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Killzone 2, alt blir diskutert her før og etter releasedagen!

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Killzone 2 kommer til å få 8-9/10 fra de fleste spillmedier.


Ikke fordi det ikke fortjener 10/10, men fordi spillmedier alltid klarer å finne noe å trekke PS3-spill for, uansett. Drittspill som Halo 3 går igjennom uten merknader, men uansett hva som blir utgitt eksklusivt på PS3 så blir det trukket for noe rart noe.


Killzone 2 kommer nesten garantert til å ikke få toppkarakterer pga det mangler co-op, selv om coop egentlig bare er en hyggelig tilleggsfunksjon som ikke burde være noe krav i noe spill.


Hmm, tror jeg aner hvilken karakter KZ2 får av catchgamer. :hmm:

Det vet faktisk ikke jeg, for nå er det gamereactor på meg :)

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Att co-op blir droppet fra dette spillet er for meg en gåte og hadde jeg vært anmelder ville jeg helt klart gitt trekk for dette. Denne type spill er jo ypperlig med coop på men er ikke alt. Utifra det jeg har sett og hørt fra de som har testa Killzone ligger dette ann til å få en karakter 9. Med coop hadde den nok fått en gullkanta toppkarakter.

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Er ganske sikker på at det ikke blir splitscreen coop. Og har lest at utviklerene har sagt at det ikke skal være det (husker ikke hvor).

Kan hende det kommer online coop i patch, men aldri splitscreen coop.

De har gjort som på CoD4, og bare konsentrert seg om single-player, og multiplayer. :)


Er rett og slett alt for masse gfx-dilldall i Killzone 2 til at dette overhodet er mulig. Ihvertfall såpass tidlig i PS3 sin levetid.

Endret av KongRudi
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Men COD4 hadde ikke co-op men fikk fortsatt høye karakterer, men nå som PS3spill i fokus må spillet revolosjunere hele greia mens pcspill og 360spill ikke trenger det. Folk krever for mye av nettopp PS3 spill, men digg Gametrailers ga PS3 best software lineup i 08, fortjent fordi nettopp 360 hadde kun GeoW 2 og Fable 2, mens PS3 hadde MGS4,Little Big Planet og Resistance 2, kan fort skje det samme i 09 med KZ2, Uncharted 2, GT5 osv... Men Killzone 2 er bedre en det jeg har hørt fra 360 bots...

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Att co-op blir droppet fra dette spillet er for meg en gåte og hadde jeg vært anmelder ville jeg helt klart gitt trekk for dette.


Bra at du ikke er anmelder da. Man kan jo ikke gi trekk for noe som ikke er ment å være med i spillet. Blir litt som å gi en Die Hard-film dårlig karakter fordi Johnny Depp ikke er med i den, hvis du fatter :p Greit nok at en anmelder nevner at co-op hadde gjort seg godt i spillet. Men han bør basere karakteren sin på det som faktisk ER med i spillet.

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Att co-op blir droppet fra dette spillet er for meg en gåte og hadde jeg vært anmelder ville jeg helt klart gitt trekk for dette.


Bra at du ikke er anmelder da. Man kan jo ikke gi trekk for noe som ikke er ment å være med i spillet. Blir litt som å gi en Die Hard-film dårlig karakter fordi Johnny Depp ikke er med i den, hvis du fatter :p Greit nok at en anmelder nevner at co-op hadde gjort seg godt i spillet. Men han bør basere karakteren sin på det som faktisk ER med i spillet.

Enig med deg.

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Samtidig så hadde det ikke vært så rart om det hadde fått trekk for det når så mange andre populære spill har det. Hvis man tester biler, og 1 av 3 biler ikke har elektriske ruter så ville jeg def. trekt for det. (Tallene er random, var bare for å få frem poenget...)

Endret av Thomas_H
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Hahah, se Gamesradar bli eid av en fra NeoGaf.

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As one of the writers of the GamesRadar piece you guys are mocking, I have to ask: what exactly is your beef with it? Not to be defensive, but you guys seem to be dogpiling on and calling it shit without giving any reasons why it's shit. Seriously, I want to know. If nobody tells us what we're doing wrong, then we're doomed to keep doing it.

I'll bite.


(1) We already told you what you were doing wrong the first 5 times you started doing it.


THIS time, it's sort of the pinnacle of everything wrong with your site's coverage of this specific game. There's no use even responding to why the article in question is so juvenile.


It's intentional fanboy baiting and trolling from a prominent online publication. If I'm reading a Killzone 2 article, I don't want to hear the perspective of a Gears of War fanboy stating the exact opposite of what you're saying. It serves no purpose. And I fully realize you have done this before with games like Halo 3 and Gears of War.


(2) Just to list the double standard in coverage GamesRadar has given Killzone 2 compared to other major shooter titles, have a look at the following 'preview' article titles for the following games.


Gears of War 2:


Gears of War 2: Most Improved Sequel Ever?


10 Things We Already Love About Gears of War 2


Gears of War 2's Biggest Surprises: We've finished the game. Here's 16 things that blew us away...


