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Stranger: Hello.

You: Staring contest!

Stranger: *staring*

You: *blinks*


Stranger: I'm sorry, fellow /b/rother, you lost.

You: Indeed. Congrats.

Stranger: Thank you, I now have a reason to fap.

You: You do.

Stranger: I know I do.

You: So do it.

Stranger: I won't.

You: Why not?

Stranger: Because you're telling me to do it.

You: Ok, don't do it.

Stranger: Fine, fucknut, I'll do it!

You: Win.

Stranger: Oh... I see what you did there.

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Gøy detta ^^

Dog, ble litt skuffa av min første : <'



Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hi asl

You: 22 / male / Norway

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: you like fishsticks?

You: No, and I don't like 'em in my mouth either

Stranger: too bad

You: Hey, as long as I'm not fish gay

Stranger: like like the tatar sauce on the end of em?

You: Eww, I only like old, hairy males, now that's something, rawr ^^

Stranger: true

Stranger: fuckign gay fish

Your conversational partner has disconnected.






Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: cheesecake!?

You: beefcake : <

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Wait, before we start talking, you need to open ya window blinds. I cant see you very well from the street...

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: what do you do in norway?

You: I collect all the snow in huuuge piles, and then I dance

Endret av DemonFudge
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: asl?

Stranger: asl/

Stranger: is it safe to talk anything here?

You: yes

Stranger: how do you know others cannot get yr information

You: but u dont write secret information?

Stranger: just you and stranger can you see.no other things?

Stranger: nice

You: nope

Stranger: what is nope

You: it is an other word for "no"

You: where are u from?

Stranger: us

Stranger: female

Stranger: you

Stranger: ?

You: female kazakhstan

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.



Ikke gøyale greierne, men hu ville tydeligvis ikke snakke med folk fra de kazakhstanske fjellene.

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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: I am God

You: Hello

Stranger: Well, so am I

Stranger: we cant' both be god

Stranger: FIGHT!

Stranger: *hurls lightning bolt*

You: wtf

You: I am the only real God. You can ask me one question. Go!

Stranger: How long did you think I'd let you live?

Stranger: hahaha

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Lenke til kommentar

Hehe :cool:



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: elo elo

You: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: 16 girl sweden

Stranger: im 18 men poland.

Stranger: U got pics?

You: mhm

Stranger: can i see?

You: dont think so

Stranger: why?

You: im not sure

Stranger: http://www.*internettside*/news/pic/large/.../1230506783.jpg its me.

You: nice

Stranger: can i see now your pics? :)

You: no

Stranger: ohh... ok. :)

You: i asked my dad, and he said no

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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You: Alrighty then, Steven. (?)

Stranger: nope

You: I meant Peter

Stranger: wrong

You: Hmmm

You: Oh my god, prince Charles?

Stranger: yes

You: Woah

Stranger: bow down before me

You: *bows*

Stranger: grovel at my feet

You: You've stepped in dog shit

Stranger: Do it

You: It's like.. ew!

Stranger: Do it.

You: :--(

Stranger: Thats an order

You: *grovel*

Stranger: kiss my shoe

You: No way!

Stranger: kiss it...

You: Sorry Charles, not into this whole S&M thing

Stranger: you dare refuse me?

You: Well, yes, infact, I am the fierce King Harald of Norway.

You: And I have class 4 armor.


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You: Alrighty then, Steven. (?)

Stranger: nope

You: I meant Peter

Stranger: wrong

You: Hmmm

You: Oh my god, prince Charles?

Stranger: yes

You: Woah

Stranger: bow down before me

You: *bows*

Stranger: grovel at my feet

You: You've stepped in dog shit

Stranger: Do it

You: It's like.. ew!

Stranger: Do it.

You: :--(

Stranger: Thats an order

You: *grovel*

Stranger: kiss my shoe

You: No way!

Stranger: kiss it...

You: Sorry Charles, not into this whole S&M thing

Stranger: you dare refuse me?

You: Well, yes, infact, I am the fierce King Harald of Norway.

You: And I have class 4 armor.

Herlig slutt xD

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You: Hey, how about we switch wifes for a week?

Stranger: sure

Stranger: whos yours?

You: Meet Sonja, Queen of Norway. She is really into knitting, cooking and she is a vicious bastard when it comes to painball.

Stranger: haha

Stranger: souds like my kinda chick

You: Yeah, she is okay

You: But you know... 28 years of marriage.. Things get boring after a while

Stranger: ah

Stranger: Okay you can have cammy

You: Yessssss!

Stranger: shes a bitch in bed

You: Can we have sexual relations?

You: Ohh

Stranger: sure

Stranger: Just do not forget her birthday

Stranger: I forgot a while back, and holy hell was she mad

You: Oh, no I wont. What is she into?

Stranger: I think its all rather boring, really

Stranger: But dont tell her that I said that.

You: I wont

Stranger: good

You: Sonja is really good at playing the meat flute

You: If you know what I mean

Stranger: Ill keep that in mind

Stranger: Any other lil tips for the bedroom?

You: Well, sometimes she will make gravy, and then she wants to lick it off your chest.

Stranger: great... does she clean up after the deed is done though?

You: No. :(

Stranger: who does then?

You: Usually I have to do it.

Stranger: cant you get one of the maids to?

You: So, I guess you have to do it now.

You: No, she doesnt use those, she uses me. *sigh*

Stranger: Whenever me and Camilla do it (and it is great up the wall by the way) and there because unfortunate 'stains' around the place, all we have to do is get a servant to clean it up.

Stranger: The same servant that I've got the hots for, as a matter of fact...

You: Wow!

You: Really? How old is she?

Stranger: the servant girl? 20

You: Niiice!

You: What is her haircolor?

Stranger: she changes it

Stranger: I think it used to be blonde



De har vært gift lenger ja, tok bare et random årstall jeg.


Edit: La til noe mer.

Endret av DemonFudge
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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i'm black

You: Be aware! The dog is loose :<

Stranger: SHIT!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Det ser ikkje ut til at eg er noko god på dette.. :<

Endret av aspic
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