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Omegle chat med fremmede!


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You: hi :D

You: asl?

Stranger: hej

You: svenska?

Stranger: japp

You: kult, norsk her ;D

Stranger: norge är sämst

Stranger: jävla skitland

Stranger: fittland

Stranger: hatar er

You: Frekk eller... rart at dere blir kallt dum!

Stranger: jävla norskfitta

You: Du er bare sjalu fordi vi har flere penger enn dere!

Stranger: ta oljan och kör upp den där solen aldrig lyser

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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: heisann!

Stranger: heihei

Stranger: ikke verst

You: wow

You: hehehe

You: første gang jeg prøve med noe norsk med en gang

You: :O

You: prøver*

Stranger: for et sammentreff

You: helt sykt

Stranger: jeg sitter på skolebenken

You: er på jobb jeg

You: på en skole^^, sysadmin:P

Stranger: vi har seksualundervisning i forbindele med den kommende russetida

Stranger: woo, sysadmin

You: hehe, fantastisk

You: yeah=D

Stranger: da kan du jo gjøre mye artig

You: jess

You: men det er egentlig bare slemt

Stranger: jajo

You: jeg er en snill sysadmin=)

Stranger: wow, en sjeldenhet ^^^

Stranger: oi, det ble en for mye

You: hehe

Stranger: ny laptop, uvanlig tastatur :D

You: grattis=)

Stranger: takker

Stranger: kjøpte den i london i forrigårs

You: hvor kommer du fra da?

You: pent

Stranger: trondheimsområdet

You: =0


Stranger: enn du=

You: bor på lade:P

Stranger: haha, fantastisk

You: sykt

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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: say hi!

You: Say hi!

Stranger: good boy!

You: Good girl!

Stranger: are you a random stranger, or just an ordinairy stranger?

You: Random

You: This one time outside my house in Norway i shot a polarbear

You: But it did not die and i ran out of bullets :|

You: So i had to beat it to death with a shovel...

Stranger: you are a true hero

Stranger: polar bears can be so mean!

You: I saved that poor seal!

Stranger: your mommie must be so proud on you

You: besides, the polar bear owed me 3.50 that he did not want to pay

Stranger: 3.50 is not that much

Stranger: was it worth killing for

You: So i shot him 5 times and asked him "I know what your thinking, did he fire 5 or did he fire 6? Well, do you feel lucky, punk?" so he did not answer so i shot him again

You: but he was still alive

You: so i got the damn shovel and smacked in his head

Stranger: but, did you get the money?

You: No :(

Stranger: maybe it was the wrong polar bear

Stranger: they just look alike

You: he was right when he said "Comeon man, im brok 'kay? i had to feed my wife and kids. Please man lets settle this in a real way"

You: i did not buy that

You: but i got loads for his fur tho

You: so i bought a camaro

You: and then i drove to Germany

You: where i met this gurl caleld Helena

You: She was really nice to untill i woke up tied to a bed with no pants on and all my belongings stolen

Stranger: didn't know that you could buy a camaro in norway

You: You can

You: if you know hte right kind of people

You: Fortunatly that polarbear had a blackbear who was into such things

Stranger: ow okay, i have to buy my one someday then

Stranger: you're kidding

You: so there i was in the middle of germany, naked and tied to a bed. I had to aim my pee up to my hands to burn of the rope so that i could burn of the ropes with my acid pee

You: after about 3 days i was free beacuse it was not workign as intended

You: So i headed out into the streets and people was lookin like me "like what the eff is his problem!?"

You: i had to rob a church to get some clothes it was not fun but it was worth it

Stranger: where you still naked then?

You: yeah i was

Stranger: aha okay

You: so i headed south and suddenly i managed to hitchhike into Italy

Stranger: and the germans were surprised about that

You: There i met this funny guy who claimed to be the poop or pope or something

You: and i asked him if he had seen my sweet ride and that bitch Helena

You: he said i should ask god

You: so i did

You: but i did not get an answer

You: so i robbed the pope asweøø

You: aswell*

Stranger: he never answers

You: and dang he had alot of money!

You: so i bough a yacht

You: and started on an adventure to amerika!

You: After 2 months i ended up in manhattan

You: there i stayed for 2 months and got really fat on junkfood

You: so i sold the yacht and bought a minivan

You: and i started roadtrippin

You: and i was really trippin somethimes

Stranger: like those VW minivans?

