Rabbid Skrevet 27. april 2009 Del Skrevet 27. april 2009 Er vel fordi det er da norske folk henger mest paa tullesider? Lenke til kommentar
Rescue me Skrevet 27. april 2009 Del Skrevet 27. april 2009 Dette var faktisk veldig genialt . Snakket med folk fra USA, England, India, China, Isreal, Finland, Sverige og flere andre . Lenke til kommentar
VarCon Skrevet 27. april 2009 Del Skrevet 27. april 2009 Haha, så sykt kult. Møtte nettopp en forumbruker da jeg prøvde å dra en Mike, men ble avslørt da det viste seg at han hadde lest denne tråden Lenke til kommentar
Baba2 Skrevet 27. april 2009 Del Skrevet 27. april 2009 Tok en liten variant av "Mike from Omegle...." haha, en liten overraskelse for han gutten på slutten... You: Hi You: How are you sir/miss? Stranger: I'm fine. And you? You: This is Mike from Omegle Customer Support. We have received recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP Address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the authorities. We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The FBl have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. You: You understand the following charges? Stranger: No You: We have evidence, that makes up to believe that you have abused this internet webpage to contact and get picture of minors. You: that makes us*, sorry. Mike Stranger: What? You: Do you under international U.N laws agree with the following term of negotiation? Stranger: NO Stranger: Ok. Buy. You: - Any part that abuses any internet webpage to use and distrubute picture or any media depicting minors. Are under International U.N law You: bye You: just joking wiht ya You: You: haha Stranger: I know You: lol Stranger: Stranger: Heh You: no harm intended bro ;99 You: You: did you get scared? You: be honest Stranger: I'm actualy from russin Stranger: so.. You: haha Stranger: no You: lol You: maybe KGB will see you tomorrow You: it wasnt a joke You: bye Lenke til kommentar
Bob Dick Skrevet 27. april 2009 Del Skrevet 27. april 2009 Stranger: hi You: hey Stranger: hate this stage after the 'hi' Stranger: what do you even say? You: dunno. depends if you're on dope or alcohol I think You: if neither, it really limits it Stranger: i'm smoking a joint right now Stranger: so Stranger: why haven't we had sex yet? Stranger: there that seems suitable You: oh.. you like mudkips, dont you? Stranger: FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- You have disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Skrevet 27. april 2009 Del Skrevet 27. april 2009 Kjedet meg så lagde et Omegle program i Visual Basic 2008 Skulle du få problemer PM meg så skal jeg fikse det Lenke til kommentar
BigJaffa Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Kva går dette programmet ditt ut på? Lenke til kommentar
Nord-Skandinav Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Stranger: hello, ive a problem with my computer Stranger: ive to press the ANYKEY-Key... where is it? You: its really a key-combination Stranger: rlyrly You: try pressing alt+F4. should do the trick Stranger: it works ty You: np You: also, i just punched you in your virtual face for using an old meme Stranger: and now ive to press WINDOWS+L right? Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
lolidude Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Ahahaha, så genialt! Lurte en fyr til og tro att jeg var en 18 år gammel jente med ''store bryster'' :!: Lenke til kommentar
Kverulantus Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Connecting to server...Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Hi Stranger: who goes there? You: Santa Claus! You: He ran that way *point* Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: HI! Stranger: HELLO! You: My name is Joseg Fritzl, want a tour in my basement? You: Josef* Stranger: Lmfao. You typoed your own joke. Stranger: I bet you feel like a dick now. You: Hell yeah.... You: I think You: :S Stranger: It's ok, I forgive you. Stranger: I'm not sure Josef's daughter will. You: Good....How long is your? Stranger: As long as you want to make it. You: I have a e-penis that is 3416 cm! Stranger: WOW! Your conversational partner has disconnected. Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Hi there stranger! Stranger: greetings! You: What are you buying? Stranger: what a jovial welcome! Stranger: lies You: What are you selling? Stranger: a facade You: Hmmm...ok, are you hot? Stranger: sure You: TITS OR GTFO! Stranger: FUCK SHIT DAMN COCKS! You: My name is Josef Fritzl, want a tour in my basement? Stranger: not really Your conversational partner has disconnected. or send us feedback. Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: LOL@YOU! Stranger: LOL@ME! You: Hell Yeah! Stranger: Well You: Well with water! or not? Stranger: My dad hits me with his belt when i forget to close the door You: My dad have had me in his basement the last 20 years =/ You: His in jail now... Stranger: Ah lucky you Your conversational partner has disconnected. or send us feedback. Lol! Du brukte setninger fra Resident Evil 4 xD Den forbanna merchant karen xD Han er freaky. I tillegg til at han er overalt! Lenke til kommentar
