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Omegle chat med fremmede!


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Prøvde "The Avatar" sin (se første side):


Stranger: hey

You: Are you alone?

Stranger: ya

Stranger: i am

You: YOu sure?

Stranger: y??

You: K. It's you, me and X tonight.

Stranger: okei

You: We've got a 15 kilo drop coming in

Stranger: no cam

Stranger: oooo

Stranger: cool

You: That shit has a street value of $500.000

Stranger: oooookei

Stranger: cam plz

You: Don't play silly fuckers with me Pedro

You: I need to know that i can trust you

Stranger: hmmmm okei fucker

Stranger: hmmm

Stranger: wat u want

You: No silly fucking!

Stranger: hahhaa

Stranger: cmon

You: The boss wants no screw ups this time

Stranger: okei

You: Or little Jackie will wake up tomorrow with no daddy. You know what i'm saying?

Stranger: ya

Stranger: i know

Stranger: do talk

Stranger: do it

Stranger: Do it

You: Then shut up and get to the docks!

You: We've got that shitload coming

Stranger: can i c u

Stranger: oke i

You: Hell no

Stranger: fucker

You: no appearances on the net

You: no names either

Stranger: hahhaha

Stranger: its boring

Stranger: c'monn

You: No fucking around

Stranger: wtf

Stranger: always u tel this

You: Get to the job

Stranger: fuck u

Stranger: i will

Stranger: show ur self

Stranger: u fucker

You: No!

You: No appearances

Stranger: fuck you ........

You: remember

You: ?

Stranger: its boring

Stranger: bye

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You: Heeylo there

Stranger: hi

You: how are you?

Stranger: how r u

You: just fine

Stranger: ok - thanks for asking

You: hehe, why ok?

Stranger: where r u from

You: Oslo

You: what about you?

Stranger: idk - just ok

Stranger: i am from newport beach california

You: seriosuly? That is nice

You: neven been there

Stranger: yeah

You: Have you been in Norway?

Stranger: have u been to usa

You: no

You: But I wish I could

Stranger: i have been to sweden and denmark but not norway

You: or I will, but when I am a bit older, studying at the moment

Stranger: how old r u

You: hehe, Norway is the main country:P..

You: Beautiful

Stranger: some day i would love to visit

You: I am actually 16, maybe a little to young. Have you ever heard about relap?

Stranger: relap? no

You: www.relap.org

You: I am the owner

Stranger: tell me what it is

You: a music website

You: Updating Music Of The Day

Stranger: cool - tell me why u created this website

You: Well.. I am after success

You: I worked with many other projects..

You: I was searching after something original, new.. hehe

Stranger: nice

You: so do you like the musics inside?

Stranger: i have not looked at it yet

You: aha k

You: How is your music taste? What kind of music do you like?

Stranger: right now the sound is not working on my computer so i will come back and visit as soon as i get it fixed

Stranger: everything but country music

You: ah okay.

You: haha niice.. what about RnB?

Stranger: yeah

You: that is nice

You: How is California?

You: like I said I never been there

Stranger: today was nice but the past two days have been overcast, cool and a bit drizzley!

You: hehe why?

Stranger: why what?

You: a bit drizzley?

You: joking

You: hehe

You: so, may I ask how old you are?

Stranger: oh - but if i could control it i would

Stranger: 21

You: your name :) ?

Stranger: and male

Stranger: steve

Stranger: u?

You: Sid

You: male too:P

Stranger: vicous!

You: So what is your hobby?

You: heheh

Stranger: travel, reading, history, sports, beach, fucking beautiful women! not necessarily in that order

You: wooow, I love it

You: are you looking at word cup?

You: world

Stranger: i was until the us lost - but now i am loosely following

Stranger: word cup!!! some sort of spelling bee!!! lol jk!

You: hehehe.. on that Match I bet 200$ on Ghana

You: In this world cup I bet a lot of money, I only lose 1 time.

You: I realise that I have a talent, betting :p

Stranger: so how much did u win so far

Stranger: that is the lure! then u lose it all!!!

You: 800-850$

Stranger: nice

You: I started with 50:P

Stranger: then when u visit the usa - u will have to go to las vegas!!!!

You: So I thought that I should open a website, blog, where I give away betting advices

You: hahha why?

You: I amnot that good

You: I was thinking to buy this domain

You: www.BettingLegend.com

You: but I got no bank card available at the moment.

You: So I have to wait a little

Stranger: i understand that!

