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Problem med Harddisk

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HAHA! tette lille meg :D Så ikke at det var en slidebar på siden der jeg :lol:

Vel... Fant nå da disken der da, men den oppført med 128GB selv om jeg har gjort det LarsC skrev.


Da må jeg kanskje skaffe meg ett nytt hovedkort også da, og seff har ikke jeg råd til det nå :(


Hvor oppgraderer jeg bios da? viste ikke at det gikk ann jeg..

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Har du installert Service Pack 1 for Win XP. Støtte for større disker enn 127 GB kom med SP 1.


Partition Magic 8 har ikke støtte fotr mer enn 160 GB.


Partition size: Tested on partition sizes up to 160 GB when partition is less than 90% full.

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Kan noen hjelpe meg der også eller?


Holde deg i lanken? ;)


I manualen står følgende opplysninger: EP-BX7A eller EP-BX7+100

Intel 400BX AGPset

A Socket 370 processor based mainboard


Jupp. Se her:



Nummer 4 og 5 burde vel passe.


For flashing:



Har du installert Service Pack 1 for Win XP. Støtte for større disker enn 127 GB kom med SP 1.


Han trenger ikke SP1. 48-bits axx er lagt til manuelt, hvis du leser tråden.


Partition Magic 8 har ikke støtte fotr mer enn 160 GB.


PM 6 støttet iallefall min 200GB, så jeg ser ikke helt hvorfor de vil forandre noe sånt.

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Dette er ikke min dag :( lastet ned begge 2 (altså nr 4 og 5) og nr.5 er bare en .bin fil som jeg ikke får gjort noe med og når jeg prøver nr.4 får jeg følgende melding:Cannot find file C:PROGAR~1Setupsxp updatebx700810.exe (or one of its components). Check to ensure the path and filname are correct and that all required libraries are availble.


Jeg skjønner ingen ting jeg nå....

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Jeg synes du skal lese hva som står i den siste linken jeg oppgir.



Flashing the BIOS

There are two ways in which we recommend the end user flashes their BIOS. They will be termed as follows :

The ALT+F2 Method 

The Boot Disk Method 

The ALT+F2 method may not be available on older mainboards with older BIOS, in such cases it is necessary to carry out the Boot Disk Method.


The ALT+F2 Method 

Download the required BIOS image file from the EPoX website. 

Copy or extract the BIOS image file (named xxxxxxxx.bin) to a blank floppy disk with no bad sectors on it. 

Restart the machine with the floppy disk in the floppy drive 

When prompted at machine initialization, press ALT+F2 to begin performing the flashing of the BIOS. 

The BIOS will automatically flash and reboot the machine. 

After this, press DEL to enter the BIOS setup and select to "LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS". After doing this select to "SAVE & EXIT" 

Please note that this does not create a backup of the BIOS binary file. 

This does not require you to have a bootable floppy disk. 



The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) of a mainboard is software stored on an EEPROM chip which helps the mainboard to function correctly and communicate with devices on the PCB surfaces and also secondary devices and software protocols that are attached to or running on the mainboard respectively.

Sometimes we find it necessary to update the BIOS image files in order to make allowance for newer processors, newer operating systems, enhance device compatibility, add features or increase performance and stability. To upgrade the BIOS, one has to subject their machine to the simple process of flashing.


Flashing the BIOS

There are two ways in which we recommend the end user flashes their BIOS. They will be termed as follows :

The ALT+F2 Method 

The Boot Disk Method 

The ALT+F2 method may not be available on older mainboards with older BIOS, in such cases it is necessary to carry out the Boot Disk Method.


The ALT+F2 Method 

Download the required BIOS image file from the EPoX website. 

Copy or extract the BIOS image file (named xxxxxxxx.bin) to a blank floppy disk with no bad sectors on it. 

Restart the machine with the floppy disk in the floppy drive 

When prompted at machine initialization, press ALT+F2 to begin performing the flashing of the BIOS. 

The BIOS will automatically flash and reboot the machine. 

After this, press DEL to enter the BIOS setup and select to "LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS". After doing this select to "SAVE & EXIT" 

Please note that this does not create a backup of the BIOS binary file. 

This does not require you to have a bootable floppy disk. 


The Boot Disk Method

1. Create a bootable floppy disk in accordance with the instructions laid out in the manual of your particular operating system. This bootable floppy needs to be able to boot to a DOS console capable of executing normal MS-DOS batch and executable files. 

2. Download the required BIOS image file from the EPoX website. 

3. Ensure the mainboard is set at LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS and is not overclocked in any way. 

4. Copy to this floppy disk a copy of AWDFLASH.EXE and also a copy of the BIOS binary image file called xxxxxxxx.bin 

5. Insert the diskette into drive A, reboot your system and boot from the diskette. 

6. When booting is finished, type awdflash *.bin /sn/py/cc/ (dependant of the name of the BIOS image file) and 

7. then press return to run BIOS upgrade program. 

The BIOS will automatically flash and reboot the machine. 

8. After this, press DEL to enter the BIOS setup and select to "LOAD OPTIMIZED DEFAULTS". After doing this select to "SAVE & EXIT" 

9. Please note that this does not create a backup of the BIOS binary file. 

10. For Command line help on Award Flash utility, type AWDFLASH/? at the command prompt and press return. 

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