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Omegle chat med fremmede!


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Gjest Slettet+5132
Fordi de vil snakke med folk som snakker engelsk eller i det minste noen som er fra et litt betydningsfulltl land, det er ikke ofte jeg gidder å chate lenge med folk fra Finland eller Island akkurat..

Har det noe å si hvilket land folk kommer fra? Går an å føre en god samtale likevel.

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Vet ikke egentlig synes det er vansklig å føre en god samtale med folk som ikke er så god i engelsk, er litt stress når folk som skal bruke 5min på vær eneste settning og dreper vært spørsmål med kortest mulig svar, det er i det minste min erfaring. Joda jeg hatt hyggelige samtaler med folk fra tyskland f.eks men alt i alt så fåretrekker jeg å snakke med folk fra engelsk snakkende land eller land som er kjent for å være litt mer eksotisk elns.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey, if you're swedish guy, 17 years old, and talked a while ago with a 17 years old finnish girl who's with her friend, please let me know.

You: hi

You: ok..?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: i need to know somthing

Stranger: me and my g/f want to know

Stranger: if my g/f is violent

Stranger: yes or no

You: I don't know anything about her..

Stranger: thats irrelevant

Stranger: stop thinking and just give me and anwer

You: no..

Stranger: thank you now go grow some balls mr. " oh i dont kno wanything about her"

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Endret av StudioARE
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Måtte prøve meg, og litt morro må man ha det.




Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hello there

Stranger: asl?

You: why does everyone want to know that?

Stranger: cause

You: just cause?

Stranger: no

You: if i'm a girl, what then?

Stranger: if we know that, we can do chat comfortable

You: well maybe

You: dependes on you

Stranger: i'm girl too

You: sure, but i'm a boy

Stranger: oh

Stranger: yep

You: snakker du norsk?

Stranger: what?

You: greit

You: du fatta ikkje ka eg seie

Stranger: what

Stranger: are you german>

You: nope

Stranger: and where?

You: and where is what?

Stranger: country

You: sorry, but my english is not to good. For me country is a music thing

Stranger: where do you live?

You: home

Stranger: what location?

You: well, north pole

You: almost

Stranger: fuckong

Stranger: i hate u

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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Utga meg for å være ei jente bare for å teste ut, litt skeptisk i andre enden, men klarte å holde maska til slutt. Kunne sikkert dratt denne ennå lenger :)





Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: how are you

You: bare bra

You: just fine

Stranger: whats bare bra?

Stranger: :p

You: bare bra = just fine

Stranger: in another language :p?

You: yes

Stranger: wich one :p

You: guess

Stranger: turkish, spanish, marrocain, greek,...

Stranger: portuguesse

You: no no no

You: skal vi pule litt?

Stranger: russian, oukranian, swedish something from scandinavia maybe

You: well, maybe you're right

Stranger: dennish?

You: no

Stranger: tell me :p

You: begins with N

Stranger: norwegian

You: bingo

Stranger: :D

Stranger: i was right with the scandinavian thing :D

You: yes

You: det stemmer

Stranger: haha :D

You: ka nå du ler av?

Stranger: yes sure :p

Stranger: haha what does it mean :p

You: ikkje spill idiot nå

Stranger: idiot.. that i do understand

You: hehe

You: it's not the same in norwau

You: norway

Stranger: oh ok :p

You: in norway when we say idiot we like that person :)

Stranger: haha

Stranger: how old are you?

You: 19 girl

Stranger: ok ;)

You: and u?

Stranger: male

Stranger: 16 :p

You: wanna have fun?

Stranger: how do you mean

You: don't pretend you don't understand

Stranger: hhaha im not quite sure

You: not?

You: well, i'm all by my self

Stranger: yeah but you could say anyting right :p i could pretend that im a 90 year old women too so :p

Stranger: just mean

You: anything right?

You: what?

Stranger: haha i mean that i will never be sure of who you really are

You: that's true

You: but' belive me, i'm telling the truth

Stranger: haha i believe you :p

You: good, then we can countinue

Stranger: ok

You: when was last time you had sex?

Stranger: haha never

Stranger: im still not quite sure..

Stranger: if i should believe you but it would be a shame if your not lying and im thinking you are

Stranger: understand? :p

You: i understand

You: that's bad for you

Stranger: indeed but ill try my best :p

You: good

You: then, if I where at your place what would you do to me?

You: anything goes

Stranger: uhm difficult one :p

You: really?

