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Dirty Harry Collection:

SRP: $129.95, litt stiv pris men det skal jeg pokker meg overleve for det settet der :)


arner Home Video have announced the US Blu-ray Disc of the Dirty Harry Ultimate Collector’s Edition on 13th June 2008. Paying homage to Clint Eastwood and the films that gave birth to the modern action hero this set brings together all five Dirty Harry films, plus hours of all-new enhanced content, unique memorabilia, a film-inspired map of San Francisco and more.


Dirty Harry, the renegade Harry Callahan armed with his ubiquitous .44 Magnum and famous lines that changed the American lexicon forever, will be released as a Dirty Harry Special Edition (the only film in the collector’s set available separately to consumers in Blu-ray Hi-Def format), Magnum Force Deluxe Edition, The Enforcer Deluxe Edition, Sudden Impact Deluxe Edition and The Dead Pool Deluxe Edition will also be released separately in standard definition.


“Clint Eastwood and Dirty Harry have made our day for 37 years,” said Jeffrey Baker, SVP/GM Theatrical Catalog. “What better way to celebrate Warner Brothers’ 85th anniversary than by re-releasing this iconic film franchise. Clint and the Harry Callahan anti-hero character he created are indelibly etched into the consciousness of movie-goers everywhere. His five Dirty Harry films look as fresh and contemporary today as ever. And now, thanks to their timeless staying power and new digitally re-mastered DVD formats, they will continue to resonate with old fans and new generations for years to come.”


The UCE set is priced at $129.95 SRP on Blu-ray Disc with the separate release of Dirty Harry Special Edition priced at $34.99 SRP.





Special features:



Dirty Harry Special Edition

Set in San Francisco in 1971, Dirty Harry is the gritty and suspenseful film that follows the story of Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), who earns the moniker ‘Dirty Harry’ for his reputation of handling the dirtiest homicidal cases. The City by the Bay faces the terror of a serial killer known as Scorpio (Andrew Robinson), who viciously snipes at innocent victims and demands ransom through notes left at the scene of the crime. Callahan is assigned to the case along with his newest partner, Inspector Chico Gonzalez (Reni Santoni) to track down Scorpio and stop him. Using humiliation along with cat and mouse type games against Callahan, Scorpio is put to the test by the cop with the very dirty attitude.


Special Features:

New Commentary by Richard Schickel -- Filmmaker and Eastwood biographer Schickel examines the landmark film that revolutionized cinematic crime drama for all time.

New Featurette The Long Shadow of Dirty Harry -- An examination of the influence and legacy of Dirty Harry.

Featurette Dirty Harry: The Original -- Clint Eastwood and the film’s creators look back at the birth of the modern action hero: Dirty Harry.

Featurette Dirty Harry’s Way -- A promotional short on the movie Dirty Harry focusing on the toughness of the movies’ main characters.

Interview Gallery -- Includes interviews with Patricia Clarkson, Joel Cox, Clint Eastwood, Hal Holbrook, Evan Kim, John Milius, Ted Post, Andy Robinson, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Urich.

1993 TV Special Clint Eastwood: The Man from Malpaso -- A look at the life and career of actor/director Clint Eastwood, including scenes from his past film and television work and interviews with friends, fellow actors and crew members who have worked with him over the years.

Trailer Gallery -- Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, The Enforcer, Sudden Impact and The Dead Pool


Magnum Force Deluxe Edition

Magnum Force, which was released in 1973 as a sequel to Dirty Harry has Eastwood reprise his famous role as Inspector Callahan, which has him face crooked cops and a traitorous boss as well as suffering re-assignment from homicide to stakeout duty after his handling of the Scorpio case. Callahan and his new partner, Earlington “Early” Smith (Felton Perry), are called off a case in which a man acquitted of murder is found dead along with his chauffer, lawyer and bodyguard. Soon after, a mafia figure, and several of his family and friends are also gunned down. Then, a well-known pimp is murdered too. Callahan and ‘Early’ are soon re-assigned to investigate the homicides.


Special Features:

New Commentary by writer John Milius -- In this gritty, entertaining commentary, legendary Hollywood screenwriter Milius discusses Eastwood, the world of Dirty Harry and the rugged resilience of crime drama in American cinema.

New Featurette A Moral Right: The Politics of Dirty Harry -- Filmmakers, social scientists and authors take a provocative look at the moral, political and ethical themes of the Dirty Harry films.

