Splius Skrevet 1. april 2009 Del Skrevet 1. april 2009 Energi drikk-tråden Her er en liten liste over noen forskjellige STERKE (merk. sterke) energidrikker og hvordan specsa er iforhold til hverandre. Dere kan selv bidra med å lage deres egne reviews av forskjellige energidrikker! Jeg tar ikke credit for informasjonen som er å finne i denne tråden. 1 ounce = 28,3495231 gram Måten vurderingskriteriene er satt opp er på: Cost: What the energy drink costs Cost Per Ounce: How much it costs per ounce Active Ingredients: The good stuff Taste Rating: Rating based out of 10 with 10 being the best and 0 the worst Kick Rating: Rating based out of 10 with 10 being the best and 0 the worst Final Judgment Rating: Overall score is based on cost, taste, and kick. Score will again be out of 10 with 10 being the best and 0 being the worst. Nr 1. Wired X505 Cost: $2.99 - 12 Pack for $36.00 (shipped) Cost Per Ounce:$0.13 Active Ingredients: CAFFEINE, Taurine, B-Vitamins Taste Rating: 8.7 Kick Rating: 11 Final Judgment Rating: 9.9 Wired X505 Energy Drink Review I have done several reviews on the Wired Energy Drink Line and last month I tried the Wired X344 which has 344 milligrams of caffeine crammed into 16 ounces which turns out to be about 21.5 milligrams per ounce and packs one hell of a mean kick. Today I have the pleasure of reviewing X-344's mutant brother - The Wired X-505. Why do I say mutant brother? If you really need to know skip down to the "kick" review and you will find out pretty fast. I'll give you a hint. Wired Energy Drinks has pushed the caffeine envelope as far as I have ever seen it pushed. Are you excited yet? I know I am. Onto the review! Wired X505 Energy Drink Review: Taste Well first off the taste is pretty much the same as the Wired X-344 meaning it has a citrus base to it with maybe a hint of orange flavor. Now there is a hint of medicinal aftertaste to the drink. However, it is nothing to cringe over and it is still probably better than the aftertaste you get from let's say a Red Bull. Even with a slight aftertaste Wired X505 is still enjoyable. Since the X505 is 23.5 ounces, yes that's right its huge, I drank this in two sittings - one in the early morning and one after lunch. Why did I drink this in two sittings? Was it because I could not stand the taste? No that was definitely not the reason. Read the kick review to find out why I drank this in two sittings. Taste Rating - 8.7 Wired X505 Energy Drink Review: Kick Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I have been building up anticipation for the kick review for the last couple paragraphs. But why? Well this is by far the strongest energy drink I have yet to drink. This mutant has 505 milligrams of caffeine in it. No thats not a typo. That's right 505 milligrams of caffeine. Combine that with 4400 milligrams of taurine (Redbull has about 1000 milligrams) and a ton of B-vitamins and.... I am speechless. Compare that to Redbull at about 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving. That means you would have to drink about 6.5 Redbulls to equal one Wired X-505. And that answers your question as to why I drank this in two sittings. I try all different kinds of energy drinks every day. This is the first that I did not drink in one single sitting. Was I scared? A little. But drinking this mutant bad boy in two sittings gave me a TON of energy. If you drink one of these and feel you need another energy drink let me know. I'll give you a medal. Kick Rating - 10 (only because that is as high as my scale will let me go). Screw it. It's my scale I am giving the damn drink a Kick Rating of 11 and adding in the #1 spot of my Strongest Energy Drink list. Wired X505 Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment The taste is pretty good. The kick is off the scale (literally) and the price of $2.99 is unbelievable for what you get. If you have been buying two or three energy drinks throughout the day stop wasting your money (or give it to me). You only need one of these mutant energy drinks to get you through the day. Just be careful when drinking the X505. Heed the warning on the can and drink plenty of water to offset this massive amount of caffeine. Final Judgment 9.9! Nr 2. 5 Hour Energy Drink Cost: $2.99 for 2 ounces Cost Per Ounce: $1.50 Active Ingredients: Caffeine (mainly), B6, B12, Taurine Taste Rating: 8.5 Kick Rating: 9.5 Final Judgment Rating: 9.5 - The Energy is Worth IT! 5 Hour Energy Drink Review These guys are going to corner the college market! First they give you the Chaser 5 Hour Energy drink so you have enough juice to go out and party all night, then to complement this they give you Chaser Plus Freedom from Hangovers so you don't get a hangover the next morning. What more could a college kid ask for, energy, booze and no headache? Well enough of that, onto the 5 Hour Energy Review. 