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Engelsk Eksamen 2009

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Personal values does not matter any more. Hardly. we see this in the way all the celebrities are represented on television, even though they have no talent, wisdom or education. These 'stars' often have outward beauty, personal wealth and unlimited self-confidence, but do they have the "old" values, like compassion and family care? Yet, our fascination over "Big Brother"-stars is almost endless. Today, there are very few who can hope to achieve the superficial qualities of the show hero. Therefore, they feel disillusioned and worthless, and uses violence as a way to get rid of their frustration. What we need is a change in society bla bla


Mer eller mindre. Forferdelig skrevet, jeg vet, men det er ca. det samme budskapet ^^

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Personal values does not matter any more. Hardly. we see this in the way all the celebrities are represented on television, even though they have no talent, wisdom or education. These 'stars' often have outward beauty, personal wealth and unlimited self-confidence, but do they have the "old" values, like compassion and family care? Yet, our fascination over "Big Brother"-stars is almost endless. Today, there are very few who can hope to achieve the superficial qualities of the show hero. Therefore, they feel disillusioned and worthless, and uses violence as a way to get rid of their frustration. What we need is a change in society bla bla


Mer eller mindre. Forferdelig skrevet, jeg vet, men det er ca. det samme budskapet ^^

Godt skrevet og bra formulert :)

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Personal values does not matter any more. Hardly. we see this in the way all the celebrities are represented on television, even though they have no talent, wisdom or education. These 'stars' often have outward beauty, personal wealth and unlimited self-confidence, but do they have the "old" values, like compassion and family care? Yet, our fascination over "Big Brother"-stars is almost endless. Today, there are very few who can hope to achieve the superficial qualities of the show hero. Therefore, they feel disillusioned and worthless, and uses violence as a way to get rid of their frustration. What we need is a change in society bla bla


Mer eller mindre. Forferdelig skrevet, jeg vet, men det er ca. det samme budskapet ^^


Kan det finnes flere løsninger enn dette? :dontgetit:


Jeg svarte noe slikt:


True personal values do not count any longer.


We see this in the way our media are filled with pictures and reports about celebrities,

who, far too often, have no talent, wisdom or education.

Very few people today have, or can hope to acquire, the superficial qualities of the

show hero.

Consequently, they are feeling disillusioned and worthless and resort to violence to get

rid of their frustration.

What is needed is a reorientation, a new direction in society, where substance replaces

mere sheen.

Yet, our fascination with today’s empty-headed Big Brother ‘stars’ is endless.

Such ‘stars’ often have outward beauty, personal wealth and unlimited self-confidence,

but does that mean that they possess the true values of the past: family responsibility,

care, compassion and empathy?

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Tok den litt anderledes selv:


Very few people today have, or can hope to acquire, the superficial qualities of the

show hero.


Such ‘stars’ often have outward beauty, personal wealth and unlimited self-confidence,


but does that mean that they possess the true values of the past: family responsibility,

care, compassion and empathy?




True personal values do not count any longer.


We see this in the way our media are filled with pictures and reports about celebrities, who, far too often, have no talent, wisdom or education.




Consequently, they are feeling disillusioned and worthless and resort to violence to get

rid of their frustration.


What is needed is a reorientation, a new direction in society, where substance replaces

mere sheen.


Yet, our fascination with today’s empty-headed Big Brother ‘stars’ is endless.


BTW fuckings drittlærere og drittrektor som sa det ikke var tillat med pc under eksamen.

Sliter selv med svært stygg og til tider uleselig håndskrift som jeg har fått bemerket flere ganger men da jeg spurte om å få søke om pc når vi fant ut at vi hadde kommet opp sa de det var for sent ><

Endret av mrjazz
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Svarte nesten det samme som deg mrjazz, hadde de to siste setningene i motsatt rekkefølge, da jeg syns at den setningen du har nest sist avsluttet teksten på en fin måte :)


Ikke lov med PC? Bullshit! Alle i min klasse hadde PC, og tilgang på ordbok på nett.

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Det er kanskje litt anderledes når det ikke "bare" er vanlig engelsk.

Trodde alle hadde fri i morgen jeg :)



Hva faen fri i Morgen??? har matteprøve og geografiprøve jeg..... LOL jeg er fra ØSTFOLD er faen aldri noe fri her.....

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Gjest medlem-140898

Dere vet oppgave 2a, der det handla om Hong Kong. Jeg tok den, men nå er jeg usikker. Hva var det man skulle skrive egentlig? Det sto at vi skulle reklamere landet Hong Kong, var det det?

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