The Hero Cop: Yesterday and Today

Trailer Gallery


The Enforcer Deluxe Edition

Released in 1976, The Enforcer marks the third installment in the Dirty Harry franchise. The film’s plot has Inspector Callahan (Eastwood) paired with a new partner, policewoman, Inspector Kate Moore (Tyne Daly), as they hunt for a group of terrorists that are blackmailing the city of San Francisco for two million dollars. Callahan, none-too-pleased by being teamed up with a woman, must put his job first and the two attempt to shut down the terrorists. Moore, however, proves herself after she and Callahan pursue the terrorists to their hideout in the prison of Alcatraz.


Special Features:

New Commentary by director James Fargo. Director Fargo takes an entertaining look at the film that launched his career as a director, including the day Clint Eastwood nonchalantly let him know he had the job.

New Featurette The Business End: Violence in Cinema An unflinching look at the ongoing debate on violence in cinema.

Featurette Harry Callahan/Clint Eastwood: Something Special in Films

Trailer Gallery


Sudden Impact Deluxe Edition

Sudden Impact is Eastwood’s fourth Dirty Harry film. Released in 1983, follows Inspector Callahan (Eastwood) as he’s shipped to San Paulo, a small town down the coast to investigate a murder. The killer is Jennifer Spencer (Sondra Locke) who out for revenge is murdering all the rapists that gang-raped her and her little sister 10 years ago. During his investigations, Callahan becomes entangled in Jennifer’s own troubles - all the while never suspecting that she’s the killer.


Special Features:

New Commentary by renowned film critic Richard Schickel -- Author and longtime Eastwood associate Schickel uncovers layers of meaning in this, the only Dirty Harry film directed by Eastwood himself

New Featurette The Evolution of Clint Eastwood -- An examination of the film in the context of Eastwood’s broader career as a director.

Trailer Gallery


The Dead Pool Deluxe Edition

The final film in the collection is The Dead Pool, which was originally released in 1988. The Dead Pool finds Inspector Callahan (Eastwood) investigating an unusual betting game played by a film director and his crew, which has the players create a list of 10 celebrities they think will die. The winner is the one with the highest number of dead celebrities. Soon, however, people on the list begin to die under mysterious circumstances. Callahan is assigned to the case and discovers his name has made the list.


Special Features:

New Commentary by producer David Valdes and Cinematographer Jack N. Green, who discuss the challenging and rewarding experience making this the final chapter in the Dirty Harry series.

New Featurette The Craft of Dirty Harry -- A look at the cinematographers, editors, musicians, production designers and other talent of the Dirty Harry series.

Trailer Gallery


Dirty Harry Ultimate Collector’s Edition

(5-disc Blu-ray Hi-Def format)


Includes all five Dirty Harry films; all special features on the Dirty Harry Special Edition and Deluxe Editions, plus additional special features and contents specific to the Ultimate Collector’s Edition.


UCE Special Features and Contents:

Bonus Feature-Length documentary Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows

40+ page hardcover book

Wallet w/metal badge and removable laminated I.D. card

Five 5”x 7” Reproduction Lobby Poster Cards plus an exclusive UCE card

Scorpio Portrait of a Killer Poster-Sized (19” x 27”) map of San Francisco detailing Harry’s hunt for the killer

Never-Before-Seen Production Correspondence


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Hvordan kan man slippe å betale moms fra deepdiscount? Merker de verdien lavere eller sender de ordren i flere deler?


De skriver summen uten frakt. Så hvis du skal slippe unna mva/gebyr så må du tilpasse hver ordre sånn at den går under 200 kroner...

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Hvordan kan man slippe å betale moms fra deepdiscount? Merker de verdien lavere eller sender de ordren i flere deler?


De skriver summen uten frakt. Så hvis du skal slippe unna mva/gebyr så må du tilpasse hver ordre sånn at den går under 200 kroner...

I tillegg sender de ut etterhvert som de har/får på lager, så man kan spekulere litt i å spare fraktutgifter på å ta med forhåndsbestillinger i en ordre som eller inneholder titler som er på lager (men det er en sjanse å ta, de sender stort sett ikke ut intertnasjonale bestillinger hver dag (pleide såvidt jeg husker være hver tirsdag, har ikke fulgt med nok til å vite om det er slik fremdeles), og særlig under salg hender det at ting blir utsolgt mens man bestiller, dermed blir forsinket, og følgelig kan ende opp med å bli sendt sammen med ting med senere slippdato).

Det meste om DeepDiscount (og mange andre store og/eller gode) nettbutikker er ganske godt belyst i Guide for kjøp-stickyen øverst på sida.

