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[Løst]Pc død etter Bios update

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Jeg har et problem etter at jeg Gjorde en bios update.Pcen vil starte med ikke noe skjermbilde og den vil ikke kjøre gjenom Posten...og kommer med ikke inn i Bios.:(


Her er delene jeg bruker.XFX x58i...XFX Geforce 280...

Intel core i7 920...PSU 850watt...Minne Dominator 1866.


Noen som kan hjelpe meg!!!er desperat:)

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Da er det vel bare å bytte bios brikken på hovedkortet. Enkleste er vel å sende sakene dit du kjøpte det, og få de til å fikse biosen. Tror ikke det finnes noen andre måter. Men kan ta feil. Er ikke noen ekspert.

OKI:)Men må jeg sende tilbakke hele Hk eller bare bios brikene?

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Hyggelig å få navnet på HK siden det er veldig relevant. Asus har mulighet til å putte i en diskett og flashe på nytt.


Men uansett... Hva er vitsen med å flashe BIOS hver uke? Flashing av BIOS er kun for dem som opplever kompabilitetsproblemer eller andre BIOS-relevante problemer. :)

Endret av Blomsterbob
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Ditt mobo har en AMI BIOS, så du kan prøve denne metoden:


If for any reason your motherboard (mobo) BIOS corrupted, if you’re motherboards comes with a backup BIOS (Dual BIOS boards or Quard BIOS board from Gigabyte), then you still be able to boot up and log on to operating system. If you’re not, and your computer or motherboard is using an AMI BIOS, then you can use the following fail safe emergency BIOS load trick to try to recover the BIOS corruption. The hack works on the basis that AMI BIOSes have a recovery process that embedded in “boot block” which is a portion of the ROM that runs first and is not updateable. Code in boot block verify that the rest of the BIOS is intact (via checksum, hash, etc.) and if it detects that the main BIOS in “system block” is corrupt, the recovery routine is called and for AMI BIOS, it will boot to a floppy to access any new BIOS file with the name AMIBOOT.ROM. If found, the file will be read and flash or write to the system block, replacing the corrupted or bad main BIOS.


Recovery procedures for AMI BIOS


Recovery procedures for AMI BIOS

1. Download the latest version or your choose version of BIOS file for your computer or motherboard from the manufacturer’s support site.

2. Rename the downloaded file to AMIBOOT.ROM.

3. Copy the file to a floppy disk.

4. Insert the floppy disk to the floppy drive.

5. Turn on the system.

6. The system should automatically access the floppy drive (indicated LED will light up). If no floppy access occurs press and hold Ctrl-Home to force update. Follow any on screen instruction to restore and recover the good BIOS from the floppy disk.

7. When 4 beeps are heard or a reboot prompt you may remove the floppy disk.

8. Restart the computer.


Virker ikke dette, må du nok sende inn mobo for å få ny BIOS brikke.

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Ditt mobo har en AMI BIOS, så du kan prøve denne metoden:


If for any reason your motherboard (mobo) BIOS corrupted, if you’re motherboards comes with a backup BIOS (Dual BIOS boards or Quard BIOS board from Gigabyte), then you still be able to boot up and log on to operating system. If you’re not, and your computer or motherboard is using an AMI BIOS, then you can use the following fail safe emergency BIOS load trick to try to recover the BIOS corruption. The hack works on the basis that AMI BIOSes have a recovery process that embedded in “boot block” which is a portion of the ROM that runs first and is not updateable. Code in boot block verify that the rest of the BIOS is intact (via checksum, hash, etc.) and if it detects that the main BIOS in “system block” is corrupt, the recovery routine is called and for AMI BIOS, it will boot to a floppy to access any new BIOS file with the name AMIBOOT.ROM. If found, the file will be read and flash or write to the system block, replacing the corrupted or bad main BIOS.


Recovery procedures for AMI BIOS


Recovery procedures for AMI BIOS

1. Download the latest version or your choose version of BIOS file for your computer or motherboard from the manufacturer’s support site.

2. Rename the downloaded file to AMIBOOT.ROM.

3. Copy the file to a floppy disk.

4. Insert the floppy disk to the floppy drive.

5. Turn on the system.

6. The system should automatically access the floppy drive (indicated LED will light up). If no floppy access occurs press and hold Ctrl-Home to force update. Follow any on screen instruction to restore and recover the good BIOS from the floppy disk.

7. When 4 beeps are heard or a reboot prompt you may remove the floppy disk.

8. Restart the computer.


Virker ikke dette, må du nok sende inn mobo for å få ny BIOS brikke.

typisk :D Har ikke CD hehe:)men for prøve det i morgen:):)

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[typisk :D Har ikke CD hehe:)men for prøve det i morgen:):)


Som det heter, niks, no, njet, jeg tror at denne måten virker KUN med diskett! No can do with CD. :thumbdown: Men du kan jo prøve da.


Når det er sagt, skulle man tro at i dag, i år 2009, så burde da HK fabrikanter og mange andre selskap greie å lage til program som virker fra enten CD eller USB, men LONG LIVE THE FU..... STONE AGE???

Endret av Chavalito
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[typisk :D Har ikke CD hehe:)men for prøve det i morgen:):)


Som det heter, niks, no, njet, jeg tror at denne måten virker KUN med diskett! No can do with CD. :thumbdown: Men du kan jo prøve da.


Når det er sagt, skulle man tro at i dag, i år 2009, så burde da HK fabrikanter og mange andre selskap greie å lage til program som virker fra enten CD eller USB, men LONG LIVE THE FU..... STONE AGE???

Ja det er sant:)


Men jeg har nå Finne fram en gammal pc nå:)Den har disk stasjon:P

SÅ for jeg prøve:):)

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