Halo 3:


Halo 3 - The Fanboy's Verdict: 5 reasons why Halo 3 is going to crush old Halo multiplayer


E3 07: Halo 3

We begin the single player campaign and describe every second of the epic experience



Now, compare this with some of the coverage KILLZONE 2 has received from your site leading up to release. It is an absolute EMBARRASSMENT.


LGC 08: Why wait? Leipzig's biggest games reviewed NOW!

Knee-jerk reviews after ten minutes' play-time. As is only right and proper


^ In this article you 'reviewed' Killzone 2 at GC and gave it a fucking 5.


Here, look at the quote:




Quote: Beautiful graphics and fairly decent multiplayer level design mean nothing in an FPS which during our hands-on took up to a week to respond to control inputs and masked the action with a layer of post-processed vaseline at every opportunity. Sluggish, terrible to control, and seemingly on a steadfast mission to confuse the player.




Stabbing through Killzone 2

Seemingly suicidal gameplay tactic reveals Helghast are DUMBER than they look


Killzone 2: What the reviews will say


^ An 'anti-hype' preview review. Ahhh. Nice one. An article that tries to set the 'tone' for future reviews, hoping to notch down the credibility of KZ2's first 5/5 score. BRILLIANT! GamesRadar again!


E3 08: Why wait? E3's biggest games reviewed NOW


OH, HEY! Another 'Review' from GamesRadar based on 10 minutes of hands on play.


Gears of War 2 Score: 10




Quote: This sequel doesn't just stick with the successes of the first game - it supersizes them. The enemies are scarier, with Locust armies swarming the screen, some of them skyscraper-sized. The world is grittier, with entire cities in danger of utter destruction. The multiplayer is crazier, with never ending modes like Horde. Most importantly, the gore is, well, gorier. Who can say no to bloody chainsaw duels, rotting meat shields and torque bow decapitations? Bigger, better and more badass indeed.

Killzone 2 Score: 6




Quote: Finally, a PS3 game worthy of the "Killzone" name! Just be glad the name isn't "Resistance" or "Gears of War", because then this would totally fall short. It's boring, from the all-gray graphics to the level design (hey, another warehouse!) to the set pieces, which involve such exciting things as blowing up a small bridge or opening a very large door with a hand crank. Yes, it's chaotic like a real war zone, but being a poor man's Call of Duty just isn't going to cut it.


Killzone 2: The world's most generic game character


^ This one speaks for itself. laugh.gif




Quote: We don’t hate Killzone 2. I actually just spent this entire article talking about what Killzone 2 does better than three other successful shooters. How is that hate? Yes, I had other guys debate me about it, but that’s because we think there’s reader benefit in the resulting conversation.


For the record, I don't think we'll be eating crow over this anytime in the future, because - and I understand why this might be a shared misconception if you don't actually read GamesRadar on even an occasional basis - GamesRadar does not hate Killzone 2, or think that Killzone 2 is going to be shit. I finished playing it last night, and I think it's amazing, and I have every confidence that its harshest skeptics and critics will have a change of heart once they play it (assuming they bother to actually play it, anyway).


The guys who argue against me also liked it, but I specifically asked them to be as antagonistic as possible, because I personally find that a hell of a lot more entertaining than a couple of people mumbling half-hearted agreements at each other and regurgitating the same information you can find everywhere else. We’re all playing roles, though I suppose that’s not obvious if you’re not a regular reader of our site and don’t listen to our podcast.


If you came away with the impression that the article, or GamesRadar for that matter, was somehow anti-Killzone 2, then that's regrettable. We’re not. And we’ll thank you for offering specific tips on how we can communicate our message better in the future, because the tone of this thread makes clear that we didn’t get our point across this time.

Your coverage of Killzone 2 has been absolutely disgusting. I'm not talking about YOU in particular as one single editor -- but collectively. And yes, you most certainly (YOU, meaning GamesRadar in general) have hated on Killzone 2 and thought it was going to be 'shit', especially with the asinine 'preview' reviews that you've given the game in the past with 5's, 6's, and now 8's.



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Det var da veldig til sutring her angående annmeldelser av tidligere PS3-spill kontra 360-spill.


Er majoriteten av Ps3-eiere her virkelig så hårsåre som denne tråden kan gi inntrykk av? I stedet for å glede seg til det som kanskje blir tidenes beste shooter så sutrer man i det evinnelige om at annmeldere kommer til å gi spillet dårlig karakter _før_ det i det hele tatt er annmeldt...


Virker jo som en diskusjon rett fra barnehagen ala "min far er sterkere enn din".


Killzone 2 ser ut til å bli en klassiker. Hvem bryr seg da om hvilken karakter Gears2, MGS4 eller Resistance fikk i denne sammenheng?


Endelig får altså PS3 ett spill som virkelig viser potensialet i maskinen og likevel er en tråd som dette fylt opp av sutring og nedrakking på "xbots" i stedet for ren glede over at PS3 får ett forhåpentligvis fabelaktig spill.


Kan vi ikke heller fortsette denne tråden med info, bilder og video fra dette spillet i stedet for at det blir den 233542412412de PS3vs360-tråden? Info om spillet forsvinner jo blant alle postene her som går på annmeldelser eller teite 360-eiere som nå endelig skal få så hatten passer....

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