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Tråden ble mye mer ryddig nå :)

Hadde jo vært skikkelig tøft om du kunne fått satt opp en server, og at noen her hadde laget en klan


Har allerede en clan, http://blackevilarmy.savage2clans.com. (Alle nordmenn er velkomne så lenge du kan oppføre deg ;)).


Teamspeak har vi også:




Nordmenn blir mobbet i spillet, det må det nesten gjøres noe med, stakkars hellviking :(.



Neida, var noen svensker som kjørte negativ karma på hellviking, stakkars kar haha :p.

Endret av evilleader360
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er ikke en grats savage 2 konto få muligheter enn dem som har en fullversjons konto?


Vel, det er ikke slik at en gratis konto ikke har en sjangs mot en fullversjon konto. I Savage 2 handler det om skills, en fullversjon konto har fordeler ved å se på sine stats, laste ned alle kamper som har blitt spilt, lage clan og litt mer.

Grunntanken er at spillet skal være konkurrende selv for de som velger å ikke betale, personlig mener jeg at S2Games fortjener latterlige 10 dollar for det fantastiske spillet de har bygget og de fortsetter å holde Savage 2 aktivt!





PS: Hva heter du i spillet? Prøver å samle en del nordmenn, slik at vi kan spille sammen ;).

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Ny patch kommer ut idag!:

Version 1.8.0



*** We strongly recommend removing any installed interface mods before applying this patch. The authors of such mods will need to need to evaluate the changes in this patch and make updates as necessary.



- New server browser

* Quick connect button - connect to a populated server with the best possible ping. Will fall back to an empty server if all populated servers are full. Checkbox for official servers only or all servers.

* View persistent item vault items from the server browser.

* Various improvements, more information, and clarification of interface elements.


Voice commands and Notifications:

- Completely new set of voice commands and audio notifications.

* Roles are as follows: human commander, human announcer (notifications), human action player, beast commander (Ophelia), beast announcer (notifications), beast action player.

* Added specific structure under attack notifications.

* Full set of commander-specific voice commands.

* Squad-member-specific and squad-officer-specific voice command menus (will only show the appropriate menu).

* New "Your skill is unmatched!" kill streak notification at 15 kills.

* Team and enemy team upkeep unmet notification sounds.

* New stronghold/lair damage notifications - (Heavy damage at 60%, burning/fading at 35%, nearly destroyed at 15%, and victory/defeat at 0%).


Squad Officer:

- Squad officer orders (opened by pressing 'F') now uses action player sound set - can now tell the difference between officer and commander orders.

- Squad officer follow order modified to "Defend target" - can be used to issue defend unit and defend building orders.

- Rally command reworked - has new audio notification and issues a move order to the officer. Can be used as an officer flag.





- Wingspin duration reduced to 3 seconds from 6 seconds.

- Wingspin cooldown time lowered to 20 seconds from 30 seconds.

- Wingspin block meter damage increased from 19 per hit to 25 per hit. Three strikes from a wing spin should fully break a player's block meter.



- Chant of Restoration now uses about 29% less mana.



- Fixed several outdated ability descriptions.

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  • 1 måned senere...
Jeg begynte just å spille dette spillet, mener dette spillet er fantastisk når man kommer inn i det. Noen som har en klan jeg kan melde meg inn i? send en PM :)


Hallo :D.


Jepp, jeg har en semi-aktiv klan (god del norske der), lenken er http://www.blackevilarmy.savage2clans.com (bare klikk på join now og send en request, så aksepterer jeg deg). Vi eier også en egen server for Savage 2, den heter BEAClan Nordic, ta en titt da vel :).


Ny oppdatering på vei, vil tro det blir den største oppdateringen siden sommer:




Keep in mind that this is a tentative changelog. Features will likely be tweaked and modified as necessary by release.


Version 1.8.1



*** We strongly recommend removing any installed interface mods before applying this patch. The authors of such mods will need to need to evaluate the changes in this patch and make updates as necessary.


Team Manager Panel (new):

The Team Manager panel allows commanders to more easily view the status of their team, and also provides some additional controls.


- Visible information: Squad (by color), class, health, mana, name, officer status, inventory items, gold, souls, level, buffs, and debuffs.

- Can select/move the camera to a player (same as the top-left squad displays).

- Player swap (can move players around from squad to squad and even promote/demote officers by moving players around).

- Can give teammates gold from the team gold pool (there will be limitations on this feature to prevent abuse, and they will be tweaked/modified as necessary to prevent abuse). Players are notified when the commander gives a player gold.


VOIP (new/complete overhaul):


- Configurable Features:

* Test mic level (with visual indicators and recommended sound level indicator).

