kris98 Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Synes Simensk sin ide var litt morsom Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Welcome to Omegle. Type 1 for options. Stranger: Hi Stranger: 1 You: Type "m_chat" to open a chat with multiple users. Type "disconnect_chat" to disconnect from a chat. Type "info_chat" in order to know more chat-commands. Stranger: m_chat You have disconnected. Orket ikke å ha en lang samtale der og da Får heller prøve igjen litt senere Lenke til kommentar
ukjentbrukergitt Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Haha, som om epost er "sensitivt". Haha. ja særlig når man da kan få tilgang til facebook og andre sosiale nettsamfunn Lenke til kommentar
BonoU2 Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Skuffende! Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: I'M TAKING OFF MY CLOTHES! Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Skjelvgråt Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Lot som jeg hadde elendig Engelsk. Enjoy! Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: Hola Stranger: asl? You: Que? Stranger: where you from? You: Que? You: me From spani You: spain You: me think its name in english Stranger: how old? You: me are 19 You: old how you are? Stranger: 17 You: from you are? Stranger: are you male or female? Stranger: australia You: me are female You: my mum say me is very execellent english speaker. Is true that? Stranger: better than most You: me happy now You: Me kiss my mum Stranger: do you have msn? You: me have not name msn Stranger: pardon? You: me name is not msn Stranger: oh ok Stranger: do you have a picture of yourself? You: Me don't have afford to a cameraweb Stranger: oh ok You: we're very poor Stranger: do you have big boobs? You: me not now what boobs is? Stranger: breasts You: my mum have breasts Stranger: so do you You: me ask her how big are they. She not answer You: what is you are doing now? Stranger: Quiero tener cópula sexual con usted y su madre. You: Me not understand Spanish. You: me is are from sweden You: me thought u meant wher me dad are from You: he are spain Lenke til kommentar
BonoU2 Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Stranger: hiYou: Hola Stranger: asl? You: Que? Stranger: where you from? You: Que? You: me From spani You: spain ... ... ... Stranger: Quiero tener cópula sexual con usted y su madre. You: Me not understand Spanish. Hehe Lenke til kommentar
BonoU2 Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Plan: Insistere på at motparten er tysk. No matter what. Here we go. Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: r u german?! Stranger: 中文? You: i think you are german You: im french You: lets fight Stranger: = = You: hmm Stranger: 聽謀 Stranger: 掰掰 You: u seem even more german to me now You: say"hello" in german Stranger: bye You: thats not.. You: i think "hello" in german is more like: "hallo" Stranger: no engish You: no, GERMAN! I KNOW Stranger: bye] You: You are a weird one Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Roeyskatt Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: weeee are fiiighting dreaaamers Stranger: takami wo mezashiteee Stranger: fighting dreaaamers Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Coffey Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 23. juni 2009 Connecting to server...Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Hey! Stranger: hi Stranger: from? You: Norway, you? Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Batnobbit Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 (endret) Overtrøtt samtale. Stranger: 20/m wanna cyber? You: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You: I'm Chewbaca You: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hello you are now talking to a stranger You: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You: I'm Chewbaca You: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa Stranger: how does that make you feel.? You: Like a Hairy bitch You: Like a nobody Stranger: oh thats nice. i assume You: No You: I'm ugly You: And fat You: :'( Stranger: oh well im sorry to hear that Mr. Chewbaca. You: Yeah You: And that cunt Han Solo You: Fucking asshole You: He always takes me from behind You: Why? Stranger: oh... well i have a suprise for you. Stranger: you have just won. Stranger: a free You: :O Stranger: bottle. Stranger: that has nothing in it Stranger: i hope you are happy. You: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I'm so fucking happy right now, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Stranger: oh and another suprise Stranger: you just won. a coupon to get 1 dollar off pizza.! Stranger: hope that make you even more happy. You: You: Man, I was going to take a Britney Spears and shave off my hair, but now i'm so happy i don't need to Stranger: oh and im sorry to say this.. but you are going to die... in 2 minutes... im terribly sorry to say this.. i truley am... but i hope you tell all your family, and friends and get your will down... but you might not have enough time... You: No you are Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaing! That is not traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaue. You are a liraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Stranger: no i do not lie.! when have i ever lied to you.. Stranger: oh i must leave Stranger: i love you You: Love you to straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanger Stranger: hope we see each other again Mr. Chewbaca. Endret 30. juni 2009 av Batnobbit Lenke til kommentar
