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Since 4/3 uses a smaller sensor than "the others" the only problem with Olympus dSLR (however a significant problem) is the noise levels at increasing ISO. Have Olympus ever considered to make a dSLR with reduced resolution, say 6-7 MP, to get even with the other brands on noise level too? My E-400 is a great camera on all except the noise level, which is really disappointing.



Olympus is best in class regarding compact camera design. At the same time the image quality on compacts is among the worst in class. Any plans on changing that fact? Ever thought about Fujifilm F30/31 image quality in a Olympus compact body? That would be a class killer.

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Mr Watanabe,


I am an ultrazoom enthusiast and I have been following the micro Four Thirds development in particular.


But as an ultrazoom enthusiast, I must say your line has a major gap today.


The advanced ultrazoom market has suffered the last years because of a marketing misconseption that advanced ultrazooms can't be sold because there are £300 DSLR kits available. This is just not true. The products are not comparable. An E-420 kit can't do anything of the things the ultrazooms are good at.


In your product range, we have the Olympus SP-590 ultrazoom, with 676mm reach - 35 mm equiv. The current local price point about £300. The closest DSLR equivalent would be the E-520 kit plus the 300MM zoom lens, which would cost me about £800.


There seems to be some £400, £500, £600 and £700 price points in between where you have no products. You're not a contender.


Where is the advanced ultrazoom with 600mm reach, manual zoom and focus rings, preview, hotshoe, and video recording? Will you consider reentering this advanced digital camera market?


Compared to other DSLR platforms, the Four Thirds platform has an advantage in its 2X crop factor, allowing for longer reach in cheaper, smaller lenses. With mFT, this advantage can be taken even further because of the lens sizes. So, as an ultrazoom enthusiast, the mFT platform appeals to me.


Will you take advantage of the natural strengths of this platform and give us a camera body optimized for this usage, with IS, video recording and autofocus on your 300MM lens?


Basically, as an ultrazoom enthusiast, the Product above all Products is still today the deprecated Panasonic DMC-FZ50 line. There is a market out there, the market being misbranded as a "bridge" market and no camera producer is willing to fill it because they think ultrazooms are bridge cameras and thus can't compete with cameras like the E-420. That's very unfortunate.

Endret av tommyb
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Olympus Zuiko 300mm 2.8 cost almost 3500 $ more then Nikon 300mm 2.8 and twice the price of Sigma 300mm 2.8. What features in Olympus 300mm justifies such high price?



Selv jeg syns det er helt idiotisk at 300mm teleobjektiv, som ikke er enn gang fullformat objektiv, skal koste så mye mer enn fullformat objektiver fra Canon/Nikon med IS/VR.


Også veier den like mye som fullformat objektiver...

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Selv jeg syns det er helt idiotisk at 300mm teleobjektiv, som ikke er enn gang fullformat objektiv, skal koste så mye mer enn fullformat objektiver fra Canon/Nikon med IS/VR.


Også veier den like mye som fullformat objektiver...

Det er fordi det er et fullformat 300mm f/2.8 design som er konvertert til FourThirds ...



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Det viser seg at jeg desverre ikke har tid til å holde førsteposten her oppdatert likevel, som intensjonen var, dersom jeg skal kunne få tid til å destillere ned spørsmålene deres til en form jeg kan bruke, samtidig som jeg må finne en naturlig rekkefølge å stille dem i, for å unngå at samtalen skal bli for springene, gjentagende og dermed ta for lang tid.


Jeg prioritered derfor heller det, men jeg holder selvsagt fremdeles øye med tråden og tar nye spørsmål med i betraktningen (jeg harselvsagt noen selv også). Takk for alle forslag, og keep 'em coming!

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Intervjuet gikk ikke helt som planlagt, er det trygt å si. Vi var ca 20 journalister i rommet, sammen med Watanabe-san og Miquel Angel Garcia (European Marketing Director), så det var ikke mulig å gjennomgå hele spørsmålslisten. jeg fikk stilt noen spørsmål, og andre stilte noen av de andre dere nevnte, men jeg vet ennå ikke helt hvordan dette gikk. Det var mye ekko i rommet, og folk kom og gikk så mye at jeg ble ganske forbanna etter hvert over de konstante avbrytelsene av festlyd utenfra, og folk som stakk hodet inn og lurte på hva som foregikk, eller bare kom for sent. Jeg vil på det sterkeste anbefale Olympus å låse døren under intervjuer ved senere anledninger!


Nuvel, jeg skal i løpet av uken gjennomgå lydopptaket av den timelange praten, og se hva jeg kan få til.

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