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Omegle chat med fremmede!


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Gjest Slettet+5132



Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: Hi

Stranger: Where are you from? :)

You: asl?

You: The north pole

Stranger: 15 - Girl - Italy

You: 68 - Male - North pole, I'm santa clause

Stranger: Ahah :D

You: Why don't you come sit on my lap?

Stranger: Sorry I don't belive in Santa Clause

Stranger: Babbo Natale in italian ;D

You: What do you believe in then?

Stranger: I don't know ahah ;D

You: Jesus? Satan? Men on mars? I could be anything

You: for you

Stranger: I belive in easter rabbit ahah :D

You: Want me to be your easter rabbit? ;D

Stranger: Oh yes ;D

Stranger: I like chocolate eggs eheh

You: Wanna tase my chocolate?

Stranger: Yes ahah =D

Stranger: Sorry, I must go now and HAPPY EASTER :D


Stranger: Bye bye ;)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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hehe :) enda en fra arkivet mitt


Connecting to server...You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: bladder ?

You: Johnny bladder?

Stranger: ?

You: know him ?

Stranger: no

Stranger: i am not him

You: Pitty

Stranger: no

You: why ?

You: explain

Stranger: why?????

You: talk

You: talk!!

Stranger: what?

You: use your brainpower

You: say that you dont regret eating raw meat

You: even that glas of blood you drank

You: not that bad

You: blood can be sticky to the teeth but not that bad

Stranger: what did you say?

You: Hell , is it you Johnny ?

Stranger: ?

Stranger: sorry i am not him

You: well , i go now. to the cave

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Endret av Raude
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jeg presenterte meg som:




slik utartet det seg;


dialogen begynner med "om jeg føler meg kåt" og deretter ønsker bilder tilsendt gjennom msn.

jeg fikk også msn adressen faktisk fra vedkommende. det er helt spinvilt hva slags folk som befinner seg der.



Endret av SLIguy
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Ny Omegle versjon :)

Den har:

Kopiere- Lime inn- klippe ut- Velg alt- tekst funksjon :)

Spam bot :ninja:

Reklame funksjon

Auto melding funksjon


PM meg hvis noen feil :)



Glemte å laste opp -.-



Noen bugs rettet opp:


Endret av Gjest
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Stranger: hello sir...

You: asl

Stranger: you are a man right?

You: yea

Stranger: 21/female/minneapolis

Stranger: you?

You: 15/male/norway

Stranger: wow... this could be illegal...

You: hehe

You: lol

Stranger: that isn't funny... that is seriously wrong... my brother is in jail for that kind of mistake...

You: easy now...

You: it isn't illegal to just chat

Stranger: i'm not easy... if you are calling me easy... its over before it even started little boy...

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Noen som kan forklare meg dette:


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: i dont get it

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Morro med saklige diskusjoner om vennskap


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: bloop bloop

You: woop the hoop

Stranger: u mean woopy dee doop?

You: i mean roop the loop, and skoop the moop

Stranger: ah yea!

Stranger: haha

Stranger: ure a funny guy

You: no, im not

Stranger: that sucks

You: yea

Stranger: i just sneezed

Stranger: some of my dinner came out

Stranger: i hate spicy sauce!

You: really good to know2

You: know*

Stranger: my nose tickles now

You: now i think ill do it great in life, with the extra knowledge

Stranger: see?

Stranger: thats constructive communication

You: i know

Stranger: wanna become bros?

You: this conversation is really gonna help both of us in the future

Stranger: i kno!

You: yea, off course

Stranger: im soo happy for the both of us

Stranger: ok so

Stranger: to become bros

Stranger: take your left shoe off

Stranger: put it on your right hand

You: i dont wear shoes

You: indoors

Stranger: spin 3 times and a half around

Stranger: same thing

You: i can spin anyway :D

Stranger: sock then

You: wait

Stranger: yea?

You: if i spin 3 and a half way around, it'll be hard to see what i write

Stranger: yea but thats only during the ritual

You: oh, great

Stranger: it only lasts 36hrs dont worry

Stranger: so you spin

You: phew, i thought it was a impossibility to get bros

You: ok

Stranger: then do a double backflip

You: easy enough

Stranger: then land and stretch in the puma position

Stranger: i hope you kno what the puma position is otherwise we're screwed...

