Barcarolle Skrevet 28. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 28. juli 2009 Jeg åpner samtale med "Hi, are you a pedo?". Av en eller annen merklig grunn har 90% av de spurte logget seg av med en gang... Ja dritmerkelig. Ahh, sarkasme. Den laveste form for humor. Lenke til kommentar
Olesaft Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Stranger: i have 3 penis You: i think that is more like "3 penises" You: its the plural Stranger: sorry my poor english Stranger: where are you from You: no problem mate.. You: norway Stranger: cool You: you? Stranger: turkey You: oh wow Stranger: turkey stonger than norway Stranger: i mean army You: okey... even though that is highly unlikely, i dont give a shit You: we are both NATO members, so i dont expect to fight turkey in the future You: besides, its fucking homo to have a country with the name of an animal Stranger: You: a fucking stupid animal that is.... Stranger: i know Stranger: we all animals Stranger: but we stronger than you You: no, you sniff eacothers bums, and eat youre not stronger Stranger: we fuck greeks You: i doubt that Stranger: constanipole Stranger: 1453 Stranger: istanbul Stranger: did you remember You: thats a shit long time ago man.... you might still be fighting with swords and shit, but we use tanks and guns You: and jetplanes Stranger: the ottoman empire was the best county in the world You: and boats You: how would you know? Stranger: fuck that,i dont knoe english enough,i dont understand you Stranger: can you speak more bacisly? You: ok You: homo You: gtg Lenke til kommentar
Carlgutt Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 (endret) Stranger: hi wanna have sex You: why yes please You: il start Stranger: okay You: *i slowly take off my overalls to reaveal a pair of pristine armpits* Stranger: *i slowly take out my tampon and lick it* You: *after taking a bite from my sandwich, i jump out of the cheap motel room window* You: *i survive the fall but the injuries leave me horribly crippled and disfigured* Stranger: *i go down to the lobby and ask the person at the main desk where babies come from* You: *10 years later, we meet and use your newly learned knowledge of baby making to make a baby* You: *the baby has downs syndrome THE END* You have disconnected. Stjålet fra /b/ Endret 29. juli 2009 av Carlgutt Lenke til kommentar
Ajaco Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Jeg åpner samtale med "Hi, are you a pedo?". Av en eller annen merklig grunn har 90% av de spurte logget seg av med en gang... Ja dritmerkelig. Ahh, sarkasme. Den laveste form for humor. Jepp, sarkasme finnes ikke morsomt. Lenke til kommentar
kris98 Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Stranger: ok..horny guy who can talk dirty 2 me? You: oh You: nice You: i can talk dirty Stranger: guy? You: sure thing Stranger: ly You: You start Stranger: no u Stranger: plssssss You: ok Stranger: pwetty pls? You: Ok You: Wanna fuck me? Yeah? wanna fuck me? Stranger: You: Oohhh Stranger: yh Stranger: uh yesss You: I stroke you through the hair You: you reach down in my pants You: and then you realize you're having a conversation on the internet You: and reality is back at normal You: Bye bye You have disconnected. or save this log or send us feedback. Lenke til kommentar
kris98 Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Hadde noen andre morsomme i natt, men glemte å lagre dem dog :!: Lenke til kommentar
kjermy Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Jeg åpner samtale med "Hi, are you a pedo?". Av en eller annen merklig grunn har 90% av de spurte logget seg av med en gang... Ja dritmerkelig. Ahh, sarkasme. Den beste form for humor. Fixed Lenke til kommentar
Nopros Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 synes denne var litt morsom hvertfall for dere som har litt kjennskap i PU; Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: Pickuping is like an art to me Stranger: Cool.(: You: Im Mystery and you? Stranger: im sexy Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
oldboy Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 29. juli 2009 Obama Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: hello! Stranger: Hi there Stranger: Have you heard of You: like badminton? You: I do:D You: .... Stranger: I used to play years ago You: any good? Stranger: I like it, but I'm biased because I own it Stranger: we're looking for questions we can provide advice about Stranger: so if you have anything you're not sure about, let us know! You: ah! You: do Obama like mudkipz? Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
