MailamN Skrevet 3. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2003 Noen som har peiling på når Newerwinter Nights Shadows of Undrentide kommer til Norge? Har skjekka rundt over alt ,men jeg finner det ikke ut Lenke til kommentar
Quasit Skrevet 3. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2003 bioware skulle egentlig gi ut shadows den 28 mars, men så trakk de den tilbake og vil holde den igjen til de synes den er ferdig, hvor lenge de nå måtte være Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 3. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2003 fint at NOEN gjør det da, lærer av tabber mener jeg, etter tabben med bugs i original Nwn Lenke til kommentar
NoLimit_^ Skrevet 4. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 4. mai 2003 er ingen spesielle bugs i neverwinter lenger... Shadows of undrentide gleder jeg meg kraftig til... Men hadde håpet på at det var en ekstra pakke der man brukte sin lvl 20 char og fortsettet med han opp til lvl 30 f.eks., nesten som throne of bhaal. Men det ser ut som om det er et nytt eventyr for folk mellom lvl 1 og 10 :-? Lenke til kommentar
Mulch Skrevet 4. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 4. mai 2003 EU: 13 juni US: 27 mai Pretty close! Tror spillet er gone gold, for en uke siden eller noe.. Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 5. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 5. mai 2003 hehe, jo, men så spillte jeg mest nwn tidlig da, da det var MYE bugs i spillet...det og det secur-rom buggen som irriterte helvete så mye... kommer det snow tiles i shadows of undretide da? Lenke til kommentar
MailamN Skrevet 7. mai 2003 Forfatter Del Skrevet 7. mai 2003 ja, det kommer både snow og desert. Du kan også gå opp i prestige klasse, men noe level over 20 blir det desverre ikke Lenke til kommentar
SirGalrim Skrevet 24. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2003 Kanskje et av de spill med mest bugs når det kom ut, ja. Men smatidig har de hatt et veldig godt Live Team som fortsetter å arbeide med spillet. Men jeg kan ikke si jeg har store forventinger til denne ekspansjonen. Etter det offisiele kampanjen i NWN, har jeg ikke store tro på en fengende kampanje nå heller. Men der kan jeg jo ta grundig feil. Ellers syntes jeg ekspansjonen tilbyr for lite. Tre tilsets er ingenting, i alle fall ikke med tanke på at jeg kan laste ned trolig nesten like gode uofisielle. Samtidig føler jeg at det er for få ting å plasere ut i hvert tileset (til nå i hvertfall). Noe som gjør hvert landskap oftest kjedelige like. Høyere level har det vel vært snakk om at de skal ta i bruk til ekspansjon 2? For å være litt negativ her og, så kan jeg ikke se det føre med noe annet en enda mer power playing. Akkurat som de ikke var ille nok å henge på "public" servers allerede... Det mest innteresante jeg kan se med ekspanjonen er nye spells, og ikke minst nye feats. Jeg syntes særlig de hadde lagt med for få feats i orginal spillet. Og man endte opp med mye av det samme på forsjelige karakterer. Hilsen Gaute EDIT: Mulch: Så vidt jeg kan se har det ikke "gone gold" enda.. Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 24. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2003 håper det blir litt bedre kles modeller da...iallefall cloaks og stæsj, det er irriterende å måtte laste ned hak filer for å få det til...så kan man lissom ikke bruke dem på tvers av PW'er uten at dem bruker samme fila... Lenke til kommentar
Erling E. Skrevet 24. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2003 DiM: Du kommer til å elske de nye spellsene i Shadows of Undrentide. De jeg så på E3 var nothing short of fabelous. Jeg møtte karene i BioWare på E3, og delte en øl sammen med gutta der mens de presenterte herligheten for meg. Resultatet: Lenke til kommentar
SirGalrim Skrevet 24. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2003 DiM: Du kommer til å elske de nye spellsene i Shadows of Undrentide. De jeg så på E3 var nothing short of fabelous. Ja som sagt, det er spells og feats jeg ser frem til i denne ekspansjonen. Har sefølgelig lest artikkelen din Erling. Men en ting jeg hadde glemt der i fra var; "Ranger-klassen har nå også muligheten til å se etter spor på bakken. Disse sporene dukker faktisk frem på skjermen. I demonstrasjonen så vi fotspor i snøen, og Mayne fortalte oss at vi nå kunne se at noen hadde gått inn i bygningen, men ikke ut igjen." Og det er abselutt en stor forbedring, som oppfordrer til mer rollespilling. Og gjør "Ranger classen" litt mer verdifull. Mange NWN spillere har sett på Rangers som en "dårlig" class. Men personlig er Ranger en favoritt (ikke bare i NWN). Hilsen Gaute Lenke til kommentar
NoLimit_^ Skrevet 24. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 24. mai 2003 husker rangeren var bortimot ubrukelig i icewind dale 2 Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 26. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 26. mai 2003 husker rangeren var bortimot ubrukelig i icewind dale 2 Ranger'ere er bare bra å spille IRL... MYE bedre/mer muligheter til spilling enn i CRPG...eller på RPG servere med ikke så mye combat... Lenke til kommentar
Totenkopf Skrevet 26. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 26. mai 2003 Quote: May 16, 2003 - After digging a little Knights of the Old Republic PC, I turned my half asleep ass around and picked up a little Shadows of Undrentide, the new Neverwinter Nights expansion pack. And let me tell you, I want a hot dog! Well, that and I was also quite happy with what I found, though I do still have a few reservations. In a nutshell, Undrentide is more of the same but with a heavy emphasis on the more. It's not a sequel, but then nor is it a prequel. At the same time skeletons are hassling the hero of Neverwinter, you're going to be venturing through the Shadows of Undrentide recruiting the equivalent of racist Paladins who follow the path of love but hate all things goblin (the "good" Christian who rejects Tal when he comes to his home looking for respite and money) and even a Dwarven biker-like chick with an attitude. Oh yeah, Shadows of Undrentide has a varied, distinct and personable cast going for it. Actually, it's not just characters, but rather the classes and specialty prestige classes