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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


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Likte du actioneventyret «Uncharted: Drake's Fortune» har Game Informer gode nyheter til deg.

Bladet har nettopp annonsert oppfølgeren «Uncharted 2: Among Thieves» på omslaget av januarutgaven.


Bladet skriver at helten i spillet Nathan Drake begir seg ut på et nytt eventyr som dreier seg om den kjente oppdageren Marco Polo og hans reiser. «Among Thieves » skal ha en ny klatreteknikk som gir stor frihet samt oppgaver som best kan løses ved å være listig (stealth).


- Spillere kan også forvente nye områder og figurer, skriver Game Informer.


Kilde: www.spill.no - Fant ikke på Gamer.no



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Key features in the game:


* An expanded cast of characters who reflect different facets of Drake's character, including Chloe Frazer, Drake's current partner and new romantic interest.

* Varied and exotic locations - from lush, green swamps and dense urban environments, all the way to the ice and snow of the Himalayas.

* Open design allows players to take an aggressive or stealthy approach to combat.

* Free-flowing "traversal gunplay" adds a unique vertical element to familiar cover-based third-person shooting mechanics, allowing the player to engage in combat from any position in the environment - even while climbing and hanging.

* Introduction of new traversal and free-climbing mechanics allow Drake to navigate through the environments more fluidly and naturally.

* Gunplay and combat enhancements, including an expanded melee system, and a variety of enemy types with advanced AI routines.

* High-quality cinematic presentation of scenes, characters and dialogue, all rendered within the Naughty Dog Engine 2.0.

* Dramatic in-game events that make the player an active participant in the cinematic experience.

* Full character interaction with dynamic geometry.

* Uses Naughty Dog Engine 2.0 purpose-built for the PlayStation 3; uses PS3's technology to hit a turning point in technology innovation by recreating reality and capturing human emotion. No visible loading - returns along with technology improvements in major game systems such as lighting, shadows, ambient occlusion, animation technology and physics, among many others.



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Trailere, intervju og gameplay:

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Spike VGS World Trailer:

Se filmen hos Youtube


Uncharted 2: Director Interview Part 1:

Uncharted 2: Director Interview Part 2:



Emnetittel endret siden vi vil unngå "den store ***-tråden" tråder!


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Endret av HardC0re Gamer 1997
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Fans of Nathan Drake will be happy to hear that Uncharted 2 will delve further into his character, showing that while he's "affable and charming, he can also be a jerk."


Får håpe de klarer å vise dette på en bra måte, så man slipper dårlige replikker og morsomheter som ikke er morsomme. Ellers syns jeg Uncharted 2 virker knall. Elsker at det blir litt stealth gameplay i oppfølgeren.

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Uncharted 2 blir det første som utnytter alle 7 SPU prosessorkjernene! Uncharted 1 brukte bare 2 og selv Killzone 2 bruker bare 4.


Uncharted 2 to max out PS3's SPUs


There was a point where Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was hands down the best looking PS3 game. With lush environments and such vivd and charasmatic animations, it blew away all competitors. Though Uncharted still looks drop dead gorgeous, it has since been eclipsed by other titles like MGS4 and the upcomming PS3 exclusives Killzone 2 and Heavy Rain.


That isn't stopping Naughty Dog from trying to reclaim it's title with Uncharted 2, though. In a recent interview, the developer's co-president Christophe Balestra spoke about how they would be utilizing the PS3 to accomplish this. "Uncharted used 30 per cent of the PS3’s SPUs, and this time we’re maxing it out” Balestra explained. This will allow for better environmental interactions, as well as more detailed and believable body and facial animations.


To date, no game has maxed the PS3's SPUs, with even the graphical powerhouse Killzone 2 only using 60% of them.


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is due out later this year.


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Nye detaljer om AI i Uncharted 2:

Uncharted 2 game director Bruce Straley has revealed that the hotly anticipated adventure sequel will incorporate two all-new AI behaviour patterns as a result of the games inclusion of stealth-action elements.


"As a result of expanding our gameplay to account for action-stealth, there are two new behaviours added to enemies, 'investigate' and 'hunt,'" Straley told CVG.


“With 'investigate' the enemies have peripheral vision just like humans. When Drake enters this peripheral vision the enemies will look over in the direction they think they saw him in and depending on how long he was in this vision cone, they may just look or they may walk over and check out what they think they saw.”


"With the 'hunt' behaviour the enemies have already spotted Drake and are in combat with him. While in combat the enemies make certain assumptions on where Drake is based on his last known location,” he explained.