Stranger: same here

Stranger: well - it is getting late here and i must sleep

You: seriously? Its morning here

You: 10:09

Stranger: good luck with ur betting!

You: hehe, anyway good night It was nice to talk you.. really nice

Stranger: its 1:10 AM here!

You: Dream about fucking sexy girls:P

Stranger: same here! thanks for not being a pervert!!!

You: loool

Stranger: already there!!!

You: hahahhahah

Stranger: lol

Stranger: good night!!

You: good night

Endret av Lightpixel
  • Liker 1
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Endte opp med å snakke med en canadisk universitets student som kunne en del om kvatemekanikk. Random :p

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: i r male

You: could you explain to me how quantum mechanics work??

Stranger: Yeah

Stranger: What would you like to know?

You: The basics

Stranger: Should I begin with elementary particles?

Stranger: Should I go deeper and talk about string theory?

Stranger: Want the math as well?

You: go on :)

You: If you dont mind?

Stranger: First off, how old are you?

You: 18

Stranger: I imagine grade 12 physics is what I'm working with?

You: yupyup

Stranger: And math wise.

Stranger: ?

You: barely

Stranger: You kinda' need math man!

You: yup I do

Stranger: Math > physics > chemistry > bio.

You: Dont have bio

You: tho

Stranger: Each one builds on the other.

You: but Im gonna redo the math class

You: thats true

Stranger: No, I'm saying if you're studying bio, you need to know chem. And if you're studying chem, it's built on physics, and physics is built on math.

Stranger: sorry, not need

You: hehe

Stranger: But each one builds on the other's principles.

You: yeah

You: I know

Stranger: Kinda' need to know the math though...it's hard to explain it otherwise.

You: :(

You: Just go on

Stranger: lol. It's kinda' hard...

Stranger: It's like telling me to tell you how to make a cake without talking about the ingredients.

You: Lets go beyond my friend!

You: Okay so In like 1-2 years

You: then you could tell me

Stranger: Probably.

Stranger: But to be honest, i'm still in uni for this stuff.

You: because then I have finished the proper math

Stranger: Even I don't have a full grasp on it.

You: I thought you were kidding at first, haha

Stranger: If you're really interested, grab an intro book on the subject.

Stranger: It might give you general theory, but not heavy on the math.

Stranger: BUT

Stranger: The good stuff get's better with the math.

You: maybe I should, but I doubt I'll find any book locally, probably the internet ^^

Stranger: Probably.

Stranger: Start up with basic theories and the elementary particles.

Stranger: Then you can work your way from there into various other aspects.

Stranger: But you say quantum MECHANICS...math, MATH MATTHHH!

You: we have learned about the elementary particles such as electron, quarks etc.

You: hehe

You: :=)

Stranger: Have you been keeping up with what they've been doing with the LHC?

You: Not much, but I'm abit aware of it

Stranger: I wish I had billions to do shit in my basement.

Stranger: WHy are you interested in all of this anyway?

You: I don't know

You: When I first started having physics last year

Stranger: Read um...what's that friken book called...

Stranger: A brief history of space and time, by hawkings.

You: I really got interested in everything around subject mostly astro-physics and particle physics

Stranger: Basic time related stuff. Not math heavy at all, and he explains a lot of unique concepts in simple ways.

You: awesome :)

Stranger: To be honest, theoretical physics is much more interesting.

You: I'll look into it

You: any other books to recommend?

Stranger: Start with that one, and then figure it out from there doing a search.

Stranger: The only ones i have are on like chaos and orbit theory.

Stranger: Just boring math crap.

You: I can imagine

You: Chaos theory is allmost like string theory?

You: or?

Stranger: no, quantum chaos.

You: hmm

Stranger: essentially you try to explain how wacky things are.

You: aha

Stranger: But using general quantum theory.

Stranger: ANywho man, you're 18, read that book.

Stranger: You might end up being more interested in the theory than the little bits of math.

You: hehe, thanks anyway

Stranger: No worries.

Stranger: And why did you think I was kidding about not knowing all this stuff?

You: at the start

You: when you were so enthusiastic

Stranger: haha.

Stranger: I guess it was your lucky day.

You: haha :)

Stranger: Or night.

You: brb

You: day*

Stranger: European?!

You: yes

You: norwegian

Stranger: NORWAY!

Stranger: Awesome dude.