♠∜Kk-f∜♠ Skrevet 31. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2009 Connecting to server...Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: Hi Stranger: a wild abra appears! You: lol pokemon style again You: ftw Stranger: wtf again!? Your conversational partner has disconnected. ¨ Er jeg Alene xD? Lenke til kommentar
Carlgutt Skrevet 31. juli 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 31. juli 2009 Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: they all think they can play me You: with the i'm a female stuff You: but i'm not getin' played like that You: i'm too smart You: way to smart You: u kno what? Stranger: What? You: what. You: hahaa You: ok dude You: chill You: stop laughing You: just chill Stranger: Um... You: u know what? Stranger: What?! You: what. You: HAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHAHA You: omg You: ur so easy You: so easy You: ok ok stop laughing Stranger: ... You: let's have a normal convo You: k just chill You: take it easy You: u know what? Stranger: I know you're wierd. You: what. Stranger: Is that what? You: wait.. You: nono You: u know what? You: u know what? You: do u know what? You: do you know what? Stranger: What? You: what. You: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA You: HAHAHAHAH Stranger: HAHAHHAHAHA Stranger: YOURE SO EASY Stranger: OMG YOU FUCKTARD You: ok take it easy Stranger: LOL Stranger: NO You: take it easy You: stop laughing Stranger: YOU TAKE IT EASY You: i nkow it's funny Stranger: YOU SO FUNNY You: u know what? Stranger: I WISH MOAR PEEPZ BE FUNNY LIEK YOU You: u know what? You: just once more Stranger: i am t You: i promise You: i won't do it again You: just one last You: u know what? Stranger: i am wet Stranger: i wan fuck you Stranger: love you long time You: u know what? You: idon't think u know what Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Wohooo Skrevet 1. august 2009 Del Skrevet 1. august 2009 (endret) Egentlig ganske dårlig, men litt morsom óg. Løy om opplysningene da... bare for å se om han var en av disse kåtingene, og det var han. Stranger: heyy You: Hello:) Stranger: whats ur name:)? You: Bæsj You: and your? Stranger: chad Stranger: asl? You: 16 f sweden You: and you? Stranger: ooo nice Stranger: 17 male australiaa You: do you like my name? Stranger: yehh its pretty Stranger: is it swedish? You: yeah, it's a very common name in sweden ... Endret 1. august 2009 av Wohooo Lenke til kommentar
Rettep92 Skrevet 3. august 2009 Del Skrevet 3. august 2009 You: This is God, I will answer one question. Go! Stranger: Oh wow Stranger: okay let me think this one over Stranger: Who was phone, really? You: Sorry, I don't understand the question. New one! Stranger: Okay Stranger: I accidentally a bottle of coke, WHAT SHOULD I DO? You: You accidentally WHAT a bottle of coke? Stranger: Actually forget that one Stranger: I got a new one Stranger: Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You: No Stranger: MY EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED Your conversational partner has disconnected. :!: Lenke til kommentar
2ball_ Skrevet 5. august 2009 Del Skrevet 5. august 2009 (endret) fant ut at 4chan skulle ha det gøy på omegle nå.. da var jeg ikke vond å be. jeg vet ikke om denne karen jattet med fordi det var morro(mest sansynlig) eller om han bare er en forstyrret liten stakkar. Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! Stranger: 14 male here looking for cyber or nudies,... disconnect if you arent interested You: go on Stranger: what do you mean? You: cyber nuddies? You: me or shal I link you some? Stranger: uhh. either ones fine.. i'd rather have you though.. You: trust me.. you wouldn't.. You: I link you some Stranger: why not? Stranger: why dont i want to see you? You: just trust me.. You: You: produck of Germany.. Stranger: are you a guy? You: fap away You: I'm not ur type.. Stranger: are you a girl then? You: well.. lets just say it's.. complicated.. You: heh.. Stranger: could you try to explain it then? You: well.. You: emm.. You: ok.. You: I'll just say it.. You: I have a pussy.. You: nut.. You: but* You: I alsow have a penis.. You: I tall u caus I'll never see you You: but the link is good Stranger: well.. thats kind of wierd.. You: I told you You: hermafrodite.. Stranger: but could i see the vagina part though? You: that's what it's called.. Stranger: well .. could i see the pussy part? You: my balls kinda