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HD DVD og Blu-ray-titler: hva skjer i HD-verden


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Don´t get your hopes up, det skjer nok ikke. Paramount har ikke HD DVD eksklusivitet over Spielbergs filmer (som stod i deres egen pressevisning, og ja, det inkluderer Indy-filmene), og dette er akkurat det samme som når Universal Japan hintet om å slippe sin Spielberg-filmer. Paramount Norge står ikke uavhengig av Paramount USA.

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Så Blade Runner kommer i ny (og tydligvis siste) cut. En ultimate edition med hele fem versjoner er å få tak i på DVD, mens det er den nye 'vanlige' som kommer på BD. Tar jeg ikke helt feil så får USA 'Ultimate' edition med alle versjonene på både BD og DVD, mens Europa kun får smuler. Vil tro det har mye med politikk å gjøre i USA ettersom HD DVD gjør det godt der, men i alle dager.. Skal ikke BD være hakket over? Dette er jo helt feil.


Så, planen var å importere fra USA, men hindringen er vel en stykk regionsone?

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Casino Royale er den eneste jeg har på BD, siden den kom i posten når jeg registrerte PS3-en min. Jeg synes faktisk ikke den tar seg så utrolig godt ut... Har lastet ned 1080p x264 som jeg synes gjør seg bedre, synes bildet på casino royale er kornete til tider.

Har bestilt meg the departed fra amazon.com nå, gleder meg til å se hvordan det gjør seg :)


Så alle warners utgivelser er sonefrie, det er gode nyheter for meg som ikke har en europeisk ps3. Nå er det riktig nok ganske billig for filmer fra amazon, men det tar lang tid før de kommer i posten.

Er det noen måte å finne ut hva filmer som er laget fra warner og finnes på bd?

Edit: glem det, fant jo på google :p

Endret av bufodill
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bufodill: Som du sier har ikke Casino Royale så super kvalitet, men den funker. The Departed syns jeg hadde et veldig detaljrikt bilde, men dog litt støy i bilde (er vel ment som artistic noise sikkert :p)


Jeg lurer fortsatt på hvordan det går med Final Fantasy Advent Children på Blu-ray. Er det noen som har hørt noe mer? Denne blir et mustkjøp for meg =D

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HD DVD Promo Group: HD DVD Player Sales Top 750,000



A combined total of over 750,000 standalone set-top players and Xbox 360 HD DVD players have now been sold through to consumers.


That's according to a just-issued press release from the HD DVD Promotions Group, clearly timed to signal continued momentum for the high-def disc format following a series of highly publicized Black Friday sales.


The 750,000 number comes only weeks after reports that the HD DVD camp would soon nearing the 500,000 mark for total standalone sales. (That earlier number did not include sales of Microsoft's Xbox 360 HD DVD player.)


"HD DVD continues to gain momentum and market share with consumers," said Ken Graffeo, co-president of the HD DVD Promotional Group. "With more than four weeks left for holiday shopping, HD DVD is turning out to be a perfect consumer electronics gift."



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BDA: 2.7 million Blu-ray Players Sold


Counting standalone players and the PS3, a total of 2.7 million Blu-ray players have now been sold through to consumers.


That's the word from the Blu-ray Disc Association, in what seems to be a clear response to the HD DVD camp's recent announcement that it had sold over 750,000 "dedicated" players (including standalones and the Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on).


That earlier report from the HD DVD camp sparked outrage from Blu-ray supporters, who complained that HD DVD backers were for the first time including sales of the Xbox HD DVD add-on in their numbers to create the artificial impression of a Black Friday sales surge for the format.


In its new announcement, the BDA fights fire with fire, counting both standalone Blu-ray players and the Playstation 3 to come up with a staggering 2.7 million units sold through Black Friday.


Neither group broke out individual sales numbers for standalone players and console-based players.


The BDA went on to tout recently-released Nielsen VideoScan numbers, which gave Blu-ray a resounding lead in software sales Thanksgiving week, boasting 72.6% of all discs sold (compared to 27.4% for HD DVD).


In a statement, the group said, "Despite the $99 HD DVD fire sale, Blu-ray movies were flying off the shelves in this crucial holiday shopping period."


Og her er en liten smak på julesesongen! Nesten 3:1 ledelse for Blu-ray! :D


VideoScan: Blu-ray Commands Thanksgiving Week Disc Sales


Black Friday? More like Blu Friday. According to Nielsen VideoScan, US sales of Blu-ray discs swelled to a nearly 3:1 lead over HD DVD in the first official week of the holiday shopping season.


According to the just-issued VideoScan numbers, 72.6% of all high-definition discs purchased last week were Blu-ray, versus just 27.4% for HD DVD.


Although one week's data does not necessarily indicate a trend, Blu-ray's stronger-than-ever disc sales lead for the week would seem to suggest that even record-low HD DVD player prices (and record-high HD DVD player sales) may not be enough to balance out the "PS3 Effect" on Blu-ray sales -- especially amidst a recent resurgence in sales for the game console.


Of course, there are other factors at work here as well. As HD DVD supporters have been quick to point out, last week saw a total of ten major studio Blu-ray releases (including 'Live Free or Die Hard' and 'Hairspray', versus only two on HD DVD (including 'Star Trek: The Original Series - Season One').


Others have questioned the reliability of VideoScan's numbers, pointing out that the research firm's point of purchase data does not include Wal-Mart, which generally accounts for 40% of all DVD sales.


Only time will tell whether Blu-ray's stronger-than-ever weekly lead is a trend in the making or simply an anomaly, but here's betting weekly disc sales numbers will be watched more closely than ever in the coming weeks. Stay tuned...

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Michael Bay igjen ute med kritiske uttalelser om HD DVD.




What you don't understand is corporate politics. Microsoft wants both formats to fail so they can be heroes and make the world move to digital downloads. That is the dirty secret no one is talking about. That is why Microsoft is handing out $100 million dollar checks to studios just embrace the HD DVD and not the leading, and superior Blu Ray. They want confusion in the market until they perfect the digital downloads. Time will tell and you will see the truth.





Personlig er jeg ikke enig med ham dog. Microsoft har ikke betalt Paramount, det har Toshiba innrømmet å gjøre. Og hele teorien om at Microsoft kun er ute etter å ødelegge begynner å bli litt gammelt.

Endret av K.Larsen
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