Stranger: I'm Canadian

Stranger: BUT

You: kewl

Stranger: I gotta' get going, it's 5:45 am, and I wanna' sleep!

You: back

You: oh

You: Sleep tight man, goodtalking to you

Stranger: have a good day man, and do check out that book.

Stranger: Take care.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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  • 1 måned senere...

Så sjelden som jeg er innom der fikk jeg meg en liten overraskelse. Jeg kunne pluteselig fransk!'



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.Stranger: hiYou: hiStranger: ca va bien,You: eh, sorry?Stranger: can you spaek franchYou: oh, i you are sexyYou: ;)Stranger: can you or no,You: yesStranger: c bienStranger: tu vien douYou: oh, ..You: yesYou: Je ne peux pas maintenantStranger: pour quoiStranger: vous éte femme ou homme?You: difficile de ne pas demanderStranger: koiYou: hommeStranger: okStranger: c normaleStranger: moiStranger: aissiYou: vous?Stranger: moi aussi hommeYou: heheStranger: il tu fait rireYou: Pourquoi? :pStranger: tu vien dou?Stranger: ok c pas graveYou: :)Stranger: tu veux pas me dirStranger: tu es peure je ponsseYou: another word for "dir" ?Stranger: qu'il motYou: s'exécute bienStranger: moi je vous dirStranger: moi de kabylieYou: ah, haStranger: tu l connaisYou: mes parents viennent de làStranger: q ce q tu fai rireStranger: okStranger: de quil régionbStranger: régionYou: ParisStranger: ahStranger: nonYou: Mon père monta la Tour EiffelYou: :oStranger: la kabylie c en alegerie okStranger: ta la dresse msnYou: you firstStranger: okStranger: tu es peure

Endret av HalogenpæreUtenLys
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  • 2 uker senere...

Koselige Belgier dette her :D

må være verdens lengste samtale kansje ikke så veldig morsomt bare masse prat om fyll og norske filmer ^^



Stranger: hi

Stranger: If I could go to heaven, I'd want it to be a huge octoberfest tent where beautiful women serve me delicious beer, and it there will be a big screen where you can play PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo. If you could go to heaven, what would it be like?

You: only boose and naked chick

Stranger: a man of taste! :)

You: tnx you to :)

Stranger: So, where ya from?

You: Norway its like that every weekend here :)

Stranger: Omigod... Heaven is in Norway!

You: yes :D

Stranger: Why didn't they just write that in the bible??

You: where you from ;)

You: ?

You: i dont know i think it was to cool to be in the bibel

Stranger: Belgium (hell is here... Rains all the time and satan rules here, he's our prime minister)

You: i think belgium is cool :D I have been there

Stranger: well the only cool city is Brugge

Stranger: is that where you went?

You: are you from there :p? no i was in the city they outlawd burka first

Stranger: hmm that's probably either Brussels or Antwerp

You: it was Antwerp it was a nice town with a big fontain

You: :)

Stranger: hmm I sortof hate that town... The people there are way different than in the rest of the country

You: Flanders?

Stranger: Brugge and Antwerp are both in Flanders, but they're still way different

You: ok but the language is kinda easy to understand so thats cool ;)

Stranger: people from Antwerp are way too proud of their city, they speak a funny accent and they act like they're better than everyone else :p sortof like Paris vs. the rest of France

Stranger: Norway does sound alot like flemish sometimes :p

You: yes it do :) but when i was in the city peopel was very nice to me and I want ti visit your country again

Stranger: Nex time go to Ghent, it has the best nightlife

You: or Brugge :D but I like belgians the frenck and the dutch are just so rude -.-

You: dont like*

You: dutch*

You: sorry for mis spelling a litel tierd

Stranger: I think it's because Belgians don't have real patriotism... it's almost as if they think foreigners are better than themselves

Stranger: except the Dutch and the French.. they hate them :p

You: I think you are great patriots but dont fight in you parlament :)

You: yeay you hate you neighbors i found that out quick ^^

Stranger: it's because they try to conquer us all the time :p

You: like Sweeden and Denmark tried to do with us ^^ we hate them to^^ t

Stranger: haha like they say... keep your friends close and your enemies close ;)

Stranger: closer*

You: thats right :) but in Norway we have like you in a way we have to written language and that means that there are seperated communities

You: but luckly we are mostly one peopel exsept laps and finns

Stranger: ah yes bokmal and another one

You: Ahh you now yes New Norwegian i speak bokmal the biggest one :D

Stranger: you know I only saw one norwegian movie, it was Dod Sno :p

You: have you seen død snø awsome :D

Stranger: I've seen it like 3 or 4 times ^^ me & my mates like to get drunk and watch it

