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zombie apocalypse. er det mulig?

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Det er to sider ved den saken:


1 -Selve zombie delen. Zombier ble, som du kanskje kjenner til, skapt ved at de ble forgiftet med noen spesielle stoffer som delvis grillet hjernen og delvis gjorde dem skinndøde (de levde, men pust og hjerteslag var så svake at de ble oppfattet som døde.

Etter begravelsen var det bare å spa dem opp igjen og gi dem motgift eller vente til virkningen gikk over av seg selv.

Ut over det ble zombier mest brukt til slavearbeid, og har samme behov (mat, drikke osv) som alle andre levende.

Det at mange skrekkfilmer fremstiller dem som gjenoppståtte døde er kun for filmen sin del og har ingenting med virkeligheten å gjøre.


Jeg vet hva du sikter til her, skjønt om det er dette som "er" zombier, og om noe slikt som du beskriver noensinner har hendt, er ikke like opplagt. At "zombier [ble] mest brukt til slavearbeid" må du nesten gi noen kilder på, jeg har aldri engang sett noen god dokumentasjon på at noe man kan kalle zombier noensinne har eksistert.

Zombier finnes ikke, i hvert fall ikke menneske-zombier. Det finnes parasitter som fult og helt tar over kroppen til dyr, men det er en annen sak. Menneske-zombier er først og fremst overtro, på samme måte som vi trodde på draugen og huldra i gamledager. For å sitere artikkelen i Klassekampen:


Stipendiat Bjørn Enge Bertelsen ved Institutt for sosialantropologi på Universitetet i Bergen og Unifob Global, har gjort gjentatte feltarbeid i Mosambik. Han kan fortelle om en levende og høyst reell zombiekultur i landet.


- Jeg hørte mange historier om folk som hadde blitt tatt til fange og skapt om til zombier, forteller Bertelsen.


- Disse menneskene blir en slags levende døde, og føres til magiske farmer drevet av hekser, ofte på øde steder. Her må de drive med slavearbeid på nattetid.


- Men det kan da umulig være zombier det er snakk om her?


- Det dreier seg vel mest av alt om at dette er en potent metafor for å forklare økonomiske prosesser mange ikke forstår. Mosambik fikk selvstendighet først i 1975, etter en langvarig krig mot Portugal, og for mange er det fortsatt veldig uklart hvordan ressursene blir akkumulert og fordelt. Folk ser en lokal elite som bare blir rikere og rikere, men ingen forstår helt hvordan de beriker seg. Der jeg bodde, var det en direktør som hadde slått seg opp og kjøpt jord. Han begynte med dyreoppdrett, og hadde en del folk som jobbet for ham på gården, men langt fra så mange som han trengte for å produsere så mye som han faktisk gjorde, sa folk. De mente derfor at han hadde bortført folk og skapt dem om til zombier, slik at han kunne bruke dem som slaver på farmen om natta. Da landsbyboerne i tillegg så at flere i mannens nære familie hadde blitt syke, var bevisene klare, forteller Bertelsen. Han peker på den utbredte oppfatningen at folk som gjør andre til zombier, skader folk rundt seg ved sin praksis.

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Den rådende oppfatning? wtf. Zombier faller som regel innenfor sjangeren science fiction, det vil si fiksjon om vitenskap. Du kan komme opp med hvilken som helst medisinsk tilstand du vil ha. Hvis zombiene er med i en med fantasy-esc tilstelning kan du begrunne det med svart magi om du vil!

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Den tradisjonelle zombien er nok umulig, det er jeg ganske sikker på. Men den derre 28 Days Later-greia, den infeksjonen, skal visst nok være teoretisk mulig, hvis det kommer et virus som stimulerer den delen av hjernen som har med sinne å gjøre. For det viruset gikk jo ut på at man fikk et utrolig raseri (10.000 ganger et vanlig menneskelig raseri elns, ifølge de som lagde filmen). Man har jo i diverse eksperimenter med elektroder (eller hva faen) greid å stimulere og høyne diverse følelser i hjernen til et menneske på operasjonsbordet. Og når man har et raseri ganger 10.000 så forsvinner jo egentlig alle andre følelser, som f.eks. kjærlighet og empati osv.


Er dog temmelig sikker på at det ikke kommer til å skje.


Edit: Går man lenge nok med rabies uten behandling så får man jo en lignende tilstand. Man mister fullstendig kontroll, fråder, angriper og smitter andre mennesker.

Endret av cnon
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Artig artikkel om emnet hos Cracked.