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Får du fortsatt 5 filmer med viss eg kjøper Toshiba HD-EP30? Ser at bare enkelte nettbutikker har det i produktnavnet, mens dei fleste har med to titler.
Lurer på nøyaktig det samme selv.




Får man fortsatt 5 filmer med viss man kjøper Toshiba HD-EP30? Ser at bare enkelte nettbutikker har det i produktnavnet, mens de fleste har med to titler.

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Får man fortsatt 5 filmer med viss man kjøper Toshiba HD-EP30? Ser at bare enkelte nettbutikker har det i produktnavnet, mens de fleste har med to titler.

Nei, jeg tror ikke det. Den kampanjen gikk ut 31. januar og det var et eget skjema du måtte fylle ut og sende ned til et kontor i Europa. De to filmene som følger med nå ligger oppi esken.

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Er det noe i veien for at jeg kan bestille en HD-A3 fra USA? Altså, jeg vet at jeg må kjøpe meg en annen stikkontakt, men det er ikke noe problem. Men ellers går vel alt ... bra? :p Jeg trenger en god DVD-spiller som oppskalerer, og da først og fremst til alle sone 1-DVD-ene jeg har, siden sone 2 kan jeg bare spille av på PS3-en. Og nå når de er så billige, hvorfor ikke bare slå til på HD-DVD-spiller for samme summen som en grei DVD-spiller ville kostet, så får jeg meg noen billige HD-filmer i samme slengen. :D


Er HD-A3 en grei spiller? Trenger ikke noe supert, men noe som fungerer godt nok.

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Er det noe i veien for at jeg kan bestille en HD-A3 fra USA? Altså, jeg vet at jeg må kjøpe meg en annen stikkontakt, men det er ikke noe problem. Men ellers går vel alt ... bra? :p Jeg trenger en god DVD-spiller som oppskalerer, og da først og fremst til alle sone 1-DVD-ene jeg har, siden sone 2 kan jeg bare spille av på PS3-en. Og nå når de er så billige, hvorfor ikke bare slå til på HD-DVD-spiller for samme summen som en grei DVD-spiller ville kostet, så får jeg meg noen billige HD-filmer i samme slengen. :D


Er HD-A3 en grei spiller? Trenger ikke noe supert, men noe som fungerer godt nok.


Importerte selv en A30 fra USA for en liten stund siden, ikke noe problem å bruke den, men du trenger en omformer (slik som denne).


A3 er en helt grei spiller, men den er kun en 720p/1080i spiller. Vil heller anbefale deg å legge i et par hundrelapper til og kjøpe A30 som er en 1080p spiller.

Lenke til kommentar
Er det noe i veien for at jeg kan bestille en HD-A3 fra USA? Altså, jeg vet at jeg må kjøpe meg en annen stikkontakt, men det er ikke noe problem. Men ellers går vel alt ... bra? :p Jeg trenger en god DVD-spiller som oppskalerer, og da først og fremst til alle sone 1-DVD-ene jeg har, siden sone 2 kan jeg bare spille av på PS3-en. Og nå når de er så billige, hvorfor ikke bare slå til på HD-DVD-spiller for samme summen som en grei DVD-spiller ville kostet, så får jeg meg noen billige HD-filmer i samme slengen. :D


Er HD-A3 en grei spiller? Trenger ikke noe supert, men noe som fungerer godt nok.

Bare til informasjon;

Personen som lakk regionsfri firmware (og RCE-hack'en) for 2. gen-spillerne har sagt han også har regionsfri fw til 3. gen. Det pågår overtalelsesforsøk for å få ham til å offentliggjøre dem (det er ikke opplyst om RCE vil trenge hack, eller om det ligger innbakt i fw'en).

Så det er mulig de europeiske (og amerikanske) vil fungere greit for R1avspilling på litt sikt.



VGs 'nyhet' om HD VMD er ikke akkurat ny, prototype ble vist på CEBIT for ganske nøyaktig 2 år siden, og formatet ble omtalt ganske grundig i PC World i september i fjor. Er ganske sikker på at det har vært nevnt en gang eller to tidligere her på forumet også.

Endret av Njål
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Jeg lurer på om det er forskjell på cover mellom amerikanske og australske hd dvd utgivelser. Jeg har bourne identity, knocked up og apollo 13 og jeg synes coverene er tykkere enn f.eks amerikanske. Jeg så bourne identity i samlingen til manx og der var coveret tynnere en min hd dvd og det var annerledes med farger. Jeg har de australske versjonene.

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