Straley added that Drake’s foes will search tenaciously for our hero should they manage to lose eye contact with him, widening their search as they go.


"If they lose eye contact with Drake for a few seconds, one or more enemies will start hunting around the area, starting with his last known location, and then spread their search out if he's not found."


Furthermore, the game’s enemies are just as nimble as Drake, possessing the ability to climb up ledges and leap across gaps in order to locate his whereabouts – a feature that in turn allows for a much more varied game environment.


Said Straley: "If they are to hunt for Drake they'll need the ability to climb on the environment, jump across gaps, and drop down from ledges to get to him. The benefit to this was our combat wasn't limited to flat terrain anymore."


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Nye detaljer om AI i Uncharted 2:
Uncharted 2 game director Bruce Straley has revealed that the hotly anticipated adventure sequel will incorporate two all-new AI behaviour patterns as a result of the games inclusion of stealth-action elements.


"As a result of expanding our gameplay to account for action-stealth, there are two new behaviours added to enemies, 'investigate' and 'hunt,'" Straley told CVG.


"With 'investigate' the enemies have peripheral vision just like humans. When Drake enters this peripheral vision the enemies will look over in the direction they think they saw him in and depending on how long he was in this vision cone, they may just look or they may walk over and check out what they think they saw."


"With the 'hunt' behaviour the enemies have already spotted Drake and are in combat with him. While in combat the enemies make certain assumptions on where Drake is based on his last known location," he explained.


Straley added that Drake's foes will search tenaciously for our hero should they manage to lose eye contact with him, widening their search as they go.


"If they lose eye contact with Drake for a few seconds, one or more enemies will start hunting around the area, starting with his last known location, and then spread their search out if he's not found."


Furthermore, the game's enemies are just as nimble as Drake, possessing the ability to climb up ledges and leap across gaps in order to locate his whereabouts – a feature that in turn allows for a much more varied game environment.


Said Straley: "If they are to hunt for Drake they'll need the ability to climb on the environment, jump across gaps, and drop down from ledges to get to him. The benefit to this was our combat wasn't limited to flat terrain anymore."




Takk for infoen, skal poste den i førstepost...

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Håper de ikke har samme slutt som i det første.

Var litt skuffende når det plutselig ble til et 'fantasy' spill med de Gollum-lignende tingene som sprang omkring. Litt interresant var det, ihvertfall bra at det ikke dukket opp nazizombier.



Deler av innlegget som avslørte detaljer rundt historia er skjult.-ttt

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  • 4 uker senere...
Jeg har rundet hele spillet på normal, og jeg ser jo når jeg får troféer, og jeg har jo en del av de. men de vises ikke når jeg sammenlikner troféene me andre spillere på psn! kan jeg ha gjort noe galt? :ermm:


Har du fått trofeer fra andre spill? Uncharted er litt spesielt. De hadde et medaljesystem innlagt i spillet før trofeer kom. Når man får trofeer i Uncharted vil det dukke opp to ting. At du får medalje i spillet og like etterpå kommer det at du har fått trofeet. Det jeg mistenker er at du spiller på en save fra før trofepatchen kom og at du kun får de medaljene som er lagt inn i spillet fra før trophies kom.

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Ahaaaa.. jeg begynte å spille før troféesystemet kom :dontgetit: jeg må gjøre alt på nytt... ja, troféer fra andre spill vises.. tusen takk! :D


Jepp, du må starte på nytt for å få trophies ja. Og som et lite varsku. Vis du lager en ny save og lagrer den over den gamle vil du også risikere å ikke få trophies. Så anbefaler deg å slette den gamle saven din (evt. ta backup av den først vis du vil beholde den).

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Ok. takk ;) men jeg tror jeg venter litt med å starte på nytt:P det er jo egentli ikke noe gøy å gjøre noe man har gjort før. det skal jo være spennende og.. jeg holder på å glemme en del av storyen... venter litt til xD venter også fordi det skjer en del med meg og dama :cry:


Ojj.. kanskje vel å merke at jeg snakket om drakes fortune?

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  • 4 uker senere...

Har ikke lest enda, men nytt intervju med Naughty Dog om Uncharted 2:




EDIT: Lest det nå, virker ut som om det blir en verdig oppfølger. Noen svært gode screenshots også, fantastisk grafikk. "we're planning on adding several features to the game that will increase replayability and extend the gameplay experience for everyone"... Multiplayer? Hope so...

Endret av Gjest
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