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Gratis OS-uavhengig programvare.


Anbefalte innlegg

Denne tråde kommer til å ta for seg programvare som minimum kan brukesi både i Windows, Linux og Mac. Det har en rekke fordeler av å benytte seg av slik programvare blandt annet:


1. Du vil få en lettere overgang om du ønsker å f.eks migrere fra Windows til OS X, så vel som OS X til Windows.

2. Du vil være sikkert på at personen som mottar eventuellt filer vil kunne benytte og se på disse filene.




Følg med i første posten, kommer mer her når jeg får tid ... kommer nok til å kopiere en del tekst far Wikipedia for å spare tid!


Om dere vet om noen gode programmer som jeg kan legge til så kom gjerne med tips :)


For spill kan dere gå til denne tråden: https://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=935597&st=0 Allle er støttet i Windows og Linux, ikke alle, men veldig mange er støttet i Mac. Alle spillene i den tråden er gratis.


Grafiske programmer

Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender, Krita,






type: bilderedigering, lisens: åpen kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: Photoshop


hjemmeside: http://www.gimp.org/




Gimp er et bilderedigeringsprogram (til tross for et nokså missvisende navn, kan nevnes at Gimp står for GNU Image Manipulation Program) som er et greit alternativ til Photoshop for avanserte brukere, men spesielt hjemmebrukere som er ute etter en graftig gratispakke. Programmet er støttet for Windows, Linux og Mac, men følger veldig ofte med som standard i mange Linux-distrubisjoner (som f.eks Ubuntu).


direktelink til nedlasting (linux): http://gimp.org/downloads/


direktelink til nedlasting (windows): http://www.gimp.org/windows/


direktelink til nedlasting (mac os x): http://gimp.org/macintosh/






type: vektorgrafikk, lisens: åpen kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: Adobe Illustrator


hjemmeside: http://www.inkscape.org/





Inkscape er et program du kan lage og redigere vektorgrafikk i. Denne typer bilder lar seg skalere (både forstørre og forminske) så mye man vil uten at det går utover kvaliteten på bildet.


direktelink til nedlasting: http://www.inkscape.org/download/?lang=en






type: DTP, lisens: åpen kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: Adobe InDesign


hjemmeside: http://www.scribus.net/


direktelink til nedlasting: http://www.scribus.net/?q=downloads








type: 3D/animasjon, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Maya


hjemmeside: http://www.blender.org/





"Blender is a free 3D graphics application. It can be used for modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging, water simulations, skinning, animating, rendering, particle and other simulations, non-linear editing, compositing, and creating interactive 3D applications. Blender is available for several operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, IRIX, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD with unofficial ports for BeOS, SkyOS, AmigaOS, MorphOS and Pocket PC. Blender has a robust feature set similar in scope and depth to other high-end 3D software such as Softimage|XSI, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Lightwave and Maya. These features include advanced simulation tools such as rigid body, fluid, cloth and softbody dynamics, modifier based modeling tools, powerful character animation tools, a node based material and compositing system and Python for embedded scripting."





NB! Windows er i utviklingsfase, Alpha er utgitt.

OS X-versjonen er tilgjengelig via Fink-prosjektet


type: bilderedigering, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Photoshop


hjemmeside: http://www.koffice.org/krita/





"Krita is the bitmap graphics editor software included with the KDE based KOffice suite. Designed to be both a painting application and a photo editor, Krita is free software and distributed under GNU General Public License. It was released for the first time as a part of KOffice version 1.4.0, on June 21, 2005. Before any public release, it was called KImageShop and then later Krayon, but legal matters motivated a change from these names.


Krita's design emphasizes creating new images as opposed to manipulating existing photographs. It has been influenced to an extent by Corel Painter. As of 2006, many plugins written over the years for these other applications were not yet available for Krita."






OpenOffice.org, AbiWord







type: hjemmekontorpakke, lisens: åpen kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: MS Office


hjemmeside: http://www.openoffice.org/

norsk hjemmeside: http://no.openoffice.org/




bilde av Writer fra OO.o-pakken.


Dette er en krafig hjemmekontorpakke som har alternativer til stort sett det meste man finner i MS Office: Calc (Exel), Writer (Word), Impress (Power Point), og mye mer. Norsk utgave er ikke støttet for Mac, men engelsk er tilgjengelig.


Direktelink til nedlasting (engelsk side): http://download.openoffice.org/other.html#en-US


Direktelink til nedlasting (norsk side): http://no.openoffice.org/




type: skriveprogram, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: MS Word


hjemmeside: http://www.abisource.com/





"AbiWord is a free software word processor. The name "AbiWord" (pronounced "Abby Word") is derived from the root of the Spanish word "abierto", meaning "open". It currently runs on Linux, Mac OS X (PowerPC), Microsoft Windows, ReactOS, BeOS (unsupported), AmigaOS 4.0 (through its Cygnix X11 engine), and other operating systems."