sag.. You: but I could hold them up.. Stranger: okay then You: I havent shaved for a while though.. it's not like I'm getting laid annytime soon.. You: do you have msn? Stranger: yeah You: ok.. You: [email protected] You: maby you should have given me urs as well..? You: well.. You: fuck it.. You: I already gave you mine.. Stranger: [email protected] is mine You: promis me you wont post it on the web? Stranger: yeah. i dont do that shit You: I'll share with you cause I don't know you and stuff.. You: ty<3 You: this is cinda kinky Stranger: haha You: ok then.. You: I have my webcam at another computer(I have 3) You: so I gotta set it up.. Stranger: alright You: I'll be ready in.. You: emm.. You: give me 10 min? Stranger: alright.. i'll be on msn You: ok.. cu soon! You: hihi^^ Stranger: alright Your conversational partner has disconnected. jeg gav han msn-adressen til noen som fortjener en skikkelig paybak. håper har skjekker opp i det^^ litt kortere: Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! Stranger: im looking for horny girls who wanna cyber You: ohh.. in that case.. You: I have some information you might have use of.. You: Peanutbutter on the nipples is considered a recepie for intoxcation. I am batubbed at the lack of monkey in your room. Adue: o-|< Stranger: ya wha? You: thank you for your time.. You: was it good for you? Your conversational partner has disconnected. It's all aboute pressing the right buttons: Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: quick press al letter! Stranger: wahhhh? You: press "t" Stranger: t You: now b Stranger: b You: ohh You: yceep going Stranger: im so confuseddd Stranger: wahh r u on abouuuu You: just type letters You: I'll tell you soon enought You: * Stranger: ookkkk Stranger: a Stranger: s Stranger: dlf You: mhm Stranger: k Stranger: i You: mmmh Stranger: eo Stranger: l Stranger: s You: yea! Stranger: fkf Stranger: gh Stranger: e Stranger: e Stranger: is Stranger: is Stranger: ifof Stranger: psp Stranger: f You: right there!!! Stranger: fif Stranger: i Stranger: if You: STOP! Stranger: if Stranger: if Stranger: if Stranger: f Stranger: f Stranger: f Stranger: f Stranger: ksks You: ahhhhhh.. You: thank love!<3 You: was it good for you? Stranger: it was greattt You: mhm.. Stranger: was it gd for you You: come here often? You: I cum here all the time You: you pressed all the right buttons.. Stranger: nooo ive never come here You: I'll miss you You: well.. You: ty<3 You have disconnected. Endret 5. august 2009 av 2ball(s) Lenke til kommentar
kris98 Skrevet 5. august 2009 Del Skrevet 5. august 2009 (endret) Flere her som gir bort MSN'en til bekjente når det er en fyr som vil ha cyber? Spesielt en og samme person ?.. Endret 5. august 2009 av Mr.Graves Lenke til kommentar
Trancender Skrevet 6. august 2009 Del Skrevet 6. august 2009 Hva faen?!?! Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: Hi, im God. Ask me 1 question and i will answer it. Stranger: hi u wanna see little old me masturbate on cam ehhhhh You: age? Stranger: im soooooooo horny Stranger: u Stranger: my pussy is wet for u You: age? Stranger: u first my love You: 23 Stranger: where r u from baby Stranger: You: whats your age? Stranger: u Stranger: fuck u Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
2ball_ Skrevet 6. august 2009 Del Skrevet 6. august 2009 Flere her som gir bort MSN'en til bekjente når det er en fyr som vil ha cyber? Spesielt en og samme person ?.. OM det er lover bort det ene og det andre.. alltid like morro Lenke til kommentar
Skjelvgråt Skrevet 6. august 2009 Del Skrevet 6. august 2009 (endret) Flere her som gir bort MSN'en til bekjente når det er en fyr som vil ha cyber? Spesielt en og samme person ?.. Haha! Det skal jeg sannelig meg begynne og gjøre:) Meh, her er en samtalelog. Synes den var litt artig! Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! Stranger: im You: You spik english god? Stranger: ㅜㅐ You: mE Not understand weird signs Stranger: You spik english god? You: me not english are is good spiker Stranger: hey Stranger: go to the hell You: me not want go to hel You: l You: we only learn how to fire with kalashnikovs. You: in hell You: and we only learn how to fire with kalashnikovs. in school You: me not lern how to spik english in schol Stranger: where are Stranger: you Stranger: from You: me are russian Stranger: oh Stranger: russian Stranger: good You: thats good why? Stranger: russian Stranger: Russians are great! You: from yo uare me wondderr Stranger: The Women Stranger: im Stranger: from You: me think u go ot mental hospitla Stranger: hell You: me think you not smart in your heaad Stranger: hey Stranger: Can not understand written English Translator You: me not belive you is form hel You: me think mentally ill you are Stranger: 충격 Shock You: me think u escape from asylym Stranger: Do not know if you haneunmal interpreted as a translator and You: me not understand. Write easier english Stranger: 번역기 엉터리라서 아직도 이해가 안가는군 Stranger: Translator's still do not understand the bullshit You: me not understand weird signs, me tink u are crasy You: me think u are mentally ill n your head Stranger: I'm Korean You: me think u esaped from asylym You: me not like koreans, me think kim jong il is imentally ill Stranger: 근데 너 자꾸 정신어쩌고 저쩌고 한다 나 욕하냐 Stranger: But you must keep the spirit of sweet song, I yokhanya You: Me NOT understad kim-ong-bong langwich Stranger: I hate Kim Il Sung You: me not want to hear kim ll sing You: why is his name sung, is he singer? Stranger: Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il is alive in the past is not dead 검색 You: kim jong ill is alive in past? no in future? He dead? Stranger: Death Stranger: Not dead yet You: why kim ll sung and kim jong ll. They not ca math? Stranger: Soon Stranger: dead You: why no kim lll jong You: why soon dead, you kill him? You: not nice too do Stranger: Kim Jong-old You: is kim old? Stranger: Russia is a live? You: russia is a live You: why notkim jong bong go to old people's home? Stranger: Russia is a good country? You: me tink russia is are good. Stranger: What points You: we score points often yes? You: in wich sport u wonder we point in? Stranger: Speak the language you do not understand the difference Translator 검색 You: you not afraid for kim ong bong You: ? Stranger: Gimongeun talking to Kim Jong Il? You: me not understannd, spik easier You: you like kim bong ill? Stranger: Who gimbong You: why kim jong bong not retire? he is old? He die? Is hi sad You: kimbong Stranger: Kim Jong Il's gimbong this? 검색 You: i think North korea cal him great leder You: me not think he is great Stranger: Kim Jong-il dies, I'll go to hell You: whyyou go to hel if kim bong ill die? Stranger: Kim Jong Il is a bad You: is why he bad-? He not friend wit ju? You: why is he not friend wit you. You not nice to hi? Not le thim plays wit you toys? Stranger: Tax relief to the people they kill and starve the people and the cost of military expenditure and it's 검색 You: stop spik garbage Stranger: ? You: Kim bong ill not like you not nice. You nice must be You: you let him play with you toys? Stranger: Kim Jong Il you a believer? You: me belive in kalashikov, not kim bong You: me lern to pray to kalasnhikov Stranger: South Korea onjeokitna You: why is souh korea south You: not friend with north? You: wy not riend, sout not let kim jng bong play with toys? Stranger: North Korea is North Korea, but we're cognation You: me not understand, u spik easier You: you mean north-korea and south korea not same country Stranger: Of course use the Translator's You: not neighbours You: they hate eachother? Stranger: yes You: me understand now You: me spik english god you think? You: me learned english now Stranger: Some You: me is happy hear to tat You: why south not atak north Stranger: I do not speak English You: you spik english now? Why you lie You: not nice Stranger: Translator Stranger: Translator Stranger: Translator Stranger: Translator You: me not like translator, me not understand to use how Stranger: ok Stranger: What do you think of Japan You: me think us not nice with japan You: me think they droping nuke on city. not nice Stranger: What do you think South Korea You: me like south korea. You: Me not like north You: wat you tink of russia Stranger: Is attractive You: me like that You: me have to sai bye now You: me have to fire with kalashnikov now. You: my dad say Stranger: To go? Bye You: bye Endret 7. august 2009 av Quakecry Lenke til kommentar
tendilenz Skrevet 7. august 2009 Del Skrevet 7. august 2009 Morsomt Stranger: m/f? You: ¿ɯoɹɟ noʎ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʍ ˙ollǝɥ Stranger: london Stranger: u? You: ¿¿¿¿ǝɯ oʇ ƃuıuǝddɐɥ sı ʇɐɥʍ ¡ou ɥo Stranger: hehehe You: ¿sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ uɐɔ Stranger: what wrong? Stranger: yes Stranger: m/f? You: ¡ɹǝʇndɯoɔ ʎɯ ɥʇıʍ ƃuoɹʍ ƃuıɥʇǝɯos You: ɟ Stranger: ah. need to log bye bye Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
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