Fyr1 Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 (endret) Stranger: Hey, are you a girl over 18 that wants to be serenaded in videochat? 20/m/USA musician here. You: GET A LIFE You: SUCKY MUSICIAN Endret 30. juni 2009 av Zn1ken Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3 Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 (endret) Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: hi You: Where are u from? Stranger: usa Stranger: you? You: Norway Your conversational partner has disconnected. Tåpelig at alle skal DC bare fordi jeg kommer fra Norge. EDIT: og litt Star Wars, den fremmede var kjip ble ikke helt med på rollespillinga Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Hi asl? You: Join the dark side, and rule the galaxy by my side. Stranger: no! i'm lucke skywalter! You: There a forces greater than a jedi can imagine on the dark side, You: I will crush you all! The rebublic shall fall, and the Siths will rule! Stranger: :O oh no! Stranger: i will tell for the chapolim! Stranger: he will kill you:D You: My powers are beyond every jedi, noone can even touch me. Stranger: :O Stranger: see chapolin! Stranger: Stranger: he is the best! Stranger: he will kill you:D You: If you are not going to RP then I will leave. You have disconnected. Endret 30. juni 2009 av Slettet-aNZFa3 Lenke til kommentar
G Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 :!: Prøvde meg med Norway. Fikk disconnect jeg også. Lenke til kommentar
BonoU2 Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 You: hello Stranger: guess what i just did You: pooped? Stranger: no You: hmm You: taken a piss? Stranger: no Stranger: kinda similar Stranger: but it feels way better You: ..raped a homeless person?! Stranger: there it is! You: : D You: I love doing that Stranger: i don't ever monday You: i do Stranger: do it* You: well i do You: its just fun u know? Stranger: yeah Stranger: but not on mondays Stranger: any other day is fine Stranger: its jolly You: true, true Stranger: so what have you been up to all day besides raping homeless midgets? You: to be honest, my schedule has been pretty busy with raping homeless midgets Stranger: yeah its a time-consuming hobby man Stranger: i know what u mean You: hello Stranger: hi Stranger: asl? You: 13/girl/homeless You: will you rape me? Stranger: sorry Stranger: wats is rape? You: it is when you give me pleasure Stranger: 13?? Stranger: i too You: cool Stranger: but Stranger: i'm boy Stranger: and live in brazil Stranger: pleadure to meet you... Stranger: sahasuauhah You: do you live in brazil??!? me too!!! lets rape each other!!! Stranger: serio? You: ja You: lets rape, lets have fun fun rape-time You: i can put a dildo up your ass if u want Stranger: onde vc mora? Stranger: dildo You: no, rape! Stranger: q isso? You: que? Stranger: n to intendenndo muito Stranger: hahahaha Stranger: q q eh rape Stranger: e dildo? You: si You: si si Stranger: do you speak portugues? Stranger: or not? You: wtf dude You: u want rape time or not??! Stranger: yes You: i has dildo, but u must be nice to earn it..up your ass that is You: btw, i dont think you speak portugese... Stranger: yes i speak Stranger: but you dont You: I DO!! Stranger: entao vamo fala em portugues You: si! lol Stranger: ata You: mhm Stranger: vc fala portugues de portugal Stranger: ... You: virio em portugal! Stranger: my portugues is brasilian Stranger: is a little diferent You: aha Stranger: so Stranger: do you have msn? You: yes. do you have cam btw? : ) You: i has that u see Stranger: i will buy next weel Stranger: k Stranger: you have? Stranger: [email protected] Stranger: add me You: hmm.. lets make a deal this week i show you me naked, and you can watch me all week and then next week you can buy cam and show me YOU naked You: deal? Stranger: deal You: yay You: is it okay if i masturbate sometimes when you watch? or does that bother you? Stranger: its o Stranger: and i Stranger: can? You: you can masturbate as well yes You: oh damn, i have to go i cant add you on msn, i dont have time! my dad says "go to bed!!" Stranger: no!! you tell him to wait!!!! You: Sorry, I can't Bye bye.. Stranger: waitwaitwaitwhorewait Stranger: sdaddsad Stranger: saffg Stranger: FFQFQFWFSFAAFA Stranger: WAAAIT!! add msn first!! You have disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Rescue me Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Tok Mr. Graves idé et steg videre: Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Can I creep