Internett (nettlesere/mail)

Firefix, Chrome, Opera, Thunderbird,






type: nettleser, lisens: åpen kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: Internet Explorer


hjemmeside: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/

norsk hjemmeside: http://www.mozilla-europe.org/no/




Firefox er en nettleser som kan udvides, konfigureres og themes i det uendelige. Bilde som er vist her er min egen installasjon med Dust-temaet som også har fått et par småforandringer, skal oppdatere bildet med standard vista-tema så snart jeg har mulighet.


direktelink til nedlasting (engelsk side): http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html


direktelink til nedlasting (norsk side): http://www.mozilla-europe.org/no/




NB! Ikke utgitt til OS X eller Linux enda!


type: nettleser, lisens: blandet, alternativ til blandt annet: Internet Explorer


hjemmeside: http://www.google.com/chrome





"Google Chrome is a free web browser developed by Google and based on the WebKit layout engine and application framework. In November 2008, it had a share of 0.83% of the browser market. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on September 2, 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. The public stable release was on December 11, 2008.


Chromium is the open source project behind Google Chrome, and is released under the BSD license. It implements the same feature set, but has a slightly different logo."





type: nettleser, lisens: lukket kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: Internet Explorer


hjemmeside: http://www.opera.com/




Opera er en norsk nettleser som er utrolig rask og har et par innovative funksjoner.


direktelink til nedlasting: http://www.opera.com/browser/download/




type: e-postklient, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://www.mozilla.com





"Mozilla Thunderbird is a free, open source, cross-platform e-mail and news client developed by the Mozilla Foundation. The project strategy is modeled after Mozilla Firefox, a project aimed at creating a web browser. On December 7, 2004, version 1.0 was released, and received over 500,000 downloads in its first three days of release (and 1,000,000 in 10 days). As of November 2008[update], Thunderbird has been downloaded more than 75 million times since 1.0 release."






Pidgin, Skype, WengoPhone, PSI, aMSN






type: IM (multiprotokoll), lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Miranda

hjemmeside: http://www.pidgin.im





"Pidgin (formerly named Gaim) is a multi-platform instant messaging client. The software has limited support for many commonly used instant messaging protocols, allowing the user to log into various different services from one application.


The number of Pidgin users was estimated to be over 3 million in 2007.[1] Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Pidgin is free software."

Kan også være verdt å nevne at Pidgin også har plug-in for Facebook protokollen for de som benytter seg av den!




type: VoIP, lisens: lukket kildekode (også lukket protokoll), alternativ til blandt annet: WengoPhone


hjemmeside: http://www.skype.com





"Skype is software that allows users to make telephone calls over the Internet. Calls to other users of the service and to free-of-charge numbers are free, while calls to other landlines and mobile phones can be made for a fee. Additional features include instant messaging, file transfer and video conferencing."





type: VoIP, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Skype


hjemmeside: http://www.wengophone.com/index.php





"QuteCom (previously called WengoPhone) is a free software SIP compliant VoIP client developed by the QuteCom (previously OpenWengo) community under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It allows users to speak to other users of SIP compliant VoIP software at no cost. It also allows users to call landlines, cellphones, send SMS and make video calls. None of these functionalities are tied to a particular SIP provider and can be used with any provider available on the market."





type: IM (Jabber), lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Skype


hjemmeside: http://www.wengophone.com/index.php





"The goal of the Psi project is to create a powerful, yet easy-to-use Jabber/XMPP client that tries to strictly adhere to the XMPP drafts and Jabber JEPs. This means that in most cases, Psi will not implement a feature unless there is an accepted standard for it in the Jabber community. Doing so ensures that Psi will be compatible, stable, and predictable."

Når det gjelder Jabberprotokollen kan det også være verdt å nevne at man kan legge til transport for MSN, Yahoo, AOL, og mange andre protokoller. I praksiss så vil de så og si bety at selve protokollen kan oppføre seg som en multiprotkollklient.




type: IM (MSN-protokollen), lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: MSN Messenger


hjemmeside: http://www.amsn-project.net/





"aMSN is a free Windows Live Messenger clone. aMSN attempts to emulate the look and feel of Windows Live Messenger, and supports many of its features.


aMSN has features not present in Windows Live Messenger. Users can set alarms, are able to see others who have removed them from their contact list, and are able to open many profiles at once. It is also very customizable, with extensions and themes available at the main site. aMSN also allows functions not available in Microsoft Messenger for Mac (the Macintosh counterpart of Windows Live Messenger), such as webcam support, and the nudges feature.


aMSN is available for any system that supports Tcl/Tk 8.4 or higher. This includes Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and any UNIX variant including Linux."