You: i know how it is

You: we're bros now?

Stranger: well technically you should stay there for 36 hrs

You: ok

Stranger: no food or drinks allowed

You: no problem

Stranger: it is a violation that could cost you your right pinky

Stranger: oh you remembered the eyepatch right?

You: i wohnt eat a thing

You: off course, the eyepatch... everyone knows about how important it is

Stranger: i like role games

You: no u dont

Stranger: yea

You: u just think you like them

Stranger: maybe ur right

Stranger: or maybe were both dreaming all of this

You: we do

You: in real life, to become bros we had to do the ritual wearing a toe ring aswell

Stranger: shit

Stranger: wezre fucked i frogot mine

You: you dont need it

You: because its a dream

Stranger: i can hear the feds approaching

Stranger: i think i woke up

You: damn

Stranger: i have a shotgun in my louth

Stranger: pants*

You: ill go get my toe ring then

You: good

Stranger: theyre taking me ubncxbq ebdc away dbksxc arghh fuck


Endret av kjermy
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Connecting to server...Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.You're now chatting with a random stranger.

Say hi!

You: are you ready?

Stranger: can one be dazzled TOO much?

You: hey

You: talk ?

Stranger: yes?

You: everr heard of a meathammer

Stranger: have i ever

Stranger: !

Stranger: what about it?

You: the ones you beat your meat with

Stranger: yes, yes

Stranger: what, do you have one in hand right now?!

You: i melted one of those down to an amulet

You: and now im wearing it

Stranger: WUT?

Stranger: you're a fucking wizard

You: i killed a mountain puma with it before i melted it down

Stranger: was it sleeping with your wife?

You: and like now a days , i win big money on blackjacks because of the amulet !

You: yes, the mountain puma fucked my wife . while i was asleep on the left side of her

Stranger: you sound like the sort of person i'd like to know for a good five minutes.

Stranger: aw shiiii

You: so that amulet brings something deep to it , you know

Stranger: as it should

You: i could do the same thing

You: to you ?

Stranger: what, melt me down and wear me?

Stranger: or kill me like i slept with your wife?

Stranger: or bring something deep to me?

You: the first thing you need to do is buy a meathammer

Stranger: or be on the left side of me?

Stranger: alright

You: then use it to beat your dick so flat and fucked up , it will stop working !

You: then melt down the hammer

You: wear it

You: and you will never have the problem with erection again !

Stranger: brb while i do that

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Endret av Raude
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Noooo!

Stranger: hi

You: I just lost my Canadian Nomad D:

You: He was gonna sell me this Mule with a sombreo

Stranger: hahaha

You: Im dead effing serious!

Stranger: cyber?

You: Hell no!

You: i justy want my damn Mule

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Lenke til kommentar

*Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: yo.

Stranger: hey

Stranger: where u from?

You: okay, let's cut the crap. we've got a big shipment coming in tomorrow, 500 grand street price. we've got to repack it. meet me by the docks tonight. 2000 sharp.

You: and don't bring anybody, if we screw this up the boss'll go haywire.

Stranger: ah, sure, i really understand what you're talking about

You: 'course you do.

Stranger: who are u?

Stranger: where u from?

Stranger: whats ur name?

You: you know all that. this line ain't safe, can't tell you now anyway.

Stranger: ???????????

You: quit that. you don't wanna end up like Pedro or José, do ya, pal?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Lenke til kommentar

Var innstilt på å møte en veldig random person som jeg virkelig skulle kødde med, men neida xD



Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi :)

You: Sup!?

You: Hello :p

Stranger: watching some tv :D

Stranger: asl?

You: 19 m Norway, you ?

Stranger: 18/M/sweden

Stranger: fattar du vad jag säger? :D

You: Selvfølgelig :p

Stranger: haha fan va bra :D

You: Yep :) Første gangen det kommer noen fra skandinavia.. :p

Stranger: för mig med :)

You: Så, hvordan står det til i Sverige?

Stranger: det är lugnt :) kollar på hockey vm :D

Stranger: följer du du hockeyn?

