJn Skrevet 8. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 8. juli 2009 Hva synes egentlig folket om spillet nå? Spilles det fortsatt eller har man gitt opp? Det er fortsatt noen bug, men jeg synes spillet er fullt spillbart nå! De fleste bugsa går mer på menyer og ting som er uviktig for selve onlinespillingen.. Minner også om http://americasarmy.no for de som er interessert... Lenke til kommentar
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