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Blu-ray-filmer på tilbud - diskusjonstråd


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Hvor lenge varte det tilbudet hos CDON? Da jeg så etter i går antydet de at det ville vare så lenge lageret rakk ,en nå er det plutselig borte.


Hvordan er det med tid og kostnad på frakten hos dvd.co.uk? Har litt lyst på Spider-man-trilogien.


Forresten så hadde jeg ønsket at de som er aktive i denne tråden også oppga tilgjengelig informasjon om hvor lenge tilbudene er forventet å vare, så de fleste av oss ikke risikerer å angre bittert på de personlige valgene vi tar i livet.

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"Ja bestilte hos DVDStrax isteden siden den ikke var på lager hos zailor, men nå har de satt opp prisen til 599,- igjen. Flaks jeg var tidlig ute å skaffe meg den til 229,- :D"



Jeg bestillte også denne fra DVD strax den 18/1, men den er ikke sendt enda...hvorfor drøyer det sånn? Har dere mottatt deres bestillinger? Ikke bestillt noe fra Dvd Strax før....er de alltid like trege?


Edit: Bør kanskje nevnet at det var snakk om Planet Earth.

Endret av Rambol
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"Ja bestilte hos DVDStrax isteden siden den ikke var på lager hos zailor, men nå har de satt opp prisen til 599,- igjen. Flaks jeg var tidlig ute å skaffe meg den til 229,- :D"



Jeg bestillte også denne fra DVD strax den 18/1, men den er ikke sendt enda...hvorfor drøyer det sånn? Har dere mottatt deres bestillinger? Ikke bestillt noe fra Dvd Strax før....er de alltid like trege?


Edit: Bør kanskje nevnet at det var snakk om Planet Earth.

Nei, fikk beskjed på mail at den skulle komme inn begynnelsen av neste uke så får håpe den blir sendt da, merkelig det ikke står om filmene er utsolgt :hmm:

Endret av Cortese
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Jeg vet at 300 i alle fall fikk 4/5 stjerner på bildekvalitet hos High-def Digest.


Her er hva de skrev om bildekvaliteten (lagt i spoiler pga. lengden);




'300' comes to Blu-ray and HD DVD as easily the most anticipated next-gen release of the summer. The surprise $200 million-plus blockbuster is, if nothing else, total CGI spectacle, so expectations are understandably through-the-roof that this will be the demo disc for every self-respecting home theater enthusiast.


Well, I'm going to put on my flame-proof suit and say that because the film has been so intentionally processed and "degraded," its very nature just doesn't lend itself to the kind of truly eye-popping and ultra-realistic high-def that I've come to equate with the term reference quality. Yes, I know that this is the way the film is "supposed to look," but when you're dealing with a source that is so over-contrasted and "crushed down" -- not to mention intensely desaturated and laced with so much video noise that it seems like a swarm of mosquitoes has infested your television -- for me, the "wow!" factor is lessened considerably.


Warner presents both the Blu-ray and HD DVD versions with identical 1080p/VC-1 encodes in the film's original 2.40:1 projected aspect ratio, and if nothing else, this is a very accurate reproduction of the theatrical experience of '300' (at least the one I saw projected digitally at a flagship theater here in Los Angeles).


As director Zack Snyder makes abundantly clear in the included supplements, he intended to jack up the film's contrast and burn down the blacks to better approximate the look of the graphic novel. As such, this high-def presentation of '300' is predictably flat, with most detail drained from the shadows and highlights lost in a blaze of hot whites. Even exaggerated textures (such as extreme close-ups of flesh, rocky surfaces, etc.) look soft and indistinct.


Colors, as well, are intentionally muted, with an almost sepia-toned hue that turns fleshtones into copper and eliminates much of the color spectrum except for deeper blues and browns. Adding to the film's 2-D feel is the fact that the majority of the backgrounds are animated, with the live action shot in front of a blue screen. Finally, a computer-generated "film grain" has been added to the mix, which gives the image a final coating of jumpiness, with obvious noise in every shot.


Yet, despite all this intentional degradation, there is also an undeniable beauty to the rough grandeur of '300's visuals. Sort of like a Pixar flick on steroids (without the talking animals), the crushed look Snyder intended gives many of the shots great power because they are so simple -- exactly like comic book panels come to life. The obvious computer-generated landscapes his digital artists have created also give it that dazzling, pixilated eye-candy look of the coolest videogames.


All things considered, I still found watching '300' an often less-than thrilling experience on a purely subjective level of wanting to enjoy a good-looking, awe-inspiring high-def image. But as a representation of the film's style, there's no debating that this Blu-ray edition of '300' delivers -- so much so that even for high-def purist like myself, it's possible to ignore the film's intentionally degraded visual design and just enjoy the ride.



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Er det CGI-en som er problemet? Kva kvalitet er den eventuelt laga i? Om CGI er laga for å passe DVD vil det sjølvsagt bli problemer når det skal oppskalerast. Ein vanleg film er skutt med film som har potensiale til oppløysing på fleire tusen ganger fleire tusen, f.eks. 4000x2500, men dersom datagenerert grafikk ikkje er laga med like mange pixler å gå på kan eg forstå at et blir problemer.

Endret av Zeph
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