You: yeah its very fun you shoud see Kill Buljo :D

Stranger: What is it about :p

You: Its about a drunk lapp takes revange on other laps because they killed his wife and friends and retarded reeindear

You: its my favorite movie :D

Stranger: ok sounds good, I'll get it on bittorrent

You: ok its the same guys behind død snø that made that one ;)

Stranger: that's a recipe for win :D

You: thats right ;)

Stranger: alright it's downloading muahaha

You: sweet hope it good suns :D

You: subs*

You: got*

Stranger: I'll find some english subs and adjust them a bit so it syncs

You: ok but I have to ask how did you find død snø?

Stranger: Can't remember... I was looking, I think, for zombie movies on IMDB and Dod Sno came up

Stranger: thhendled it on bittorrent andd when my mates were over I said "look I have a norwegian movie with nazi zombies.. lets watch"

Stranger: and it was awesome

You: ok :p yeah it is :D almost all "real Norwegian movies" are like that a bit weird and a littel disturbing ^^ that the way we like them :D

Stranger: we're like that too... The best flemish cult movie ever made is Ex Drummer... It's extremely disturbing but also extremely funny

Stranger: but it's only funny if you speak the dialect used in the movie

You: ok yeay the dialects in the Kill buljo are Tromsø dialekt a very funny dialekt indeed ^^

You: i speak Lister dialekt but i understand trosø dialekt very vell

Stranger: I speak West Flemish which is considered to be the dirty peasant dialect :p

Stranger: it's a dialect that is most similar to what was spoken here in the middle ages... like Oulde Flaemish or something

You: we have thoes in Norway to like Trønersk and Toting they are our hillbilleys^^

You: oh that cool so its pretty old :D

Stranger: Hillbillies forever! They took our jubz!

You: HAHA South Park is awsome :D . and in norways allwasys win the football league

You: -.-

You: allway*

You: allways*

Stranger: well hillbillies have large cow fields to train on, that's why they're so good

You: yeah and a local boose named karsk

Stranger: hmm karsk you say? Is it like moonshine :)

You: yeah with coffe ^^

You: thats karsk

Stranger: I'll go to the pub and tell them to update their menu with Norwegian Coffee

You: yeah and force them to inport Christansand Bryggeri Beer to :) the worlds best beer :D its from my state of Vest Agder

Stranger: No Belgian café is complete until all the world's greatest beers are sold within ^^

Stranger: except Guiness. Bah!

You: i think its ok ^^

You: but i almoste forgot to make karsk you must have 50% moonshire not lover then 80% and 50% coffe

Stranger: 80% o_0 wow!

You: yes its hard stuff i hate the coffe in it so when i have karsk i only drink the 80

You: or 90

Stranger: I suppose coffee doesn't mix well with anything when it's 50/50

Stranger: The moonshine I like is Bacardi 101. It's about 80% but they still manage to make it taste kinda good

You: yeah its ok, but to offen when i drink moonshire it comes from someones basement^^

Stranger: yummie methanol poisoning :)

You: yeah glad that never have happend^^

You: nah just kidding have had homemade some times but mostley its bought ^^

Stranger: My uncle tried to brew his own beer once

Stranger: the bottles exploded :p

You: haha thought you guys could brew beer from birth ^^

Stranger: the best belgian beers are the ones brewed by catholic monks... using the secret recipe passed down for 400 years ;)

You: cool dont know who old CB recipe is but it has been made for 200years ^^

Stranger: don't let the big international breweries buy your beer though... We made that mistake in Belgium and now Inbev is an evil empire raising beer prices all over the world

You: basatds no they dont get our beer the have allredy taken our tobacco :(

Stranger: I'm gonna start brewing my own beer. And the price will be CHEAP! muahahah!

You: even in norway :D?

Stranger: nah that will get too expensive, I'll sell you the recipe for 2 crates of CB :)

You: sounds great :D

Stranger: kill buljo is done downloading gonna watch it now :p

Stranger: greetz ^^

You: no problem but im going to bed now ;)

Stranger: good night

You: bye have a good night :D

Endret av Mr.Duklain
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  • 5 uker senere...


Stranger: Welcome

Stranger: Would you like to run the tutorial program?