You: Ahhh^^ Nei, egentlig ikke. Eneste hockey jeg får med meg er det jeg ser på nyheter :p

Stranger: hehe ok :)

You: ^^

Stranger: fast norge suger ju på hockey så jag förstår att du inte följer det :p

You: xD

You: Jeg tror ikke jeg hadde fulgt bedre med om de hadde vært bedre x) Men jeg har ihvertfall noe å le av på jobben :D

You: Da jeg leser om hockey Norge :p

Stranger: hehe :p

Stranger: Norska är ett fruktansvärt roligt språk att lyssna på :p

Stranger: låter så roligt :p

You: Hehe, det er ikke så rolig om man hører på det 24/7 :p

You: Spesielt ikke hvis noen roper til hverandre. Det er skjærende xD

Stranger: hehe nä det förstår jag :p..tycker ni från norge att svenska låter lika roligt? :p

You: Jeg synes det er enkelt å høre på ihvertfall :)

You: Jeg har familie og venner fra Sverige så jeg er vant til det :p

Stranger: bra det :D...Gule böj=banan?

Stranger: nice :D

You: :)

You: Men men, jeg må løpe. Skal ut på byen i dag. Fri fra jobben i morgen ;) Ta vare på det selv og irriter noen 4chan folk for meg xD

You: deg * xD

Stranger: Gule böj = banan??

You: Ja :p

You: Beklager, glemte å svare :p

Stranger: haha är det verkligen det? xD

You: Etter det jeg husker å ha hørt, ja :p

Stranger: haha va kul xD

You: Men nå må jeg løpe x) kos deg videre xD

Stranger: pallar ju inte

Stranger: ok hej då :D

You: Hadetbra ;)

You have disconnected.


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Her var en ganske lang en, med en fra algerie:



Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello.

You: hallo

Stranger: German?

You: kleniene

You: *kleine

Stranger: Cool.

Stranger: I don't speak much German acutally. :-P

You: ok, welcome to the club ;)

Stranger: Ha ha.

Stranger: Looks like I'm finally meeting normal people in here.

You: yeah, you're right. many spams pornsites and tries to gatch a girlfrined here...

Stranger: Like that was possible...!

Stranger: Imagine coming to omegle, and find true love!

You: well, some one is maybe stupid enough

Stranger: lol

Stranger: You can never rule it out as a possibility though. :-P

Stranger: However unlikely it is.

You: yeah...

You: where you from by the way?

Stranger: Algeria, and you?

You: Norway

Stranger: Cool place.

You: yeah, normaly at this time of year, maybe 10 degreees celsius

Stranger: It's slightly hotter than that here.

Stranger: So... what kind of omegle user are you? :-P

You: first time user

Stranger: The troll, the bored, ...?

Stranger: haha

Stranger: My welcomings then.

You: yeah, not so cool that i though it was

Stranger: It's not cool really.

Stranger: It's a lame idea of a chat site, that got suddenly popular for its somewhat original idea.

You: yeah, indeed.

Stranger: Yeah.

Stranger: Not much to say, I guess. :-P

You: no...even fewer words than positive arguments to watch norwegian football if you know what i mean'

Stranger: I don't think I'm quite following you there, haha.

You: ok, the level on the norwegian football players is worser than drunk saliormens this wet boots

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: I'm still not seeing how that relates to our wordless conversation. :-P

You: no, but what shall we say. i mean, what can we discuss?

Stranger: lol

Stranger: Swine flu? :-P

You: yeah, maybe...what a total waste of media distrubution

Stranger: Really?

Stranger: But the threat is real


Endret av *meep*meep*
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Hadde 2 jeg synes ble ganske morsomme :D


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: are you jose the deer?

You: Hi

You: 'Yeah..

You: Are you Johnny?

Stranger: no

Stranger: whee u from?

You: Oh.. Ok

Stranger: asl?

You: What is asl?

Stranger: age

Stranger: sex

Stranger: location

You: 84

You: yes please

You: Sweden

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hello

You: asl?

Stranger: 20, male, turkey

You: Me: 65, male, Norway

You: So.. Wanna chat?

Stranger: no thank you

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Endret av Vertical^
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hello

You: asl?

Stranger: 20, male, turkey

You: Me: 65, male, Norway

You: So.. Wanna chat?

Stranger: no thank you

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Endret av Bennythen00b
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