VLC, Miro, Songbird, MPlayer, Elisa Media Center, Amarok,






type: medieavspiller, lisens: åpen kildekode (gratis), alternativ til blandt annet: Windows Media Player


hjemmeside: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/








type: medieavspiller, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Windows Media Player


hjemmeside: http://www.getmiro.com








type: musikkspiller, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: iTunes


hjemmeside: http://getsongbird.com/





"Songbird is a free software media player and web browser developed as open source by a group known as Pioneers of the Inevitable (with members who previously developed for both Winamp and the Yahoo! Music Engine), with a stated mission "to incubate Songbird, the first Web player, to catalyze and champion a diverse, open Media Web.""





type: medieavspiller, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Windows Media Player


hjemmeside: http://www.mplayerhq.hu



"MPlayer is a free and open source media player, the program is available for all major operating systems. MPlayer supports a wide variety of media formats[3]. In addition to its wide range of supported formats MPlayer can also save all streamed content to a file."




Elisa Media Center


type: media center, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Windows Media Center


hjemmeside: http://elisa.fluendo.com/





"Elisa is a project to create an open source cross platform media center solution. Primary development and deployment platform is Linux and Unix operating systems and also currently support Microsoft Windows and also hope to support Mac OS X in the future. Elisa runs on top of the GStreamer multimedia framework and takes full advantage of hardware acceleration provided by modern graphic cards by using OpenGL APIs. In addition to personal video recorder functionality (PVR) and Music Jukebox support, Elisa will also interoperate with devices following the DLNA standard like Intel’s ViiV systems."




NB! Utgaven til Windows og OS X er i utviklerstadiet!


type: musikkspiller, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: iTunes


hjemmeside: http://amarok.kde.org/





"Amarok is a free software music player for Linux or other varieties of Unix. It makes use of core components from the K Desktop Environment, but is released independently of the central KDE release cycle.



Amarok 2 was released on 10 December 2008 bringing along a plethora of new features and a completely redesigned interface. New features include:


* Tight integration with online services such as Magnatune, Jamendo, MP3tunes, Last.fm and Shoutcast.

* Completely overhauled scripting API and plugin support to allow better integration into Amarok.

* Migration from the KDE 3 to KDE 4 framework, and utilization of core technologies such as Solid, Phonon, and Plasma.


The user interface has been redesigned to make context information like lyrics and albums from the same artist more accessible and allows the user to decide which information is available by adding applets to the Context View in the middle. The new Biased Playlists offer a way to let Amarok take care of the playlist in an intelligent way similar to Dynamic Playlists in previous versions. New services can easily be added via GetHotNewStuff in Amarok or from kde-apps.org. The migration to the KDE 4 framework allows Amarok 2 to make use of technologies like Plasma, Phonon, and Solid which make Amarok easier to use and maintain."




Lyd og videoredigering

Audacity, Handbrake,





type: lydredigering, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/





"Audacity is a digital audio editor application. Audacity is cross-platform, using the wxWidgets software library to provide a similar graphical user interface on several different operating systems.


Audacity was created by Dominic Mazzoni while he was a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University. Dominic Mazzoni now works at Google, but is still the main developer and maintainer of Audacity, with help from many others around the world."





type: video-konvertering, lisens: GPL

hjemmeside: http://handbrake.fr/





HandBrake is a software application that can convert MPEG video (including DVD-Video) into a MPEG-4 video file in .mp4, .avi, .ogm, or .mkv containers. The program is used by many people to convert DVDs into other forms so they can be viewed on iPods, iPhones and with the Mac QuickTime Player.[1]


Originally developed for BeOS, HandBrake is now cross-platform, and available for Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Solaris.[2]. As it is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, HandBrake is free software.





VirtualBox, Google Earth, Celestia





type: virtualisering, lisens: litt av hvert, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://www.virtualbox.org/





"VirtualBox is an x86 virtualization software package, originally created by German software company innotek, now developed by Sun Microsystems as part of its Sun xVM virtualization platform. It is installed on an existing host operating system; within this application, additional operating systems, each known as a Guest OS, can be loaded and run, each with its own virtual environment.


Supported host operating systems include Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp, Windows XP or Vista, and Solaris, while supported guest operating systems include FreeBSD, Linux, OpenBSD, OS/2 Warp, Windows and Solaris.