around in your soul for a little while? You: Welcome to Omegle. Type "options" for options. Stranger: Hmm... Stranger: Option Stranger: *options You: Type "s_chat" to open a chat with one user. Type "m_chat" + number (number tells how many) to open a chat with multiple user, ex "m_chat_4" (max is 5). Type "disconnect_chat" to disconnect from a chat. Type "info_chat" in order to know more chat-commands. Stranger: info_chat You: Type "g" + word to search on google, ex "g_car". Type "random_link" to get a random link to a site. Type "random_name" to get a random name. Type "more_info" to get more chat-commands. Stranger: random_link You: Stranger: If I get a virus... Stranger: Tell everyone on /b/... You: Error, not a valid command. Stranger: They're fucking assholes... You: Error, not a valid command. You: Welcome to Omegle. Type "options" for options. Stranger: ._. You: Error, not a valid command. Stranger: You're boring after the first time, you know that?\ You: Error, not a valid command. Stranger: random_link You: Stranger: random_name You: John Terry Stranger: random_name You: Mike Tyson Stranger: more_info You: Type "random_country" to know facts about a random country. Type "country" + name to know facts about a spesific country, ex "country_finland". Type "translate" + word or sentence + language to translate to the language, ex "translate_My name is John._german". Type "more_info2" to get more chat-commands. Stranger: translate_My favorite color is red_german Stranger: Got you on that one didn't I? You: Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist rot Stranger: more_info2 You: Type "random_youtube" to get a link to a random youtube video. Type "good_youtube" to get a link to a good video on yotube. Type "random_answer" + question to get a random answer on your question. Type "more_info3 to get more chat-commands. Stranger: random_answer You: Error, not a valid command. Need question. Stranger: translate_My name is John_wapanese You: Error, not a valid command. Stranger: translate_My name is John_Japanese You: 私の名前はジョン Stranger: more_info3 You: Type "correct_answer" + question to get the correct answer on your question. Hot! Type "love" + two names to know how if you want to know your chance to get in a relationship with the person (your name first), ex "love_Juliet_Jack". New! Type "random_command" to know a random command. Type "options" for options. Stranger: love_John_Alex You: 34% Stranger: love_Seth_Michael You: 59% Stranger: love_Harry_Sally You: 91% Stranger: love_Dick_Jane You: 11% Stranger: love_Richard_Jane You: 45% Stranger: love_John_Alex You: 34% Stranger: love_John_Alexandrea You: 74% Stranger: random_command You: Type "random_youtube" to get a link to a random youtube video. Stranger: random_command You: Type "more_info2" to get more chat-commands. Stranger: correct_answer_What's the big bang theory? You: 42 Stranger: correct_answer_Is there a god? You: 42 Stranger: No Atheist answer? You: Error, not a valid command. Stranger: STOP IT YOU BORING WHORE TROLL You: Error, not a valid command. Stranger: correct_answer_What is /b/ You: 42 Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Sk!ppy Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Stranger: Quiero tener cópula sexual con usted y su madre. Det betyr: Jeg ønsker å ha samleie med deg og moren din. Lenke til kommentar
Heradon Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Del Skrevet 30. juni 2009 Haha denne gikk da bra! Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Good Evening. Stranger: hi You: Do you have a couch? Stranger: a couple. why? You: What color are they? Stranger: one's beige, the other is black You: Do you like them? Stranger: sorta. Stranger: they're fun, i guess You: I got a couch myself too. You: Are you, like... do you have feelings for your couches? Stranger: wat? You: Like, are you attracted to your couches? You: I am. Stranger: really? Stranger: isn't that bad? You: Bad? Not at all, it might be weird for most, but it's wonderful really. Stranger: tell me more You: Do your couches have names? Stranger: the black one's name is Xzibit, i don't have a name for the beige one You: That's cool You: I call mine Dave Stranger: so are you a girl? You: Yes. You: Are you a girl? Stranger: no Stranger: how do you manage to be attracted to your couch? You: Well, guys never really satisfied me. Often on nights after work, I found myself on the couch watching TV or reading You: and well You: one day it happened You: I fell in love with it You: I mean, we spend most of our nights together You: it's just You: so perfect You: besides, the couch never cheats on you, like most asshole guys Stranger: but it's an inanimate object You: Others have fun with toys such as dildos and vibrators, I have my couch. =) Stranger: so you have sex with your couch? You: Yes, quite often actually You: Dave pleasures me more than any guy ever could Stranger: how do you do that? You: Well it depends You: most of the time I rub myself against it, it's amazing You: The advantage