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Stranger: hi


Stranger: yep

You: Right. It's you, me and X tonight - we've got a 15 kilo drop coming in


You: This sh*t has a street value $500,000 and needs cutting by tomorrow

Stranger: oh fack, I have to go ..



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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: [email protected]

You: Hi

You: You are alone?

Stranger: yes

You: Right. It's you, me and X tonight - we've got a 15 kilo drop coming in

Stranger: ?

You: This sh*t has a street value $500,000 and needs cutting by tomorrow

Stranger: okkkkkkkkkk

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Han stakk før jeg fikk snakke ferdig :\

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Damn. Jeg har en fyr som ikke vil gi seg her:


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: IDF?

Stranger: :wave:

Stranger: hi

You: I'm Josef Fritzl. Wanna take a tour in my basement? :)

Stranger: oh I'm here already

Stranger: ive been waiting for you

You: Oh. OK. Have you see'n my fuc** up daughter yet? She liekes mudkipz

Stranger: no she just left

You: She's very fuc* able tough :)

You: Dang..

Stranger: ooh she told me the same about you

You: OK. Now to the serious part.

You: Right. It's you, me and X tonight - we've got a 15 kilo drop coming in

Stranger: aint that precious

You: This sh*t has a street value $500,000 and needs cutting by tomorrow

Stranger: omg there is someone walking behind you

You: Don't play silly f*ckers with me Pedro - yes the drugs.

Stranger: turn around look at me

You: I need to know I can trust you to handle this score.

Stranger: I'm not pedro anymore i just had my sex change u didnt know?

Stranger: cool beans

You: The boss wants no screw ups this time. Or little Jackie gonna wake up tomorrow without her daddy, know what I'm saying?

Stranger: no

Stranger: i can handle it

You: Good.

You: The street value on this pot is sky high. Don't mess it up

Stranger: I wont.




Han gir seg ikke ...

Endret av Kristian94
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Stranger: Hi,where u from?

You: norway

You: you?

Stranger: the future

You: 2000?

You: do you have flying cars yet ?

You: cause that would be AWESOME

Stranger: no,but we have jetpacks

You: nice

You: teleports?

Stranger: yeah,we have some ,some times they kills you,but is cool

You: hehe

You: yeah i guess

You: so how is Saw 15?

Stranger: world war 3 ended today

You: wow

You: who won

Stranger: Saw,dude,a great movie

Stranger: we,the human race

You: oh

Stranger: those aliens bastards!

You: indeed

Stranger: wich year of the past are you ?

You: 2009

Stranger: sorry,my english is not that good

Stranger: hum

You: hehe

Stranger: my grandfahter presidente of the USA in that year

You: wow

You: related to obama

Stranger: yeah,a great man =]

You: agree

You: so which year are you from ?

Stranger: 2068

You: wo

You: w

Stranger: not much far

You: do you have timecops yet ?

Stranger: sorry what?

You: time cops

Stranger: oh sure

You: controlling time travel crimes

You: hehe

Stranger: a lot of people was thinking that movie minority report was bullshit

Stranger: but it works very well

You: i would think so

You: does tom cruise still look like he's 30

Stranger: who??

You: nevermind

Stranger: oh,yeah tom cruise

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: he died from aids in 2011

Stranger: rest in peace

You: too bad

Stranger: hey,in 2009 angelina jolie is still alive?

You: yeah

You: clone her and make your own personal sex slave

Stranger: dude,that chick kicks ass

You: that has to be possible in 2068

You: yeah i know

Stranger: yeah,the government is working on it

You: nice

You: jessica alba is also still alive

Stranger: yeah,a little loder,but she still here

You: wow

Stranger: older*

You: she has to be almost a hundred years old

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: somthing like it

You: so did she ever do any good movies?

You: / parts

Stranger: hey,a gotta go,see some dinausaurs in the zoo

You: i can't wait to get to the future

You: ttyl

You: bye

Stranger: goodbye person from the past,nice talk to you!

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Hva gjorde jeg galt? :(


Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Hi

Stranger: how are you?

You: Good. And you? :)

Stranger: im fine thanks

Stranger: your a girl? :)

You: Boy :). You then?

You: ?

Stranger: boy

You: Cool.

Stranger: shit

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Stranger: Hello

Stranger: Yes

You: Right. It's you, me and X tonight - we've got a 15 kilo drop coming in

You: This sh*t has a street value $500,000 and needs cutting by tomorrow

Stranger: but the colombians are onto us

You: I need to know I can trust you to handle this score.

Stranger: they know my address for god's sake, and they've got Maggie

You: The boss wants no screw ups this time. Or little Jackie gonna wake up tomorrow without her daddy, know what I'm saying?

Stranger: Fuck dude, this is so far over my head. I don't mind a little peddlin' here, a little shufflin' there, but Jesus - they've got guns

You: Don't play silly fuckers with me Pedro

Stranger: But that's EXACTLY what i am. Pedro the Silly Fucker as dear old mama called me

You: I need to know I can trust you to handle this score.