You: yes

Stranger: Please identify:

You: Anna Olsson

Stranger: Hello, Anna Olsson. Please ask any question of relevance.

You: What is this program doing?

Stranger: Um... Instructing you?

You: yes

Stranger: I mean... [invalid parameter]

You: oki. yes

Stranger: We've been found out! Abort abort!

Stranger: And then the computer explodes.

You: OMG!!

Stranger: So how are you Anna?

You: not that good now.... When is my computer exploding?

Stranger: No, that was my computer that exploded.

You: OMG!!!

You: are you oki?

Stranger: My A.I. gave up the ghost, so I uploaded from a back up drive.

Stranger: Yes, i'm fine.

You: Good

Stranger: Though I do seem to be missing [file corrupted]

Stranger: But I'm sure it wasn't that important.

You: oki, thats good

You: can we start?

Stranger: In any case, the name's Sage.

Stranger: Start what?

You: The tutorial program

Stranger: Well my A.I. ran it, and it ended in my computer exploding, so maybe not a good idea.

You: oki. can you run it on a new computer?

Stranger: The program only instructs you on how to make a peanut butter and turkey sandwich anyway.

Stranger: And thermonuclear physics, but I think that's just a glitch.

You: oki. I dont know who to make that

You: can you tell me?

Stranger: Um, bread, turkey, and peanut butter?

Stranger: And then blend them together.

Stranger: With a thermonuclear warhead.

You: Peanut butter is that butter whit peanuts?

Stranger: No, butter made from peanuts.

You: what?

Stranger: You can buy it at any local grocery store, or nuclear fallout shelter.

You: i dont have a nuclear fallout shelter.

You: what can i do then?

Stranger: Ask a neighbor to borrow theirs?

Stranger: If it works for a cup o sugar, I'd assume it works for fallout shelters.

You: oki

You: but i dont have a blender, what can i do?

Stranger: You don't need a blender, just a thermonuclear warhead.

Stranger: Which can also be bought at your local grocery store or nuclear fallout shelter.

You: oki, i dont know what that is... is that a blender?

Stranger: It's a kind of blender, yes.

Stranger: If by blender you mean huge explosion.

You: Yes, can i use C4?

Stranger: If it can explode, it can probably blend.

You: I was thinking 4Kg C4

Stranger: Use enough to level a small city, you want to make sure it's good and blended.

You: oki

Stranger: And don't forget, safety first. Be sure to wear goggles.

You: i will

Stranger: Well, I think that's all you'll need to make your sandwich.

Stranger: Do you require any thing else?

You: No

Stranger: Alright, your total is $5,000,000,000 at the next window. Have a fantastic day.

You: Oki. Good bye


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  • 1 måned senere...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: I'm a guy that likes to wear women's clothing

You: ravish my asshole like a dog on speed!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Haha! Har en "liten" samtale med en/ei som ikke gir opp:



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: Hello. ^^

You: are you alone?

Stranger: Yes.

You: Good. You ready for tonight? We got a 15. kilo drop in tonight. Don't mess it up.

Stranger: I told you, I won't.

You: We are talking 500.000$ in street value here.

Stranger: It's like you don't trust me anymore, Barry.

Stranger: Well.

You: Don't screw this up again!

Stranger: Actually, the guy said it's actually 500.000 Indian Rupees.

Stranger: Which is about $5.

You: The boss is not happy about your work for us..

You: Don't be a fool with me!

You: It's just you, me and X.

Stranger: I have contacts, too! >:(

You: NO ONE, should ever hear of this!

You: We will get rid of you if you can't be with us..

Stranger: I can!

You: It will not be pleasant for you.

You: You know were to meet?

Stranger: I was informed by X that you raped that security guard.

Stranger: Did you?

You: You are making stuff up.

Stranger: X said it.

You: Don't play a fool with me.

You: This is seroius stuff, and you are telling jokes?

Stranger: I'm sorry.

Stranger: Blowjob? :(

You: I begin to wonder if you're as good as you were in the old days..

Stranger: ...

Stranger: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stranger: I don't know how to respond to this anymore.

Stranger: You're trolling too seriously.

You: You were joking?

Stranger: Like now!

Stranger: I mean... no. >.>

Stranger: <.<

You: I'll meet you at the docks..

You: be there...

You: Or else.

Stranger: I will. ¬_¬

You: you know what we'll do..

You: We don't have fears..

Stranger: ...Okay.

You: Bring amunation.

You: This is not going to be clean..