of my couch is, it has a massage function, so it kinda vibrates, it's amazing. =) Stranger: so can you officially say you and your couch are in a relationship? You: Yes pretty much, I can't like... marry Dave or anything, laws and all...... and I can't take him out on dates and what not, but at home, we have a wonderful relationship You: Sometimes I share him with my friends You: it's quite kinky Stranger: you must be very close to be comfortable with that You: My best girlfriends, yes, they're kinda jealous of me You: having Dave and all You: they're still stuck with actual guys Stranger: one question. are you trolling? because if not, this is quite possibly the most interesting thing i've ever heard You: No I'm not trolling Stranger: so do you have conversations with it, or do you just use it for comfort? You: Well, it's kinda silly having conversations with it, since it can't talk back and all, so I pretty much use it for comfort most of the time You: it actually understands my emotions unlike most guys You: it's lovely Stranger: how do you know it understands your emotions? You: and is caring, Dave is just lovely You: because, it's always so comforting when I feel down Stranger: i see. so what turned you away from normal guys? assholes? cheating? You: Yea, they cheated on me quite a lot, all they wanted was sex. I mean, it's not that I'm not good looking and that I didn't have the option to date guys, tons run after me, but that's the thing, they only run after me because I look good You: no one bothers to look for the personality of a person anymore You: with Dave, it's just... perfect, he won't cheat, he is there for me when I need him, no nagging, no useless conversations Stranger: that actually sounds like the most comforting (no pun intended) relationship ever. you said you share it with your friends sometimes, do they, like, make fun of you for it or do they totally understand? You: they totally understand, like I said, they're actually quite jealous that I have Dave You: I mean, good couches are rare too, it's not like every couch is the same You: it's hard to tell on what makes a couch... better, but you can just feel it Stranger: did you buy it or was it given to you? You: I bought it years ago, when I first moved into my house You: I went to a furniture store, it had many couches, but there was something about this couch I just had to have it You: I didn't know it would turn into a relationship or anything like that when I bought it, I just... liked it A LOT more than other couches You: I probably had that couch for a good 3-4 years before I actually developed feelings for it Stranger: wow. long friendships before relationships are much better in all forms, i suppose. so what do you do when guys hit on you or something? You: What do I do when guys hit on me? I just ignore them. My heart belongs to Dave, it doesn't matter what guys do to try to 'get me', it's not really flatering either, knowing guys would want me, they're all in for the sexual aspect anyway Stranger: oh, no, i mean, say you're talking to someone and they ask if you're seeing anyone, do you say "yeah, my couch" or just "yeah, this guy dave"? You: I'd just say, yes, I'm taken Stranger: this is really interesting. not to say in a patronizing sense, but i've never heard of the concept, but you make it sound absolutely divine. You: Yea, I doubt many do it, but it's actually quite nice. Not sure if everyone could love an 'object', but I love the fact that I can. You: I feel so much happier in my life since I have Dave, well, that I'm in a relationship with him You: one major drawback though You: I can't have kids with him You: I guess I could adopt some, but that's not really having kids with HIM Stranger: yeah, but even having kids with him indirectly would be impossible. adopting is always a good alternative, though. You: Yes, sadly. But ya, adopting is a alternative, so many parentless kids anyway these days, I guess I'd do good. You: So I'm guessing, you've never actually felt anything about an object You: like a couch? Stranger: not really. i've had feelings for, say, anime characters, but is that the same? You: Yea, that's not really the same. But, you're into anime characters I take it? You: And, do you think you'll think differently about your couch or other things from now on? Stranger: most definitely. this has opened my mind quite a bit You: That's good to hear Stranger: :] i must be going now, but thank you very much, this was a great conversation. Stranger: have a wonderful day! i wish you the best with dave! You: Thank you, it was wonderful to talk about it with you! Have a wonderful evening Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Fyr1 Skrevet 1. juli 2009 Del Skrevet 1. juli 2009 (endret) Legendarisk russisk retard Litt lang.. Men jeg storkost meg i hvert fall under samtalen Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Hi You: Helllllooo Stranger: Are you rusophobes? You: was is daz? Stranger: Russia haters??? Stranger: ) You: YES You: i am from