Når jeg leste dette så minnet det meg om George Carlin og den avslutninga på Life is Worth Losing. Jeg poster like godt hele greia:


For centuries now, man has done everything he can to destroy, defile and interfere with nature. Clear-cutting forests, strip mining mountains, poisoning the atmosphere, over-fishing the ocean, polluting the rivers and lakes, destroying wetlands and aquifers. So when nature strikes back, and smacks man in the head, and kicks him in the nuts, I enjoy that. I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever, none. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it’s natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse. Don’t you have a part of you that secretly hopes everything gets worse? When you see a big fire on TV, don’t you hope it spreads? Don’t you hope it gets completely out of control and burns down six counties? You don’t root for the firemen do you? I mean I don’t want them to get hurt or nothing, but I don’t want them putting out my fire. That’s my fire. That’s nature showing off and having fun. I like fires.


You know something else I like? Those spring floods in the mid-west. Aren’t they great? Like clockwork, spring floods in the mid-west. But I’m starting to notice, I’m starting to catch on, that every year it’s the same story. Another flood in the same place, with the same people, on the same river, same fucking people. And these people do not move, they will not fucking move, they repaint, put down new carpeting and wallpaper, and they move right back into the same fucking house on the flood plain next to the same river, and then they wonder why grandma’s floating downstream with the parakeet on her head. Fourth time, again, fourth fucking time. There’s no learning curve with these people, it’s very hard to feel sorry for them. Every year, same people, same rowboats, out there paddling around, rescuing a chicken. What the fuck kind of a life is that?

“Well our kids love it here.”

Oh really? What do they got, gills? And while they’re showing all that shit on the screen, the announcer is saying to me, “It’s been raining steadily for three months now, the ground can’t hold any more water, the river is cresting higher than it has in two centuries, and the Levis have washed away…”

And I just hope it keeps raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and raining and it rains steadily for five years. And then after that, for ten years it’s cloudy, with occasional showers. And the river never returns to its natural banks, it becomes a completely new river, and the borders of three states have to be changed, and all the maps and atlases have to redrawn and reprinted. And no-one’s couch ever completely dries out. For years and years every time they sit down there’s always a little *squish*.

“Dan, Linda! Come on in you guys, have a seat!” *squish* *squish*

I like that, I’m an interesting guy.


I always hope that no matter how small the original problem is, it’s gonna grow into bigger and bigger proportions and get completely out of control, and I’ll give you a concrete example. Let’s say a water main breaks in downtown Los Angeles and it floods an electrical substation, knocking out all the traffic lights and tying up the entire city and emergency vehicles can’t get through. And at the same time, one of those month long global warming heat waves comes along, but there’s no air-conditioning, there’s no water for sanitation, so cholera, smallpox and dysentery break out and thousands of people start dying in the streets. But before they die, parasites eat their brains, and they go completely fucking crazy, and they storm the hospital, but the hospital can’t handle all the casualties, so these people rape all the nurses and set the hospital on fire. And the flames drive them even crazier, so they start stabbing social workers and garbage men. And a big wind comes along, and the entire city goes up in flames. And the people who are still healthy, they get mad at the sick people, and they start crucifying them, nailing them to crosses, trying on their underwear, shit like that. Then everybody smokes crack and PCP, and they march on city hall, where they burn the mayor at the stake, they strangle his wife and take turns sodomizing the statue of Larry Flint.

And at this point it looks like pretty soon things are gonna start to get out of control.


So everyone panics and tries to leave the city at the same time, and they trample each other to death in the streets by the thousands and wild dogs eat their corpses. And the wild dogs chase the rest of the people down the highway and one by one the dogs pick off the old fucks and the slow people, because they’re in the fast lane where they don’t belong. Get the fuck out of the fast lane if you’re an old fuck, if you’re a slow fuck, get over on the right, get over on the right. And the lucky ones, the lucky people who manage to make it all the way to the outside of town, they discover when they get there, that big sparks from the city have lit the suburbs on fire. And the suburbs burn uncontrollably. And thousands of identical homes have identical fires have identical smoke, killing all the identical soccer mums and their identical kids named Jason and Jennifer. And now, the fire spreads to the farmlands and the farmlands burn intensely, at 425 degrees, creating millions of baked potatoes. As the farmlands burn, thousands of barns and farmhouses begin to explode from all the hidden methamphetamine labs. And the meth chemicals run downhill into the rivers and streams, where wild animals drink the water and get completely geeked on speed. So bears and wolves amped up on crack roam the countryside looking for people to eat, even though they’re not really hungry.