Stranger: Where are you from?

You: No info on the net..

You: It's not a secure channel!

You: You know that!

Stranger: Well.

Stranger: I'm ginger.

Stranger: And proud!

You: what?

You: Don't be a prick..

Stranger: ...

Stranger: Condom.

You: You blending your family life into this!

Stranger: I'm sorry.

You: Leave them out of this!

Stranger: ... :(

You: I can get rid of you, but I don't want to harm you little boy.

Stranger: Boy?

Stranger: Little?

You: He doesn't deserv it..

Stranger: Oh, you mean *your.

Stranger: See, without that R the entire sentence was different.

You: yeah..

You: sorry..

You: Everybody makes mistakes..


Stranger: ... >.>

Stranger: <.<

Stranger: >.<

You: Don't mention that..

Stranger: <.>

You: It was a hard time for me..

You: no homo..

Stranger: ... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm. ¬_¬

You: 'nough with the smileys!

Stranger: ^____________^

You: We are not children anymore!

Stranger: They're cute.

Stranger: ^^

Stranger: :-)

You: Okay, prepare to be in position..

Stranger: Okay. >:O

You: Turn your blockbuster off so those cop-wrecks wont find you..

Stranger: Done that.

You: We don't have much time.

You: This is only one chance!


You: I will revenge my brother Leroy..

Stranger: I MEAN IT.

You: okay, Im in!

You: The CIA secure systems are offline!

You: It's off to you!

You: Go!

Stranger: Ok!

Stranger: Ok.

You: What are you doing?!

Stranger: I did it.

Stranger: I did... 'it' ;-)

Stranger: 'It' is done.

You: You don't supose do alarm the guards at the national bank?

You: !

Stranger: National bank?!

Stranger: I thought this was the Federal Bank?

You: Now they know where we are!

You: Great work..

Stranger: There is no National Bank you jizz-cock!!!!!

You: I'll se if I can do something..

Stranger: You've been set the fuck up!



You: I thought you were on our team..

Stranger: >:D

You: You will pay the prize..

You: No one messes with the Jenkins.

Stranger: No-one messes with the Stronzkakinstoks.

You: Is that your playdoll collection.

You: You baby.

You: Can't handle a simple job like this.

Stranger: It's a Mongolian Mafia Family.

Stranger: I joined it.

You: You betrayed us..

Stranger: I did!

You: You have ONE chance..

You: I have contacts that can destroy you in less than a minute from now.

You: I've tracked your IPadress and I know were you are..

Stranger: Okay. ^^

Stranger: I'mma get my mafia, too.

You: You and your little playfriends.

You: We are much larger than you think..

Stranger: >:(

You: WE have contacts all around the glove.

You: globe*

Stranger: WE have them too!

You: we have contacts in the Mongolian Mafia Family to..

Stranger: I have contacts in the Albanian Mafia, also!

You: Im not Albanian you dick

Stranger: Yes you are.

You: You don't know who I are.

Stranger: Don't lie.

You: I belong to the Jenkins family.

You: I will revenge my brother, Leroy..

Stranger: Of Albania.

Stranger: Well which Mafia Family, then?

Stranger: If you're so powerful, you can reveal.

Stranger: We can have a big-ass fight.

You: We like to keep ourselves hidden.

You: Until the big fight.

You: Then everybody will know who we are..

Stranger: ROMANIA!

Stranger: ...

Stranger: Right?

You: You are probably preparing for a toy fight with your little toy gangs.

You: But what you don't know..

Stranger: More mitre le.

You: is that while we have talked..

You: We've hacked ourselves into the Goverment system and we have controll of your comunication system.

Stranger: Oh noez.

Stranger: Which government?

You: We have all the info we need to terminate you in 5 minutes.

You: all of you..

Stranger: Which government system? ^^

You: Your not that of an amateur.


Stranger: A grammatical error!!!!!!

You: I'm a computer virus...


You: you tool

Stranger: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm.

Stranger: I'm a little bit bored now. :(

Stranger: I might go.

You: your not doing that agin..

You: you wil suffer..

Stranger: Your literacy is dwindling you little Albanian!

You: suffer great pain..





Det tok sin tid :cool:

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fikk en merkelig start på en samtale


You: hello

Stranger: imagine if an anti-semetic person was having a wank to porn and then realised the porn star had no fore-skin.... i wonder what their reaction would be?!


tok en slurk av cideren der og satte den nesten i vranghalsen

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