Stranger: haha as much ass possible

Stranger: but i can only be sure of who you are if you give me ur msn..

You: i never give my msn to people i never met in RL, that's because I alomost got raped once when i did that

Stranger: yeah i understand but how can i be sure than

You: he tracked me, and I was lucky to escape

You: why are you not sure?

Stranger: bucause this is internet :p

You: i know, that's why I never give my number or MSN

Stranger: true

You: but if you have lived where I live, we could have met

Stranger: :p

Stranger: haha :D describe yourself :D

You: blond long hair, 57 kg, 165 cm tall

You: blue eyes

Stranger: making it even harder cuz too believe you 100%¨cuz that seems almost to perfect

You: everyone tells me that

Stranger: whats your name

You: why fo you want my name?

Stranger: if you dont want to say it its fine

Stranger: doesnt matter

You: good

You: but I have to go and getting dressed for the evening. Going out with the girls tonight. Will think about you tonight my friend. :)

Stranger: haha :p

Stranger: how late is it there at this time?

You: it's 5PM, and are going to meet the girls about 7PM

Stranger: ok

You: bye bye

Stranger: bye

You have disconnected.



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Stranger: hi

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: hihi

Stranger: hihihi

Stranger: hihihii

You: yo

Stranger: What's up?

You: not much

You: there?

Stranger: fine

Stranger: from?

You: norway

You: u?

Stranger: korea

You: cool

You: m/f?

Stranger: m

You: did i talk to you to seconds ago?

You: when I was sweedish girl?

Stranger: oh

your conversational partner has left the conversation.

Endret av Ballus
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Trodde det skulle ende litt bedre jeg da..



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hiiiiii

Stranger: asl?

You: why do you want to know that?

Stranger: bacause i dont want to be talking to an old person.

You: haha :p

Stranger: or anybody too young

Stranger: so....

You: 17 m norway

Stranger: 16fusa

Stranger: are the kind that really offensive when someone asks for you're asl?

You: not really

Stranger: cuz those people piss me off

Stranger: but lets cut to the chase

Stranger: u hot?


You: mm

Stranger: mm what/

You: depends on what you think is hot

You: I'm not fat or anything.. if you wonder

Stranger: jesus fuckin euro ppl

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




En av de bedre samtalene



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hey

You: what are you up to?

Stranger: nothing much

Stranger: you?

You: hehe, same

You: just a bit bored.. though I could have done something

Stranger: something?

You: yeah.. well.. I could have played a game, but I don't.. since I'm waiting for a girl I love to log on

Stranger: awww

Stranger: how sweet

Stranger: she's lucky to have such a guy

Stranger: ^_^

You: hehe :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Endret av StudioARE
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Noen folker kjipe. :thumbdown:


You: hiiii <33

You: wanna have some fun?

Stranger: Oh, stop bothering me


Andre folk er mye morsommmere.


You: hiii! <33

Stranger: Hey

You: Wanna have some fun?

Stranger: Yeah

Stranger: :)

Stranger: What's your nationality?

You: Your place?

Stranger: Madrid, Spain

You: Let's do it there!

Stranger: What do you mean?

You: You said you wanted to have some fun?

Stranger: Alright. LOL

Stranger: What do you want to do?

You: many things

You: I want to play with you

Stranger: LOL

Stranger: Your place?

Stranger: Gender?

You: Female

You: Barcelona, Spain

Stranger: Como te llamas?

You: Huh?

You: I'm an exchange student

Stranger: Where are you from?

Stranger: How old are you?

Stranger: Don't you know any spanish terms?

You: Norway, just turned 19

You: No, not really

Stranger: How long have you been there?

You: 1month

Stranger: by that time, you should have learned. LOL

You: There, I've ordered a train ticket to Madrid

Stranger: what do you want to talk about

You: Pick me up at 02 Am, okay?

Stranger: Okay.

Stranger: Where?

Stranger: Where in madrid?

You: The train station, I don't know what its called

Stranger: There are so many train stations here

You: Is there a station called Chamartín?

Stranger: Yeah.:)

Stranger: Should I meet you there?

You: Yap, that would be really nice! =)

You: Brb, have to eat..

Stranger: tengo 18 anos.:)

You: Cool, 18 is a cool age =)

Stranger: i know right:D

You: As I said, have to eat, brb

Stranger: k


Lurer på om han møter opp, jeg. :p

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You: hello

Stranger: hey sexi

You: Heeey

Stranger: do u have a big nice cock for me ?

