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Metal Gear Solid: The Twin - Is this for real!?:)


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Silicon Knights is working on a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube.


Konami has announced that the official title for the GameCube Metal Gear game is Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and that it's currently in development at Silicon Knights, the development team behind Eternal Darkness. The game will feature revamped graphics, but it will contain the original Metal Gear Solid storyline. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is being developed under the supervision of Hideo Kojima and Shigeru Miyamoto.


“I am tremendously excited to introduce a unique Metal Gear Solid experience to a new audience of gamers as well as collaborate with my mentor in game design, Mr. Miyamoto, on Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes for Nintendo GameCube,” says Hideo Kojima, vice president, Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.


“Mr. Kojima and I have spoken about this project for some time, and I’m excited our ideas have matched so perfectly,” adds Shigeru Miyamoto, senior managing director of Entertainment Analysis and Development Division, Nintendo Co., Ltd. “It’s this shared passion for game creation that has allowed us to collaborate to bring a special Metal Gear project exclusively for Nintendo GameCube.”


Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is scheduled for release later this year in North America, but it will be on display at E3.



Utviklet av Silicon Knights, i sammarbeid med kongene?




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Metal Gear Solid Exclusive, Playable at E3

Ok, we now know that the exclusive Metal Gear Solid game for Gamecube is, in fact, a remake of the original MGS for PSX. But now, we know the developer. It will most definitely shock you, read more to find out.


You may remember a certain Canadian developer who has been silent since their release last spring of Eternal Darkness. Yes, Silicon Knights are heading up this project, while Konami and Shigeru Miyamoto assist with the game as well.


The game is said to already look better than the PS2 and Xbox "Sons of Liberty". GCN's Metal Gear Solid is headed to store shelves before the end of the year, and early 2004 in Japan and Europe.

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Det kjipeste med multiplattform er at i 90% av tilfellene er grafikkmotoren lik på alle versjoner. Nå vet jo alle (sikkert ikke alle, enda) at både GameCube og Xbox er kraftigere enn ps2, men man må likevel spille på PS2 nivå. Det er vel egentlig det kjipeste.

Ellers går jeg god for multi :)


Jeg klager selvfølgelig ikke over at det kommer et nytt MGS-spill, men det irriterer litt at jeg aldri får spilt det ;):(

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Jeg no lest at det er en blanding av begge to spillene.


Metal Gear Solid The Twin SnakesTM combines the thrilling story of the original Metal Gear Solid® game with the jaw-dropping graphics and unparalleled gameplay found in Metal Gear Solid® 2: Sons of LibertyTM. The game is scheduled to ship later this year in North America and Europe, followed by the Japanese launch in early 2004.

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Mja, at det blir helt likt mgs1 vil nå jeg ikke tro. De lemper sikkert inn litt av hvert for å gjøre det litt annerledes? Uansett så ser jeg fram til det, både Hideo Kojima og Shigeru Myamoto overser prosjektet, og som vanlig blir det vel knall. Mest sannsynlig.

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