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hvordan veies et skip?


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hvordan kan man veie et skip som står på vatnet? :hmm:


er med å bygger Stolt Nilsen sine nye rustfri tankere og på en serie med 6 båter så skal jo alle båtene vere like, men er de det? i anledningen så prøver vi å tømme båten for utstyr vi ikke skal ha før måling.



fakta om Stolt Sneland (forge båt i serien) :D

Lengde 182,72 m


Bredde 33,20 m

Dybde i riss 15,60 m

Draft design 11,70 m

Døds-tonn ca. 43.000

Lastekap. ca. 45.250 m3



men hvordan finner de ut vekta på båten? denne båten er ikke prikk lik forge båt heller. bruker de sensorer som de plasseres under på og registrer tungda til båten når de fyller opp alle ballastankene? (skal se etter dykkere :p )

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Displacement is the actual total weight of the vessel. It is often expressed in long tons or in metric tons, and is calculated simply by multiplying the volume of the hull below the waterline (ie. the volume of water it is displacing) by the density of the water. (Note that the density will depend on whether the vessel is in fresh or salt water, or is in the tropics, where water is warmer and hence less dense.) For example, in sea water, first determine the volume of the submerged portion of the hull as follows: Multiply its length by its breadth and the draft, all in feet. Then multiply the product thereby obtained by the block coefficient of the hull to get the hull volume in cubic feet. Then multiply this figure by 64 (the weight of one cubic foot of seawater) to get the weight of the ship in pounds; or divide by 35 to calculate the weight in long tons. Using the SI or metric system : displacement (in tonnes) is volume (in m³) multiplied by the specific gravity of sea water (1.025 nominally).


This is called the law of bouyancy, discovered by Archimedes, and basically


any material or object immersed in a fluid will tend to rise through the

fluid if the fluid density is greater than the material density. The force

associated with buoyancy is the difference between the weight of the

displaced fluid and the weight of the immersed material.


Density is the amount of and object (weight or mass) there is an a given

volume (the amount of water the object displaces).


So objects which weigh a lot and don't displace much water (have a low

volume) will sink, while objects which are light and displace a lot of water

will float.


Man regner ut hvor mye vann den fortrenger når den ligger i dokk.



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Displacement is the actual total weight of the vessel. It is often expressed in long tons or in metric tons, and is calculated simply by multiplying the volume of the hull below the waterline (ie. the volume of water it is displacing) by the density of the water. (Note that the density will depend on whether the vessel is in fresh or salt water, or is in the tropics, where water is warmer and hence less dense.) For example, in sea water, first determine the volume of the submerged portion of the hull as follows: Multiply its length by its breadth and the draft, all in feet. Then multiply the product thereby obtained by the block coefficient of the hull to get the hull volume in cubic feet. Then multiply this figure by 64 (the weight of one cubic foot of seawater) to get the weight of the ship in pounds; or divide by 35 to calculate the weight in long tons. Using the SI or metric system : displacement (in tonnes) is volume (in m³) multiplied by the specific gravity of sea water (1.025 nominally).


This is called the law of bouyancy, discovered by Archimedes, and basically


any material or object immersed in a fluid will tend to rise through the

fluid if the fluid density is greater than the material density. The force

associated with buoyancy is the difference between the weight of the

displaced fluid and the weight of the immersed material.


Density is the amount of and object (weight or mass) there is an a given

volume (the amount of water the object displaces).


So objects which weigh a lot and don't displace much water (have a low

volume) will sink, while objects which are light and displace a lot of water

will float.


Man regner ut hvor mye vann den fortrenger når den ligger i dokk.





de tar den ikke inn i tørrdokka igjen for da må de kappe av masta og kablene opp til lanternene (lysene). den blir veid på sjøen.

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Nå ere vel komplisert å bygge en båt da, så å legga sammen hver minste skrue, lyspære, kabel, data-skjerm osv, trur jeg ikke er realistisk for å finne vekta på båten.


Er nå en gang slik, at når man snakker om Bruttotonn (BT), så er det ikke snakk om vekt slik mange tror. ett bruttotonn har ingen ting med 1000 kg å gjøre. Bruttotonn har med volum å gjøre. ett BT = 2,83 kubikk-meter, å når man "veier" et skip i BT, så menes volumet av alle innelukkede rom. å det kan regnes ut ved hjelp av kalkulatoren, bare man har måla på skipet. Ved netto-tonn menes forøvrig volumet av alle lasteromma på skipet. Fram tel 1969 het det forøvrig Brutto-RegisterTonn (BRT), men skal være akkurat samma prosedyren. BT er bare en litt mer internasjonal talemåte.

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