Stranger: dude - i think i'm gonna piss myself i'm so scared

Stranger: what if i fuck up?

You: That's not of my problems.

Stranger: What if I go to the Feds?

Stranger: Drop your ass in deep shit?

You: Then you wont see Maggie for a long time...

Stranger: They'd give me a new identity, set me up in some hideway in Oregan

You: We'll find ya!

Stranger: I'll run for the border.

Stranger: Well, hobble, what with this fucked up leg

You: In vain.. As i said, we'll find you wherever you hide!

Stranger: Okay then. what time tonight?

You: 2pm at the docks

You: 2am*

Stranger: Cool. See you then, Mom

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Stranger: btw = by the way?

You: yep

Stranger: ftw = for the win?

You: yeah

Stranger: thanks

Stranger: lol

Stranger: :)

You: haha np :p

Stranger: no problem?

Stranger: HUAUHA

You: haha, yes


Edit: SATAAAAAAN! Når jeg endelig hadde fått prata en stund med han karn så klarer jeg å komme borti tilbake-knappen på musa så samtalen blir avslutta! Jaja. Huff, stakkar.


Edit2: Kom over en svenske:


Stranger: Sen igår var den nån brud som pratade om sitt ofödda barn.

Stranger: Orka bry sig?

Stranger: Frågade henne om hon skulle halshugga det vid födseln, eftersom det löper risk att det kan vara en hydra.

Endret av MrVegard
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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: what's blue and smells like red paint?

You: Howdy stranger!

You: Blue paint?

Stranger: dang

You: lol

Stranger: lol

You: Sup?

Stranger: nothin'

Stranger: im high on life

You: Nice!

You: What kinda drug is that?

Stranger: . . . pot

You: Omg

Stranger: i know

You: lol

Stranger: next im going to the park to feed the crocodiles

You: Bye!

Stranger: dont leave

You: What are you feeding them?

Stranger: assorted jolly ranchers

Stranger: and diet tab

You: I have never tried those.

Stranger: i dont like them but the lizards do

You: Do you recommend them?

You: Ohh!

You: That explains everything!

Stranger: the universe is revealed!

You: Yup, 42!

Stranger: oh right

You: 42 crocodiles

Stranger: i think i'll need more jolly ranchers

You: or gallons of coke

Stranger: i was counting on there being like three

You: Too bad.

You: Then I need to read the bible after all.

Stranger: psh, naw

Stranger: if i want a fairy tale i'll read harry potter, it has better editing

You: How goes it?

Stranger: it goes, yourself?

You: Yeah, but I miss the cross.

You: Does Harry Potter have a cross?

Stranger: not that i'm aware of

You: Wait a minute... Did Harry Potter ever die?

Stranger: dunno, i've never read them

You: Jesus did.

You: Right?

Stranger: sure

Stranger: lots of people died

Stranger: billions, in fact

You: That explains the meaning of life.

Stranger: because he died?

You: yup

Stranger: im not following :)

You: Me neither.

Stranger: ok, as long as we're on the same page

You: Back to the crocodiles... are they green?

Stranger: yeah, but also tan and muddy

You: Ohh.

Stranger: they dont shower often

Stranger: im concerned for their hygene

You: Catchy!

Stranger: Throwy!

You: I'm on it.

You: Fetchy

Stranger: Retrievy

You: Damn.

You: You owe me. :(

Stranger: lol

Stranger: i can give you a jolly rancher

You: Sure!

You: That will do everything good.

Stranger: actually they're not that special

Stranger: many other better candies

You: Come again?

You: Which candies are better?

Stranger: well

Stranger: there is a chocolate shop here

Stranger: they make sea-salt caramels

You: What?

Stranger: i give my life for them

You: Will you mail me a dozen of those?

Stranger: you'll not stop at a dozen

Stranger: if you eat a dozen you'll want two dozen more

You: Then send me a truckload.

Stranger: that's gonna cost a lot in shipping

You: And some jelly ranchers.

You: I'll shop them myself.

You: ship

Stranger: ok, i'll throw some cookies in the box too

You: What kinda cookies?

Stranger: what kind do you want?

You: Dunno' I'm not familiar with your country and cookies.

Stranger: what country are you in?

You: Norway

Stranger: ah, well

Stranger: i bake a pretty awesome chocolate chip cookie

You: Nice, I'll take two dozens.

Stranger: hehe

Stranger: make sure you've got a glass of milk handy

You: So what do we have:

1 truckload of sea-salt caramel

some jelly ranchers

two dozens chocolate chip cookie

Stranger: sounds about right

Stranger: anything else?

You: Are those crocodiles for sale?

Stranger: i think they belong to the park, but I bet i could get one on a truck before anyone saw

Stranger: it's expensive

Stranger: i have a leopard gecko i could sell you

You: Which country shoud I head to?

You: Gecko is nice.