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Taste This little two ounce bugger might not win a taste award but it is actually not too bad. This energy drink definitely tastes better than the comparable Rocket Shot Energy Drink. The good thing about this drink it is that it is only 2 ounces and it is in a nice berry flavor. If it was a 10 or 20 ounce drink I don’t think I could finish the whole thing. Again, a little warning. Before you slam this little bugger make sure you shake well, other wise you are going to get some flavor crystals in your last gulp. The Chaser 5 Hour Energy review for taste gets a good 8.5. After all it does taste better than the Rocket Shot Energy Drink. If you are not too fond of the berry flavor you can try out there new 5 Hour Lemon Lime flavor. 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Kick We established that the taste was not to bad, luckily for us the kick this little 2 ounce bugger gives off is tremendous. I would definitely say the claim of lasting for five hours is true. This is definitely on par, if not way better than the Bawls Energy that I reviewed earlier. In fact I would say that this energy drink gives off even more of a kick than the Bawls Drink. So a bigger kick in only 2 ounces! After saying that, The Chaser Five Hour Energy Drink review for kick gets a huge 9.5. 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment The taste was not the greatest but it was not to shabby either, but you only have to slam 2 ounces worth of berry flavor (or you can try the new lemon lime flavor as well). On the plus side the Five Hours of Energy that this little bugger gives off is huge. This has given me the most energy for the longest amount of time out of all the drinks I have tried so far. On top of that there was no energy crash! The bad thing about this drink is that it is $2.99, but buying in bulk does save you quite a bit of money. For the final judgment I would have to give the drink a high 9.5 because you get a huge kick in a little 2 ounce pack! Nr 3.Fixx Energy Drink Cost: $2.50 Cost Per Ounce: $0.13 Active Ingredients: N/A Taste Rating: 7 Kick Rating: 10 Final Judgment Rating: 8.8 Fixx Energy Drink Review Well today I thought I would review one of the lesser known Energy Drinks. This Fixx energy drink seems like it could be classified more as a thermogenics fat burner than an energy drink, but I suppose it could go either way. First off I want to start by saying that the 20 ounce Fix energy drink comes in a reseal able bottle and their website promotes it as helping significantly boost metabolism. There are other drinks on the market that claim to do this but usually the claim states that you have to drink two a day for a certain period of time. Well the Fixx Energy drink claims to help burn calories by just drinking it. Now I have no way of measuring this but I will give you my thoughts on it later. Fixx Energy Drink Review: Taste First off I want to state that since the product is more along the lines of a thermogenic fat burner I was not expecting much in the taste category. But my first impression of the drink was actually not too bad. There is a distinct berry flavor to the drink as well as a distinct green tea taste to it. Actually the green tea taste is quite powerful, so if you like green tea this might be the flavor for you. Well I have reviewed other thermogenic fat burner drinks and I have to say that Fixx tastes better than their competition Redline Energy. However, that is not the hardest thing to accomplish. But if you drink Fixx ice cold and remember to shake before consuming the tast is OK. Taste Rating - 7 Fixx Energy Drink Review: Kick Well the taste is not the greatest, but how does the kick stand up to the competition. Well it doesn't. The reason being is that this drink blows the competition out of the water when it comes to kick. This is by far the strongest energy drink that I have ever had. There is 500 milligrams of caffeine in this 20 ounce bottle! I never felt so energized in my life. Even with that much caffeine I still did not crash. Just constant energy. I drank Fixx after my workout and I was still slammed with energy until I went to sleep. It was seriously crazy. My advice when drinking one of these is to maybe try half a bottle at first to see if you can handle it. I mean I drink energy drinks daily and this one was off the charts. Oh yeah, make sure you drink plenty of water when consuming this as well. Wouldn't want to get dehydrated! As far as the kick rating goes I don't know if my scale of 1 to 10 can do this drink justice. If I had a scale that went to 11 I would use it. But since I don't - Kick Rating - 