themselves that should make it cool. In the box we'll see the following: Improved Ranger: You can talk to puppies! It seems a lot of people weren't quite happy with the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of the Ranger. So, this time around the boys with green hoods and an affinity for the forest will come stocked with more attributes. Want to sniff out tracks and learn some information from them? No problem! The higher your skill in tracking, the more information you'll get from footprints and the like. And, if you don't want to stare at the ground all day long while you walk, you can talk to nearby animals just like you would people and learn whatever they have to offer. "I don't like those Kobolds," says the coyote. "I think they went that way." Nice puppy. Harper Scout: A member of a secretive, but truth and justice upholding legion of good, the Harper Scout can create magical items and do other neat, good stuff, like kill goblins! Assassins: This is a fairly self-descriptive, lethal, but stealthy class. At least that's the story I'm sticking to since I was distracted by hot dogs while the Assassin was being demonstrated. I'm sure you can find more information on it buried somewhere deep in the bowels of our nearly endless supply of Undrentide information, if you're so inclined to search, which you should be. Arcane Archer: This one has the "arrow of death" going for him or her. Basically it'll like totally kill your ass like a bear. Shadow Dancer: Damn, some hot dogs sure are sounding mighty nice right about now. Ah well, this nimble rogue can disappear in plain site and at will. She also has the dark vision and can summon shadows to work for her. I tried that once, but people weren't so much afraid of a poorly portrayed bunny rabbit with a gimp ear. Black Guard: Perhaps most interesting of the classes shown was the black guard, but then that's probably only because he was the one most demonstrated by courteous BioWare reps who didn't seem to mind my three day old lingering smell and foul, sleepless attitude one bit. This chap lives for all things evil. In a way he's something of the anti-Paladin, because he hates them and worships the dark with the kind of devotion a real Paladin has for truth, justice, and kindness. His ability to inflict wounds, have bull strength and "smite good" (which has always been my favorite power) make him one lethal tyrant. And there's more! Another cool addition comes with the henchman. The goons of the original, so easily swayed to their doom and not as customizable as a lot of people would have liked, are going to be much more personable this time. According to Tom Ohle of BioWare, "Anything you can do to your character, you can do to them." Nice, no? But what of your character? Who are you? Basically you're the kick ass star pupil of a teacher who's gotten himself into some Kobold made trouble and now you have to kill them all, hardcore style (with axes and stuff). The singleplayer game is much more refined than before. It's shorter, only about 30 freaking hours (if you're crazy enough to call that solid stretch of a game short). Three chapters are in. It used to be two, but the some nine hour long interlude got turned into a full chapter as development bloated. The focus now, as BioWare says, is on creating a shorter, tighter story. There is always something interesting -- one interesting event after another, so they say. It's all the fun of Neverwinter without any of the drag and the long scavenger hunts. Sounds neat, but it does come with what could be a couple of problems. Sure, there is a lot more play balancing going in (the recall spell is now not nearly as effective and cheap as it once was because focus crystals are needed for power), but some things that sound cool on paper are a little scary in reality. Example: certain pass/fail choices aren't sitting too well with me. Like, my gnarly dude of doom got himself cursed by some kind of Elf God statue that I took the time to spit on. What's up with that? The way Tom made it sound was that in a lot of pertinent conversations, if you deliberately chose the more negative or seemingly inappropriate choice you'd be penalized with some serious game debilitating harshness, which detracts from the "fun to be evil" play style. This kind of directed choice, if done improperly, could seriously hurt the game. But, considering who's developing this title, I'm not really worried at all. At all, buddy. The game also has a lot of prerequisites to complete quests more efficiently and effectively. For instance, instead of marching into the den of Kobolds as a level four whatever the nuts, you can talk to some dude, crush all of the spider sacks that are in his basement to make him happy so that he'll reveal the secret door that grants access to the secret room that delivers some gas dispensing goodness. This will temporarily paralyze all of the Kobolds in that room, turning each and every one of them into easy targets. I hope, that with these prerequisites, they're logical enough so that you don't merely stumble onto these seemingly hidden paths, finding alternate routes to things you wouldn't otherwise have known if you weren't an obsessive compulsive intent on exploring every last segment of every last dungeon. Me smash. Me no want explore everything. Will me be able to find alternate approach? Those couple of issues aside, Shadows of Undrentide is looking pretty damn sharp. Provided it refrains from adhering to the curse of expansion pack straightforwardness, it, along with the newly announced Hordes of the Dark, could be exactly what Neverwinter Nights needs to keep itself kicking long into the future. We'll be back with more detailed impressions of both games before too long. [/code] Lenke til kommentar
SirGalrim Skrevet 27. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 27. mai 2003 Unnskyld meg Soldier_448, men hvorfor gav du ikke bare en link? Og jeg må si det den personen skrev ikke akkurat var noe nytt, og han virket ikke så "seriøs" (som Hilsen Gaute Lenke til kommentar
Totenkopf Skrevet 27. mai 2003 Del Skrevet 27. mai 2003 vel.. hovedsaklig fordi jeg fant det som en quote på et annet forum... Lenke til kommentar
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