You: Indeed

Stranger: oh yeah. big black or small white ?

You: Big white

Stranger: omg

Stranger: thats okei

You: They call me biggus dickus

Stranger: oh yeah, take me . NOW!

You: Want to know a secret?

Stranger: btw, im a dude

You: I got aids

Stranger: yes

You: And i want to share it with you

Stranger: whats aids ?

You: Something beautiful i want to share with you

Stranger: oh yeah

Stranger: that sounds hot

You: Yep

Stranger: how do you share this beatiful thing wit hme ?

Stranger: with me

You: Well, i've already done it

Stranger: omg, how ?

You: 9 months before you were born, I did your mom

Stranger: you did my mom what ?

You: My penis was inside her vagina

Stranger: oh...

Stranger: :l

You: So, if you want.. you can call me dad

Stranger: :'l

You: Sooo

You: Son :)

Stranger: dad:)

You: But now I got to tell this secret to another son

You: Bye bye

Stranger: byebye

Stranger: dad:*


Lenke til kommentar

Hadde en litt morsom nå i natt. Lurer på hva denne personen nå sitter og tenker på ;)





Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

You: i hate all theese hipacrits

Stranger: i dont

You: that just wanna ask asl

Stranger: most of them are just males looking for female company

You: sure

You: and if u are f and between 13 and 18 they all go insane

Stranger: lol

Stranger: are you? omg i'm going to go insane

You: i have tried all that

You: i hear voices in my head

Stranger: auditory hallucinations

Stranger: you need sleep

You: sure?

You: even if i just writing lyric of a song i know?

You: never heard that song?

Stranger: that's weird

You: wired?

You: why=

You: ?

Stranger: i don't know

Stranger: it's just weird

You: but maybe i need sleep

You: it's 2.30 AM

Stranger: or a doctor

You: not a doctor

You: they can't help me

Stranger: then go sleep

Stranger: it's 6 am here . i haven't slept yet

You: either they give me up or they wont help me. doctors are bad

You: they always says there is nothing wrong

Stranger: because there is nothing wrong

You: sure

Stranger: all your problems are mental

You: everyone say that

You: mental?

Stranger: u need a psychiatrist

You: tried that once

You: didn't helped much

Stranger: i don't know then. just talk to somebody . open up.

You: talk about my problems?

Stranger: yes

You: well

Stranger: talk to me, if u want

You: sure?

Stranger: i'm all ears

Stranger: yes

You: when i hear those voices they're sounds like they're going to kill me

You: or that i have to kill someone

You: i hate it

Stranger: u have opressed feelings of hatred and fear

Stranger: you have to ither take it out or find a replacement for that

Stranger: fall in love

You: well?

You: fall in love`?

Stranger: love can make u forget about fear and hatred

Stranger: u only keep thinking abt the other person

You: tried it, but she dumped me for my best friend

Stranger: find someone else

You: not easy

Stranger: find somebody online

You: no way

You: have to go

You have disconnected.




Litt ondskapsfullt av meg, men var trøtt så orka ikke dra den lenger.

Endret av Geggse
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jeg var desverre innom 4chan en tur og ble ledet til omgele.


førstenevnte side mante frem alle de beste nagervitsene jeg kunne. så vist du ikke har noe i mot det kan du godt le litt:



Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: <m

Stranger: f

Stranger: >

You: i'm not a rasist but this is just dam funny:

Stranger: whats damn funnyy?

You: So I was beating this nigger with a stick, right; and I was like "Oh shit! Sorry Mr. President"

Stranger: hahaa

Stranger: is there more?

You: a jew, a indian and a nigger walks in to this bar.....

and the bartender looks up and says:

get the hell out!

Stranger: loll

You: How do you make a road in Africa?

Stranger: that ones really funny

Stranger: no clue

You: Lay down all the black people and make them smile

Stranger: lmao

You: I so lol'd xD

Stranger: haha yeh those are good

You: <NOT a rasist^^

Stranger: hahah i got it

Stranger: just dont say any of these to a black person i guess

You: like the line and all? xD

Stranger: lol yess

You: that reminds me:

You: how does every "black-joke" start?

Stranger: yo?

You: by looking over your shoulder..

Stranger: dawg?

Stranger: hahah

Stranger: omggg

Stranger: thats hilarious

You: and true! xD

Stranger: lol

Stranger: yeh it actually iss

Stranger: lmao

You: if u throw 10 imigrants into the ocean...

You: what have u got?

Stranger: idkk

You: a good start!