And the fire spreads to the forests and the forests burn furiously. And hundreds of elves and trolls and fairies come running out of the woods screaming, “Bambie is dead! Bambie is dead!”

And he is, he is, finally that fucking little cunt, Bambie is dead. Dead.


Now hundreds of fires of regional fires come together into one huge interstate inferno. And all 12 of the western united states are burning out of control, except Utah where the Mormons don’t allow fires. And the fire spreads across the Great Plains, toasting the wheat and cooking the cattle, producing hamburgers actually. Then it leaps to Mississippi, and races through the south, blowing up stills, interrupting lynchings and killing millions of inbred people. And then it turns north-east and it heads to Washington DC, where George Bush can’t decide if it’s an emergency or not. He can’t decide because Dick Chaney is in prison. So, instead he takes a nap, he puts his empty fucking brainless head on the little pillow that his mother gave him at Christmas time, and he takes a nap. So the fire moves to Philadelphia, but it’s a weekend, and Philadelphia’s closed on the weekends. So the fire moves to New York City and the people in New York tell the fire to go fuck itself. And it does, so instead it burns down Long Island and Connecticut, killing all the rich white assholes and completely destroying their evil faggoty golf courses. And while all this is going on, Canada burns to the ground, but nobody notices.


And now the entire North American Continent is on fire, producing a huge thermal updraft, and creating an in seminary cyclonic macro system that forms a hemispheric mega-storm, breaking down the molecular structure of the atmosphere and actually changing the laws of nature. Fire and water combine, burning clouds of flaming rain fall upward, gamma rays and solar winds ignite the ionosphere, creating huge clouds of ionized plasma, bolts of lighting twenty million miles long begin shooting out of the north pole, and the sky fills up with green shit. And then suddenly, the entire fabric of space-time splits in two, a huge crack in the universe opens. And all the dead people from the past begin falling through. Big Ruth, Groucho Marks, J.B. Crocket, Tiny Tim, Porky Pig, Hitler, Janise Joplin, Allan Linden, my uncle Dave, your uncle Dave, everybody’s uncle Dave, an endless stream of dead uncle Daves falling through the crack.


And all the dead Uncle Daves gather around a heavenly kitchen table, they light up cigarettes and begin to talk. They talk about they never got a break, how their parents didn’t love them and their children were ungrateful. They talk about how their government screwed them out of money and they just missed out on a big job. They say the Jews own everything and the blacks get special treatment. And all the hatred and bitterness drips out of these people, and forms a big pool of liquid hate. And the pool of liquid hate begins to spin, round and round it spins, faster and faster, and the faster it spins the bigger it gets, faster and faster, bigger and bigger, until the wurling pool of hate is bigger than the entire universe. And then suddenly it explodes into trillions of tiny stars, and every star has a trillion planets, and every planet has a trillion Uncle Daves. And all the Uncle Daves have good jobs, perfect eyesight and shoes that fit. They have great sex lives and free healthcare. They understand the internet, their kids think they’re cool, and they all love their neighbours. And every week, without fail, Uncle Dave wins the lottery, forever and ever until the end of time every single Uncle Dave has a winning ticket. And Uncle Dave is finally happy.


Now do you see why I like it when nature gets even with humans?

  • Liker 1
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Den rådende oppfatning? wtf. Zombier faller som regel innenfor sjangeren science fiction, det vil si fiksjon om vitenskap. Du kan komme opp med hvilken som helst medisinsk tilstand du vil ha. Hvis zombiene er med i en med fantasy-esc tilstelning kan du begrunne det med svart magi om du vil!

Resident Evil - virus

Left 4 Dead - virus

28 Days Later - virus

The Zombie Survival Guide - Virus

Dawn of the Dead - virus (?)

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Resident Evil - virus

Left 4 Dead - virus

28 Days Later - virus

The Zombie Survival Guide - Virus

Dawn of the Dead - virus (?)


Ja det er jo alle eksempler på gode vitenskapelige publikasjoner... På '50-tallet var det vel heksedoktorer og magi som var poppis? Kanskje denne burde vært flyttet til OT-baren eller noe sånn?

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I Dead serien til Romero blir det ikke forklart hva som er årsaken til at de døde blir zombier. I den originale Dawn of the Dead blir det vel sagt at det er en pest, og pest forårsakes som oftest av bakterier, ikke virus. I Night of the Living Dead blir det på radio spekulert i om det kan være forårsaket av en satelitt på retur fra Venus. Hehe.

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