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Engelsk Tentamen - Personal Values in working life

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Har fått samme tema og har tentamen i morgen. Men sånn jeg tolket forbredelsesteksten sånn at det var nok å finne personlige verdier i tekster/filmer, så de må ikke nødvendighvis inneholde situasjoner fra arbeidslivet.

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jaja, da fikk jeg denne oppgaven :/


tja, la meg se.... hmmmm, LETT :#


haha, neida


@F-C Berg

Jepp, oppgaven ligger lett tilgjengelig på utdanningsdirektoratet sine sider. (:


her er linkz; http://www.utdanningsdirektoratet.no/uploa...gelsk_H08_E.pdf

her er forberedelsesdelen; http://www.utdanningsdirektoratet.no/uploa...empel_H06_F.pdf

Endret av .GiLL
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Martin: I once interviewed a guy who was quite experienced and older than me. The interview

was going along fine, unless/despite/until/while/whereas (1) he came out with, “Come on pal,

ask me something difficult”. His arrogance didn’t stop there, though. At the end I asked if he

had any questions and his reply was, “When do you want me to start work?” He didn’t

get/gets/got/gotten/getting (2) the job.

Dave: There was one chap that turned in/out/up/down (3) in a white suit – a right turn-off for

starters, but to make matters worse it needed cleaning. He couldn’t answer questions about his

CV, because his girlfriend had written it. Then in the middle of the interview he pulled out a bar

of chocolate and started eating it.

June: I know candidates are told that it’s important to smile, make eye/eyes/eye’s/eyes’ (4)

contact and be friendly to your interviewer, but that went a bit far with one applicant I had. At

the end of the interview the guy came behind my desk, gave me a hug and asked me out to

dinner. I politely reclined/defined/declined/inclined (5) his generous offer.

Sarah: I had someone who, when it came to the “‘have you somewhat/any/none/all (6)

questions?” part of the interview, proceeded to grill me on holiday entitlement, flexitime,

working hours and pay. He just seemed a bit too interested in perks and holidays.

John: When I was still working for IBM I once had a bloke that goes/who went/whom

went/which went (7) for an interview, and when he was asked what the letters IBM stood for, he

didn't know. Then I asked him what our main products were, and he started guessing.

Marcello: Admittedly my office was a bit warm – the sun was shining and the air-conditioning

was on the blink, but when this lady started fanning herself with some papers she took from my

desk and then kicked her shoes off, I thought it was a bit under the weather/upside down/over

the top/inside out/down and out.(8)

Aisha: I once had a woman applicant who was obviously expecting to be interviewed by a man.

Her mini-skirt hardly covered her bottom, and her top was so low-cut it left little to the

imagination. She spent the whole interview to try/tries/tried/trying (9) to pull the mini-skirt

down towards her knees and hold her top together.

Kilde: Utdanningsdirektoratet


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er flere forskjellige pdf-er :S

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