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[AoC]Server merger info.

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Funcom har puttet ut noe info om hvordan server mergingen vil skje i de nærmeste ukene.




Heldigvis så gir de oss også en fri transfer hvis vi ikke syns noe om servern som vi merger med.

Once the merges are complete we will be offering a free one-use character transfer option for all characters so that if you wish to join a different community after the merge than the one you were allocated you are free to do so. This transfer will be free of charge and can be used once per character and will be available from your billing pages.
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What happens if several characters with the same name end up on the same server?


This depends on the following aspects and rules:

Is the character on a still active account?

If several characters of the same name are all from active accounts, the one with the higher level will keep his name.

If merged characters have the same level, the one from an account which is registered on a longer time base will keep the name (so 3 month recurring over 1 month recurring).

If characters are from accounts with the same subscription recurring time, the last login will decide which one keeps the name.

The other(s) will be prompted a message at the first attempt to log in with that character stating that a new name must be given to this character.



Uffda! Får håpe ingen har de samme navnene som jeg :scared:


Isåfall får de vente seg en innpåsliten ganker :devil:

Endret av HooligaNs117
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Gjest medlem-105082

Han skriver ikke at de starter server merge i Januar, men at de vil fortsette å merge serverne ut Januar. Kan godt være de starter allerede neste uke med noen servere, men at de ikke vil få merget alle i Desember.

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