According to a 2007 survey by DesktopLinux.com, VirtualBox is the third most popular software package for running Windows programs on Linux desktops."


Google Earth


type: satelittbilder fra hele gloden, lisens: propriær, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://earth.google.com/





"Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographic information program that was originally called Earth Viewer, and was created by Keyhole, Inc, a company acquired by Google in 2004. It maps the earth by the superimposition of images obtained from satellite imagery, aerial photography and GIS 3D globe. It is available under three different licenses: Google Earth, a free version with limited functionality; Google Earth Plus (discontinued), which included additional features; and Google Earth Pro ($400 per year), which is intended for commercial use."




type: astronomi, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://www.shatters.net/celestia/





"Celestia is a 3-D astronomy program created by Chris Laurel. The program is based on the Hipparcos Catalogue (HIP) and allows users to travel through an extensive universe, modeled after reality at any speed, in any direction and at any time in history. Celestia displays and interacts with objects ranging in scale from artificial satellites to entire galaxies in three dimensions using OpenGL, from perspectives which would not be possible from a classic planetarium or other ground based display.


NASA and ESA have used Celestia in their educational and outreach programs, as well as for interfacing to trajectory analysis software.


Celestia is available for Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. Released under the GNU General Public License, Celestia is free software."






Geany, Eclipse, Aptana Studio,





type: programmering, lisens: GPL v2, alternativ til blandt annet


hjemmeside: http://www.geany.org/





"Geany is a lightweight cross-platform GTK+ text editor based on Scintilla with basic Integrated Development Environment (IDE) features. It is designed to have limited dependency on separate packages and short load times. It is available for a wide range of operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and Solaris. Among the supported programming languages are (according to the documentation) C, Java, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, Perl, Pascal and Haskell.


Geany is one of the more fully-featured editors on the Linux platform, as most Linux editors adopt a more minimalist philosophy. It is similar to Windows editors such as NoteTab or ConTEXT."




type: JAVA-programmering, lisens: Eclipse Publick License, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://www.eclipse.org/





"In computing, Eclipse is a software platform comprising extensible application frameworks, tools and a runtime library for software development and management. It is written primarily in Java to provide software developers and administrators an integrated development environment (IDE).


The initial codebase originated from VisualAge. In its default form it is meant for Java developers, consisting of the Java Development Tools (JDT). Users can extend its capabilities by installing plugins written for the Eclipse software framework, such as development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules. Language packs provide translations into over a dozen natural languages.


Released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, Eclipse is free and open source software."




Aptana Studio


type: JAVA-programmering, lisens: diverse

hjemmeside: http://aptana.com/





Aptana Studio is an open source integrated development environment (IDE) for building Ajax web applications. It includes support for JavaScript, HTML, DOM, and CSS with code-completion, outlining, JavaScript debugging, error and warning notification and integrated documentation. Additional plugins allow Aptana Studio to be extended to support Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, Perl[1], Adobe AIR, Apple iPhone and Nokia WRT (Web Runtime).






Vuze, Frostwire, Limewire, aMule, Deluge, FileZilla,

(en del av disse programmene brukes OGSÅ til å dele ulovlig materiale, ønsker ikke og har ingen hensikt med å bidra til ulovlig fildeling, så om noen av disse går imot rettningslinjene for diskusjon.no så send en PM så skal jeg fjerne dem)






type: torrent, lisens: litt av hvert, alternativ til blandt annet: uTorrent


hjemmeside: http://www.vuze.com/app





"Vuze (formerly Azureus) is a free BitTorrent client used to transfer files via the BitTorrent protocol. Vuze is written in Java, and uses the Azureus Engine. In addition to bittorrenting, Vuze allows users to view, publish and share original DVD and HD quality video content. Content is presented through channels and categories containing TV shows, music videos, movies, video games and others. Additionally, if users prefer to publish their original content, they may monetize it."





type: P2P, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Limewire


hjemmeside: http://www.frostwire.com/





"FrostWire is a peer-to-peer file sharing program for the Gnutella and BitTorrent protocols. FrostWire is written in Java, and is a fork of LimeWire, another popular Gnutella client. Released under the GNU General Public License, FrostWire is free software."





type: P2P, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: Frostwire


hjemmeside: http://www.limewire.com/





"LimeWire is a free peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) client for the Java platform, which uses the Gnutella network to locate files as well as share files. A freeware version as well as a purchasable "enhanced" version are available."





type: fildeling, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://www.amule.org/