You: at the border of mexico i picked up this guy callen Njawee

You: he had some crazy grass with him

You: boy, those where the days

Stranger: what did you do?

You: he said that i shoudl head back home. So i got into my van, started to drive and hit a tree

You: i was so high i started laughing my ass of

You: and when i woke up the next morning i was in this white room with alot of unknown people they called nurses or something

You: my haitr had grown like hell and i even had a beard oO

You: Thats when they told me it was 1991

You: i was like "SHIEEET! 1991?! what the eff! Where is Njawee!?"

You: and they told me i had been in a coem for several years and asked where i originaly came from

You: i told them i did not remember :s

You: so after acouple of months i was out of that white house

You: it was really white to.

Stranger: so how did you remember all this then?

You: well

You: i whent to china where i met this guy

You: he started poking me with needles and shit

You: and i suddenly came to remembering all the oldshit that had happen to me

Stranger: how did you go to china

You: i hitchhiked

You: i took job on this ship

You: i cant remember the name exactly

You: Marjieen or something

You: was 10 years ago

You: and now i reside in Tokyo

You: but im going back to norway in a couple of months to meet my so called family o.O

Stranger: i know that ship

Stranger: my dad is the captain

You: im scared as shit :|

You: Dang bro!

You: your father was a really horny fucker to

You: in every port he whent out and got us some hookers to go around

You: yeah, was not always that fun tho :s




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You: Hvor i Norge?

Stranger: krsund

Stranger: du også

You: Drammen

Stranger: nope

Stranger: du er fra krsund ditt krek

You: Faen, der avslørte du meg

Stranger: woohoo.....

You: Og jeg som tenkte jeg var ninjamateriale

You: Boom.

Stranger: hi

You: If you had to kill someone, how would you do it?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Endret av Hoppende Bryster
Lenke til kommentar

Ah, det er crap når du egentlig juger, men så tror den fremmede at det er sant og begynner å snakke lenge om det. Sa nylig at jeg var fra Swaziland og da skulle han tilfeldigvis dit til sommern, og han sa at jeg måtte emaile han de beste plassene å gå til osv. osv. Crap!

Lenke til kommentar
Ah, det er crap når du egentlig juger, men så tror den fremmede at det er sant og begynner å snakke lenge om det. Sa nylig at jeg var fra Swaziland og da skulle han tilfeldigvis dit til sommern, og han sa at jeg måtte emaile han de beste plassene å gå til osv. osv. Crap!
Hehe, ja. Dro den isbjörn-greia. Og vi endte opp med aa snakke lenge om det -_- :p


Akkurat naa later jeg som jeg er utvikleren bak Omegle. Gaar overraskende bra.

Endret av Rabbid
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: ¿

Stranger: hi

Stranger: wassup?

Stranger: ASL?

You: not much. just beating the bitch around

Stranger: lol

You: she was bad. made the wrong sammich

Stranger: how?

Stranger: sammich?

You: sandwich

You: forgot the mayo

Stranger: ok too bad :(

You: totally unacceptable

You: dont u agree?

Stranger: i don't

You: wat, u some equal rights-mofo?

Stranger: unacceptable would be spit in it

Stranger: no

Stranger: forgets are you humans i mean, it happens

Stranger: are humans*

You: well, she has _one_ job next to giving me bj's, and thats making sammich. I damned well think I can demand it to be perfect

You: after all, I do let her hang around my house for free

Stranger: lol

Stranger: it s a good girls btw how are her bjs?

You: 'sides, shes getting fat. I think she eat the mayo, instead of putting it in my sammich

Stranger: how old is she?

You: 64

You: or really, 64,5

Stranger: lol

You: don' look a day under 80 tho

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hit there.

Stranger: ..?

You: Hi*

You: Whoops..

Stranger: ...?

You: What is the matter?

Stranger: what r u say ?

You: Excuse me?

Stranger: Hit there. Whoops.. ??

You: I typed wrong..

Stranger: o...

Stranger: asl

Stranger: ?

You: 14/male/norway

Stranger: 16 m china

You: Cool.

You: Around the globe, huh? =)

Stranger: norway.. coll

Stranger: cool -.-

Stranger: ye

You: What kind of keyboards do you chinese people use?