10!!! Fixx Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment Well there you have it. The strongest drink I have had to date. There was no sugar crash involved here but there were some slight jitters (from me not being able to sit still)! The taste is not the greatest but it is not bad for a fat burner energy drink. I can see the claim of "burning calories" by just drinking it having some merit. I mean I could hardly sit still and I have drank quite a few energy beverages in the day. The only other thing to say is remember to hydrate when consuming Fixx. Also, even though I enjoyed the kick they should include some kind of warning label on the can so young kids do not get ahold of this. I don't think this much caffeine would be good for them. But thats just my two cents. Final Judgment 8.8! Nr 4. Redline Energy Drink Cost: $3.00 – you can get a case of 24 for right around $42.00 - $44.00 Cost Per Ounce: $0.36 Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Evoburn, Hydroxy, Yerba Mate, Green Tea Taste Rating: 4.5 Kick Rating: 9.5 Final Judgment Rating: 7.5 – Unbelievable Kick Redline Energy Drink Review This drink shies away from the conventional energy beverages that I have been focusing on and falls more into the category of fat burners or thermogenics. However, since the Redline Energy Drink boasts about giving off some serious kick on it's website I figured I would have to give it a try. That and the fact that I still have the freshmen 15 makes this the perfect drink to try. The only bad thing is that you can not get these things at gas stations, or grocery stores. You have to get it online or at a vitamin store like GNC. Well enough background B.S. and onto the review. Redline Energy Drink Review: Taste Alright I was not having any great expectations when trying the Redline Energy Drink. It is not really marketed for taste but more for the kick and fat burning qualities. I would advise shaking this drink just like the 5 Hour Energy Drink, very well, otherwise you are going to get the flavor crystals all in the last gulp. I don’t know quite how to describe the taste but to put it bluntly it is not that good. It tastes like a bunch of vitamins or something. It probably tastes this way because it is supposed to help you burn fat, which means it has no sugar. The Redline Energy beverage review for taste will get an unpleasant 4.5. Redline Energy Drink Review: Kick I was disappointed with the taste but how will Redline perform in the kick category? Well the bottle says to start off with only drinking half of the eight ounces. Well, considering myself a connoisseur of energy beverages I slammed the whole thing (besides that was the only way to bear the taste). My initial reaction was not that great, but after a half an hour I was ready to climb a wall. This freakin thing slammed me with energy. This would be perfect in my opinion to help with that all night rave. I will give the Redline Energy Drink review for kick a high 9.5 for unbelievable. Redline Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment It tastes like crap, it costs too much but the kick you get from this freakin thing is amazing. The only reason I am going to give this drink a final judgment of 7.5 is because of the kick because without that it would be crap. How bought you guys over at Redline lower the price. I am sure you could expand your market past people trying to lose weight. If you want something with a little more taste and a little less kick try the No Fear SoBe Energy Drink. It is also cheaper! Nr 5. Cocaine Energy Drink Cost: $3.50 on Ebay! Cost Per Ounce: $0.43 Active Ingredients: CAFFEINE !!!!!! Taste Rating: 6.5 Kick Rating: 10 – Nice! Final Judgment Rating: 8.5 Cocaine Energy Drink Review: Well I brought you the news last month about the highly controversial Cocaine Energy Drink from Redux Beverages. You can still only buy the cocaine energy drink in major metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and New York. Redux Beverages still does not offer the drink on their website. So where can you buy this beverage you might ask? E-Bay! That’s right for as little as $3.50 per can, sometimes less, sometimes way more, you can buy the liquid cocaine energy drink! So I did just that and here is what I think of it. Cocaine Energy Drink Review: Taste Too bad we have to start out with the taste review because I had high expectations for this drink. Unfortunately my expectations were not met as the beverage was less than stellar. The pink, and somewhat fruity drink has a very distinct taste that is hard to describe. Some comments by readers on my Previous Post on the Cocaine Beverage seem to think that it tastes like battery acid. Well I would not quite go that far, but there is a strong medicinal after taste (it actually starts the moment you start drinking) that really kills the fruity flavor. This might be the throat numbing sensation that Redux Beverages is talking about. This is not one of the better tasting drinks on the market. Gets a below average rating of 6.5. Cocaine Energy Drink Review: Kick Again I had really high expectations for this drink considering that Redux beverages stated that it has 280 milligrams of caffeine crammed into only 8.4 ounces. A couple of readers also stated that they enjoyed the kick, one even went so far as to say that the drink made them hot, which is usually associated with excess caffeine. Well I definitely felt the kick from all the caffeine. This drink gave me an "energy high" for about 6 hours and I did not have a crash when I was done. However it did leave me wanting more. The only other beverage that comes close in caffeine content is Wired X-294 as it has 294 milligrams of caffeine. However, you have to drink 16 ounces to get all the caffeine whereas with the cocaine drink you get 280 milligrams of caffeine in half the size. The kick rating is definitely a 10! Cocaine Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment The taste is not that good and right now it is hard to get your hands on. It gives you an incredible kick and definitely leaves you wanting more. Does this sound like anything else you have heard about? So maybe Redux Beverages named this drink what they did to gain media attention. Or maybe they just named the drink this because it has eerie similarities to its illegal counterpart? I will let you be the judge on that. My final judgment on this drink is an 8.5. Incredible kick, bad flava and poor distribution! Nr 6. Celsius Drink Cost: $ $1.99 Cost Per Ounce: $0.17 Active Ingredients: Taurine, Guarana, Caffeine, Thermogenics stuff Taste Rating: 8 Kick Rating: 9.3 Final Judgment Rating: 8.7 Celsius Energy Drink Review I heard about this Celsius drink through the grape vine but I am not really sure whether or not to classify it as an energy drink. The Celsius drink supposedly is a thermogenics fat burner, or a drink that boosts your metabolism. Well if it boosts your metabolism it must get your heart pumping faster and if it does that it must be an energy drink. This is probably on par with the Redline Energy Drink that I reviewed. Celsius Energy Drink Review: Taste The Celsius drink comes in three flavors, cola, ginger ale and lemon lime. I tried the Cola Celsius drink. And you know what it tasted like any other diet cola out there. There was no medicinal aftertaste at all. The 12 ounce bottle and package where quite unique and it actually seems to complement the decent flavor of the Celsius energy drink. Although most people do not think of a cola when they think of energy drinks I believe this could fill a new gap for the people that like diet cola but want more energy. For those who don’t particularly like the diet cola taste the lemon lime sounds like more of an energy drink. I will give the Celsius cola drink an average 8. Celsius Energy Drink Review: Kick I had no idea what to expect when I first tried the Celsius energy drink. Turns out after I tried it I really did not feel any different. There was not a noticeable kick at all. This was odd especially for a fat burner, but then again I really don’t know to much about the thermogenics industry. It's now 20 minutes later and I am definintely feeling the kick! Maybe the fat burner takes longer to kick in, but when it did damn!! Iguess I really don't know how to rate the kick. It takes awhile to kick in, but when it does you can definitely fee it. I guess I will have to give it the benefit of the doubt and give it a nice 9.3 kick rating! Celsius Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment As of right now this drink is relatively hard to get. I found it online but I suspect it will eventually be in vitamin stores since it is a fat burner. The cola drink tasted alright and I received a delayed but noticeable kick. The fact is I believe this is more of a fat burner than an energy beverage. It would be perfect for those people who are addicted to drinking diet soda and who want to lose some extra weight. It is actually clinically proven to increase your metabolism by 12%. Final judgment is an healthy 8.7. Nr 7. Wired X-344 Cost: $2.00 - $48.00 Cost Per Ounce: $0.13 Active Ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins Taste Rating: 8.7 Kick Rating: 10 Final Judgment Rating: 9.6 Wired X344 Energy Drink Review Well I have done several reviews on the Wired Energy Drink Line. My first encounter with the Wired Drinks was when I got my hands on their X-294. My jaw dropped as X-294 contained 294 milligrams of caffeine which was unheard of at the time as their were no Cocaine