You: ^^

Stranger: hahaha

You: I'm on fire! xD

You: so..

Stranger: lmao

Stranger: yeh you are

You: how many irish people does it take to replace a lightbulb?

Stranger: uuuuh

Stranger: 2?

You: 2. one to hold it and one to drink til the room spins :)

Stranger: hahah knew it


Stranger: i thinkn ive heard that one

Stranger: lol

Stranger: WOOT

You: ^^

You: hm..

You: I'm out of jokes..

Stranger: lolll

You: u have any?

Stranger: those werre all good ones tho

Stranger: seriously

Stranger: hm..

You: ^^

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



MERK: undertegnede -som presisert i chatten- er ikke rasist.



litt lang men han ble litt sint på slutten:


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: yello

Stranger: howdy

You: texas?

Stranger: haha

Stranger: no

You: thank god

Stranger: :p

Stranger: where are you from?

You: Norway o.0

Stranger: cool

Stranger: ever been to texas?

You: nope^^

Stranger: why don't you like texans, then?

Stranger: do you even know any? :p

You: don't know..

Stranger: haha

You: nope..

You: the TV told me to!

You: :p

Stranger: haha

Stranger: fair enough

You: so..

You: wher U from?

Stranger: Canada

You: cool..

You: unlike the US u people don't shoot eachother as much :)

Stranger: yah

You: almos normal ( :

Stranger: what do you mean almost?

You: I'm not normal..

Stranger: who is?

You: what do u THINK i mean?

Stranger: I haveno clue

You: well then..

You: it's settled

Stranger: haha

You: we're having a bloody picknic!

Stranger: who is?

You: we are!

You: u don't remember?

Stranger: who is 'we'?

You: you and me silly..

You: u promised

Stranger: no one told me :p

You: ffffffuuuuuu!

Stranger: haha

Stranger: I didn't say I wouldn't go...

You: well..

You: that is SOMETHING

You: i guess..

You: do u like porn?

Stranger: :p

Stranger: I don't know

Stranger: no

Stranger: because it's disrespectful to women

Stranger: but yes, because who doesn't like it, really?

You: cool down..

You: u just missed..

Stranger: just missed what?

You: <I have a frikki'n penis!

Stranger: so?

You: do you?

Stranger: yah


going to disconnect?

You: hmm..

You: don't know...

You: no..

You: wait..

You: this i sfunny:

Stranger: gtfo then

You: Your IP address has been logged by the Child Internet Service Protection Agency. Please wait while memory reference code "872286924" is entered into the database.

NOTICE TO CHATTER: the Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to the potential violation of U.S law. This chat is currently being monitored by one of our agents. If you believe this chat session was logged in error, call your local F.B.I office and quote reference number #6292568407. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. Please also state your reasons to the member of staff why you believe this error has occurred. Failure to do so within 15 minutes of the violation will result in imprisonment until proven non-guilty. Also if you choose to appeal about the violation, we may offer you a deduction on your sentence. But until proven non-guilty you are thought of as a registered pedophile to the F.B.I and be dealt with within the next 24 hours.

You: nonononononono

You: not THAT

You: this:

Stranger: uh yah, ok

You: So I was beating this nigger with a stick, right; and I was like "Oh shit! Sorry Mr. President"

Stranger: that's even worse

Stranger: why are you being investigated by the FBI, if I may ask?

If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.

You: I'm not..

You: you are..

Stranger: yah sure

Stranger: whatever you say

You: like if I say: JUMP!

Stranger: just another fucking weirdo...

Stranger: goodamn I hate this site


Endret av 2ball(s)
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#1 - Terminator


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Howdy stranger

Stranger: how are you? [:

You: Im fine. Yourself?

Stranger: im doing alright.

Stranger: whats up?

You: ceiling from what I can see, lol

You: No, nothing much really

You: there?

Stranger: hmmm nothing much [:

You: My names' sarah by the way

Stranger: my name's melissa :D

You: :)

You: Sarah Connor actually

You: This might sound strange, but have you heard about this thing called Judgement day?

Stranger: hm...yes i have

Stranger: idk what it is though.

You: Well, it's coming. Get to safety while you can, the robots are coming

You: I've covered my half by sending a robot back in time to save the future

Stranger: =o awesome!!

You: No, it's not awesome. Judgementday is nothing to get excited over!

Stranger: oh..i like robots though

You: Not these robots

You: Terminators they call them

Stranger: ohhh....sounds scary :O

You: Ultimate killingmachines they are

Stranger: cna they be destroyed?