Stranger: yes

Stranger: what about u ?

You: You don't have chinese fonts on the computer?

You: Yes, qwerty here too.

Stranger: i hace

Stranger: have

You: Cool. Can you show me some?

Stranger: just like it 你好我好大家好

Stranger: 哈哈=haha

You: :D

You: Awesome!

Stranger: cool=酷

You: 酷!

Stranger: PC=电脑

Stranger: haha

You: My 电脑 is 酷!

You: 哈哈!

Stranger: XD

You: That font rocks!

Stranger: 哈哈

You: =D

You: Do you have Pepsi and Coke in China?

Stranger: yes

You: Which is your favourite?

Stranger: but we like Coca-Cola

You: 酷

Stranger: 哈哈

Stranger: my 电脑 is DELL

You: My 电脑 is LG. =D

Stranger: my PMP is ipod ~~

Stranger: I love ipod

You: Ahh.. Hang on. my mom is calling for me.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: LG'PC..i havnt saw it ...china havnt it

Stranger: i think is so 酷

You: Oh, yeah iPod is 酷!

You: iPod Touch <3

Stranger: !!

You: what?

Stranger: my ipod is nano 4

Stranger: yellow ...:D

You: 酷!

Stranger: ha

Stranger: norway speak english ?

You: Are you asking if we are talking english?

Stranger: Mother tongue..

You: Norwegian. =)

You: Hei, hei. Jeg heter Benny og er fjorten år gammel. =)

Stranger: do u have Font ??? haha

You: ÆØÅ æøå

Stranger: @_@

You: What?

Stranger: Halo

You: Halo? The game?

Stranger: i feel halo XD

You: What? o_O

Stranger: dizzy

You: Oh

You: Why?

You: Because of our weird font?

Stranger: the font

You: =D

Stranger: ye

Stranger: i must to see dictionary .....-.-

Stranger: my english not so good

You: 哈哈

You: 嗯,這是怎麼回事?

Stranger: !!!!

Stranger: OMOG

Stranger: OMG

You: 什麼?

You: 我驚訝壞中文?

Stranger: ye

You: 鎮

Stranger: 你找字典的...?

Stranger: ??镇..?


也许? *无辜*



Stranger: let me say some Norwegian XD

You: Cool!

Stranger: Jeg er i Kina

Stranger: Norwegian ?

You: Indeed!

You: Tøft.=)

You: Kan du mer norsk?

Stranger: o.. i cant find Norwegian -.-

You: I asked: Do you know more english?

You: norwegian*

Stranger: - -

You: Anyways: 所以,你真的中文? = P

Stranger: ....

Stranger: ok...what is the time in norwegian

You: 15:32

Stranger: 21:32 in china

Stranger: 6 hours

You: oh, ok.

Stranger: it's interesting

Stranger: do u like NBA?

You: The what?

Stranger: amazing game

Stranger: basketball

Stranger: in US

You: ok

You: Cool

Stranger: 酷

Stranger: i love it ~

You: I dont' watch much sports

You: I mostly play IV or 1.6.

Stranger: me too , but i ONLY watch NBA

You: Not football?

Stranger: o..

Stranger: not so much

You: Me neither

Stranger: i think basketball is better

You: I never watched basketball. o_O

Stranger: ...

Stranger: let's talk about PC game hah

You: IV?

Stranger: IV ??

Stranger: what 's that

You: Grand Theft Auto IV.

Stranger: o

Stranger: i know

Stranger: chinese name is 侠盗猎车

You: Cool!

Stranger: everyone know it

You: yes

Stranger: so 酷

You: It is very popular,

Stranger: yes

You: Do you have it?

Stranger: but in chinese ...we always play online game

You: That rocks!

Stranger: i have it of crose

You: Good

Stranger: and now ......i just wanna play GAME haha

Stranger: bye

You: Bye. =)

Stranger: bye=拜拜

Stranger: 哈哈

Connection asploded.


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Var det noen som laget en tråd for det programmet hvor man byttet tegninger med andre?

Uansett, jeg fikk en tegning tilbake hvor det bare sto "mor di", og tenkte at det måtte være en norsk fyr som skrev/tegnet det. Var det noen her som tegnet den jeg fikk? :p


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