or Spike Shooters around. Well looks like Wired has pushed the envelope a little further as X-294 was replaced with the X-344. So yeah 344 milligrams of caffeine in 16 ounces. Im pumped (and looking forward to being pumped). Read on for the entire review of X-344! Wired X344 Energy Drink Review: Taste Well you can already tell I am pumped about reviewing this product so lets see how the taste compares to the rest of the Energy Drinks out there. I cracked the can and took my first gulp. Yup, its citrus based alright. The citrus flavor is really quite good; however, there is a slight downfall as you just get a hint of medicinal aftertaste. Now it's not as bad as the aftertaste you get with let's say a Red Bull, but you can tell. Even with the slight aftertaste the citrus flavor still goes down good. Also it seems like it is an improvement over the X-294. Taste Rating - 8.7 Wired X344 Energy Drink Review: Kick Well the citrus taste is pretty good with the exception of a slight aftertaste. But what do you expect when you throw in a ton of energy ingredients? First of as I have already mentioned, there is 344 milligrams of caffeine. Combine this with 3000 milligrams of taurine and a huge amount of B-Vitamins and you got yourself an hardcore energy drink in hand. That being said, after finishing the drink in one sitting I was wired, very wired. If you are sick of the mediocre kick you are getting from your everyday energy drinks like Red Bull and Rockstar, give this a try. But be forewarned, if you have not had this much caffeine before, be careful. Maybe start with half a can. Otherwise all you hardcore energy drink fanatics, add this to your repertoire, if you can handle it! Kick Rating - 10. Wired X344 Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment Taste is pretty good, kick is off the charts. What's not to like? Price? Nah, you can get these for $2.00 a can (16 ounces). Or you can order them in bulk and have them shipped right to your door for $48.00 (includes shipping). More than worth the money for all the kick! That way you don't have to leave the house and you can focus on more important things like Halo 3! Final Judgment - 9.6 Lenke til kommentar
Glennrik Skrevet 1. april 2009 Del Skrevet 1. april 2009 Domt man ikkje får kjøpt dei i Noreg. Kunne gjerne ha tenkt meg og prøve Wired X505, men dei sender kun i USA. Lenke til kommentar
Splius Skrevet 1. april 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 1. april 2009 Domt man ikkje får kjøpt dei i Noreg. Kunne gjerne ha tenkt meg og prøve Wired X505, men dei sender kun i USA. importer den selv vel? Lenke til kommentar
Olum Skrevet 2. april 2009 Del Skrevet 2. april 2009 I de aller fleste energidrikker (kanskje ikke de som er listet opp her), er det sukkeret og ikke koffeinet som kicker. Lenke til kommentar
Splius Skrevet 2. april 2009 Forfatter Del Skrevet 2. april 2009 I de aller fleste energidrikker (kanskje ikke de som er listet opp her), er det sukkeret og ikke koffeinet som kicker. det er like mye sukker i en av disse som i en cola Lenke til kommentar
Olum Skrevet 2. april 2009 Del Skrevet 2. april 2009 I de aller fleste energidrikker (kanskje ikke de som er listet opp her), er det sukkeret og ikke koffeinet som kicker. det er like mye sukker i en av disse som i en cola Ja, og en Cola hjelper like mye mot trøtthet som f.eks. en Burn eller Battery. Lenke til kommentar
Turbo sindre Skrevet 5. april 2009 Del Skrevet 5. april 2009 Skal ta en harry tur i mårra å handle noen brett med energi drikke og brus. Noen som har noen energi drikker å anbefale utenom: Redbull.battery.burn, eller xray? Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-EIV2CS Skrevet 6. april 2009 Del Skrevet 6. april 2009 Mine Innlegg. Lenke til kommentar
GullLars Skrevet 7. april 2009 Del Skrevet 7. april 2009 For dere koffein-junkees så har jeg et forholdsvis billig alternativ dere ikke trenger å importere: Fres fra tn.no Det er brusetabeletter som inneholder ca 80mg koffein hver, og selv om det står at du skal ha èn i 5dl (for å møte norske koffein-begrensninger), så går det fint ann å putte 3-4 stk i en halv liter. Det fine med disse er at de koster ikke mer enn 3-3,50 pr stk Og for de som er skeptiske til energidrikker pga mye sukker, disse er sukkerfrie (som jeg synes er en liten nedtur), men om man absolutt VIL ha sukker kan man jo fint løse opp litt selv Lenke til kommentar
andal3n Skrevet 6. mai 2009 Del Skrevet 6. mai 2009 Domt man ikkje får kjøpt dei i Noreg. Kunne gjerne ha tenkt meg og prøve Wired X505, men dei sender kun i USA. Man kan og berre bestille det fra e-store'en deira, frakte varene gratis i USA til den bedrifta som sender den billigast til Norge. Enkelt og greit Lenke til kommentar
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