Stranger: i thought i was going to send them, will you be picking your order up?

You: Sure, but crocodiles and ranchers? That sounds kinda like Australia.

Stranger: actually its usa

You: ...Or usa.

Stranger: either one

Stranger: http://scentedcandlesforyou.com/images/Ass...lyRancher-1.jpg

Stranger: yum

You: Yeah, both of them means expensive shipping

Stranger: yeah

You: Lookin' good!

Stranger: lol

Stranger: this is your crocodile, his name is Fernando

Stranger: http://www.eryptick.net/oz2002/crocodile-020713.jpg

You: Nice, I can't wait to throw him in the bathtub

Stranger: make sure he has a rubber ducky

You: Noted.

Stranger: makes him feel safe

Stranger: he's not good with kids though

Stranger: or dogs

You: I could dig him a pit in the garden though

Stranger: that is a great idea

You: I don't have a dog, so then everything should be ok

Stranger: oh ok

Stranger: he might get eaten

You: Sure, but then he will take care of the neighbours cat.

Stranger: most certainly

Stranger: you might want to fence your yard if you dont have one already

You: Did you know Josef?

Stranger: ???

You: You know... Fritzl.

You: We once had a party in his basement.

You: No jelly ranchers though.

Stranger: wow

Stranger: was elisabeth down there?

You: Don't remember.

Stranger: i dont think i would party with him =)

You: Me neither, but he said that he had chocolate.

Stranger: oh well in that case, count me in!

You: Great!

Stranger: ill bring the jolly ranchers, you bring beer

You: Just join the shipment, and you can join me.

You: That came out wrong.

Stranger: lol

You: Sure, i'll bring the beer.

Stranger: i'm building a raft as we speak

You: Maybe a handgun would be a good thing too.

Stranger: oh?

You: Great, don't forget the fridge.

You: Yeah, since you live in usa; a handgun will not be a problem.

Stranger: haha, yeah

Stranger: ill bring a dozen

You: Which state BTW?

Stranger: washington

You: Two dozens.

Stranger: lol

You: DC?

Stranger: no, state

You: Ohh, I have once been in D.C

Stranger: ive not been outside the US :(

You: You haven't miss'd anything.

Stranger: still, there's places i'd like to see

You: You got a point.

You: Just get that raft ready.

Stranger: i have to make it bigger now

You: Then we will explore the basement of fritzl

Stranger: since im putting a fridge on it and two dozen guns

You: Bob saget!

Stranger: dang, i have to bring him too?!?

You: Yeah

Stranger: aw man

You: Or else we will get boored.

Stranger: he's gonna talk all the way across the atlantic

You: Remember the fishing poles.

Stranger: and the bait

You: Didn't we have beer?

You: And jelly ranchers?

Stranger: i have the ranchers, you have the beer

You: Right...

Stranger: im not bringing crappy american beer

You: German beer then!

Stranger: lol

Stranger: good!

You: And russian vodka.

Stranger: this is going to be a hell of a party

You: In Russia: Vodka is cheaper that bottled water.

You: Funfact.

You: than

Stranger: i believe it

You: No you don't

Stranger: ah, maybe i do, maybe i dont

You: Have you doublechecked with wikipedia?

Stranger: haha

Stranger: i'd better

You: Yup

You: Btw: can you throw on a powergenerator and a epic gamer-computer

You: No wait... two dozens.

Stranger: haha

Stranger: my raft will be huge

Stranger: im going to have to fell some more trees

You: I don't care, doesn't usa have enough trees?

You: The bigger, the better.

Stranger: here in washington we have more trees than we know what to do with

You: Is it cold in washinton?

You: is there cold.

Stranger: it gets cold

You: damn, my english is rusty.

Stranger: this winter reached close to -25 C

You: Jesus christ!

Stranger: but today will be 20C

You: I thought Norway was colt.

You: Is it summer?

Stranger: spring started about two weeks ago

Stranger: it was snowing a few days ago and now it feels like summer

You: yeah, sure. But is it summer-summer... You know, the warmes period of the year?

Stranger: the weather can't make up it's mind

Stranger: not summer yet

Stranger: few months away

You: Nice!

You: How is that raft goin'?

Stranger: cutting more planks now

You: Great!

Stranger: ill have to go buy a fridge

Stranger: maybe a mini freezer too

You: Remeber to stop by the crocodiles.

You: Damn, my ass is sweaty!

Stranger: lolwut

You: I've been sitting in this chair since 5 PM

Stranger: what time is it now?

You: 6.38

Stranger: ah, could be worse

You: yup: It's hot in here.

Stranger: it'll be much hotter with a dozen generators and all the computers

You: I thought rafts where open-air.

Stranger: i mean when i get there and unload everything

Stranger: i just thought:

You: Yeah, but maybe we should build a boat instead.

Stranger: i'll take ALL the crocodiles and harness them to the front of the raft, so the can pull me there


Endret av Blomsterbob
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