You: If their powercells dies, they will eventually die, yes

You: Terminated we call it

Stranger: ahhh

You: Tell your family and friends. Move south

Stranger: how south?

You: Mexico would be a good target of destination at first

You: Then antartica eventually

Stranger: hmmm....i'll need a coat.

You: And guns

You: lots of guns

Stranger: do you have any?

You: Not on me, but i'll have to drop down to mexico to get some from my.. 'ehm, relatives

Stranger: ohhh

Stranger: get me some

You: Ok, just dont slow us down

You: my and my son John Connor will have to survive

You: he's gonna save the world you know

Stranger: hahhaha i just found out what you were talking about.

You: Yes, the end of the world is coming...

You: Not a pleasant thought, no

Stranger: ...well i meant the names and everything.

You: I like my name, my sons' as well

Stranger: haha i just googled it.

You: Judgement day?

You: Did they mention a virus called Skynet?

Stranger: uhh i didnt really read it.?

You: It's the virus that's going to infect the terminators, originally created by the US military.

You: Their creation will doom us all

Stranger: indeed it shall

You: Well, be safe. I've got to get to mexico.

You: Chiao

Stranger: byeee


#2 - Slow Typer is Slow


Stranger: Hi

Stranger: htp://www.wowgranvia.com/

You: Whats that?

Stranger: wow

Stranger: World of Warcraft

You: aha, i see

You: Do you like wow?

Stranger: good

You: do you suck dick?

Stranger: yup!!

You: Gotcha

Stranger: yup!!


#3 - Slow Typer is Slow 2


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hi

You: Do you like music?

You: do you suck dick?

Stranger: of course

You: I see

Stranger: put your mums pussy

You: Good day to you too sir. /b/ sends his regards


#4 - Slow Typer is Slow 3


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hello

You: do you like music?

You: do you suck dick?

Stranger: very much

You: aha

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


#5 - Slow typer is slow 4


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: hi

You: Do you like music?

You: do you suck dick?

Stranger: depends

You: hmm

Stranger: and only on tuesdays

You: Not sundays?

You: Could we make an exception?

Stranger: nahhh

You: Darnit

Stranger: sundays is when i skin cats

You: Dang. I'll have to try again later. Have a nice evening

Stranger: 7?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


#6 - Slow Typer is Slow 5


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi there

Stranger: hi

Stranger: sup

You: do you like music?

You: do you mastrubate to transexual midget-porn?

Stranger: course

You: hmm

Stranger: no

You: too late

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


#7 - Surprise


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi how are you? 22 male nyc

You: hi, my name is denise

You: how are you, ?

Stranger: my name is Dennis

Stranger: lol

Stranger: :)

Stranger: good how are you

You: good

You: whats up?

You: x]

Stranger: not too much

Stranger: where are you from?

You: Sweden

Stranger: cool!

You: youre from usa?

Stranger: germany but living in nyc.

Stranger: im a student

You: aha

You: guess what im doing

Stranger: mm

Stranger: eating? watching movie? chilling?

You: playing with my cock

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


#8 - Spain


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hola

Stranger: spain?

You: Im not a spain

You: Im a boy

You: are you a spain?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


#9 - There are no girls on the internet


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: horny?

You: no, im jonas

Stranger: i'm nina

You: no you're not



#10 - Ganstah


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi5

You: sup niggah

You: wher ya boyz at

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


#11 - Fuckass


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i am sexy male

You: If you were a sexy male, you wouldnt be on Omegle, fuckass

You have disconnected.



Kos dere.




#12 - FBI


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i wanna sex on msn with a girl , is that you?

You: Your IP address has been logged by the Child Internet Service Protection Agency. Please wait while memory reference code "872286924" is entered into the database.

NOTICE TO CHATTER: the Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to the potential violation of U.S law. This chat is currently being monitored by one of our agents. If you believe this chat session was logged in error, call your local F.B.I office and quote reference number #6292568407. VIOLATION: Solicitation of a minor. Please also state your reasons to the member of staff why you believe this error has occurred. Failure to do so within 15 minutes of the violation will result in imprisonment until proven non-guilty. Also if you choose to appeal about the violation, we may offer you a deduction on your sentence. But until proven non-guilty you are thought of as a registered pedophile to the F.B.I and be dealt with within the next 24 hours.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Ble nødt til det etter jeg så posten din, 2 ball(s) :p


Endret av Mr.Graves
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