* Voice chat volume (the volume of chat from other players)

* Microphone volume (your input/record volume for your mic)

* Auto sound dampen (automatically turn down other game sounds when someone is talking - can be turned off, or maxxed out for no sounds while people are talking)

* Microphone boost (toggle)

* Disable voice chat

* Push to talk/voice activation toggle

* Voice activation record sensitivity

* Mic off time - Used for voice activation: the amount of time that the voice level has to be below the activation level before it stops recording.

* Select input device

* Auto gain control - All voice chat volume is automatically adjusted (to a limited extent) to keep everyone around the same volume level

- Other notes:

* The voice chat currently is audible for all players on your team.

* Players can be selectively muted (players remain muted until you un-mute them or restart Savage 2).


User Interface:

- Hovering over structure icons as a commander or builder/conjurer will show an additional tooltip with icons for the units, weapons, abilities, and items that the structure unlocks.

- Added "Team" and "Enemy" over the stronghold/lair health indicators at the top of the screen (both commander and player).

- Added a significant amount of new commander tooltips, explaining various interface elements and features.

- Miscellaneous other interface adjustments (primarily to facilitate the inclusion of VOIP and the Team Manager).

- Added monkit icon (Thanks, Eaxs!).

- The full ISO-8859-1 character set (unicode characters up to U+00ff) is now available for use in the game interface.


Existing Map Polish:

- Deadlock: Cleaned up texture seams, rough/jaggy terrain, fixed some map exploits. Visually clarified an area that should not be accessible.

- Morning: Cleaned up some texture seams, missing textures, jaggy areas, and adjusted a couple of trees with visible roots. Fixed some foliage and replaced the water with the updated water model. Moved some trees so players are less likely to get stuck. Modified some blockers to prevent players from getting to areas that should not be accessible. Fixed some floating objects, and blocked off areas where players aren't supposed to be/tightened blockers to reduce wallriding.

- Bunker: Cleaned up some texture seams. Painted blockers under the fences in front of the stronghold/lair to prevent ranged siege from firing from outside the base areas (cleans up steambuchet issue).

- Hellpeak: Cleaned up a lot of texture seams.

- Hiddenvillage: Cleaned up a ton of texture seams. Fixed some foliage issues. Lessened some of the harsher black coloring near rocks/arches.

- Storm: Cleaned up texture seams, fixed some places where players can get stuck behind rocks. Modified blockers so that it's harder to get into places where players are not meant to be.

- Moonlight: Fixed floating objects, texture seams.

- Losthills: Cleaned up texture seams, fixed floating objects.

- Eden: Replaced pit under the bridge with pool of water using one of the new water props. Added/tweaked foliage, tweaked terrain coloring, moderate amount of texturing updates, added some trees outside of the playable area to make the map look more lush, filled in some open space next to one of the scars.


Game Balance:

- Lynx feet cooldown reduced to 30s from 35s

- Lynx feet max items per stack increased to 2

- Speed boost cooldown reduced to 30s from 35s

- Speed boost max items per stack increased to 2


New Maps:

- 3 new maps by Dark_Strider - Mirakar, Autumn, and Willow


Map Editor:

** Thanks to Ferretalis and the S2SCIP for significant contributions to the map editor.

- Map editor should now work completely out of the box (no special work or extra installation required).

- Additional props are now available for use in maps.


OSX (Mac)-Specific

- Restricted (managed) users should be able to update and log in. Updating requires Savage 2 to have been installed under that user account.



- ALSA is now the default sound device for sound output instead of FMOD's default (OSS).



- Wing spin should no longer kill with a NAME.

- Commander is now notified when players donate gold

- Some misc updates to descriptions for various skills.

- Fixed an issue which caused the end of game victory/defeat audio messages to repeat at the end of a match.

- There is now additional time (17.5 more seconds) allowed to get set up/organized before a match starts (an additional 7.5 seconds to choose commanders, 5 seconds to choose offers, and 5 seconds after squads have been filled before the match starts ).

- Various crash and bug fixes.

- Players are no-longer rewarded XP for donating gold. This is to prevent players and commanders from continually juggling gold to farm XP.

- Players now receive a text notification when they are promoted to/demoted from officer status.

- Players receive their spawn portals on the fly when being promoted to officer status (including on the field). If they are on the field when promoted, the portal ability will have a full cooldown to prevent abuse.

- Server owners can now set svr_minLevel and svr_maxLevel to allow only players with specific level ranges.

- Fixed issue which was causing damage over time abilities to occasionally stay on the target until death or dispel.


Miscellaneous Modding:

- New water props with updated texture (Thanks, Brokengame!).

- HasListItem interface command (checks for the existance of a listitem by its value). See the new team manager panel in game_commander.xml for an example of its use.

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