norway You: so ofc You: ofc You: ofc You: and u? Stranger: screw u up fucking rusophobes Stranger: Im from Ruusia You: hahahahhahahaha Stranger: Fuckin mind You: hahahahahaha You: hahahhahaha Stranger: Fuck you You: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand hahahhahaha You: U FAIL You: russians shouldnt be aloud to chat here Stranger: Fuck you Stranger: gay You: don't you agree? Stranger: dont You: 50 % of russians are gay. am i right? Stranger: no Stranger: You are fuck mind You: google "russians are gay" You: and you shall se the truth! Stranger: I fuck ur google Stranger: google is russian seacrh system You: lol Stranger: mother fucker You: no it's not Stranger: Are you fuck mind? Stranger: Why u hate me? Stranger: are u skinhead? You: because you are a hostile motherfucker smile.gif You: lol You: you think skinheads hate russians? You: they hate black people.. which russia don't have You: haha Stranger: Why??? Stranger: russia hostile??? Stranger: You stupid Stranger: its not true You: i said that you are hostile smile.gif Stranger: Russia is a great country You: so you like communism? Stranger: No Stranger: I fuck USSR Stranger: Russia is not communism You: you fuck them? now that is gay Stranger: im not have sex with they You: but you want to? Stranger: no Stranger: Why you hate Russia? You: Beacuse you live there Stranger: am i hostile? You: with all your swearing You: my mum said that it is not nice to say fuck you smile.gif Stranger: You first start humble ьу Stranger: You first start humble me Stranger: and my motherland You: I didn't say nothing bad about your mothers land You: she is probably a nice lady You: do you own a lot of land? Stranger: Russia You: you own russia? Stranger: How old are you? You: are you Vladimir Vladimirovitsj Putins son? You: I am the same age as you Stranger: see Stranger: You: Are you rusophobes? Stranger: was is daz? You: Russia haters??? You: ) Stranger: YES Stranger: You saing, that you hate Russia Stranger: and russian people You: no, only putin. and now his son Stranger: I not his son Stranger: I not against you You: are you chatting on omegle to see who is russian haters? Stranger: Why when i write, that i am russian usa, UK... disconnected? You: they are afraid that you communism will come and eat them You: so they disconnect as fast as they can Stranger: I am not a communist Stranger: Russia is not USSR Stranger: we have no сommunism You: you have some Stranger: no Stranger: I live here Stranger: I know You: ok You: but one thing is for sure, putin sucks Stranger: Why? You: he is corrupt Stranger: You brainwashed You: I am awsome, I know, thanks Stranger: How do you know Stranger: ? You: the internetz tellz me Stranger: You are mistaken, but I'm not so good at English, to explain You: hehe You: I am going to tell you something you noob You: I have been fucking with you this whole time smile.gif You: I don't hate russia, but I can't say I like it. I don't really know anything about it You: But people like you make me hate it a little more You: You obvious have a brain damage of some kind Stranger: No You: Go ask a doctor You: but not a russian one. beacuse he might have a bran damage aswell Stranger: Do you think it is, because you are very far from the truth You: So you have something in your brain that makes you unhuman? Stranger: I am quite healthy You: thats what you think Stranger: No You: But I can tell after this conversation that you are pretty retarded You: I am sorry to be the one that has to tell you Stranger: And how do I talk to a man who hates my motherland? You: I don't hate your mothers land Stranger: You really do not know me and to make such findings You: She probably is a nice lady and has a nice garden You: One day you will own your mother land smile.gif Stranger: It is said that the sooner your brain is damaged, not my You: mothers* You: Say that last sentence again, with a little better english smile.gif Stranger: U not smart You: I not smart :O You: WAS???? You: You be crazy guy Stranger: U are foolish You: Oh no you didnt? Stranger: U are very foolish You: You are so cute smile.gif Stranger: And you is not wit Stranger: Sorry for my bad language You: I forgive you, It's not easy with your brain damage Stranger: My brain is in the order You: That's what she said You: I hope that you aren't older then 14 years? Stranger: You read Kant and Montaigne Stranger: or Dostoevskiy You: hehe You: never heard of those things Stranger: *Dostoevsky Stranger: oO Stranger: never heard of Kant and Montaigne You: Some russian heroes i presume? You: Are they your uncles? Stranger: Kant - the founder of German philosophy Stranger: Dostoevsky - greate Russian writer Stranger: Dostoevsky - first russian philosopher You: was Dostoevsky born in the 1980s? Stranger: I spend my time on you, my younger brother wiser Stranger: Read books Stranger: stupid boy Your conversational partner has disconnected. Endret 1. juli 2009 av Zn1ken Lenke til kommentar
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