Kverulantus Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 (endret) Kjedet meg så lagde et Omegle program i Visual Basic 2008 Skulle du få problemer PM meg så skal jeg fikse det Ugyldig/skadet =( Edit : Blaah, dobbel post -.-" Endret 28. april 2009 av Ghraag Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3 Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor You: HI Stranger: hello You: You got the wares? Stranger: wares? Stranger: ooh the wares Stranger: sure Stranger: u got the money? You: Yes, meet me at the bridge 2AM Stranger: ok Stranger: how do ik reconise u? You: I will come in a helicopter You: And pick you up Stranger: lol original Stranger: is fine Stranger: shall i come alone? You: and bring the mudkipz Stranger: i will You: And leave the FBI out of this, or your daughter will die. Stranger: lmao Stranger: If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it. If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it. Stranger: leave my daughter out of this Stranger: let me talk to herr Stranger: wanna know if shes still alive You: Hi, dad Stranger: honey Stranger: how r u? You: I am scared.. Stranger: dont be Stranger: daddy is her Stranger: everythibng wioll be fine You: I will not die You: Can you save me: "Keyword: basement" Stranger: i will honey i will Stranger: daddy will be there in a minute You: Your daughter will live, new meeting place: The subway, lookfor a door labeled: "basement" Stranger: ok i will go there now You: Ok, dont mess up! You have disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
KKake Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 You: hi Stranger: hey You: asl Stranger: whats on your mind? Stranger: 33 M england You: cake You: and yours? Stranger: are you a bit of a fatty? You: no, I'm skinny, or normal. Stranger: asl? You: 26 F GB Stranger: Cool. Where in the UK are you? You: London Stranger: Me too You: cool Stranger: what type of cake are you thinking about You: Chocolate You: Brownies <3 Stranger: I'm wondering if I should go and get another sandwich. I', starving You: A sandwich would be nice Stranger: Whereabouts in London are you. I'm at work on Regent St. You: I'm in ur basement Stranger: Really? Why don't you come up and talk face to face. Or we could meet outside. it's about time I had a fag break You: Hmm. I want to fuck You: On your toilet Stranger: That sounds good too You: Nice You: But one thing you should know.. I'm a male Stranger: damn. Do you spend a lot of time pretending to be a girl? You: Yep You: I want to be a girl You: Can I be your little girl plz? Stranger: Bet you stand in front of the mirror with your cock hidden between your legs You: Yep, every morning ^^ Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3 Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Trykkte likt på "start a conversation" knappen som en kamerat, og kom i samme chat Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Kva går dette programmet ditt ut på? Ikke noe mere en spam melding. Reklame melding og du kan sende auto-meldinger Altså du trenger bare på trykk på det du skal sende som ligger i en liste så sender den meldingen ^^ Ligger tre inne fra før av! Du kan legge inn flere så lagrer det seg i TEMP-mappen Lenke til kommentar
Christabelle Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 You: This is God, I will answer one question. Go! Stranger: violence You: This is God, I will answer one question. Go! Stranger: do u like violence You: Yes. The humans who are violent will be rewarded in heaven. You: Are you violent, my child? Stranger: no You: then you're going straight to HELL Stranger: i like hell You: Good because that is where you will be a slave in eternity Stranger: because i am devil You: Are you the devil? You: Dude, can I get back the movie you borrowed from me last week? The store is demanding late-charges Stranger: asl You: I don't know how old I am. I'm a woman. Heaven. Stranger: grandma You: No, I', not your grandma. But she says Hi. And to tell you to stop stealing her Breast Holders. Stranger: i am not steal your breast holders You: Your grandma said to me that she can see you. You: She is very disappointed. Stranger: i want to steal your heart You: I don't have a heart. Stranger: i also think so You: Tell me, my child. In what country do you live in? Stranger: taiwan,hehe Stranger: age You: God has no age. Stranger: god isn Stranger: god isn`t women You: I'm sorry? Stranger: no preblem You: Are you a good child? Do you visit one of my churches every Sunday? Stranger: i amn`t a bad child, and i live in tw You: Are you a Buddhist? Stranger: no You: Christian? You: Catholic? You: Muslim? You: Hindu? You: Atheist? Stranger: i am a free boy You: I thought you were the devil? Stranger: i want to be a devil You: Then I demand you to go to your nearest costume store, pick up a set of red horns and a tale. You: Paint youself red Stranger: why i obey u You: Please, my child. That's the only way that you can become the devil. Stranger: no,i want eat the heart of sb You: What is 'sb'? Stranger: somebody Stranger: how old are you Stranger: i don`t hope to chat with a grandma You: I am God and I have no age. I'm older than the earth. You: Can you recommend a good wrinkle cream? Stranger: i can`t You: That's too bad. Stranger: but i am not interesting talk with a old You: My face is not a pretty sight. You: I'm not old, my child. You: I'm in my best age. Stranger: i have enough hormone Your conversational partner has disconnected. Lenke til kommentar
Carlgutt Skrevet 28. april 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 (endret) Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: 26 f ny u? You: 17M norway atm;p Your conversational partner has disconnected Skulle kanskje lyvd? Faen. Edit: fikset chaten. Endret 28. april 2009 av Carlgutt Lenke til kommentar
CypheroN Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 (endret) Skulle kanskje lyvd? Faen. Næh. hvis du hadde løyet, og samtalen hadde gått bra.. tenk om ho spurte om msn etter en halvtime. ^^ Trixet er vel å ASL'e henne først. Endret 28. april 2009 av CypheroN Lenke til kommentar
Carlgutt Skrevet 28. april 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 (endret) Vis man ASL først så ender man gjerne opp med folk som lyver om at de er jente for å kødde med deg (det er i vertfall det jeg pleier å gjøre ). Endret 28. april 2009 av Carlgutt Lenke til kommentar
CypheroN Skrevet 28. april 2009 Del Skrevet 28. april 2009 Alle er ikke som deg... Heldigvis.... Lenke til kommentar
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