"aMule is a free peer-to-peer file sharing application that works with the EDonkey network and the Kad Network, offering similar features to eMule and adding others such as GeoIP (country flags). It was forked from the xMule source code in September 2003, which itself is a fork of the lMule project, which was the first attempt to bring the eMule client to Linux. These projects were discontinued and aMule is the resulting project, though today, aMule has less and less resemblance to the client that sired it."




type: torrent, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet: uTorrent


hjemmeside: http://deluge-torrent.org/





"Deluge is a BitTorrent client, created using Python and GTK+ (through PyGTK). Deluge is currently usable on POSIX-compliant operating systems. It is intended to bring a native, full-featured client to GTK desktop environments such as GNOME and Xfce. An official Windows port is also available. The program uses the libtorrent C++ library. Up through the 0.4 branch, this was done through the python-libtorrent bindings for Python. In 0.5, the python-libtorrent bindings were merged into the main client as the deluge_core extension. In future releases, it is likely the official Python bindings for libtorrent will be used."





type: FTP, lisens: åpen kildekode, alternativ til blandt annet:


hjemmeside: http://filezilla-project.org/





"FileZilla Client (also referred to as FileZilla) is a free, open source, cross-platform FTP client. Binaries are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS). As of June 20, 2008, it was the 10th most popular download of all time from SourceForge.net.


FileZilla Server is a sister product of FileZilla Client. It is an FTP server supported by the same project and features support for FTP and FTP over SSL/TLS.


FileZilla's source code is hosted on SourceForge. The project was featured as Project of the Month in November 2003."




Endret av tamarin
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Takk for tips, skal se om jeg får lagt inn de fleste der. Mediacoder har ikke nativ støtte for annet enn Windows, og selv om det under Linux står at det meste av funksjoner er støttet, står det under Mac at kun noen funksjoner er støttet. 7zip ser heller ikke ut til å være fullt støttet i OS X eller Linux.

Endret av tamarin
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Noen som vet om flere nyttige programmer som burde fått en plass i listen?


Det finnes mange gode gretis-brenneprogram til både OS X, Windows og Linux, men finner ingen som kan installeres på alle OS (bortsett fra et par tekstbaserte).


fra Wikipedia:

KDE 4 is based on Qt 4 which is also released under the GPL for Windows and Mac OS X. Therefore KDE 4 applications can be compiled and run natively on these operating systems as well.




fra dot.kde.org:

Just because KDE has been designed to be portable across Linux, FreeBSD and other UNIX/X11 environments for an age now, doesn't mean we aren't up for the occasional challenge. With version 4, Trolltech released Qt for the Mac, Windows and now even embedded environments under the GPL. Since Qt is the base upon which KDE is developed, KDE is now free to offer native support for these platforms. Today I am focusing on the KDE/Mac developments for KDE 4. Read on for the details.



Dette betyr vel kanskje at K3B (brenneprogram) pluss kanskje en god del annen programvare vil være tilgjengelig også for OS X og Windows.

Endret av tamarin
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vet ikke om noen brenneprogram som er crossplatform.

jeg trur det store problemet med crossplatform brenneprogram er de store forskjeldene på hvordan tilganger , hvordan de skal oppdage enheter, og sånt fungerer. så alle programma bruker forskjellig kode.


men har et godt kontorprogram på lur fra mozilla..


Endret av kjeLL//
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  • 2 måneder senere...

uTorrent kan også kjøres på Mac som bruker Intel, men ikke på Linux. Finnes mange gode klienter beregnet på hver enkelt plattform, men blir ikke listet opp her med mindre de er støttet i Windows, Mac og Linux, og her er det også gode alternativer ;)


For en liste over klienter kan dere ta en titt her:





Finnes det noen bedre løsninger å lage en slik liste enn et forum? HW.no har vel en wikiside, kanskje en bedre ide?

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Jeg veit ikke hvor langt du trekker dette med OS-uavhengighet, men om du vil ha enda en IDE på lista, i tillegg til Eclipse, kan Aptana Studio nevnes. Aptana Studio kjører på Windows, OS X og GNU/Linux.


Aptana Studio er i seg selv basert på Eclipse, men det føles jo likevel i stor grad som to helt forskjellige IDE-er i mine øyne. Fordelen med Aptana Studio er at plugins ment for Eclipse (og de er det ikke reint få av) kan benyttes stort sett uten problemer.

Endret av Haraldson
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Handbrake er lagt til under 'Lyd og videoredigering'.

Aptitude Studio er lagt til under 'Programmering'.


Har forresten hvem som helst mulighet til å bidra på wikier her, eller kun den som har opprettet den? Det er vel også lettere å komme over denne tråden enn en lignende Wiki også. Er litt usikker på om wiki vil være mer passende eller ikke, noen flere tilbakemeldinger?

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